Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

Horace Algier <> writes:

I purposely kept my earlier post at a fairly high level, mostly because
from your other posts I was left with the opinion that you weren't
handling the information you were presented with very well. I attempted
to provide some background for the discussion so that we could at least
agree on the meaning of various terms and the concepts that use those

While your reply was cordial, for the most part, you did with me as you
have done with others, namely rejected statements which are easily
verified as true.

On Wed, 14 Sep 2016 18:41:22 -0400, bruce wrote:

Oh, what the hell. I'll give it a try.

Thanks Bruce. I'm always nice if someone is sincerely trying to answer
the question, and, I do realize that most people don't even
*understand* the question.

In the following I tend to intersperse WAN and LAN as well as BSSID
and MAC. The basic underlying concepts work in both environments
(with some fudging).

Again, here I was attepting to lay a background.

All we care about, for *this* discussion, is the MAC address of the
5GHz and 2.4GHz radios in the iOS or Android cellphones we are trying
to track.

That MAC address is also called a BSSID.

Google also logs the SSID, the signal strength, and the GPS location,
but they are not of importance for *this* discussion.

Only the MAC address (aka BSSID) is important for *this* discussion.

And here you are trying to bore down to a lower level prematurely, IMHO.

SSID has nothing to do with cellphones. It has to do with wifi only.
The same is true for BSSID.

This is not true that "SSID has nothing to do with cellphones".

Yes, I'm afraid it is true. To reject it implies that you believe that
all cellphones do wifi. I have two on the shelf in this room that do
not do and never did do wifi.

As Jeff and I just discussed, if an Android or iOS cellphone acts as
an Access Point, then that cellphone will broadcast an SSID.

This is consistent with what I wrote above and what I wrote below. This
action has nothing to do with it being a cellphone but to do with it
acting at this point as a wifi device.

If that iOS or Android cellphone broadcasts an SSID, it also
broadcasts a BSSID, which is unique to that cellphone.

Not necessarily. The protocols allow the creation of a BSSID on the
fly. It only has to be unique within the (very short) range of the
radios in use.

In fact, it
broadcasts *two* BSSIDs, one for each radio (5Ghz and 2.4Ghz).

Actually, any wifi device acting as a BSS can identify itself as up to
32 BSSIDs and 1 or more SSIDs per radio. So, yes, a single radio can
simultaneously be using 32 different BSSIDs/MACs.

It's *those* unique BSSIDs which are captured by poorly configured
Android devices and uploaded multiple times a day to the Google Public
Database, along with the GPS location of the poorly configured Android
device and the SSID and Signal Strength of the access point.

As I said below, poorly configured has nothing to do with it when any
user level program running on the BSS or within the cellphone can access
the very same wifi information and pass it on to whomever it wishes.

> Notice this allows such iOS or Android cellphones to be tracked!

Did I ever say anything to contradict this? I merely pointed out that
cellphone configuration, if done "properly" (whatever that means) won't
cure the problem when user level code running on the equipment can
accomplish the same thing. In fact, it might be through user level code
that it is being accomplished right now.

SSID is just a name. There could be thousands of wifi access points
around the world with the same SSID.

I agree. SSID is "just a name". If the name ends with "_nomac", Google
promises to *drop* that SSID from its' public database.

While Google might honor the use of the suffix (for now) it doesn't mean
that anybody else will.

However, you must realize that the Google Public Database contains
*more* than the SSID! It contains the *unique* BSSID associated with
that SSID, and furthermore, it contains the Signal Strength of that
access point at a specific GPS location of the poorly configured
Android device that is near that access point.

Anyone who doesn't *understand* that paragraph above can't possibly
understand the topic of this thread - so it's critical that the paragraph
above be *understood*.

That "paragraph above" means absolutely nothing until one understands
that even in a "properly configured" phone user level code could be
gathering the same information (or more) and sending it to agents

A wifi access point consists of one or more radios to create a WAN.
Each radio is a BSS with a BSSID, which is also known as a MAC. Each
network device/radio has (by design, but not always in fact) a unique
value for the MAC.

I agree. Specifically, if an iOS or ANdroid cellphone is acting as an
access point, then its 5GHz and 2.4Ghz radio will broadcast the following:
a. The cellphone AP SSID
b. The cellphone AP BSSID

What you must understand to understand the question, is that poorly
configured Android devices will *send* to Google not only that information
above, but *more* information!

Poorly configured Android devices will send to Google:
a. Your cellphone AP SSID
b. Your cellphone AP BSSID (aka MAC address)
c. Your AP signal strength seen by the poorly configured Android cellphone
d. The GPS location of the poorly configured Android cellpone

As stated above, poorly configured is not the problem, and Google might
not be the only recipient.

A device wishing to connect to a wifi access point looks for a
broadcast wifi packet with a particular SSID in the data field of the
packet. The header to the packet contains the BSSID/MAC of the
access point in source field. To connect to the access point the
device sends a packet back to the sender of the broadcast by putting
the access point's BSSID in the destination field of the packet and
its own MAC in the source field. The rest of the connection protocol
is left as an exercise for the reader.

This part is understood that the BSSID of the 5Ghz and 2.4GHz radios
in both iOS and Android devices is sent in the clear in packets
whenever those cellphones connect to an access point.

But I'm not talking about that.

I'm only talking about when an iOS or Android cellphone has the
following four bits of information *sent* to the Google database by
poorly configured
Android devices:
a. Your cellphone AP SSID
b. Your cellphone AP BSSID (aka MAC address)
c. Your AP signal strength seen by the poorly configured Android
d. The GPS location of the poorly configured Android cellpone

Get off this poorly configured fixation you have. A perfect config-
uration with any amount of user-level programs has potentially the same
nasty possibilities.

Now, with all that said, there is in theory nothing to stop any
program running as part of the wifi access point or within the
connecting device to query its own networking internals to grab its
own MAC address or the MAC address of devices it is communicating
with and send that info out onto the internet to some recipient along
with info from its own GPS, if available.

Yes. You are correct that there are *other* methods, other than the
Google Public Database, to obtain MAC addresses of devices.

For example, this web site from wardriving software:

But *this* question is complex enough for most people (almost nobody
understood the question) if I simply stick to the Google mechanism.

Lord knows how complex this question gets if I bring in the Wigle
wardriving mechanism (which even I don't understand).

So, while it is not part of the normal protocols to reveal that
information it is not inconceivable that some user level program
could be doing the nasty deed.

Yep. Wardrivign software.
Or anything from Marius Milner (e.g., netstumbler).

Or maybe even "Angry Birds" does this too!

Furthermore, all of this is at best fleeting information because a
network device's MAC address is held in ROM on the device. The
network software in a device reads the ROM to get the MAC, but is in
no way required to use that address when constructing packets that
will go out the device. The device itself *DOES NOT* insert the
address into the outgoing packets. That is all handled by software.
Therefore it is trivial for the software to use whatever MAC address
it wants for its outgoing packets. This is in fact how DECnet used
to work, the two high order bytes of the MAC were changed to reflect
the fact that a packet was a DECnet packet.

This is not true.

Actually, you are partially correct. DECnet changes the leading four
octets (notice, the proper term is octets, not bytes; I was too casual
in the above paragraph) to "AA 00 04 00". The remaining 2 octets make
up the node within a DECnet network. How do I know this? I'm an
ex-DECie. (Actually, I'm still a DECie but they don't pay me anymore.)
If you want a reference on this a brief desctiption may be found at
<> which contains the following:

"The Ethernet implementation was unusual in that the software
changed the physical address of the Ethernet interface on the
network to AA-00-04-00-xx-yy where xx-yy reflected the DECnet
network address of the host. This allowed ARP-less LAN operation
because the LAN address could be deduced from the DECnet address."

I've avoided making any references to 802 so far here. And my DECnet
references mostly concern(ed) 802.3, 802.<whatever> all have the same
underpinnings. DEC was one of three companies that colaboratively
"invented" ethernet (at least the hardware specs, that is). The origin
of ethernet comes from the amateur radio two meter band protocols used
in Hawaii, which was called "Aloha Net".

Jeff Liebermann explained in the past why it would take an heroic
effort to clone the MAC address of the radio that is sending out the

Without reference I can not comment on this, but what I'm talking about
for MAC has nothing to do with cloning.

The cloning is on a different MAC address, which is not the MAC
address of concern here.


Too bad, becuase if it were easy to change the Access Point MAC
address, then I would change mine daily.

You might want to look into this then.

As was said before, just flip a few bits and you could suddenly
appear to be on the other side of the planet.

Not true.
You're confusing the easily cloned MAC address with the one that would
take desoldering to change.

That statement is most definately true. I can assure you that when a
VAX computer was moved from one location to another nobody went running
for a soldering iron.

If changing the MAC address (also called the hardware address) was so
difficult, why do you suppose the capability exist in ifconfig(8) to
change it?

Bruce .

On Sat, 17 Sep 2016 16:12:40 -0400, bruce wrote:

This is not true that "SSID has nothing to do with cellphones".

Yes, I'm afraid it is true. To reject it implies that you believe that
all cellphones do wifi. I have two on the shelf in this room that do
not do and never did do wifi.

OK. You found a corner case, where not all cellphones do WiFi.
Since I also have iOS equipoment, all my iOS equipment has WiFi also.

While I am sure they exist, I personally have never seen a cellphone that
doesn't do WiFi; but I also have a limit on cellphones of 16GB minimum,
1GHz minimum, 1GB RAM minimum, etc., where the cost is never below $200 so,
the cellphones "I" have bought *all* have WiFi.

I did goof with the wife's $200 Moto G, which only has 2.4GHz WiFi, since I
simply *assumed* that all of the WiFi cellphones had *both* 2.4GHz and 5GHz
WiFi ... so I agree with you on the wide range of what Android phones do.

As Jeff and I just discussed, if an Android or iOS cellphone acts as
an Access Point, then that cellphone will broadcast an SSID.

This is consistent with what I wrote above and what I wrote below. This
action has nothing to do with it being a cellphone but to do with it
acting at this point as a wifi device.

I think here is where we get mired in conflicting details, which are better
discussed in person, because the mere fact that the BSSID is encapsulated
in the clear in the WiFi packet is *absolutely meaningless* for the purpose
of this discussion *if* all those poorly configured Android devices don't
*upload* that BSSID to the Google Public Database.

The *only* BSSID that matters for this discussion is the BSSID which is
*uploaded* to the Google Public Database by all those poorly configured
Android devices.

If that iOS or Android cellphone broadcasts an SSID, it also
broadcasts a BSSID, which is unique to that cellphone.

Not necessarily. The protocols allow the creation of a BSSID on the
fly. It only has to be unique within the (very short) range of the
radios in use.

I'm completely and intimately familiar with the fact that the BSSID only
has to be unique on the subnet, e.g., you can use DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE on your
own network and it won't matter, as long as only a single device on your
network has that BSSID.

Up until Jeff's later responses, I had thought that the BSSID that matters
(which is the one *uploaded* to the Google database by poorly configured
Android devices!) was hard to change, and it is, for a typical
factory-software router.

But Jeff explained that certain firmware will enable that all-important
BSSID (which is the one that is *uploaded* to the Google database by poorly
configured Android devices) *can* be changed on a router.

In addition, Jeff noted that, for Android devices which are *rooted*, that
all-important BSSID (which is the one *uploaded* to the Google publid
database by poorly configured Android devices) *can* be changed.

Unfortunately, a quick search on Google shows a history of Apple *breaking*
any jailbroken device's ability to change that specific BSSID with each new
OS version - so we can effectively say it can't easily be done on iOS
(which is another reason why iOS has less privacy than Android in certain

In fact, it
broadcasts *two* BSSIDs, one for each radio (5Ghz and 2.4Ghz).

Actually, any wifi device acting as a BSS can identify itself as up to
32 BSSIDs and 1 or more SSIDs per radio. So, yes, a single radio can
simultaneously be using 32 different BSSIDs/MACs.

Are you saying that you have 32 different access points in "a single

It's possible - but remember, the *only BSSID that matters* for this
conversation is the one that is *uploaded* to the Google Public Database by
poorly configured Android devices.

All other BSSIDs are meaningless for the purpose of this discussion.

Given that, are you saying that you have *32* different SSIDs which are
being uploaded, as we speak, to the Google Public Database by all poorly
configured Android devices in your vicinity?

It's *those* unique BSSIDs which are captured by poorly configured
Android devices and uploaded multiple times a day to the Google Public
Database, along with the GPS location of the poorly configured Android
device and the SSID and Signal Strength of the access point.

As I said below, poorly configured has nothing to do with it when any
user level program running on the BSS or within the cellphone can access
the very same wifi information and pass it on to whomever it wishes.

I see why you are frustrated in this conversation.

Jeff already noted that there are *plenty* of situations where a BSSID is
found, in the clear, in the context of WiFi communications.

Since *this* discussion is *only* about exploring privacy flaws in the
Google Public Database, the only BSSID that matters for this discussion is
the BSSID that is *uploaded* to the Google Public Database by all poorly
configured Android devices in your vicinity.
On Sat, 17 Sep 2016 16:12:40 -0400, bruce wrote:

Notice this allows such iOS or Android cellphones to be tracked!

Did I ever say anything to contradict this? I merely pointed out that
cellphone configuration, if done "properly" (whatever that means) won't
cure the problem when user level code running on the equipment can
accomplish the same thing. In fact, it might be through user level code
that it is being accomplished right now.

Since *this* discussion is *only* about exploring privacy flaws in the
Google Public Database, the only BSSID that matters for this discussion is
the BSSID that is *uploaded* to the Google Public Database by all poorly
configured Android devices in your vicinity.

SSID is just a name. There could be thousands of wifi access points
around the world with the same SSID.

I agree. SSID is "just a name". If the name ends with "_nomac", Google
promises to *drop* that SSID from its' public database.

While Google might honor the use of the suffix (for now) it doesn't mean
that anybody else will.

It's even worse than that.
1. While we all know that *hiding* the SSID is futile, it's actually
*useful* to hide your SSID in that the poorly configured Android devices
apparently do *not* upload "hidden" SSIDs to the Google Public Database.

2. However, most of us don't "hide" our SSID from being broadcast (since
there is almost zero security value in hiding the SSID broadcast).

3. Hence, our SSIDs are being *uploaded* to the Google Public Database by
poorly configured Android devices whether or not we have "_nomac" at the
end of the SSID.

4. What's worse, the *unique* BSSID of the radio is also uploaded at the
same time (along with the signal strength of the SSID and the current GPS
location of the poorly configured Android device).

Therefore, the SSID is the *least* of our privacy worries (unless we're
dumb enough to name our SSID after our first and last name or something
similarly identifiable).

The privacy concern is the association of the *hard-to-change* unique MAC
address with its GPS location.

These two critical pieces of metadata are *uploaded* to the Google Public
Database by poorly configured Android devices, whether or not you put
"_nomac" on the SSID.

However, you must realize that the Google Public Database contains
*more* than the SSID! It contains the *unique* BSSID associated with
that SSID, and furthermore, it contains the Signal Strength of that
access point at a specific GPS location of the poorly configured
Android device that is near that access point.

Anyone who doesn't *understand* that paragraph above can't possibly
understand the topic of this thread - so it's critical that the paragraph
above be *understood*.

That "paragraph above" means absolutely nothing until one understands
that even in a "properly configured" phone user level code could be
gathering the same information (or more) and sending it to agents

Bruce .... you're trying to argue that the world contains a lot of
parameters, and nobody (not even me!) is disagreeing with you.

You may as well tell me that every radio has a MAC address or that every
radio has an antenna or that every computer on the net has an IP address or
that the BSSID is in every packet, etc.

Nobody is disputing what you're saying - but what you're saying has
*nothing* whatsoever to do with the topic at hand!

The topic at hand is *only* about the BSSIDs that are *uploaded* to the
Google Public Database by poorly configured Android devices.

The two related questions are:
a. Under what circumstances is your phone's BSSID uploaded to the Google
Public Database?
b. How would an attacker *exploit* that public database to track the
*location* of the phone?

If you want a *different* topic, then just say so - but *that* is the topic
here that "I" am trying to find out more about.

A wifi access point consists of one or more radios to create a WAN.
Each radio is a BSS with a BSSID, which is also known as a MAC. Each
network device/radio has (by design, but not always in fact) a unique
value for the MAC.

I agree. Specifically, if an iOS or ANdroid cellphone is acting as an
access point, then its 5GHz and 2.4Ghz radio will broadcast the following:
a. The cellphone AP SSID
b. The cellphone AP BSSID

What you must understand to understand the question, is that poorly
configured Android devices will *send* to Google not only that information
above, but *more* information!

Poorly configured Android devices will send to Google:
a. Your cellphone AP SSID
b. Your cellphone AP BSSID (aka MAC address)
c. Your AP signal strength seen by the poorly configured Android cellphone
d. The GPS location of the poorly configured Android cellpone

As stated above, poorly configured is not the problem, and Google might
not be the only recipient.

The two related questions are:
a. Under what circumstances is your phone's BSSID uploaded to the Google
Public Database?
b. How would an attacker *exploit* that public database to track the
*location* of the phone?

If you want a *different* topic, then just say so - but *that* is the topic
here that "I" am trying to find out more about.

A device wishing to connect to a wifi access point looks for a
broadcast wifi packet with a particular SSID in the data field of the
packet. The header to the packet contains the BSSID/MAC of the
access point in source field. To connect to the access point the
device sends a packet back to the sender of the broadcast by putting
the access point's BSSID in the destination field of the packet and
its own MAC in the source field. The rest of the connection protocol
is left as an exercise for the reader.

This part is understood that the BSSID of the 5Ghz and 2.4GHz radios
in both iOS and Android devices is sent in the clear in packets
whenever those cellphones connect to an access point.

But I'm not talking about that.

I'm only talking about when an iOS or Android cellphone has the
following four bits of information *sent* to the Google database by
poorly configured
Android devices:
a. Your cellphone AP SSID
b. Your cellphone AP BSSID (aka MAC address)
c. Your AP signal strength seen by the poorly configured Android
d. The GPS location of the poorly configured Android cellpone

Get off this poorly configured fixation you have. A perfect config-
uration with any amount of user-level programs has potentially the same
nasty possibilities.

The two related questions are:
a. Under what circumstances is your phone's BSSID uploaded to the Google
Public Database?
b. How would an attacker *exploit* that public database to track the
*location* of the phone?

If you want a *different* topic, then just say so - but *that* is the topic
here that "I" am trying to find out more about.
In article <nrku8g$9od$>, Horace Algier
<> wrote:

This is not true that "SSID has nothing to do with cellphones".

Yes, I'm afraid it is true. To reject it implies that you believe that
all cellphones do wifi. I have two on the shelf in this room that do
not do and never did do wifi.

OK. You found a corner case, where not all cellphones do WiFi.
Since I also have iOS equipoment, all my iOS equipment has WiFi also.

While I am sure they exist, I personally have never seen a cellphone that
doesn't do WiFi;

this one doesn't:
I know this is a really old thread but I recently inherited an MR 71 tuner along with the MC 240 amp and C 26 preamp from my father. The advice offered, as well as your progress reports were invaluable to my tweaking this new system. The very fact that the MPX light adjust is not just a meter, but rather part of the chain was the most valuable piece of information. Thank you for your passion and commitment guys!
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From: burfordTjustice <>
Subject: Clueless iPhone 7 owners tricked into DRILLING hole in their
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Well stupid people do stupid shit and Apple people prove the
point....LOL look no further than david Brooks (Devon)..LMAO!!

Clueless iPhone 7 owners tricked into DRILLING hole in their phones to
'get headphone jack'...
It's like this world is a stupidity contest, and the US, UK and Australia are vying for first place but it is a close race.

Years ago at a TV shop the guy had the attitude "a screw is a screw" and they start bitching at me about one bigscreen I fixed because the video in wasn't working. Well I had an assistant, one of the bosses actually who took apart and put back together the TVs after I fix the electronics and tune them up. He but a screw in that was five times as long as it should be and it cracked the input board in half. A screw is a screw. I told him "A screw is a screw ? you got a camcorder bring it in and I'll show you a screw is a screw. I literally intended to use a corded power drill to drive a 5" decking screw right through the whole fucking thing.

And that is not the worst of it though I don't know the idiot in question I heard about it on Usenet and there is nothing to prove on Usenet so most of what you read is true or at least believed to be true by the author.

Anyway this brainiac had like a $7,000 piece of equipment, I think it was something like a mixing amp or some kind of digital synthesizer something to do with audio and very expensive.

Well he wanted to mount it to something, some sort o rack or whatever and drilled holes in the bottom of it. Drilled right through a four layer PC board. There is no fixing that. Actually with super eyesight, good engineering skills and detailed information on the PC board layout and all the connections, and if none of the layers are shorted together now, someone could probably do it for a couple thousand, and it would take a month of intensive work. Actually anyone with that skill level and resources is going to charge more than that for a month's work.

And actually, there is a possibility that someone who works for Apple put that video up to increase sales. You KNOW they have to buy a new phone, they have a contract. Just like I highly suspect, and I mean shootably suspect that Norton's and McAfee's employees write half of the viruses out there. I am not saying the companies are even paying them to do it, but think about it. They write a virus they already know how to get rid of it and at work they look GOOD. Really good and can get a raise, so maybe they are paid for it by the company, knowingly or not.

Look at what Microsoft and Intel/AMD do together. Look at this post, do you see any flash videos and shit ? Nope. Usenet comes from a time before that, dialup, DOS, UNIX, OS/2. No mouse even. to communicate I do not need all that shit. I wish I could use DOS and get online for email and forums. That is all I do pretty much. OK I go on Craigslist and a few other things. But I can live without the videos, I have had enough entertainment in my life. I get this "for the best web experience, please update your browser". Go fuck yourself. What I got now is working fine. What, you want me to change the engine in my car every month because there is a better version ?

What's more, I got saved from a nasty virus because of not having updated software. I do not update, and my Java was old. It nags me on bootup. Well one day it started nagging me every minute all the sudden. Kept on Xing it out and it kept coming back. Instead of allowing the Java updat I ran a scan and it found something. Eliminated that and the nagging stopped.

They want you to update, update, update, supposedly for security. Bullshit. I want Windows 98SE again, I bet these new infections cannot run in it. Then I will get nags to update to Win 10 so they can run a virus. Fukum.

My XP box doesn't get online anymore after the last power outage. If I do not get it running again that "update" will be to Linux, no matter how unfamiliar I am with it.

Last but not least, how can people that fucking stooooooopid afford a $700 phone ? Do they work for the government or something ?

Their phone is literally smarter than they are. Or it used to be. What, they need to put a notice in the manual that nobody reads saying "Do not drill holes into you new phone" ?

How do these people live ? Is there a recording on their stereo that reminds them to breathe or what ? Do they know the difference between food and gasoline ? Do they need signs that say "Put the gasoline in your car and eat the food" or they get it mixed up ?

How about we tell them to drill a hole in their head and use a Âź" headphone plug for maximum high fidelity ?

Thanx for the laugh. You can't make shit like this up.
On 26/09/16 23:54, wrote:
> It's like this world is a stupidity contest, and the US, UK and Australia are vying

Link bait. Move along.

Some very intelligent people making money out of man's stupid desire to
see the worst out of others to offset other feelings.

Adrian C
On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 5:21:11 AM UTC-5, Adrian Caspersz wrote:
On 26/09/16 23:54, wrote:
It's like this world is a stupidity contest, and the US, UK and Australia are vying

Link bait. Move along.

Some very intelligent people making money out of man's stupid desire to
see the worst out of others to offset other feelings.

Adrian C

Might as well watch, and get some popcorn.

Bunch of years ago we fixed a lawnmower for a friend, but it was acting funny. It would not govern right, it was idle hunting. Decided to try to cut some grass and subsequently found that the blade was missing. the guy's idiot son in law had given the blade to someone to sharpen, ON A MOWER THAT DID NOT RUN.

Same guy, I do remodel on the Father in law's house including a new furnace and sub electrical panel, leaving the old panel in place, well, just because. Son in law's asshole "contractor came in and said horizontal installation of a furnace is against code. Bunch of shit. The way I had it they could change the filter without even going downstairs which was good because the guy was getting old.

And then the asshole eliminates the main old panel and puts the mains coming in straight to the MLO panel I had installed which is strictly illegal. You need to be able to shut down the house in five moves, which my system facilitated.

With the stupidity on this planet I seriously am surprised that some idiot hasn't tried to drill a hole in his head for a "headphone" jack, literally.

It's disgusting really, I seem to have had more common sense at ten years old than some of these fully grown homosapiens.

Human fucking garbage. I am glad they have to pay $700 for a new phone or else get a cheap $20 one and pay for all that data n shit and not be able to use it.

Late fried of mine Jim Watt. I was over his house doing our usual bullshitting and procrastinating and up comes a story on the TV about 75 yer old Man marrying a 25 year old Woman and her taking him for most of the money he had. At first I said something like she should be shot.

But then he says, fuck him. If he is that stupid at that age how stupid was he when he was younger ? Did he really think this 25 year old fell in love with him ? He buys her cars, jewelry and clothes, probably never gets a piece of ass and now he is crying about it ? Fuck him. Stupid people exist because they were never taught. Now he got taught.

I had to give this a thought for a minute but after that I realized he was right.

All I at this point is that the world needs to start issuig alot more Darwin awards or the average IQ is going to go into negative numbers.

To drill into a smartphone like that ? How many levels of stupidity does that take ? They think the jack is under there but the manufacturer put it in but did not put a hole in the case so you could use it ? Why in the hell would they do such a thing ? Or did they think they were magically going to hit some places on the PC board and have their audio connected ? Did they think the lack of a hole made it waterproof or something ? How the fuck does it charge then ?

You know I am firmly against gun control, but things like this really do make me think twice. Like the guy who shot his olady, supposedly while cleaning his gun. Have a gun ? Ever clean it ? Do you clean it while it is loaded ? And another one, shot himself three times while cleaning his gun. Wouldn't you think that after the second time he would figure out that he should take the "bullets" out. (that is in paranth... whatever because they are rounds, bullets are the part that comes out of the barrel when you pull the trigger) What are these people doing cleaning guns, spraying Windex on them and working a scrub brush on the trigger ?

I advocate gun lesson in schools, all schools, required for graduation. By second grade you know to not touch one if you find it, but if there are other kids around you keep it pointed straight down and take it to an adult. Later, fifth or sixth grade, how to safely unload all the different types and once you pass that you can go on to marksmanship.

But we live in a society that first of all pays you more to play than work. And also with people so fucking stupid they should not be allowed to own a drill, and I don't just mean a power drill. They need to be in an environment like jail, with a plastic spork, no knives. Not even a screwdriver. And electricity ? Forget about it.
On Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 10:11:55 AM UTC-4, Mr. Man-wai Chang wrote:
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: burfordTjustice <
Subject: Clueless iPhone 7 owners tricked into DRILLING hole in their
phones to 'get headphone jack'...
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 08:02:39 -0400
Organization: Devon-Local
Lines: 7
Message-ID: <

Well stupid people do stupid shit and Apple people prove the
point....LOL look no further than david Brooks (Devon)..LMAO!!

Clueless iPhone 7 owners tricked into DRILLING hole in their phones to
'get headphone jack'...

I drilled mine but only one side of my headphone jack is working, and I'm sure the headphones are OK because it works on my iPod. Should I drill a bit deeper?
On Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 10:11:55 AM UTC-4, Mr. Man-wai Chang wrote:
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: burfordTjustice <
Subject: Clueless iPhone 7 owners tricked into DRILLING hole in their
phones to 'get headphone jack'...
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 08:02:39 -0400
Organization: Devon-Local
Lines: 7
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Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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posting-host="babcaf283abf0576be4609fa75451eee"; logging-data="29756";
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Cancel-Lock: sha1:JBGs0hbUiYDeaaB4YjlXdN63k6s=
Xref: alt.politics.british:104292
alt.politics.scorched-earth:382234 uk.politics.misc:777521 alt.comp.freeware:276990

Well stupid people do stupid shit and Apple people prove the
point....LOL look no further than david Brooks (Devon)..LMAO!!

Clueless iPhone 7 owners tricked into DRILLING hole in their phones to
'get headphone jack'...

Don't drill it deeper. You need to drill a BIGGER hole John. Lenny wrote:

Anyway this brainiac had like a $7,000 piece of equipment, I think it was
something like a mixing amp or some kind of digital synthesizer something
to do with audio and very expensive.

Well he wanted to mount it to something, some sort o rack or whatever and
drilled holes in the bottom of it. Drilled right through a four layer PC
Yup, I sold a guy a system to control some servo motors in a CNC
application. It had 4 servo amplifiers with big power FETs on a mounting
plate, with Bergquist insulating thermal pads. He had a guy assemble it all
into a box, and this guy drilled big holes and put giant screws into the
mounting plate that shorted out the transistors. This was running off a 120
V DC supply. Lots of fireworks!

On Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 8:45:47 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 10:11:55 AM UTC-4, Mr. Man-wai Chang wrote:
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: burfordTjustice <
Subject: Clueless iPhone 7 owners tricked into DRILLING hole in their
phones to 'get headphone jack'...
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 08:02:39 -0400
Organization: Devon-Local
Lines: 7
Message-ID: <
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
posting-host="babcaf283abf0576be4609fa75451eee"; logging-data="29756";
X-Newsreader: Claws Mail 3.10.1 (GTK+ 2.16.6; i586-pc-mingw32msvc)
Cancel-Lock: sha1:JBGs0hbUiYDeaaB4YjlXdN63k6s=
Xref: alt.politics.british:104292
alt.politics.scorched-earth:382234 uk.politics.misc:777521 alt.comp.freeware:276990

Well stupid people do stupid shit and Apple people prove the
point....LOL look no further than david Brooks (Devon)..LMAO!!

Clueless iPhone 7 owners tricked into DRILLING hole in their phones to
'get headphone jack'...

Don't drill it deeper. You need to drill a BIGGER hole John. Lenny

Thanks Lenny. Round or oblong?
On Tue, 04 Oct 2016 16:54:42 -0500, Tim Wescott wrote:

So, a customer sent me a board with the query "whuzzup?"

It turns out that there's a resistor in there, which I mostly put in so
that I could monitor current, but I kinda put in as a last-ditch fuse
(1.5 ohm 0603).

On this board, the resistor is open-circuit with no discernible burning.
Is there some electronic mechanism that could cause this? Or am I just
looking at a faulty part?

I assume you've got your test prods directly on the pads so you know it's
not just a dry joint?

X-posted to s.e.r (more appropriate group)
On Tue, 04 Oct 2016 22:08:17 +0000, Cursitor Doom wrote:

On Tue, 04 Oct 2016 16:54:42 -0500, Tim Wescott wrote:

So, a customer sent me a board with the query "whuzzup?"

It turns out that there's a resistor in there, which I mostly put in so
that I could monitor current, but I kinda put in as a last-ditch fuse
(1.5 ohm 0603).

On this board, the resistor is open-circuit with no discernible
Is there some electronic mechanism that could cause this? Or am I just
looking at a faulty part?

I assume you've got your test prods directly on the pads so you know
it's not just a dry joint?

X-posted to s.e.r (more appropriate group)

Yes. But making that mistake isn't beyond me, by any means. It's a very
well-assembled board (I didn't do it), but well designed, too (I did it
-- and I'm modest, just ask me).


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

I'm looking for work -- see my website!
Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Tue, 04 Oct 2016 16:54:42 -0500, Tim Wescott wrote:

So, a customer sent me a board with the query "whuzzup?"

It turns out that there's a resistor in there, which I mostly put in so
that I could monitor current, but I kinda put in as a last-ditch fuse
(1.5 ohm 0603).

On this board, the resistor is open-circuit with no discernible burning.
Is there some electronic mechanism that could cause this? Or am I just
looking at a faulty part?

I assume you've got your test prods directly on the pads so you know it's
not just a dry joint?

X-posted to s.e.r (more appropriate group)
Plenty of water and the whiskey bottle has been properly drained.
The dissipation power is 200mW max.

So I lower than 0.3A.

If not, it burns !

Robert Baer a ĂŠcrit :
Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Tue, 04 Oct 2016 16:54:42 -0500, Tim Wescott wrote:

So, a customer sent me a board with the query "whuzzup?"

It turns out that there's a resistor in there, which I mostly put in so
that I could monitor current, but I kinda put in as a last-ditch fuse
(1.5 ohm 0603).

On this board, the resistor is open-circuit with no discernible burning.
Is there some electronic mechanism that could cause this? Or am I just
looking at a faulty part?

I assume you've got your test prods directly on the pads so you know it's
not just a dry joint?

X-posted to s.e.r (more appropriate group)
Plenty of water and the whiskey bottle has been properly drained.
On 10/04/2016 06:08 PM, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Tue, 04 Oct 2016 16:54:42 -0500, Tim Wescott wrote:

So, a customer sent me a board with the query "whuzzup?"

It turns out that there's a resistor in there, which I mostly put in so
that I could monitor current, but I kinda put in as a last-ditch fuse
(1.5 ohm 0603).

On this board, the resistor is open-circuit with no discernible burning.
Is there some electronic mechanism that could cause this? Or am I just
looking at a faulty part?

I assume you've got your test prods directly on the pads so you know it's
not just a dry joint?

X-posted to s.e.r (more appropriate group)

Hello, and the only similar problem I've encountered is with those
sandy-colored dropping resistors (rectangular parallelepiped shaped)
that have been used in radios and TVs. They can swell and/or crack over
a period of time. Repeated heating and cooling no doubt stresses the
resistor material. Sincerely,

J. B. Wood e-mail:

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