David Maynard
JW wrote:
"Peak" watts.On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 01:52:52 -0700 "Watson A.Name - \"Watt Sun, the Dark
Remover\"" <NOSPAM@dslextreme.com> wrote in Message id:
"CBFalconer" <cbfalconer@yahoo.com> wrote in message
larrymoencurly wrote:
"Chip" <anneonymouse@virgin.net> wrote in message:
"Qtec" - for example - are a very popular low-end brand. You
might refer to them as a no-name, but arguably they are one step
up from that. They produce a very popular 550w PSU.
The first thing to note is that by 550w, they mean *Peak*. Which
basically means nothing at all.
I didn't believe it until I visited their website. This has got
to be the first time that a company has admitted that its most
prominently advertised power rating was for peak power. Is it a
sign of greater honesty, or of lower standards?
Are you sure that Q-tec is a step above no-names? This picture of
insides of their 550W model:
Makes i seem more like a decent 250W.
5 Va.c. _________\|____ 1 k ohm ___________________ 5 V out
/| | |
diode | |
1000 uF 5V zener
should provide 5v regulated with a 600 or more peak power output
rating. Depends only on the quality of the capacitor. Maybe I
should go into business.
600 or more _what_?
I'm assuming he meant watts,
Easy. It charges the capacitor back up, over time.but...
Where do you get 5VAC?
More importantly, if he did mean watts, I'd like to see how it'll get
through that 1k resistor![]()