so the skipping happens straight away? or only when the volume is raisedthanks alex for your input,
The first thing I noticed was that there is no fan, so dirt is almost
out of the question.
I did call my friend again to investigate what the conditions are when the
failure occurs. He told me that he only uses cd's from the record store,
and that skipping "seconds" did not occur in the past.
and some vibration is introduced to the unit?
did you check the laser lens closely for dust? (dont do this with the unit
I need to know If you have checked the things I suggested In my last email.
if you do find the laser lens to be dirty, **dont** clean it with any
solvent or water. U can clean
it with a clean, dry cotton swab, or u can use a pure alcohol based liquid
such as isopropyl alcohol if it is really bad.
disconnect the unit from the mains, you will notice a sled gear (this
assists movement
of the laser pickup from the inner most area to the outter edge during
try and move it by hand and see how freely it moves. Of course, the other
is to place the unit in test mode and using the track up/down keys observe
behaviour yourself.
Theres a couple of ways to check the spindle motor. One is to disconnect it
from the servo, connect it to a 1.5v power supply and hook up a meter
in series and watch how much current is being drawn. If you find it drawing
more than 600ma, time for a new motor. Although this method will not
reveal a noisy motor, which can cause skipping too. With the unit turned off
give the motor a quick flick in the clockwise direction. If it doesnt spin
at all
or sounds noisy, the motor is worn. U can try a very small drop of light oil
into the shaft of the motor and see if this frees it up.be careful doing
skipping is not normal behaviour. component deterioration after an extendedShould I tell him that this is normal behaviour, and that the best thing
do is buying new stuff ...?
period of use IS normal
If it is only a spindle motor that has to be replaced or a plastic gear, it
be quite cheap to fix. Should the laser pickup be faulty, this can get
rather expensive.
You would have to find out for your friend how much he is willing to spend
fixing it.
the entire laser assembly does not have to be replaced, individualI can imagine that replacing the drive unit is financialy not advisable.
are usually available.
The unit should be able to handle some degree of vibration. This couldPS: I noticed also that the drive skippes when you open the volume of the
amplifier. The unit receives some physical vibrations wich consequently
turn the pioneer into skipping.(but isn't this normal behaviour for each
cd-player ?)
be signs of a weak laser or a worn spindle motor.If you want to check
the lasers strength, you're going to need some specialised equipment
and tools. One would be an oscilloscope, and a test disc that conforms
to a special standard. Using these tools, u can place the unit in test mode
and check many things. One would be the RF amplitude of the laser.
In the service manual, they will give u a nominal peak to peak value
of the RF signal, this varies depending on the circuitry and of course, the
typical values are 800mV to 1.2v p-p
obviously if you check this and find the amplitude to be 200mV p-p.
the laser is weak and should be changed.
There are other things to check as well besides RF.
You must be prepared to do this if you want to check everything yourself.
or you can take a blind guess and change the laser.
I suggest checking what i said earlier in this email and in my last email,
and posting the results..
regards, alex.