On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:37:15 GMT, "Shiva" <helpdesk@666.com> wrote:
Those Bogens ran for decades with little or no maintenance. Just fix the thing
and it'll be fine. Any competent tech should have no problem with one of those.
We know how well the modern SS amps hold up."Jon Elson" <jmelson@artsci.wustl.edu> wrote in message
George R. Gonzalez wrote:
Sometimes you wonder how some products ever made it out of the design
Sometimes there's so much wrong, you wonder if the item is a joke.
Someday I may relate the story of the no-name amplifier, but today's
is from a quite respected company, Bogen.
Respected? By who? They made a lot of public address gear, and a lot of
went up in smoke. I can't be sure, but I think I know someone who
with this same amp, or maybe all their tube stuff was designed like this.
Very low-budget design, to produce a unit that barely met very low specs,
but absolutely couldn't be made cheaper, and to hell with the user.
After looking inside some of their stuff, **I** certainly never respected
the brand.
Well shheeet, John, if **you** don't respect it, it must indeed be trash!
And, John? there could be two reasons why you "[know] someone who [has]
wrestled with an amp like this": 1. the design sux. 2. the guy's an
idiot. Something makes me wann'a bet on the latter, 'coz I'm not the
brightest bulb in the tree, and I've had no problems doin' Bogens.
Budget-built? Sure. Unreliable? Hey, i'd love to see how modern toob amps
will fare in 40 yrs...
Those Bogens ran for decades with little or no maintenance. Just fix the thing
and it'll be fine. Any competent tech should have no problem with one of those.