Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

The supply could almost certainly be repaired, however most warranty work
involves board swapping so an authorized shop will likely try this.

"DigitalVinyl" <> wrote in message
"Leonard G. Caillouet" <> wrote:

Make sure that you use a Sony authorized servicer or at least someone who
has the service and training manuals. The damage is likely limited to
power supply. The set is quite well protected from overvoltage damage to
most everything beyond the supplies. It is likely that the power supply
will not need to be replaced but can be repaired rather easily.

Leonard Caillouet
The technician took the TV and told us that the power board would need
to be replaced. After he replaces that he will be able to determine if
further damage occurred to other components.

He said he was authorized to perform Sony Warranty repair. However he
told us that Sony would not cover this damage since it was obviously
caused by excessive voltage that severely exceeded operational specs
or by lightning (act of god).

"DigitalVinyl" <> wrote in message
I have a high end Sony XBR HDTV. An electrician's employee fried it
when working on replaceing the panels. We think they sent 220v through
two different circuits. A fan, vcr, dvd, two light bulbs, and a surge
suppressor protecting computer equipment were all fried.

The TV was the big ticket item ($2,000+ to replace), it was only 11
months old and has worked flawlessly.

The repair guy assured me once the "broken" boards are replaced it
will be fine. I have no faith that when the TV repair guy is done that
I will have a "good as new" tv. I fully expect the TV to fail within
the next few years or suffer from other issues. If the voltage got
past the power board I don't see how they could know if it caused
subtle damge to the components or picture tube that could shorten its

We've all dealt with lemons. Once something needs repairing, a
lifetime of repair can follow. I thought I scored a good one that
would last 10-20 years. Now I will have a refurbished TV.

Am i way off base here--from a TV-electronics view? I don't want to
be contacting this electrician and arguing whether future problems are
a result of this incident?

I really want them to replace it with a brand new one.

I've dealt with heat damaged high-end computers that have taken up to
two years to detect all the subtle damage to circuitry. The servers
were flaky and constantly replacing components. Two years after the
initial damage the manufacturer found tiny cracks and leakage in
circuit boards.

DiGiTAL_ViNYL (no email)

DiGiTAL_ViNYL (no email)
"Cher" <> wrote in message
I'd replace it. Hitting it with 220 would definitely weaken components
that were not fried immediately.
Nah, the 220 wouldn't get very far, especially if the set was turned off.
Probably popped a few resistors in the standby supply.
Sam Goldwasser <> wrote in message news:<>...
Well I agree that a series resistor would be almost as good if it were
running on 12 VDC. But assuming you have the zeners backwards, that circuit
is actually a constant current source with the current determined by the
zeners and 47 ohm resistor to be about (6.2+6.2-0.7)/47 or about 0.3 A.
So, it must be receiving a short pulse and pumping the LEDs really hard.
I'd say that the OP's LEDs burned out in about a microsecond . Those
CCFL modules put out over 2000V p-p if you run them off of 12V .

However :-

1) GaN based LEDs (blue, white, UV, green) are infamous for their
sensitivity to static . I have personally seen one new out of the
pack, fail.

2) Email us for prices


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Important: The email address in this message header may no longer work. To
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"KILOWATT" <kilowatt"nospam"> writes:

Hi everyones...thanks a lot to read! A friend built a new
computer from scratch and on his tower's front panel he's
having some nice decorative plastic tubes that are lighted on each
ends by blue leds. (See the following link...sorry for the bad quality,
those images are from my webcam!)

Thoses leds(4 in total,2 sets of 2 wired in series for each side of the
front panel) are connected to a small drive circuit board less that a square
inch. Dumb as he is, he thought 1st they were CC fluorescent tubes so he
managed to remove the wires installed in the molex power connector
(standard type used also for drives) and connect them to the output of
a small box (that was surely designed to drive normal CC fluorescent tubes)
wich vary the light intensity with ambient sounds. The second later after power-up
the same box went in smoke he said,and since then the front panel's doesn't get lighted anymore.
In fact after i bring the panel at home and checked it throughly...i saw that all the 4 leds
are shorted (really shorted... by less than .2V of voltage drop!) wich is not surprising
since those high voltage modules that drives CC tubes probably deliver a few hundreds
of volts...i'm not sure about the exact value. What i find surpising is that all the components
on the drive circuit are intact! Some pics and a schematic is shown on the following links:

The schematic show the components that drives two leds in series, wich is
duplicated for two other leds on the pc board. By looking at this schematic,
is seems like a simple 11.8V series pass regulator. What i'm wondering of is why
they used such seems overkill...current limit resistors would have been
sufficient for such job because after all, the 12V line from the computer power supply
is regulated don't you think so? Speaking of wich, the 47ohms resistor seems
a low value and would give a lot of current to the expensive leds. But i've read somewhere
that their forward voltage drop is significantly higher than other leds. I've searched on the net
especially on store's websites like Digikey,and found that many operate near this
the standard? If two of those are connected in series, then the 47ohms resistor might not be
of too low value after all. :) TIA for any replies.

Montréal Québec
PS: 1000 excuses for errors or omissions,
i'm a "pure" french canadian! :)
Come to visit me at:
(If replying also by e-mail, remove
"no spam" from the adress.)
"Chris" <> wrote in message
Yeah but it doesn't take much to familarize yourself to what you sell. You
don't need to be a tech or even knowledgable in electronics. Just know the
product line. If I need a power supply then just tell me where abouts I
find them. Don't tell me they aren't sold there. Now if I asked for a
to 12VDC AC adapter rated at 600mA and 11W well then I can understand.
really isn't rocket science.
I was helping a guy repair a light controller board that consisted pretty
much of a couple optos and triacs, one of the triacs was fried and I
mentioned he could get one at radio shack, well the guy there sent him off
with an NPN transistor because it *looked* like the bad triac, it's amazing
he didn't get fireworks when he installed it.
On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 23:54:59 -0400, "KILOWATT"
<kilowatt"nospam"> put finger to keyboard and composed:

Hi Sam. Nice to have some knowledgeable people here!
But assuming you have the zeners backwards, that circuit
is actually a constant current source[...]
Ok Sam i've double-checked and the diodes are not shown
backwards on the schematic,they're really oriented this way.
I've tested two of them with about 30mA of current flowing through
them to be shure they where indeed 6.2V zeners (C6V2 is shown
on their casing) and...they are. In fact i got a reading of 6.4V with
the 30mA current.
The circuit is that of a current source whose value is given by

I = (2 * Vf - Veb) / 47

where Vf is the forward voltage drop of the zener diode, probably
around 0.7V at 5mA. Assuming Veb is about 0.65V, then I = 16mA.

I'm not sure why zeners are used as they are. I know that two 6V2
zeners have a lower combined temperature coefficient than a single 12V
diode, at least in the reverse direction. But I'm not sure whether
this is relevant in this case.

Anyway, here are two datasheets:

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
"Beanie" <> wrote in message
I've been working on restoring an old Marantz 2240 that I just pulled
out of storage (where it has been for about 7 years). I've slowly
been working on getting the knobs and such working noise-free, and so
far, it's a lot better. However, the tuner needle is about 9/10ths of
a MHz off--if I was to tune it to 96.9 FM, the needle is right on the
96. Any ideas on how to fix this--and is it worth the effort?
If the needle is off by the same amount across the entire dial and the
receiver is pulling in stations just fine, then you can simply reposition
the needle on the dial cord till all the stations are again correctly
Usually, the needle bracket is glued onto the cord. Sometimes it can easily
be removed and sometimes it's damn near impossible to get off and you will
end up damaging the cord to the point where it requires replacement. Btw,
the cord itself may be the source of the trouble -- it could be stretched,
hardened, rotted, etc., any of which could cause slight offset across the

If, OTOH, the tuning is NOT off by the same amount across the dial, you've
definitely got a front end prob -- which will require the service manual,
proper generator and scope to properly align.
"BillJ" <> wrote in message
Could anyone please help? My car (auto!) cassette player (and radio)
is producing no audio when trying to play cassette tapes.

The radio section (MW and FM mono or stereo) is working fine.
could be a defective mode switch..
The contacts that engage the tuner may be good, but the contacts that engage
the tape head could be dirty..
or possibly cold solder joints at the mode switch.. automobile vibrations
aren't kind to solder joints..

I'd say it could be a dead (dried/hard/slipping) pinch roller, but you'd
likely have noticed your tapes were being damaged as well in this case.

could be a defective mode solenoid (if it's a logic-controlled deck)..

could be a broken gear in the transport mechanism..
Kevin Aylward wrote:
R. Steve Walz wrote:
Kevin Aylward wrote:

and it can be said to always have been inevitable.

No. You need to learn a bit more about QM. You are suggesting
prediction after the fact. QM says the universe is inherently
uncertain. If you could roll back time and do the experiment again,
with the *exact* same conditions, the output would be different.
No, if you did the same thing at the same time in the history of the
universe in the same place it would do the same thing, because it
already DID and always HAS!

Not according to accepted QM.
Wrong. You don't truly grasp QM. QM, in effect, states that multiple
universes can be branched from an uncertain statistical interaction,
but not that any one of them doesn't have one and only one definite

You just don't seem to get it do you. We all know that this is totally
bizarre and not compatible with any rational logic that we are brought
up with.
Overblown nonsense, if that were true there wouldn't be any such thing
as QM.

Again, as Feynmann says "no one understands QM".
No one has to, we only need to know what we don't know and use THAT!

or Einstein "God does not play dice".
And that was because Einstein didn't like Uncertainty and maintained
a way would be found around it. Again, that doesn't touch unary world
cause and effect.

This is what those statements mean, which you
have obviously misunderstood, cause and effect fails.
You're quoting pithy pop media responses, not theory.
You clearly don't know shit about QM and have been only PRETENDING
that you did. You don't even respond to the actual issues in the
field, and you try to argue concepts using one-liners. This is the
proof that you're QM-incompetent.

You need to get rid of this ingrained mindset, and understand what QM
truly claims. QM is something *new*. It cannot be explained by existing
thought process. Why should it? It contradicts what you previously
believed. You only believe in cause and effect in the way you do because
you were programmed that way in the first place:)
This is purest nonsense. You're worshipping here, not thinking.
It somehow would please you if human insight were stymied.
That's primtiive deification.

Only in an alternate universe, per the "many worlds interpretation"
(MWI) would it be different, and that is NOT the same universe.

QM fundamentally contradicts the postulate of cause and effect.
Nope! Not the MWI doesn't.

Sure, you can always immunise a theory by making outlandish claims
There aren't any such. None such are necessary.

You can
talk many-worlds,

I personally think the MWI is complete nonsense. Its not required in
QM, it a simple metaphysical add-on.
It makes sense of too many things to be dismissed, ala Occam.

Not to me, or 50% of the worlds physicists, it doesn't.
You're trying to convince using a majority vote now? You'd LOSE!
MWI gets rid of virtually all difficulties that MOST physicists
posit for other theories, the only objection to MWI is that it
works TOO well, and that it sounds fanciful and makes all lives
and all alternatives of equal, which really irritates some certain

Copenhageners always say that, but they have grave difficulties.

I am not a Copenhagener. My QM view is that of Leslie E. Ballentine
"Quantum Mechanics, A modern development" - ISBN 981-02-4105-4. This
view is quite different. It is the statistical quantum ensemble
approach, e.g. no reduction of the state vector or collapse of the wave
function etc.
I've chased a few of your posts around, and you seem to cite Ballentine
over and over as some all-purpose reason why you're right and someone
else is wrong, but you're never ever specific, and you never actually
SAY ANYTHING. I've read reviews of his theories, and I see nothing that
obsoletes MWI's at all, it merely ignores it as uninteresting or banal.

I doubt if you've read his book, myself, you never state anything.

but you can never ever live in more than one life.

But we have no way of knowing what that life is.
Our ignorance is unrelated to cause and effect and inevitability,
no matter whether it is temporary or eternal.

If in principle, it is inhently unknowable to predict the cause, than
cause and effect fails.
No, all you have specified is ignorance, not cause and effect. It is
by no means neceesary that we know all causes and effects. When we knew
none of them it mattered not a bit, the universe still worked fine.

You are still clinging on to hidden variable
ideas. You need to think outside the box.
You need to think outside of cheap physics bumper-stickers.
My notions have nothing whatsoever to do with "hidden" variables.
I'm not claiming there is something we cannot know or can know.
I'm claiming we simply don't happen to know, or care.

That makes your life, and all individual lives, as they are
certainly experienced, quite completely deterministic and
inevitable by cause and effect, no matter WHAT the rules of cause
and effect are!!

No. See above. As I said, your cliam of cause and effect has
*experimental* been proven false. This is why Einstein had such a
problem with QM. It fundamental goes against classical ideas.
There is no way to disprove MWI experimentally, it is a heuristic
interpretation. Try it, I'll blow you away.

If a theory is not falsifiable, in principle, it has zero place in
physics. We leave this sort of stuff to the faith based religions.
Okay, smarty-pants, do it. This is the SECOND time I told you that
you can't!

but you can never experience more than one

And you point would be?
Alternative realities is the most expansive and most easily accepted
interpretation of QM,

Not to me, and to many others.
Unnamed co-conspirators need not apply to help you.

Its on a par of consciousness without a
brain, souls and all of that.
You're just frightened of my Omnipsism (TM).

and MWI are irrelevant to an Individual Life,
which is the ONLY way the Universe/Reality Occurs and Is Experienced.

the theory of uncertainty is totally a hypothetical

Nonsense. Its well tested.
That's not what I mean.

There is NO way to EVER repeat an experiment exactly.

But this is not important to what is understood in QM.
And I'm telling you precisely that, just trying to get you to
recall the former WHILE realizing the latter. You seem to not
want to do that.

It matters not a bit whether "hidden variables" act, or not
at all. We all know the Truth, that you cannot repeat a moment
in time in someone's Life, and that's the ONLY way any Universe

Sure, the
universe moves a bit when we repeat an experiment, i.e. when we attempt
to do an identical experiment, its not truly identical. However, within
the approximations of what a classical repeat experiment would be, its
as near as damm it. That is, the known variations of the experiment are
completely insignificant and can not explain the indeterminacy within
I didn't say that variations account for statistical vatiance. I said
that it is notable that we cannot actually repeat an experiment. These
are not opposites or inverses.

There is NO way to absolutely duplicate any experience, because each
tiniest feature of reality depends on the Totality of the Universe.
All circumstances are all different, we simply state that individuated
separable causes for effects are governed by statistics ala

See above. QM is way more indeterminate than can be explained by this.
I DIDN'T say that indeterminacy was "explained" that way, it is simply
a feature of perception. Thoughts are the only provable reality, and
thoughts have as their perceptual foundation, a structure that has
limited "resolution". When we try to examine a suppose "outside world"
(outside the mind, as IF) then that perception acquires that same sort
of indeterminacy!

Indeterminacy is much more deeper.
Much more deeper?

It certainly is, "much more deeper" than even you can fathom!!
It arises from the indeterminacy of the inherent specificity of

You cant seem to get away from this classical view of the world.
Nothing *I* believe is in ANY WAY "classical"!!
Shit, man, I don't believe anyone can prove the existence of supposed
"concrete reality", meaning a physical world separate from the mind
that perceives it! I see all existence as thoughts!!

The universe is simply much more
complicated than can be explained by ideas you gained by throwing balls
as a child.
You're preaching to the minister.

It is still a hypothetical, because we don't have Absolute Knowledge
of cause and effect, we are trying to isolate a non-isolatable
Uncertainty is true, but it is ours, and I don't mean
that it is our failure or due to any inaccuracy, instead what I mean
is that it is due to the inherent limitations of Life.

This contradicts you statement that "Uncertainty is true". Its back to
the old hidden variables.
No, it doesn't. You've never understood my Perceptual Phenomenlogy.

There are NO
true closed systems, even though we pretend this in physics.

No problem with this.

The notion of the only deterministic system having to be classical
is specious. The rules don't matter, clearly things follow the
rules, whatever they are, else we would have multiple outcomes, and
we have ONE and ONLY ONE outcome per lifetime.

But we don't know that outcome, nor can we predict it. We don't have
all the information. The fact that we only have one outcome, does
not mean that the rules allow us to predict that outcome.
If we assume there is a physics, then that implies cause and effect
rules the Universe.

Not according to standard QM.
Do try to pay attention, will you: Not the classical cause and effect,
but a cause and effect within any unary existential path in an MWI

Trying to do without that assumption will stop
you instantly.

QM is amazingly successful without this constraint.
You don't get it and you won't pay attention. You're assuming that
I have made some freshmen mistake and that you the freshman can help
me, when I've simply said something you don't understand since I'm
a grad student.

Whether the rules are "funny" in this particular way
in no way obviates cause and effect. What happens was always going
to happen in this life we are experiencing, by definition.

You just won't get it will you. According to accepted QM, this is not
the case.
And I'm trying to tell you that only single world cause and effect
is denied by QM, and NOT MWI single-path cause and effect.

It is
strictly other selves, like you but NOT you, who experience other
similar universes

If you happen to believe in that view.
I don't "believe" anything, it's against my religion.
I hold it as the best among numewrous current explanations, and have
added some corallaries of my own.

that within Heisenberg's Uncertainty all share the
moment of interest. Any instant has an infinite number of possible
pasts, and an infinite number of possible futures, converging here
and now and diverging beyond now.

Never much liked infinities in the real world.
I admit this form of speech is heuristic. But it is useful to explain
my offering.

Not according to QM. You just don't seem to get how profound QM
really is. Given identical conditions, more than one outcome is
Yes, in alterantive universes branching from the same instant. But
we can never live more than one of them, and cause and effect and
inevitability is the wall between these universes,

As I said, I don't hold much weight for the MWI.
It is a heuristic that acknowledges it is undemonstrable, but it
solves SO MANY problems that it is crucially important to one's

That we cannot do something is unimportant.

Not at all.
Sure, we are limited beings, but our inability to predict has nothing
whatsoever to do with the Truth of Determinism.

Not according to accepted QM.
Re-read what you just said. It's not even related to QM.

So, the technicality of cause and effect, has little relevance in
practice. There is simply no way utilise this principle, if it were
so, I would be down at the dog track making my fortune. Your basic
flaw is that you assume that cause and effect uniquely determines
an outcome from an income. Non-linear equations simply don't have
that property.

Kevin Aylward
Whether you can make a fortune at it is not the test of the Truth.

Is to me.
Then you are a business major, not a Scientist.

Nonsense. You seriously believe that all Scientists are such fools as to
never care about material things.
I never said that. I said they have other motivations too.

This is the real world. Even Steven
Hawking specifically chose Bantam paper backs for his "Brief History of
Time" due to its mass market appeal.

There is one and only one outcome in any moment in any lifetime, and
that means it is unique!

What we experience is unique, but that does not mean that that unique
outcome is a predictable from cause and effect.
Predictability is unrelated to cause and effect. What happens happened
for its own reasons, even if WE WILL NEVER and *CAN* NEVER KNOW WHY!

Standard QM, says there is no reason.
I didn't mean the Pathetic Fallacy, I mean cause and effect.

You can only make one decision if you decide, the universe can only
happen one way at a time.

That does not mean that what happens, happens for a reason.
Kevin Aylward
You don't know and I don't care.
Franc Zabkar <> writes:

On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 23:54:59 -0400, "KILOWATT"
kilowatt"nospam"> put finger to keyboard and composed:

Hi Sam. Nice to have some knowledgeable people here!
But assuming you have the zeners backwards, that circuit
is actually a constant current source[...]
Ok Sam i've double-checked and the diodes are not shown
backwards on the schematic,they're really oriented this way.
I've tested two of them with about 30mA of current flowing through
them to be shure they where indeed 6.2V zeners (C6V2 is shown
on their casing) and...they are. In fact i got a reading of 6.4V with
the 30mA current.

The circuit is that of a current source whose value is given by

I = (2 * Vf - Veb) / 47

where Vf is the forward voltage drop of the zener diode, probably
around 0.7V at 5mA. Assuming Veb is about 0.65V, then I = 16mA.

I'm not sure why zeners are used as they are. I know that two 6V2
zeners have a lower combined temperature coefficient than a single 12V
diode, at least in the reverse direction. But I'm not sure whether
this is relevant in this case.

Anyway, here are two datasheets:
That makes sense but it's still a mystery as to why they would use
zeners at all unles the manufacturer got a great deal on them. I can't
imagine such a circuit caring about super stable performance with
respect to temperature.

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Home Page:
Repair | Main Table of Contents:
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ:
| Mirror Site Info:

Important: The email address in this message header may no longer work. To
contact me, please use the Feedback Form at Thanks.
OSD is only green.
I have checked voltages onto the three cathodes :
around 120V for green n blue but 25V for the red one.
I have exchange both of green and red transistors but it is the same. Can
the problem come from inside the CRT tube ?

Thanks very much
"Wong Sy Ming" <> a écrit dans le message de
Does whacking help? Check the cable too. Does the OSD come up in full
(with red)? If so you can put back the cover on the monitor.

"p.devantoy" <> wrote in message
Well. thanks for this answer.
The three RGB filaments are hot but the image on the screen seems having
red : a cold blue/green colour image is on. I have checked the voltages
pins of the CRT but I do not know which are them about red colour. Is
possible to exchange signals from green or blue to the red area ? I
there are three potentiometers for adjusting RGB but i did not find
Now you know better what is my problem and I expect you will be able to
me some recommendation to solve it.

"bigmike" <> a écrit dans le message de

"p.devantoy" <> wrote in message
Hi !

I have some problem xith this TV and i am looking for any technical
about it. I did not find nothing on the Web.

Thanks for all people in this community.

I'm waiting for your answer


Maybe if you tell us the problem your having, we can help you that
<html><input type crash></html>

On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 10:44:44 +1000, Eyman <f> wrote:

Im about to remove my motherboard from my computer case to install a
heatsink fan.

Ive typically been using a standard non magnetised screwdriver in the past,
but am thinking about using a magnetised screwdriver to remove and install
the motherboard in and out of the case.

I know static electricity is a danger but will the manget effect of the
screwdriver stuff up my motherboard?
If you know so little about electronics, you should leave the job to
somebody else.

Your biggest danger is putting the wrong side of the heatsink on first, and
gouging out traces on the motherboard with the screwdriver.
Eyman wrote:

Im about to remove my motherboard from my computer case to install a
heatsink fan.

Ive typically been using a standard non magnetised screwdriver in the past,
but am thinking about using a magnetised screwdriver to remove and install
the motherboard in and out of the case.

I know static electricity is a danger but will the manget effect of the
screwdriver stuff up my motherboard?

thanks in advance

Why are you removing a motherboard to replace a heatsink and fan?
That's like shooting a canary with a canon!

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R. Steve Walz wrote:
Kevin Aylward wrote:

R. Steve Walz wrote:
Kevin Aylward wrote:

and it can be said to always have been inevitable.

No. You need to learn a bit more about QM. You are suggesting
prediction after the fact. QM says the universe is inherently
uncertain. If you could roll back time and do the experiment again,
with the *exact* same conditions, the output would be different.
No, if you did the same thing at the same time in the history of the
universe in the same place it would do the same thing, because it
already DID and always HAS!

Not according to accepted QM.
Wrong. You don't truly grasp QM.
I certainly understand what its basic premises are, however, as Feynmann
says "no one understands quantum mechanics".

QM, in effect, states that multiple
universes can be branched from an uncertain statistical interaction,
Nope. Qm is based on a few simple postulates. It says nothing at all
mythical universes that may or may not be present. e.g.

1 To each dynamical variable there is a Hermitian operator whose
eigenvalues are the possible values of the dynamical variables, i.e.

A|phs> = a|phs>

2 To each state there corresonds a unique state operator, which must be
non-negative, and of unit trace.


but not that any one of them doesn't have one and only one definite
Not at all. You are confusing an ad-hoc add on to QM, called the many
worlds/universe interpretation. Why you don't understand this point
shows an amazingly lack of the basics. Some of the other interpretations

Copenhagen Interpretation
Bohmian Mechanics Interpretation
Quantum Ensemble Interpretation
Transactional Interpretation
Many worlds Interpretation

You just don't seem to get it do you. We all know that this is
totally bizarre and not compatible with any rational logic that we
are brought up with.
Overblown nonsense, if that were true there wouldn't be any such thing
as QM.
Of course it isnt. This is pretty pointless. You simple have no idea
what QM is all about.

Every single credible QM book will state that prediction of individual
events are not possible within QM, only probabilities of occurrence of
an event. e.g. a particle might be in a volume anywhere in the universe,
but with a probability distribution quite peaked.

Its simply staggering that you claim to have a B.S. degree in physics,
yet have demonstrated no knowledge of QM, other than knowing a few
relevent words.

Again, as Feynmann says "no one understands QM".
No one has to, we only need to know what we don't know and use THAT!

or Einstein "God does not play dice".
And that was because Einstein didn't like Uncertainty and maintained
a way would be found around it. Again, that doesn't touch unary world
cause and effect.

This is what those statements mean, which you
have obviously misunderstood, cause and effect fails.
You're quoting pithy pop media responses, not theory.
I'm trying to bring the explanation down to the level that you may be
able to understand.

You clearly don't know shit about QM and have been only PRETENDING
that you did. You don't even respond to the actual issues in the
field, and you try to argue concepts using one-liners. This is the
proof that you're QM-incompetent.
Oh..Your the one spouting off that

QM, in effect, states that multiple universes
With no idea that this is just a postulation, and not part of QM at all.

You can
talk many-worlds,

I personally think the MWI is complete nonsense. Its not required
in QM, it a simple metaphysical add-on.
It makes sense of too many things to be dismissed, ala Occam.

Not to me, or 50% of the worlds physicists, it doesn't.
You're trying to convince using a majority vote now? You'd LOSE!
Nonsense. I am pointing out that MWI is not part of QM. It is not
accepted by all, and does not need to be.

MWI gets rid of virtually all difficulties that MOST physicists
posit for other theories,
There are no technical difficulty at all with the quantum ensemble

the only objection to MWI is that it
works TOO well,
Nonsense. Lots of people have put forward objections in MWI.

and that it sounds fanciful and makes all lives
and all alternatives of equal, which really irritates some certain

Copenhageners always say that, but they have grave difficulties.

I am not a Copenhagener. My QM view is that of Leslie E. Ballentine
"Quantum Mechanics, A modern development" - ISBN 981-02-4105-4. This
view is quite different. It is the statistical quantum ensemble
approach, e.g. no reduction of the state vector or collapse of the
wave function etc.
I've chased a few of your posts around, and you seem to cite
Ballentine over and over as some all-purpose reason why you're right
and someone else is wrong,
Some things are debatable, some are not.

but you're never ever specific, and you
never actually SAY ANYTHING.
This is simply untrue.

I've read reviews of his theories, and I
see nothing that obsoletes MWI's at all, it merely ignores it as
uninteresting or banal.
That's right. MWI's is of no value. Its, essentially, untestable

I doubt if you've read his book, myself, you never state anything.
Your off your rocker. I'll be happy to supply copies of my many pages of
Ballentine quotes. I have posted volumes of relevent information from
the book. I have included a sample of them at the end of this post.

If in principle, it is inhently unknowable to predict the cause, than
cause and effect fails.
No, all you have specified is ignorance, not cause and effect. It is
by no means neceesary that we know all causes and effects. When we
knew none of them it mattered not a bit, the universe still worked
Again, you miss a fundamental point of QM. Its not a matter of
ignorance, its a matter of not knowing, *in principle*. QM states that
the required information to make deterministic predictions does not
exist. Not that it exists but is not known.

Its ludicrous that you have the cheek to question my understanding of
QM, when you show again and again, you only know the words, not what the
words actually mean.

You are still clinging on to hidden variable
ideas. You need to think outside the box.
You need to think outside of cheap physics bumper-stickers.
My notions have nothing whatsoever to do with "hidden" variables.
They do, but you don't understand the consequences of what you are

I'm not claiming there is something we cannot know or can know.
You are.

I'm claiming we simply don't happen to know, or care.
Saying we don't happen to know is implying that there is information
that can be known.

That makes your life, and all individual lives, as they are
certainly experienced, quite completely deterministic and
inevitable by cause and effect, no matter WHAT the rules of cause
and effect are!!

No. See above. As I said, your cliam of cause and effect has
*experimental* been proven false. This is why Einstein had such a
problem with QM. It fundamental goes against classical ideas.
There is no way to disprove MWI experimentally, it is a heuristic
interpretation. Try it, I'll blow you away.

If a theory is not falsifiable, in principle, it has zero place in
physics. We leave this sort of stuff to the faith based religions.
Okay, smarty-pants, do it. This is the SECOND time I told you that
you can't!
No idea what your talking about. You claimed that MWI is not
falsifiable. If this is indeed the case, it is religion. I suspect you
don't know what falsifiable means. For example, the special theory of
relativity is falsifiable. This dose not mean that it has been proven
false, only that, in principle I can do an experiment that could
disproof it. For example, measuring time dilation and obtaining
different results from that predicted by SR.

the theory of uncertainty is totally a hypothetical

Nonsense. Its well tested.
That's not what I mean.

There is NO way to EVER repeat an experiment exactly.

But this is not important to what is understood in QM.
And I'm telling you precisely that, just trying to get you to
recall the former WHILE realizing the latter. You seem to not
want to do that.

It matters not a bit whether "hidden variables" act, or not
at all. We all know the Truth, that you cannot repeat a moment
in time in someone's Life, and that's the ONLY way any Universe
Theoretically, I think that QM allows for the *finite* probability that
all particles could be in exactly the same place as at a prior time,
more than once. I'd have to check on the details though.

Indeterminacy is much more deeper.
Much more deeper?

It certainly is, "much more deeper" than even you can fathom!!
It arises from the indeterminacy of the inherent specificity of
Ho humm...

It is still a hypothetical, because we don't have Absolute Knowledge
of cause and effect, we are trying to isolate a non-isolatable
Uncertainty is true, but it is ours, and I don't mean
that it is our failure or due to any inaccuracy, instead what I mean
is that it is due to the inherent limitations of Life.

This contradicts you statement that "Uncertainty is true". Its back
to the old hidden variables.
No, it doesn't. You've never understood my Perceptual Phenomenlogy.
Probably not. I wont lose any sleep over it.

If we assume there is a physics, then that implies cause and effect
rules the Universe.

Not according to standard QM.
Do try to pay attention, will you: Not the classical cause and effect,
but a cause and effect within any unary existential path in an MWI

Trying to do without that assumption will stop
you instantly.

QM is amazingly successful without this constraint.
You don't get it and you won't pay attention. You're assuming that
I have made some freshmen mistake
The assumption has been adequately confirmed.

and that you the freshman can help
me, when I've simply said something you don't understand since I'm
a grad student.
Crap. You don't understand even the basics of QM.

Whether the rules are "funny" in this particular way
in no way obviates cause and effect. What happens was always going
to happen in this life we are experiencing, by definition.

You just won't get it will you. According to accepted QM, this is not
the case.
And I'm trying to tell you that only single world cause and effect
is denied by QM, and NOT MWI single-path cause and effect.
If you happen to believe in MWI. This is not the view that is accepted
by all. Most don't seem to take a stand. They just use the equations.

Whether you can make a fortune at it is not the test of the Truth.

Is to me.
Then you are a business major, not a Scientist.

Nonsense. You seriously believe that all Scientists are such fools
as to never care about material things.
I never said that. I said they have other motivations too.
So do I. Those with more money get to shag more often.

Predictability is unrelated to cause and effect. What happens
happened for its own reasons, even if WE WILL NEVER and *CAN* NEVER

Standard QM, says there is no reason.
I didn't mean the Pathetic Fallacy, I mean cause and effect.
I'll re-phrase. Standard QM, says there is no direct cause and effect.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.


Prior Ballentine posted quotes in NG:
I have only looked briefly on this site, my main information is from
Ballentine, who spends a great deal of detail in explaining just why the
reduction of the state vector view is false. e.g. pages 234 - 237 (and
supporting pages), interpretation of the state vector.

Ballentine page 133 chap. 5.4 for diffraction etc. but see end of post.

"To the reader who is unfamiliar with the history of quantum mechanics,
these remarks may seem to belabour the obvious. Unfortunately the
statistical quantities delta_q and delta_p in (8.33) have often been
misinterpreted as the errors of individual measurements. The origin of
the confusion probably lies in the fact that Heisenberg's original paper
on the certainty principle, published in 1927, was based on early work
that predates the systematic formulation and statistical interpretation
of quantum theory. Thus the natural derivation and interpretation of
(8.33) that is given above was not possible at the time. The statistical
interpretation of the indeterminacy relations was first advanced by K.R.
Popper in 1934."

(8.33) - delta_x.delta_p >=1/2|<C>|, the result hold for any operators
that satisfy [A,B]=iC


Ballentine, p.225

"..One must have a repeatable preparation procedure corresponding to the
state p which is to be studied. Then on each of a large number of
similarly prepared systems, one performs a single measurement (either Q
or P). The statistical distributions of the results are shown as
histograms, and the root mean square half-widths of the two
distributions predict that the product of these two half-widths can
never be less the hbar/2, no matter what state is considered."

p. 225-226 - Interminacy relations. Ballentine explaines in detail what
they mean, and point out that the literature abound with contrary
statements. He points out that delta_x and delta_p do not form the
errors of measurement, and that they do not involve a limit based on
simultaneous measurements. This is essentially because delta_x and
delta_p are statically rms of separate measurements on ensembles, the
conventional view would be limited as usually described. He then
references an experiment to justify this, e.g.

"Jauch (1993). The rms atomic momentum fluctuation, delta_p is directly
obtained from the temperature of the crystal, and hence gives a lower
bound to delta_q, the rms vibration amplitude of an atom. The value of
delta_x can be measured by neutron diffraction, and at low temperature
it is only slightly above its quantum lower bound, hbar/2delta_p. Jauch
stresses that it is only the rms ensemble fluctuations that are limited
by (8.33). The position coordinates of the atomic cell can be determined
with a precision that is two orders of magnitude smaller then the
quantum limit on delta_q".

Again, this experiment trashes the non-ensemble view, imo.

These bits are worth going through:

interpretation of the state vector.pages 234 - 237 (and supporting
Diffraction and double slits treated page 133 chap. 5.4.
James Sweet:
The "obvious" is that Radio Shack is still in business and adding stores all
the time......
......while certainly some of their business and product stocking decisions
do not please some of us, after all it is their decisions, and they have to
make money to stay in business and they seem to be doing that by changing
with the times.
By the way, talking about minimum wage clerks, I went to McDonalds yesterday
and even with the cash register that makes all the money calculations, the
counter clerk could not count out the change correctly, the manager noted
her distress and came to the rescue..... my question is.... was the clerk's
previous job at Radio Shack or will her next job will be at Radio Shack??
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair

"James Sweet" <> wrote in message
> Didn't say I blamed them, just stating the obvious.
R. Steve Walz wrote:
Kevin Aylward wrote:

You're trying to convince using a majority vote now? You'd LOSE!
MWI gets rid of virtually all difficulties that MOST physicists
posit for other theories, the only objection to MWI is that it
works TOO well

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
"Tweetldee" <> wrote in message news:<8gEOa.45170$>...
You're correct in what you say about the change in direction for RS. But,
in all political correctness, they need to change their advertising.
"You've got questions; we've got answers" doesn't convey the image that I
have (and have had for many years) that when I have a question at RS, I get
blank stares, or even worse, wrong answers. [...]
Yeah, I laughed when I first heard that ad. I am not a RS basher but
rather a supporter, for in a great many places they are the only local
source of simple electronic parts, however their advertising people
need to get a clue. They most certainly do not populate their stores
with technology experts. Now maybe if they had started a call center
to answer these questions they would have a leg to stand on.
"Bill Jr" <> wrote in message
Your TV experienced a one time failure. Something that is correctable
without replacing the entire set. You should be able to expect that the TV
will have a normal life expectancy once a proper repair is done.

Try to have a little more faith in the fact that there are a lot of
competent service people out there that do actually know what they are
doing, and without the use of a crystal ball.
I agree 100%, Bill, but you have to remember that most consumers experience
a much different view of things. The majority of service people out there
are terribly half-ass yahoos and finding the "lot" that you described is not
as easy as finding a number in the yelow pages...

Leonard Caillouet
Hi again,
I've got pictures of this knob I need at Its dimensions are approx
1" long x 3/4" diameter. If anyone has one from a similar vintage
Yamaha receiver or amplifier, please let me know.


Hate spam? Go to (It's free)
"David" <> wrote in message
As to the future problems, I should have included from this incident.
Your set has a 1 in 5 chance over five years of normal use of having an
ordinary failure, that is simply ordinary statistical failure for
electronics at that complicated level. The expected picture tube life if
you watch it like most people is 8 years, around 20,000 hours of use; a
longer if you turned down the contrast and brightness to proper levels.
Where do you get your statistics? Sounds pessimistic to me. We sell and
service these Sony sets, as well as Mitsubishi and I'd be very surprised to
have that high a failure rate or that short a life expectancy. I have
hundreds of sets out there that are over 10 years old and still looking

Leonard Caillouet
Bart Bervoets wrote:

Pincushion is on maximum, you can adjust in the osd, but the screen will
not react on it.
As well any adjustments related to horizontal (h width, trapezoid...) don't
Anyone here seen this before?
I had several of these monitors in the past, all had an exellent picture.

Bart Bervoets

I have had these problems in TV sets. I found anything from bad caps,
to semiconductor devices.


Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
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