Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

By your own admission you stated "For the most part, they hold some
charge, but they don't perform as intended." If you know they are not
performing as expected, don't waste your time worrying about testing
them - just replace them if you want a reliable UPS. If the UPS units
have multiple batteries, replace all of them at the same time.


Michael Floyd

On Wed, 9 Jul 2003 10:26:18 -0400, "Michael A. Covington"
<> wrote:

What is the best way to test a lead-acid gel cell? We have a lot of aging
UPSes and we want to replace the batteries that are no longer in spec. For
the most part, they hold some charge, but they don't perform as intended.

What should we measure? Voltage under a 1-amp load? Internal resistance
some other way? (JURB6006) wrote:

Got an R800 here, think it would fit ?

This one needs a power transformer.

Hi again,
I've been informed that the knobs on the R-800 "should" be the same
as on the R-900, as long as they are silver finish and not matt black.
Are yours silver/brushed aluminum?
Thanks. :)


Hate spam? Go to (It's free)
"John Del" <> wrote in message
Subject: Re: Lightning strike to JVC AV-36260
From: "Leonard Caillouet"
Date: 7/9/03 7:34 AM Eastern Daylight

John, why would you assume this? I have seen many sets and related
components damaged by lighning coming down the cable or antenna line
(actually usually shield), as evidenced by burn marks on the connectors
ground foils burned up......
Leonard Caillouet

I assumed that based on the description of the problem with that JVC,
I've seen lots of in their newer models. The original poster is saying the
is dead, save for the LED flashing. While it's certainly possible for
damage to be caused by cable inputs (or even from other equipment
through the A\V jacks), the vast majority of damage I've seen from surges
in my
30 plus years are line related, and this JVC certainly fits this

I have seen a lot of customers blame the cable company for line surge
in order to get the loss pinned on someone besides themselves. Of course
don't know for sure, which is why I didn't say it in my original response,
a flag went up nonetheless.

I don't disagree that a line surge is more likely if the JVC PS primary is
the only thing damaged. These things break if someone sneezes near the ac
line. My point is that most people are not aware of the potential for
damage via the other connections to their system and are not aware of the
importance of good grounding. You can't assume a line surge based on the
info given. Like David said, you may not be able to tell at all from the
damaged components. I just thought it was important to point out that there
is a lot more to protection against lighning and surges than putting a
"surge protector" on the ac line and your comment seemed to minimize the
other possibilities.

I also get people all the time that want to put the blame for failures on
cable companies, insurance companies, and power companies. We tell people
up front that we will document what we find and only state what the evidence
directly supports. Often we can say no more than the damage is or is not
consistent with external surge damage. Often we cannot conclude even this.
We will not state something that there is not clear evidence to support.

The fact is, however, that there are many cable and satellite installations
that are not properly grounded and make lightning damage much more severe.
We probably see much more if it in Florida than in other places. This time
of year my volume can easily double when the thunderstorms pass through.
There are also many electrical service grounds out there that have not been
checked, cleaned, nor tightened in decades. People need to be more aware of
the possible sources and how to protect against damage.

Leonard Caillouet
"Dave D" <> wrote in message
"Rich" <> wrote in message
Hi Dave,

You're making me go back to the crime scene :)

----- Original Message -----

Did you open up the printer to see what was damaged? It would be
very ironic
if it turned out to be simply a diode wired across the supply to
reverse polarity! I would open it up and see what's up. I doubt
you've fried
the logic ICs as there'll be some kind of 5v regulator, which
shouldn't pass
any voltage in reverse polarity conditions. It won't hurt to take a
seeing as how it's dead anyway.

Yes I took it part, while I could still smell it. Not even sure I
could put it back together now :)

The part that's clearly "well done" is a square IC with P/N SC79199FN.
It appears to be Motorola part. It has 11 pins on each side. The
middle 4 pins on the top (if you orient the IC to read the numbers),
are where the action was.


I've no idea what that chip does, it turns up on web searches but I can't
get a description. Does it appear to be something to do with regulation?

I found this on google news groups. (there were no replies)

Hi,Anyone know a source for the Motorola badged SC79199FN IC as used in
HewlettPackard's Deskjet 420. It's a PLCC device that appears to
incorporatestepper motor drive and power supply functions. Not an expensive
printer butworth a try if the part is available at a sensible cost!Thanks in
advance.I also found this site appear to be able to
source themand appear to have stock, but
neither may be interested in supplying single qty's but they may be able to
put you onto somebody who canDave
Sorry about the messy post, some strange formatting got in the way, I will
try again
"Dave D" <> wrote in message
"Rich" <> wrote in message
Hi Dave,

You're making me go back to the crime scene :)

----- Original Message -----

Did you open up the printer to see what was damaged? It would be
very ironic
if it turned out to be simply a diode wired across the supply to
reverse polarity! I would open it up and see what's up. I doubt
you've fried
the logic ICs as there'll be some kind of 5v regulator, which
shouldn't pass
any voltage in reverse polarity conditions. It won't hurt to take a
seeing as how it's dead anyway.

Yes I took it part, while I could still smell it. Not even sure I
could put it back together now :)

The part that's clearly "well done" is a square IC with P/N SC79199FN.
It appears to be Motorola part. It has 11 pins on each side. The
middle 4 pins on the top (if you orient the IC to read the numbers),
are where the action was.


I've no idea what that chip does, it turns up on web searches but I can't
get a description. Does it appear to be something to do with regulation?


I found this on google news groups. (there were no replies)


Anyone know a source for the Motorola badged SC79199FN IC as used in
HewlettPackard's Deskjet 420. It's a PLCC device that appears to incorporate
stepper motor drive and power supply functions.

Not an expensive printer but worth a try if the part is available at a
sensible cost!

Thanks in advance.

I also found this site

That appear to be able to
source them

They appear to have stock, but neither may be interested in supplying single
qty's but they may be able to put you onto somebody who can.

"Peter Gottlieb" <> started a controversy when he said
in news:A8gPa.5886$

Duh, what do you *think* he wants to use it for?

"Sofie" <> wrote in message
What are you planning to use it for?
Just wondering..... thanks!!

"Steve and Stef" <> wrote in message
Just wondering.... thanks!!
Hey...what about a jammer for all known radar guns???
Just wondering. :)

Robotron Tom *remove nospam to email*

Flashback Arcade Sales at: http://

"The U.S.A. will remain the home of the free only so long as it remains
the home of the brave"
-Elmer Davis
Steve and Stef <> wrote:
Just wondering.... thanks!!
Chaff dispenser?

-- | | Ian Stirling.
Acting is merely the art of stopping a large number of people from coughing
- Sir Ralph Richardson
Michael A. Covington <> wrote:
What is the best way to test a lead-acid gel cell? We have a lot of aging
UPSes and we want to replace the batteries that are no longer in spec. For
the most part, they hold some charge, but they don't perform as intended.

What should we measure? Voltage under a 1-amp load? Internal resistance
some other way?
The gold standard is under the load they will see in use.
For UPSs with one battery, the best way is simply to compare run-time
heavily loaded with a new one.

-- | | Ian Stirling.
"Melchett : Unhappily Blackadder, the Lord High Executioner is dead
Blackadder : Oh woe! Murdered of course.
Melchett : No, oddly enough no. They usually are but this one just got
careless one night and signed his name on the wrong dotted line.
They came for him while he slept." - Blackadder II
"Rich" <> wrote in message
"Dave D" wrote in

It's impractical to replace the ckt board and cost from HP is
than a new printer. Does anyone one have a rational explanation
devices that use external power adapter would not be reverse

Rich, do you have the original supply and what is wrong with it?

Yes I do, somewhere in the pile. There was no voltage out of it.
Might even be a broken wire, right at the plug. Had a pair of
headphones, where that happened recently with hardly any use.

As this thread lives on, I'm tempted to slice it apart. For one, to
see how sophisticated it is and two, what really failed. In
retrospect, had I done that I might have fixed it. But on more than
one occasion I wasted lots of time investigating and still ended up
spending the money for a new part.


Did you open up the printer to see what was damaged? It would be very ironic
if it turned out to be simply a diode wired across the supply to prevent
reverse polarity! I would open it up and see what's up. I doubt you've fried
the logic ICs as there'll be some kind of 5v regulator, which shouldn't pass
any voltage in reverse polarity conditions. It won't hurt to take a peek,
seeing as how it's dead anyway.

"R. Steve Walz" <> writes:
Carlos Antunes wrote:

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message

I think my degrees in physics mean that I did, dipstick

You are a moronic fuck. You have no clue about economics and now
you show you have no understanding of physics. What a pathetic
fuck you are!

Carlos Antunes --------------------- You have been defeated, all
you blathered was filth.
Wow! I wonder what social environment might encourage a dialog like
this. Although I'm an "inner city" dweller myself and therefore
acquainted with many people from all walks of life and from many
cultures, I do not know anyone here who relates to others in such a
way. I suspect most people around here Would conclude whatever
environment it is must surely be pathological.

Haines Brown
Yes, this is EXACTLY the correct advice.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Michael Floyd" <> wrote in message
By your own admission you stated "For the most part, they hold some
charge, but they don't perform as intended." If you know they are not
performing as expected, don't waste your time worrying about testing
them - just replace them if you want a reliable UPS. If the UPS units
have multiple batteries, replace all of them at the same time.


Michael Floyd

On Wed, 9 Jul 2003 10:26:18 -0400, "Michael A. Covington"> wrote:

What is the best way to test a lead-acid gel cell? We have a lot of
UPSes and we want to replace the batteries that are no longer in spec.
the most part, they hold some charge, but they don't perform as intended.

What should we measure? Voltage under a 1-amp load? Internal resistance
some other way?
Steve Trembly:
there are a lot of nice "wireless" stereo speakers available at various
prices that will do the job nicely..... they include the FM Stereo
transmitter, FM Stereo Receiver, Amplified Speakers, etc. With these you
don't have to connect it to another amp or other speakers.... all included,
ready to make music in your garden from your Dishnet..
In your internet search engine, type in "wireless speakers"..... with Yahoo
I get hundreds of good hits.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Steve Tremblay" <> wrote in message
Hello All.

I search a schematic for FM transmitter. I want connect the unit to my
Dishnet to listen the music on garden. I need about 250 - 500 feets, with
Stereo features

Thank you very much

Steve Tremblay
"Kevin Aylward" <> wrote in message
N. Thornton wrote:

Thats right. Yet it is tried all the time by those who
a) dont know the causes
b) haven't gone and found out what works.

And just how do you propose one finds out the cause without doing
And just how do you propose one finds out what works without doing

That's not so hard.

First, 'find out what works without doing experiments':

Many people have tried to treat their depression in many ways.
have failed, some have succeeded. Thus many experiemnts have been done

But completely ad-hoc in general, therefore of limited use.

All one need do is collect the data:
1. realise this is an effective way to learn successful methods
2. attract the people
3. assess the claimed results
4. Apply statistics to discover what is actually working.

Then we will know what works.

But you can't apply meaningful statistics to back of the envelope
studies. One needs controlled studies, double-blind tests etc...
etc....Anything else is, in reality pretty much useless. Its simply not
cricket to recommend, in a professional clinical environment, quack
cures based on dubious anecdotal claims.

Now, about 'find out the cause without doing experiments':

The prime point here is we primarily need to know what works. Whether
you also know the cause or not, what works will still work.

I agree that what works can a valid approach in some instances, in that
the reason behind is not always necessary. However, you have no idea
what *really* works without doing proper studies.

Looking at the cause can come later, for now we just want to know
what's working so we can apply it.

Its a bit like this: you can plant your wheat seeds and get a crop, or
you can sit around and worry about what causes it to grow. Its the
result that matters most.

And the side effects.

This is something I think our NHS health service needs to learn. There
are folk around who have solved many problems successfully,

Says who?. The snake oil salesman?

lots of
doctors and nurses have come across the odd one who achieved a
remarkable result with their condition.

Which could have been luck, i.e. nothing to do with any purported cure,
just fixed itself on its own. Happens all the time.

Yet the NHS is failing to
collate and assess such data, and study known successes to learn more
techniques it can apply.

One offs are not success. The evidence has to be very strong. This can
*only* come about by controlled trials. This is really a no-brainier.

Instead the NHS refuses to learn what it
doesn't know.

Confirmation of claimed cures involve large amounts of money. The system
don't have it.

Its like a river bed, among all the dirt there is gold
and diamonds, and those valuable things are simply not being made any
use of.

I think you bit out on this one. The risks of doing something wrong
simply does not allow for this approach. There are too many claimed
cures that arnt. Without proper studies, its all meaningless. One only
has two say the words "law" "sue" to put most people in the picture.

Kevin Aylwar
There are many situations where science cannot help people. These people
should not be left without any options, which is the case many times. People
who have a life threatening form of cancer which is not responding to
medical treatment, many times will turn to alternatives, and who can blame
them. If your going to die, why not try whatever you feel might help in some
way. Depression is the same thing. If the medical profession cannot help
you, which many times is the case, especially when dealing with the human
mind, then instead of waiting for the situation to get so far out of hand
that it destroys lives, it's time to try other alternatives. The idea of
selfhelp will power helping people overcome self-induced depression is
hardly a new one, but it is shunned to a degree, by professionals in the
mental health field.

Since science beleives that everything is based around cause and effect,
they always want to know the cause of the depression. That's where the
problems start for many people seeking help with depression. Concidering the
complexity of the human mind, science fails many times when trying to find
this "cause" and often mistakes the wrong events as the "cause". I have
learned from my own experiences that when dealing with depression, finding
the "cause" can be far less important than finding help for the problem. The
reason is that self-induced depression can be more a result of not wanting
to deal with events in life, then the actual events themselves. Because of
my own past experiences with depression, I beleive there is not an actual
cure for it, but rather methods that can be learned to control it. Whether
we like it or not, we all have to deal with negative events in our lives.
Learning how to deal with these events, past, present, and future, is
paramount in beating depression. Masking the events is not always the best
approach, and can often lead to far more serious problems.

Nobody should have to suffer and not be allowed alternatives treatments
for any medical or mental condition, simply because science does not approve
of them.
Thanks for all the info. I'm not sure how one can down load the settings
from the last chip, but that could sure come in handy. Those tuner
settings take forever to align. but some people claim you can just
follow their pre-determined settings and it will be close enough, or buy
a pre-programed Eprom. My friend claims he just put them all at 31 and
that does the job.

Group: Date: Wed, Jul 9, 2003, 10:31am From: (daveem Dave M)
Hi all,
I was just wondering if any one here knows the general difference
between the various Eproms RCA and GE use in their television sets? I
know a tech who regularly replaces Eproms with RCA part numbers that
don't match the original part, and he said that some of the Eprom chips
are interchangeable, but I hate to gamble on this. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks,
The light source is a small fluorescent tube the length of the widest page
width that the FAX machine will scan. The lamp itself may not be faulty but
could be missing the power going to it.
If you can not easily find the lamp and/or do testing and voltage
measurements and deduce which ones are the faulty parts then you might be
best advised to take your Canon FAX to a service shop..... it will be a
cheaper repair if you first don't do an aborted or botched home repair
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"EBG" <> wrote in message
What is the light source in this thing? Is there a part number anyone has?
If I can get this top "lid" off maybe I can see it.

"Hellraiser" <> wrote in message
Perhaps there is a problem with the scanning light not being on?
Sam Goldwasser <> wrote:

Could you realistically expect more? There's no way to test the rest of
the set without the power supply. It doesn't imply anything.
No I couldn't. However when I voiced my concern that after this I
could experience future issues (I've had long-term lingering issues
from heat damage in computer systems) he said no it doesn't work that
way. Once he fixes it there would be no further problems.

Crystal balling the future doesn't inspire confidence. If someone told
me they were gong to cover any issues in the next year or two that
would inspire confidence.
DiGiTAL_ViNYL (no email)
$23 each is cheap compared to US-bid for instance. They offer them at $75 EACH.
Beat that


John Erlend Finnekĺsa wrote:

I know. But you can't buy them directly from the manufacturer as an
"hobbyist". I need to buy through a so called local dealer.


Ricardo Matos Abreu wrote:

Texas Instruments

All these companies have lots of caompatible (or almost compatible) FIFO's.


"John Erlend Finnekĺsa" <> wrote in message

I'm looking for FIFO buffers in 16k x 9 organization.
The buffers are described as IDT7206-15 (IDT) or CY7C462-15 (Cypress).
The number after the hyphen tells about the access time. The buffers I
need must have an accesstime in 15ns or less.
Does anybody knows where to retrieve theese (need 8 pcs.) or possible

The accesstime is critical since they are working as inputbuffers in a
logic analyzer.

best regards
John E.
"Robotron Tom" <> wrote in message
"Peter Gottlieb" <> started a controversy when he said
in news:A8gPa.5886$

Hey...what about a jammer for all known radar guns???
Just wondering. :)
Before I traveled a few thousand feet above the highways (at several times
the speed limit) I always wanted a jammer that would be triggered by a
sensitive detector and run for 2 or 3 seconds at low power using FM noise
modulation. That way, you would be protected from instant-on and you would
have a little time to slow down before they could get a good reading on you.

My concern is local roads and SUVs. I was driving along a straightaway
which had one of those "Your speed is:" signs and was getting it to read
exactly 30 so I could calibrate my speedometer. Suddenly, the indication
jumped to 47. I looked around, and WAY down the road behind me was this SUV
approaching. The radar picked him up even though he was quite a bit further
down the road. Now, some cop is going to see the first vehicle approaching
and figure it is the violator. In this case, had there had been a speed
trap, I would have gotten the ticket instead of the SUV which was speeding. (David) wrote in

Here is the scoop. Turn the color and contrast up all the way and
hopefully with a stable image. If you see color blooming or bleeding
of a color off to the right, the tube is weak and I would not pay to
have the set repaired. Depending on how bad the blooming or bleeding
looks I might fix it for my garage myself. Second turn the color all
the way down and the contrast and brightness down so you have a dim
picture. If the picture looks primarily black and white (no major
tint to red,green,purple,etc) the tube at least is able to track gray

If both test pass the tube is at least good enough for a minor repair.

If you are someone you know has SOME electronics training and
experience, you can do a google groups search for a capacitor on the
9v filter line near the jungle ic that causes this problem. 22uf 25v
I think at location cx2212 or something like that. DO NOT attempt to
repair this yourself unless you are 100% sure of the safety aspects of
working inside a tv set. Read for lots of safety

This is only a common guess for that vintage Zenith and it may or may
not be the fix for your problem, I would recommend you take it in for
a repair evaluation still. This type of problem typically runs well
under $90 total parts and labor at most reputable and qualified
service shops. Given that the set is over 10 years old, I would not
proceed with anything more major even if the picture tube quick tests
are ok.


Damian Slaughter <> wrote in message
"David" <> wrote in

Still not a good enough explanation.
Is the picture saw-toothing on several scan lines? If so should be
a pretty in-expensive repair if you take the set into an
experienced tech. (you could do a google groups search and might
find the answer, if you also have some electronics training and


I would say saw-tooting on all scan lines sounds about right.
Basically when the picture is changing all the scanlines that are
effected are distorted. Like when the Dreamcast is loading the still
image is not distorted but when you do something the picture starts
to distort on just about every scanline. This is the same when
watching a TV show. Also would fixing this TV be worth it or would
it just fail again in a few months? It seems like people have a low
opinion about Zeniths and I don't want to spend the money to fix it
and it just fails again. TIA
Thanks for the help at least now I have something to go on. Later

Ignorance is the cause of evil.
"Peter Gottlieb" <> started a controversy when he said
in news:LFiPa.9020$

Suddenly, the indication jumped to 47. I looked around, and WAY down
the road behind me was this SUV approaching. The radar picked him up
even though he was quite a bit further down the road. Now, some cop
is going to see the first vehicle approaching and figure it is the
violator. In this case, had there had been a speed trap, I would have
gotten the ticket instead of the SUV which was speeding.
See....this is exactly why I want a radar jammer. :)

Robotron Tom *remove nospam to email*

Flashback Arcade Sales at: http://

"The U.S.A. will remain the home of the free only so long as it remains
the home of the brave"
-Elmer Davis

Welcome to

