Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

Han wrote:
Eeyore <> wrote in

Han wrote:

"Lynn" <> wrote
"Terry" <> wrote in message

American's are so stupid that they reject a much easier way of
doing things. :)
and you waste your time thinking about what measurement system a
bunch of fat, lazy, burger eating, bible thumping, hypocritical,
cowardly morons use?
Hou je mond dicht, of was hem/haar eerst uit met groene zeep.
Is that Dutch or Double Dutch ?


"Shut up (your mouth), or first wash it out with green (lye) soap"
I'm Dutch by birth, but this outcry was out of line, even though the
sentiment may be OK.
I have a friend from Rotterdam who's name is Hans.
The Dutch are pretty cool folks in my opinion.

"The Daring Dufas" <> wrote in message
Han wrote:
Eeyore <> wrote in

Han wrote:

"Lynn" <> wrote
"Terry" <> wrote in message

American's are so stupid that they reject a much easier way of
doing things. :)
and you waste your time thinking about what measurement system a
bunch of fat, lazy, burger eating, bible thumping, hypocritical,
cowardly morons use?
Hou je mond dicht, of was hem/haar eerst uit met groene zeep.
Is that Dutch or Double Dutch ?


"Shut up (your mouth), or first wash it out with green (lye) soap"
I'm Dutch by birth, but this outcry was out of line, even though the
sentiment may be OK.

I have a friend from Rotterdam who's name is Hans.
The Dutch are pretty cool folks in my opinion.

I guess that any country that isn't a bunch of overmedicated, debt ridden,
dysfunctional wannabes are pretty cool folks in my opinion.
"Han" <nobody@nospam.not> wrote in message
Eeyore <> wrote in

Han wrote:

"Lynn" <> wrote
"Terry" <> wrote in message

American's are so stupid that they reject a much easier way of
doing things. :)

and you waste your time thinking about what measurement system a
bunch of fat, lazy, burger eating, bible thumping, hypocritical,
cowardly morons use?

Hou je mond dicht, of was hem/haar eerst uit met groene zeep.

Is that Dutch or Double Dutch ?


"Shut up (your mouth), or first wash it out with green (lye) soap"
I'm Dutch by birth, but this outcry was out of line, even though the
sentiment may be OK.
You want me to shut my mouth?

I guess AmeriKKKans can't handle the truth.
Lynn wrote:
"The Daring Dufas" <> wrote in message
Han wrote:
Eeyore <> wrote in
Han wrote:

"Lynn" <> wrote
"Terry" <> wrote in message

American's are so stupid that they reject a much easier way of
doing things. :)
and you waste your time thinking about what measurement system a
bunch of fat, lazy, burger eating, bible thumping, hypocritical,
cowardly morons use?
Hou je mond dicht, of was hem/haar eerst uit met groene zeep.
Is that Dutch or Double Dutch ?

"Shut up (your mouth), or first wash it out with green (lye) soap"
I'm Dutch by birth, but this outcry was out of line, even though the
sentiment may be OK.
I have a friend from Rotterdam who's name is Hans.
The Dutch are pretty cool folks in my opinion.


I guess that any country that isn't a bunch of overmedicated, debt ridden,
dysfunctional wannabes are pretty cool folks in my opinion.
I have found in my travels both physically and via
The Internet that most people are basically the same.
They have the same wants and needs. Most people are
good but sometimes extreme hardship can either change
them for the worst or make them shine. I learned a
long time ago not to prejudge a people via second hand
information or anyone's propaganda. It is said of my
fellow Southerners that we hate groups but love individuals,
in some ways that is true of all people. Be careful with
your characterizations, they can return to leave teeth marks
on your backside.

And I'm seriously proud to be born a fat, lazy, burger
eating, bible thumping, hypocritical, cowardly morons.
Paraphrasing Bruce Springsteen. Moron in the USA!

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus

"Lynn" <> wrote in message

and you waste your time thinking about what measurement
system a bunch of
fat, lazy, burger eating, bible thumping, hypocritical,
cowardly morons use?
<> wrote in message
I have a small chain saw that won't start. It is a Poulan model 2075
and the fuel line has deteriorated to the point that the filter fell
off inside the gas tank.

My assumption is that flakes from the deteriorating line have got into
the carb and this is what is stopping it from cranking.

When I look at the online, .pdf manual they don't seem to list fuel
lines as an item that I can purchase from Poulan so, what I'm
wondering is, where would this type of fuel line be available?

It is some kind of plastic and measures about 3.5mm ( .136" ) on the
outside diameter.

Your help will be appreciated.
I got this DVD where this woman is holding a gun to another woman's head. A
man goes to save the woman so he goes to his car and opens his trunk and all
he can see is a chainsaw so he takes that and starts it up and walks up to
the woman holding the gun and saws off her arm and you see the arm fall to
the ground with the gat still in the hand and she turns around and starts
running and the man catches up with her and he saws off half of her left leg
and she starts to fall down and he starts sawing her pussy and all the way
up her stomach and chest up her head and while he's doing that she's
screaming and then she screamed "i take it all back pete rose belongs in the
hall of fame."
Lynn wrote:
"Shut up (your mouth), or first wash it out with green (lye) soap"
I'm Dutch by birth, but this outcry was out of line, even though the
sentiment may be OK.

You want me to shut my mouth?

I guess AmeriKKKans can't handle the truth.
Said the brave soul posting through an anonymizer.
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 16:35:14 -0700 "Curtis Brown"
<> wrote in Message id:

I got this DVD where this woman is holding a gun to another woman's head. A
man goes to save the woman so he goes to his car and opens his trunk and all
he can see is a chainsaw so he takes that and starts it up and walks up to
the woman holding the gun and saws off her arm and you see the arm fall to
the ground with the gat still in the hand and she turns around and starts
running and the man catches up with her and he saws off half of her left leg
and she starts to fall down and he starts sawing her pussy and all the way
up her stomach and chest up her head and while he's doing that she's
screaming and then she screamed "i take it all back pete rose belongs in the
hall of fame."
Learn about periods and how to lick them off the private parts of your
In article <>,
Roger Blake <> wrote:

On 2009-04-26, Lynn <> wrote:
and you waste your time thinking about what measurement system a bunch of
fat, lazy, burger eating, bible thumping, hypocritical, cowardly morons

Reminds me of my favorite T-Shirt, which was issued years ago in response
to a similar comment that came from the Japanese. It has picture of an
atomic bomb going off and the caption: "Built by lazy, illiterate Americans.
Tested in Japan."

The metric system sucks ass. We don't want it, and furthermore we don't
give a rat's ass what bunch of effete Eurotrash may have to say about it.
No wonder the rest of the world hates us, with ignorant, arrogant
assholes like you purporting to speak for us.
On 2009-04-26, Lynn <> wrote:
and you waste your time thinking about what measurement system a bunch of
fat, lazy, burger eating, bible thumping, hypocritical, cowardly morons use?
Reminds me of my favorite T-Shirt, which was issued years ago in response
to a similar comment that came from the Japanese. It has picture of an
atomic bomb going off and the caption: "Built by lazy, illiterate Americans.
Tested in Japan."

The metric system sucks ass. We don't want it, and furthermore we don't
give a rat's ass what bunch of effete Eurotrash may have to say about it.

Roger Blake
(Subtract 10s for email. "Google Groups" messages killfiled due to spam.)
"Obama dozed while people froze."
Smitty Two wrote:
Reminds me of my favorite T-Shirt, which was issued years ago in
response to a similar comment that came from the Japanese. It has
picture of an atomic bomb going off and the caption: "Built by lazy,
illiterate Americans. Tested in Japan."

The metric system sucks ass. We don't want it, and furthermore we
don't give a rat's ass what bunch of effete Eurotrash may have to
say about it.

No wonder the rest of the world hates us, with ignorant, arrogant
assholes like you purporting to speak for us.
And we care what the rest of the world thinks exactly why?

Now there ARE some whose sense of self-worth is entirely dependent on the
approbation of strangers (i.e., all celebrities, most liberals, etc.).

Pity, really.

On the other side, there are those I do admire (although they could care


"Dr Feynmann?"
"Dr Richard P. Feynmann?"
"(sigh) Yes"
"Dr Feynmann, my name is Joe Blow. I am the ambassador to the Court of King
Gustav V of Norway. It is my distinct pleasure to tell you that you have
been awarded the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics!"
"Do you have any idea what the hell time it is in California?"
"....uh, no..."
"It is three o'clock in the goddamn morning! Call back after nine!"

On 2009-04-27, Smitty Two <> wrote:
No wonder the rest of the world hates us, with ignorant, arrogant
assholes like you purporting to speak for us.
What "the rest of the world" thinks is of no consequence. On the
contrary - you are the ignorant, arrogant asshole here, little one.

Roger Blake
(Subtract 10s for email. "Google Groups" messages killfiled due to spam.)
"Obama dozed while people froze."
In article <>,
Roger Blake <> wrote:
The metric system sucks ass. We don't want it, and furthermore we don't
give a rat's ass what bunch of effete Eurotrash may have to say about it.
You must have your head well buried if you think you can ignore 'the
metric system'. Whether you want it or not it's here.

*The average person falls asleep in seven minutes *

Dave Plowman London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
On Apr 27, 12:30 pm, Roger Blake <> wrote:
On 2009-04-27, Smitty Two <> wrote:

No wonder the rest of the world hates us, with ignorant, arrogant
assholes like you purporting to speak for us.

What "the rest of the world" thinks is of no consequence.  

What is your rationale for that thought?
"Smitty Two" <> wrote in message
In article <>,
Roger Blake <> wrote:

On 2009-04-26, Lynn <> wrote:
and you waste your time thinking about what measurement system a bunch
fat, lazy, burger eating, bible thumping, hypocritical, cowardly morons

Reminds me of my favorite T-Shirt, which was issued years ago in response
to a similar comment that came from the Japanese. It has picture of an
atomic bomb going off and the caption: "Built by lazy, illiterate
Tested in Japan."

The metric system sucks ass. We don't want it, and furthermore we don't
give a rat's ass what bunch of effete Eurotrash may have to say about it.

No wonder the rest of the world hates us, with ignorant, arrogant
assholes like you purporting to speak for us.

The rest of the world has just as high a proportion of such. We just have
the liberty and the affluence to show our ass more openly and loudly. And
we have our share of cross posters as well.

Roger Blake wrote:

The metric system sucks ass.
It's far more rational.

We don't want it, and furthermore we don't
give a rat's ass what bunch of effete Eurotrash may have to say about it.
Seeing as the entire WORLD uses it aside from the USA, Liberia and Myanmar (
formerly Burma ), you're in good company there, we don't give a rat's ass about
you either.

HeyBub wrote:

Smitty Two wrote:

No wonder the rest of the world hates us, with ignorant, arrogant
assholes like you purporting to speak for us.

And we care what the rest of the world thinks exactly why?
Point made twice over.

"Dave Plowman (News)" wrote:

Roger Blake <> wrote:
The metric system sucks ass. We don't want it, and furthermore we don't
give a rat's ass what bunch of effete Eurotrash may have to say about it.

You must have your head well buried if you think you can ignore 'the
metric system'. Whether you want it or not it's here.
And used by 96% of the world's population.

harry k wrote:

Cindy Hamilton <> wrote:
On Apr 27, 12:40 pm, Roger Blake <> wrote:

The metric system sucks ass. We don't want it, and furthermore we don't
give a rat's ass what bunch of effete Eurotrash may have to say about it.

For some values of "we". I, on the other hand, wish we would convert
to metric for the same reasons that many other posters have cited.

And, on a more frivolous note:
What woman wouldn't prefer to suddenly weigh what looks like half
what she did previously? ;)

Brings up a question. Do the British still measure weight in
Not really except traditionally by older people. kg mostly.

On Apr 27, 12:40 pm, Roger Blake <> wrote:

The metric system sucks ass. We don't want it, and furthermore we don't
give a rat's ass what bunch of effete Eurotrash may have to say about it.
For some values of "we". I, on the other hand, wish we would convert
metric for the same reasons that many other posters have cited.

And, on a more frivolous note:
What woman wouldn't prefer to suddenly weigh what looks like half
what she did previously? ;)

Cindy Hamilton

Welcome to

