The Daring Dufas
Han wrote:
The Dutch are pretty cool folks in my opinion.
I have a friend from Rotterdam who's name is Hans.Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations@hotmail.com> wrote in
Han wrote:
"Lynn" <funforum@xs4all.nl> wrote
"Terry" <kilowatt@charter.net> wrote in message
American's are so stupid that they reject a much easier way of
doing things.
and you waste your time thinking about what measurement system a
bunch of fat, lazy, burger eating, bible thumping, hypocritical,
cowardly morons use?
Hou je mond dicht, of was hem/haar eerst uit met groene zeep.
Is that Dutch or Double Dutch ?
"Shut up (your mouth), or first wash it out with green (lye) soap"
I'm Dutch by birth, but this outcry was out of line, even though the
sentiment may be OK.
The Dutch are pretty cool folks in my opinion.