In article <MPG.2411f8c72e7f0cb1989a37@news.individual.net>, krw <krw@att.zzzzzzzzz> wrote:
or really looks at PID. Some also have fuzzy logic.
A thermister uses resistance to set temp calibration and gain to
adjust linearity. If any of these variables gets thrown off, they
need to be adjusted. They would be a pot of some kind.The
thermister is probably OK.
On good thermostats the computer program adjusts the anticipationIn article <49a83a82$0$2698$822641b3@news.adtechcomputers.com>,
nobody@but.us.chickens says...
On 2/27/2009 10:58 AM lesswar@gmail.com spake thus:
This is Hunter Fans Digital Thermostat Model 44360.
Lately its calibration is off by 2 to 4 degrees.
You've probably already looked for this, but are there any adjustments
(like trimmer pots) on the board?
There is often a "heat anticipator" setting that when whacked will
throw the calibration off. It's purpose is to compensate for the
thermal mass of the building and look at the rate of the
temperature rise so it doesn't overshoot. Some are better than
or really looks at PID. Some also have fuzzy logic.
A thermister uses resistance to set temp calibration and gain to
adjust linearity. If any of these variables gets thrown off, they
need to be adjusted. They would be a pot of some kind.The
thermister is probably OK.