Peter Hucker
On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 01:00:23 -0000, flipper <flipper@fish.net> wrote:
http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com
The best parliament is a well-hung one?
You mean reacting to clicking? Are you complaining abut the aero interface? Maybe you should turn it off - it's probably not slower because of the computer taking it's time, it's just slower because it has to animate things.On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 19:38:31 -0000, "Peter Hucker" <none@spam.com
On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 06:03:43 -0000, flipper <flipper@fish.net> wrote:
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 18:00:36 -0000, "Peter Hucker" <none@spam.com
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 02:50:17 -0000, flipper <flipper@fish.net> wrote:
On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 19:48:06 -0000, "Peter Hucker" <none@spam.com
On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 03:45:04 -0000, flipper <flipper@fish.net> wrote:
On Tue, 09 Dec 2008 18:14:15 -0000, "Peter Hucker" <none@spam.com
I was being generous but you're right. It's slower even with twice the
Slower at what process?
The 'process' of being a desktop computer.
That is not very specific.
The responsiveness of a system is dependant on the whole and not one
Yes, but there must be something specific that you find slow. Display of graphics? File management? Opening an application?
System responsiveness.
Which part of dirt cheap did you miss? The cost of the memory is nothing compared to the cost of the OS. Depending on memory type, I've seen 1GB of memory for as cheap as Ł9.What do you find it takes longer dto do? I have not yet found anything that is slower.
I don't find it credible when you fail to 'find' what is reported as a
common problem by scores of others.
It is only a problem evident on machines with limited RAM. I insist on at least 1-2GB for XP and 3-4GB for Vista. Memory is dirt cheap, you may aswell put in as much as the motherboard will take.
That you apparently have money to burn wasn't the issue.
I never mentioned the processor.The issue was
being slower than XP on the same hardware and taking 'twice the
processor and 'twice the RAM' to get back to essentially where you
And telling me that all it takes is to upgrade the processor and
double the RAM is saying the same thing despite you irrationally
trying to claim it isn't.
Then you misunderstood.You have to guess/presume?
You weren't supposed to take that word literally.
Then don't use the word.
What was I 'supposed' to do? Substitute whatever suits my fancy for
what you said?
Use context and stop pretending to be a robot.
The 'context' was you guessing as to the ''intent'.
It was me assuming you'd understand.
I did understand. You were, and apparently still are, guessing.
So what's the problem?Good choice. No reason to make it slower than it already is.
I do not find it slow. I had Windows XP 32 bit on a machine. I installed Windows Vista 64 bit on that machine
Try comparing apples to apples, like 64 bit to 64 bit or 32 bit to 32
It works in the favour of my argument, the 64 bit OS is more hefty, and I would expect it to be slower if anything.
and increased the memory from 1GB to 3GB.
That's three times the memory, not twice.
Who said "twice"?
Me, and it was the thing you were supposedly arguing with. But since
you're unable to remember what the heck you're arguing with, and too
lazy to look in the message to find it, I'll quote it here: "But
needing twice the memory to run the same thing as before isn't any
'better' than needing twice the processor for the same performance."
All I was arguing about was that it runs just as fast with more memory.
Then you're arguing for no reason because that's the same thing I
said: that it takes twice the memory to get back where you started.
You mean 1 Gig I presume. Assuming you didn't make dodgy copies of Vista, you've already spent far more than the cost of those sticks on the OS.The precise amount more that you require I haven't measured, and is unimportant.
I've got a dozen machines here so, since memory is 'unimportant' to
you, kindly pop 36 1 Meg sticks in the mail to me.
Have all those people upgraded the memory accordingly?And in fact starts twice as fast.
I guess throwing up a splash screen works for you but I judge load
times by when things become fully operational.
From pressing the power switch to the network logon prompt is considerably faster. From the network logon prompt to everything being loaded and at full speed is about the same.
You seem to forget you're not the only one using the thing.
Why would it be slower depending who is using it?
It wouldn't be. Nor faster, Which is why you arguing against the
millions of other users with contradictory first hand experience is
I know the people I support, and they certainly WOULD complain!Computers don't have favourite users.
You apparently think so, mainly you, because you deny every experience
of others and keep insisting that if three monkeys, hear no evil see
no evil speak no evil, you "haven't heard a complaint" then there
aren't any.
It doesn't have one specific purpose.Which is why I said "You seem to forget you're not the only one using
the thing."
What a joke.
Besides not being able to read anything through the 'transparent blur'
even if you could the odds that something 'useful' would, by
happenstance, be in just the right spot under the border makes it
I don't try to read through it, but I can see what's under it. It just looks more natural.
You mean 'looks pretty'.
Would you rather we all went back to the pre-GUI days?
That's a stupid question because there's nothing about a GUI that
'requires' transparent window borders.
A GUI is there so you're not staring at a boring text screen. The nicer it looks the better.
Besides that having nothing to do with whether transparency is
'useful' or not it's utter nonsense.
You don't think a pleasing look is useful?
You really have no idea what a GUI is for.
Why is it you think an office should be decorated and a spreadsheet not? People stare at spreadsheets for longer periods of time than walls.Do you have plain brick walls in your office and not paint them or hang pictures?
I don't claim that decorations make spreadsheets work better.
And since you will, no doubt, be completely lost by your own strawman
diversion, the issue was what's *useful* vs just 'pretty'.
I run a big enough selection. If you run some unusual small-time third party rubbish, then you may experience things differently.Glad to hear it but unless you imagine they made Vista for just you
then your fortunate luck doesn't mean anything.
I know many people with Vista, and nobody has complained about not being able to use anything except perhaps the odd third party freebie utility.
Then you either don't know as 'many' people as you claim or they only
use the limited software set you do but compatibility problems with
Vista are legion and that's one reason, in addition to all the
hardware incompatibilities, why MS has their 'Vista Upgrade Advisor."
Things have gotten better as vendors struggle to patch and 'upgrade'
their products to work with Vista but that doesn't solve everyone's
problem, especially if they're on an older version where their only
choice might be to buy the latest release or do without.
List a few things that have compatibility problems then. For christ's sake I don't even have many problems with games, and they're usually the worst offender.
For obvious reasons Microsoft doesn't publish a list of incompatible
programs. You get the good news at install when it informs you of what
'might not work right' after the upgrade and which one's it insists
you remove before proceeding further.
I've never seen a complaint from an upgrade apart from the odd utility which was installed years ago and nobody uses anymore. I usually delete it or get a newer version.
And all you're doing is demonstrating your limited experience.
There are 750 computers where I work.
That reminds me of the interview who said he had 20 years of
experience and the interviewer said looks to me like 1 years worth of
experience repeated 20 times over.
Replicating a fortunate combination 750 times simply means you have
750 copies of the one fortunate combination.
But go ahead and tell me you currently run every software product ever
I was obviously referring to the people using the computers I work with.And you do people a disservice by claiming they can upgrade and
'everything' except "perhaps the odd third party freebie utility" is
going to work just fine afterwards.
Haven't had a complaint yet.
I didn't know the world was supposed to copy you on the memo.
What on earth do you mean? Do you think people won't complain when something I did fails?
What makes you think everyone in the world even knows you exist, much
less inform you of every problem they encounter?
http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com
The best parliament is a well-hung one?