Arfa Daily
<runderwo@mail.win.org> wrote in message
respectfully ask that we just leave it as it is now. I'm sure we all
understand where you're coming from, and none of us wants to question your
intelligence. For the most part, from what I see in the many posts, it was
your expertise and competence to work on line powered equipment with a
degree of personal safety, that was being questioned, and I certainly don't
have a problem with that. I have no desire to help lead you to death or
injury. The reason that posters questioned your ability, was because you
were unable to recognise a type of fuseholder that has been used for many
years on all manner of equipment types - not just test equipment, but if
you've never had cause to work on such equipment, then fine, we will accept
that you were misled by a component that you didn't recognise, and not
question your competence, further.
Now, as I said before, calm down, forget about all the comments that you
considered to be at least unkind to you, if not offensive, put a new fuse
in, and tell us what happens. If it doesn't work, tell us, and we'll do our
best to help you.
I would doubt that you are in everyone's killfile - yet. But may II'm not offended. It takes a lot to offend me. And I'm certainly not
going to be offended by someone who spends their free time helping
others for something they could charge money for. All I'm saying is
taking an unclear post, and from there jumping to conclusions about the
intelligence of the poster - instead of simply stating that the post
was unclear - is nothing more than noise. Posting nothing at all is
better than posting noise.
I guess I'm not going to get any more replies since I'm in everyone's
kill file by now. But I really didn't feel like the ad hominem attacks
were on target with respect to reaching a conclusion. Not that they
have to be - it's not my time they are wasting - but if the intent is
to convince me that I'm incompetent, I'm not interested, since I can
gauge my own level of competence and act (or not act) accordingly.
respectfully ask that we just leave it as it is now. I'm sure we all
understand where you're coming from, and none of us wants to question your
intelligence. For the most part, from what I see in the many posts, it was
your expertise and competence to work on line powered equipment with a
degree of personal safety, that was being questioned, and I certainly don't
have a problem with that. I have no desire to help lead you to death or
injury. The reason that posters questioned your ability, was because you
were unable to recognise a type of fuseholder that has been used for many
years on all manner of equipment types - not just test equipment, but if
you've never had cause to work on such equipment, then fine, we will accept
that you were misled by a component that you didn't recognise, and not
question your competence, further.
Now, as I said before, calm down, forget about all the comments that you
considered to be at least unkind to you, if not offensive, put a new fuse
in, and tell us what happens. If it doesn't work, tell us, and we'll do our
best to help you.