Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

On Sat, 04 Nov 2006 06:20:35 GMT "Michael A. Terrell"
<> wrote in Message id:

PorkChop wrote:

quietguy wrote:
The electros are cheap, but those nice chaps are damned expensive to buy -
had you thought about just renting one for the day instead?

I have found someone at work who can do soldering, so thanks everyone
for some good advice. Cleaning the goo off the circuit board sounds
like a good idea too (I will use my wife's toothbrush).

If you do, you'll need a new toothbrush, or a new wife.
If he does, he may not NEED a toothbrush any more.
ian field wrote:
So what this is saying is, basically, that one set of people with
a political agenda (the Mirror) are accusing another set of politicians
(Tories) with maybe going to do something which they're denying and
which another set of peope with a political agenda (Labour) say would
be a bad thing. Even though it's all pure conjecture (i.e. no concrete
proposals only vague hypotheses). Like all politicians they are a
waste of space and in a civilised society would not be tolerated.

Yes, it's crap all right. If you believe what you read in the UK
papers you deserve to have your knob drop off ;-)

Now what they should do is 1) shut off all non-motorway entrances
and exits to the M25 (i.e make it a true orbital motorway) which would
alleviate the knock-on effect on other motorways and 2) charge heavy
tolls for short distance use of motorways, e.g. less than 20 miles and
make them free for journies of more than, say, 100 miles. That way the
motorways would be used as such and I might get home from Heathrow on a
Friday night ;-) Mind you, I would also give traffic wardens the
power of summary execution for parking on yellow lines with 4 way
flashers going when not actually broken down (that would sort the men
from the boys ;-). Second speeding offence would forfeit a limb (of
the miscreant's choice), third offence a further limb plus life driving
ban and so on.

Tough on motorists, tough on the causes of motorists that's what I
say ;-)

Searching for 1 or 2 pieces of integrated circuit device TDA 2655 B - tv
horizontal deflection device. Please info - thanks in advance to
ian field wrote:
I know there are private roads in Mexico. Very traffic free cause the
normal folks can't afford or won't pay to use them.
Here in Mass we have the Big Dig with cost overruns, falling ceilings
tiles, and a governing body that's isolated from public scrutiny and
seriously out of touch with reality.

"It's said we get the best politicians money can buy. Considering their
actions in public office I find this hard to believe."
On 6 Nov 2006 10:59:49 -0800, wrote:


I've just dropped my CRT monitor while moving house. I powered it up to
see if it still worked. It made a loud electrical buzzing sound and
sparked inside at the back.

Before I dumped it in the bin I thought I'd have a peek inside to see
if I thought it was repairable. The clear glass at the very back of the
CRT had shattered, I think around the electron gun/heater - so I guess
it ain't repairable!

Since then I've read bits about lead-lined glass and x-rays, so I'm

Could I have been exposed to anything when the glass shattered inside
the set or when I powered the thing on with the glass shattered?
No. You're fine.

It's no big loss either because there are loads of used monitors
running around for 5 dollars or less.

After the AT I bought used with a monitor, the next and better one was
one I found in the woods lying in the snow. The uppper corner was
broken and it may have been thrown from a car on the road nearby, or
at least pushed down the little hill. I let it dry for 3 or 4 days
and it lasted for 6 years or more. I wanted to know the specs, before
there was much of a web, and I called NEC and eventually I told her
that I found the monitor in the woods, and she didn't mind at all.
She said they still support their products.

Remove NOPSAM to email me..
you guys crack me up. LOL

"JW" <none@dev.nul> wrote in message
On Sat, 04 Nov 2006 06:20:35 GMT "Michael A. Terrell"> wrote in Message id:>:

PorkChop wrote:

quietguy wrote:
The electros are cheap, but those nice chaps are damned expensive to
buy -
had you thought about just renting one for the day instead?

I have found someone at work who can do soldering, so thanks everyone
for some good advice. Cleaning the goo off the circuit board sounds
like a good idea too (I will use my wife's toothbrush).

If you do, you'll need a new toothbrush, or a new wife.

If he does, he may not NEED a toothbrush any more.
Mike wrote:
you guys crack me up. LOL

Its a nasty job, but I have nothing else to do while its raining. :(

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
WORKING IN FAITH ha escrito:

Thank you Inbox
Craig Somerford
to Apple, Katrinas, Harvard, New, Local, Tunner, (bcc:azagorski),
(bcc:postmaster), (bcc:Natural), (bcc:New)
More options 9:22 pm (0 minutes ago)
Thank you

05 nov 2006
24 oct 2006
Thank You
Craig Oral Somerford

" Working in Faith "

" The land of Milk and Honey "

Only 1 message in topic - view as tree
Date: Wed, Sep 27 2006 11:42 am
Rating: (2 users)
show options

September 27 2006

Please lets' ALL help to get the WORD out about this Non-profit.

As I make my bed in SHEOL i awake at Table Mountain to a feast of Milk

and Honey.
For it's true there are blessings' in barters,as was my blessing upon
table Mountain.

To view Table Mountain:
try Google Earth"CLICK"

The Views are breath taking when taken in from upon high Places.

"Africa and all her Glory"

For your enjoyment i leave you with my work:

September 25 2006

" Working In Faith "

How far can one see,while Surrounded by Only GOD'S

perfect creation.

Being driven by Faith and guided there In,while

working through the Power of candle light.

Seeing It give-way while watching the last Star fade Introducing the

Sun to this dark Mountain

Far enough it seems to move this Mountain to you.

Thank you GOD
In " Jesus the Christ "
Name i pray Amen

Craig Oral Somerford

As you are seeing in your minds eye. About moving
Mountain's , this letter was written as i was seeing it happen.So

after reading view the Mountain and see were it was Written from if you


Thank you for reading and seeing the dark Mountain.

Written By
Craig Oral Somerford
Founder of said Non-profit
given to GOD through Faith
see storm photos of New orleans

Direct contacts to New Orleans call them...

The Honorable Bobby Jindal
LA - 1LA
Phone: (504) 274-0080

Send Message
The Honorable William Jefferson
LA - 2LA
Phone: (202) 225-6636

Send Message
Hon. David Vitter
Phone: (504) 833-1163

Send Message
The Honorable Mary Landrieu
Phone: (202) 224-5824

Send Message

I will Never give up on my vision enjoy...,9171,1555130,00.html

Please forward if you will for me
Thank you Craig O. S.
This spam is the embodiment of EVIL.
my humble curse: may your shit come to life and kiss you.
mm ha escrito:

On 6 Nov 2006 10:59:49 -0800, wrote:


I've just dropped my CRT monitor while moving house. I powered it up to
see if it still worked. It made a loud electrical buzzing sound and
sparked inside at the back.

Before I dumped it in the bin I thought I'd have a peek inside to see
if I thought it was repairable. The clear glass at the very back of the
CRT had shattered, I think around the electron gun/heater - so I guess
it ain't repairable!

Since then I've read bits about lead-lined glass and x-rays, so I'm

Could I have been exposed to anything when the glass shattered inside
the set or when I powered the thing on with the glass shattered?

No. You're fine.

It's no big loss either because there are loads of used monitors
running around for 5 dollars or less.

After the AT I bought used with a monitor, the next and better one was
one I found in the woods lying in the snow. The uppper corner was
broken and it may have been thrown from a car on the road nearby, or
at least pushed down the little hill. I let it dry for 3 or 4 days
and it lasted for 6 years or more. I wanted to know the specs, before
there was much of a web, and I called NEC and eventually I told her
that I found the monitor in the woods, and she didn't mind at all.
She said they still support their products.


Remove NOPSAM to email me..
I'm currently using a sony e-200 trinitron found tossed in a skip and
full of water. drained, dried and cleaned her out, changed some caps
and works like a champ 7 months later.
Having trouble posting, The test worked, but still unable to post oroblem,
Unit came in dead, H-out transistor shorted, removed tran and B+ is good,
Installed another trans and set came on good, Played several hrs and turn
off for the night. Next day set will not come on, H-out shorted again. Check
caps with ESR meter, ring flyback ok, Replaced flyback and trans, set looked
good, played for about half day, I turned it on and off several times, every
thing good, Sent it home, Played two days and out again, Customer stated it
was fine when she turned off at night, next day dead, Looks like the H-out
is shorting during turn off or while the set is off, anyone got any Ideas
Thanks Charlie

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
Charlie East wrote:



Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
On 7 Nov 2006 12:33:55 -0800, b wrote:
WORKING IN FAITH ha escrito:

8< big snip

This spam is the embodiment of EVIL.
my humble curse: may your shit come to life and kiss you.
But, for some reason known only to you, you decided to re-post the
spam in it's entirety.

Oh, I see... One google poster replying to another google poster.

On Tue, 07 Nov 2006 16:21:18 -0600, Charlie East Has Frothed:

Subject: Re: ITC008
From: "Charlie East" <
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 16:21:18 -0600

Having trouble posting, The test worked, but still unable to post oroblem,
Unit came in dead, H-out transistor shorted, removed tran and B+ is good,
Installed another trans and set came on good, Played several hrs and turn
off for the night. Next day set will not come on, H-out shorted again.
Check caps with ESR meter, ring flyback ok, Replaced flyback and trans,
set looked good, played for about half day, I turned it on and off several
times, every thing good, Sent it home, Played two days and out again,
Customer stated it was fine when she turned off at night, next day dead,
Looks like the H-out is shorting during turn off or while the set is off,
anyone got any Ideas Thanks Charlie
I would just go ahead and replace the tuning and HO caps. Ive had a
similar problem where my ESR tested good but what the set did just didn't
make sense like yours :)

Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, June 2004

On Tue, 07 Nov 2006 22:43:22 +0000, Allodoxaphobia Has Frothed:

On 7 Nov 2006 12:33:55 -0800, b wrote:
WORKING IN FAITH ha escrito:

8< big snip

This spam is the embodiment of EVIL.
my humble curse: may your shit come to life and kiss you. Amen.

But, for some reason known only to you, you decided to re-post the spam in
it's entirety.

Oh, I see... One google poster replying to another google poster.

LOL I see that a lot.

Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, June 2004

"b" <> writes:

mm ha escrito:

On 6 Nov 2006 10:59:49 -0800, wrote:


I've just dropped my CRT monitor while moving house. I powered it up to
see if it still worked. It made a loud electrical buzzing sound and
sparked inside at the back.

Before I dumped it in the bin I thought I'd have a peek inside to see
if I thought it was repairable. The clear glass at the very back of the
CRT had shattered, I think around the electron gun/heater - so I guess
it ain't repairable!

Since then I've read bits about lead-lined glass and x-rays, so I'm

Could I have been exposed to anything when the glass shattered inside
the set or when I powered the thing on with the glass shattered?

No. You're fine.

It's no big loss either because there are loads of used monitors
running around for 5 dollars or less.

After the AT I bought used with a monitor, the next and better one was
one I found in the woods lying in the snow. The uppper corner was
broken and it may have been thrown from a car on the road nearby, or
at least pushed down the little hill. I let it dry for 3 or 4 days
and it lasted for 6 years or more. I wanted to know the specs, before
there was much of a web, and I called NEC and eventually I told her
that I found the monitor in the woods, and she didn't mind at all.
She said they still support their products.


Remove NOPSAM to email me..

I'm currently using a sony e-200 trinitron found tossed in a skip and
full of water. drained, dried and cleaned her out, changed some caps
and works like a champ 7 months later.
I'm currently using a Dell/Sony Trinitron that I found in the trash.
I also have a spare the needed a capacitor replaced. I prefer these over
the much newer LCD that's sitting nearby.

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:
Repair | Main Table of Contents:
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ:
| Mirror Sites:

Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above is
ignored unless my full name AND either lasers or electronics is included in the
subject line. Or, you can contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.
"Allodoxaphobia" <> wrote in message

Oh, I see... One google poster replying to another google poster.
Sort of Google_69?
"Franc Zabkar" <> wrote in message

Australians already own a number of US toll roads.

For your sake I hope we didn't build them for you.
Trust me, the Yanks and the Canadians can fuck them up fine on their own.
"ian field" <> wrote in message

Last time the thieving Toraidhe (Gallic - silent "d") got into office they
proceeded to start selling everything that wasn't nailed down, this
includes the national grid and the railways just to name a couple!
I know that in the border area they ripped up the railways with gusto - but
forgot to build a road network to replace them. What a PITA to drive around
Sam Goldwasser ha escrito:

"b" <> writes:

mm ha escrito:

On 6 Nov 2006 10:59:49 -0800, wrote:


I've just dropped my CRT monitor while moving house. I powered it up to
see if it still worked. It made a loud electrical buzzing sound and
sparked inside at the back.

Before I dumped it in the bin I thought I'd have a peek inside to see
if I thought it was repairable. The clear glass at the very back of the
CRT had shattered, I think around the electron gun/heater - so I guess
it ain't repairable!

Since then I've read bits about lead-lined glass and x-rays, so I'm

Could I have been exposed to anything when the glass shattered inside
the set or when I powered the thing on with the glass shattered?

No. You're fine.

It's no big loss either because there are loads of used monitors
running around for 5 dollars or less.

After the AT I bought used with a monitor, the next and better one was
one I found in the woods lying in the snow. The uppper corner was
broken and it may have been thrown from a car on the road nearby, or
at least pushed down the little hill. I let it dry for 3 or 4 days
and it lasted for 6 years or more. I wanted to know the specs, before
there was much of a web, and I called NEC and eventually I told her
that I found the monitor in the woods, and she didn't mind at all.
She said they still support their products.


Remove NOPSAM to email me..

I'm currently using a sony e-200 trinitron found tossed in a skip and
full of water. drained, dried and cleaned her out, changed some caps
and works like a champ 7 months later.

I'm currently using a Dell/Sony Trinitron that I found in the trash.
I also have a spare the needed a capacitor replaced. I prefer these over
the much newer LCD that's sitting nearby.

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:
I was in an electronics store a few months back and they had a number
of monitors there. some fairly decent used crt monitors and a few new
LCDs. they were all displaying the same - a black background with a
digital clock readout in green numbers. The lcds had this horrible,
smeary sort of colour-bleed aura around the numbers. The CRTS were
ultra sharp in comparison. At a third of the price!
some people will put up with all kinds of crap just to save a few
inches of room on their desks....
I'm trying to put back my Sony TV, I pulled the flyback board and had
to unplug the high-votage wires.
Problem is I can't remeber for sure which one goes where.
The fat red one (with the suction cup) is obvious, but the other two
I'm having a problem with. One goes to the CRT board socket, the other
goes to a connector soldered right to the board.
How can I trace them back from the flyback board?
One is red and the other is white. I think the white one goes to the
The red one to the socket.
Any ideas?

On Nov 7, 3:37 pm, "b" <> wrote:
mm ha escrito:

On 6 Nov 2006 10:59:49 -0800, wrote:


I've just dropped my CRT monitor while moving house. I powered it up to
see if it still worked. It made a loud electrical buzzing sound and
sparked inside at the back.

Before I dumped it in the bin I thought I'd have a peek inside to see
if I thought it was repairable. The clear glass at the very back of the
CRT had shattered, I think around the electron gun/heater - so I guess
it ain't repairable!

Since then I've read bits about lead-lined glass and x-rays, so I'm

Could I have been exposed to anything when the glass shattered inside
the set or when I powered the thing on with the glass shattered?

No. You're fine.

It's no big loss either because there are loads of used monitors
running around for 5 dollars or less.

After the AT I bought used with a monitor, the next and better one was
one I found in the woods lying in the snow. The uppper corner was
broken and it may have been thrown from a car on the road nearby, or
at least pushed down the little hill. I let it dry for 3 or 4 days
and it lasted for 6 years or more. I wanted to know the specs, before
there was much of a web, and I called NEC and eventually I told her
that I found the monitor in the woods, and she didn't mind at all.
She said they still support their products.


Remove NOPSAM to email me..I'm currently using a sony e-200 trinitron found tossed in a skip and
full of water. drained, dried and cleaned her out, changed some caps
and works like a champ 7 months later.
-B- Hide quoted text -- Show quoted text -
Stephen Tomchuk wrote:
Just picked this unit up for price of a cup of coffee. Previous user
said sometimes it didn't start up. Sure sure I can't seem to get it to
start at all via the VGA 15 pin conector when I move the cable from a
working monitor to the P260. Don't have a DVI cable nor card to drive it
so can't test that. The power indicator bulb by the power switch flashes
on/off green at about 1 flash per second so I assume the low voltage
section is working at least partially. No clicking noises to indicate
power supply turn on attempts, no H.V. power supply whine or static on
front screen to indicate H.V. presence

Ok, laugh away, but I have to ask. Any chance on a service manual about?

Any hints or tips before I crack the case (or my back trying to lift
this pig!)?


I've just picked up a pair of these myself the other day for a nice
price, stumbled across this while looking for a service manual. It's
probably a long shot but any chance you missed the small black switch
on the front panel that switches between the DVI and VGA connector?

Welcome to

