Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

"kony" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 21:46:16 GMT, "Bazzer Smith"> wrote:

I had the need to do this recently (transfer files) and I just got a
ethernet cable which is about Ł5 or less.
I had some probs cos I had a real old machine which had no ethernet
and I had to install card and I had to upgrade from W98 to W98SE,
but I expect you have newer machines running XP in which case it should be
real easy. It was dead easy to use its like you have both drives on the

Your situation was very odd, there were tons of businesses
running win98 boxes with 10/100Mb NICs.
You can say that again!!
I think it was the most troublesome problem I have ever had with
It would have been easier to manually type the data into a hex editor!
I had a legion of problems, as soon as I solved one it revealed another
more difficult one!
I never use the old computer,or it's data now anyway, I guess it was one
way of forcing me to dump all the crap it had accumulated over the years.
Mind you, I can't say the new one is particularly faster in some area's
I actually think it takes longer to shut down!!!
I am trying to think of a use for the old machine but I can't.
"Jenwin" <> wrote in message

By playsback but distorts i mean that it will play th tv through the
vct but a tape distorts.

Im really sorry but i think we have tried this with no luck but it
doesnt really make alot of sense to me! ...

"Have you tried changing the output RF modulation frequency on the VCR
RF out
and tuning in the TV to match ? Diagonal patterning is often due to
of harmonics from the local modulator "transmitter" frequency and some
internal or external freequency"

Anymore advice? Is it not likely to b a vcr problem that can b fixed by
repair? This would be a nice easy solution!

Have you tried the VCR on another TV as was suggested? Until you do that,
no-one can answer for certain whether it's the TV or the VCR to blame.

Dave MULTI-POSTED: - NO ADS.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-appear+*-proper-answer-*-*-*-given+much-easier-*-*-*-*-what's-going-on+*-frowned-on+*-correcting+*-polite-*-mention-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+Just-because-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-does-not-mean-*-*-*-*-*-*+*-Followup-To-*+*-*-*-too-lazy-*-*-*-*-*-appropriate-*+*-*-_perfect_-*-*-*-*+*-*-*-*-two-groups-*-*-aren't-*-different
For a "Disabled" person you sure know how to spam the newsgroups pretty
good, don't you?
Try to hook up the VCR to work through channel 3/4 (switch on the back
for the internal rf-modulator) or 0 ("video", etc.),
depending on your setup. Try this setup (if you haven't already):

Cable-in to VCR RF in ("cable"; "antennae";
VCR RF-out to TV ("out to TV")
VCR A/V in from DVD (use digital inputs of VCR to process DVD signal)

The VCR's in-board block-converter will be able to automatically
manage the two different inputs through the tuner. Often digital
input is referred to "channel 0" on the VCR tuner like an
additional channel, depending on model. Consult a manual for your

Be sure that if you use any one channel to view from the VCR, that the
channel is properly-tuned, and that if setup on channel 3, that both
are set to channel 3 or channel 4 respectively. This sounds like an
Automatic Fine Tuning conflict. An untuned channel will often go into
a seek-mode with most modern tuners, hence the V-sync mismatch,
because it cannot get a proper lock on the signal. The easiest
starting point is to try retuning your VCR tuner to what signal you
have available, then tune the TV to the VCR's signal.

If the above setup did not change matters, double-check that your TV
is set to CATV and not AIR. If your VCR/TV does not have an RF
output, you simply need an RF modulator.

I know exactly the problem you are describing and if I remember
correctly, it is solely with the signal tuning. This is not
indicative of a component problem with either the TV or the VCR. Set
AFT to on for both TV and VCR (where applicable) after tuning each in
the order specified above. Use channel 3 as a default for any input,
use channel 4 if channel 3 doesn't work. Make sure ch3-4 settings
match between all related tuners if such a setting exists (look on
the back of the units near where the RF cable connects for any kind
of switch).

Please post if the above does not work...
You will need to purchase the service manual to continue. The TV set
can get complicate to troubleshoot. I am assuming you have the
experience, tools, and knowledge to service your set.

It is impossible to guess what can be wrong. There are many things in
the set that can cause the power supply to go in to the protect mode.

Jerry G.

Ludo wrote:
When I first got this little (10yo?) beauty, the screen would intermittently
turn black before the set switched itself to standby. It would readily come
up again by pressing a channel. If you were uick enough, juggling the power
connection from the F1 to the A board would usually bring the picture back
before it went on standby. Examining the shiny side of the A board revealed
at least 4 or 5 cracked solder points. After redoing them the set worked
perfectly for two days. The next evening, without having touched anything,
it had a "ragged" edge on the left of the screen, occasionally distorting
the whole screen. This only happened on the lower VHF channels. It was
hardly noticeable on UHF. Interestingly (probably not for the neighbours)
that interference, when it happened, was picked up by any TV or VCR tuner in
the vicinity ! Occasionally the set would be perfect for up to 20 minutes. I
suspected another dodgy joint, but couldn't find one. A few days later the
TV shut down and the only life remaining, apart from the degaussing, is a
faint click, click, ... when putting the power on. It doesn't even go in
standby. Next, I did find another (hidden) cracked soldering at the HOT
transformer, which being right next to the tuner may well have been the
cause of the "interference" problem.
From what I've read in the many postings I know that something is preventing
the power supply to come up, but I haven't got a clue where to start. The
HOT (in situ) has 20 Ohms between b and c and also between e and c in
either direction. Between b and e, I've only got a few Ohms. I can't easily
isolate the power supply because the lot is on the one board (A). I don't
have a variac, besides I wouldn't know what voltages - where - to expect. I
just think the set is too good to go to landfill, because the picture is
really good and the sound is much better than my previous Sony. Perhaps
someone can put me in the right direction after reading the earlier
symptoms. Even shedding some light on the Sony numbering system would help.
So far I've been searching for KV29, but that seems only to point to the
size of the screen.


Thanks for that, Jerry. I would have hoped that the explanation of the
early symptoms would have triggered some light bulb somewhere, but
you're probably right in saying that not going in standby could have
many reasons. Buying the service manual is probably not going to be
economical for one (10yo) set, because I fear that these "official"
manuals don't do much hand holding and that my limited knowledge and
tools might not be enough get any where.


If it's so good why did you spam so many newsgroups. Why did they
change their name? Did they rip people off.

If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is. This is too good
to be true. Keep your f***ing free laptop.
"Ken Layton" ( writes:
If it's so good why did you spam so many newsgroups. Why did they
change their name? Did they rip people off.

If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is. This is too good
to be true. Keep your f***ing free laptop.
I hadn't really given it much thought, but now that it's brought up,
I realize that while we saw posts like the original quite often at
some point, I've not seen one in a long time. But clearly they are
back at it, or else we'd not see a post about it.

I saw this guy post elsewhere too, and someone else was asking if
it was legitimate in yet another newsgroup.

Remember and the big rip-off it turned out to be?
On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 01:30:17 -0400, Ken Layton wrote
(in article <>):

If it's so good why did you spam so many newsgroups. Why did they
change their name? Did they rip people off.

If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is. This is too good
to be true. Keep your f***ing free laptop.
I got a free iPod from a Citibank promotion. The deal was you had to
open an online account, keep it open for a year, and pay two bills
electronically every month from it. The minimum amount was $2,000.

I deposited the $2,000, set up the autopayment option to send myself
two $10 checks every month for a year and then closed the account. The
iPod was probably worth $250 at that time. I still have it and get a
lot of enjoyment out of it.

I suppose if I were a sharp investor, I could have made more than $250
on the $2,000 capital for a year. In addition, the initial account set
up was a hassle and if you had any questions or problems you had to
talk to someone in India who didn't speak English.

In retrospect, I probably should have just bought one :) But it
seemed such an extravagance and this way I could rationalize it as

well, Good Housekeeping would say that it's not a scam...check it out

Well, people should also look at the "Terms of Service". They can
change the number of "offers" at any time for any reason without
notice. It is too good to be true. Look at all the hoops you have to
jump through
not to mention having to drag 20 friends into this thing.
Help please.

On behalf of a non-profit public service group I'm trying to adapt
military surplus Astrocom helicopter headsets to civilian uses, to be
used by ham radio users with Kenwood and Motorola handheld

To that end I believe what I need to do is get some U-94A/U plugs (with
built-in PTT) and the appropriate adapter (i.e. the Kenwood E11-0420-15
mic jack), figure out which wire is which, and solder away. I don't
believe that I need any capacitor with the PTT switch, but if you know
better I'd love to hear all about it.

I'm having trouble sourcing the U-94A/U, so I'd like some help on that

Many thanks from all of you,

In article <>,
"Michael (Mickey) Sattler" <> wrote:

Help please.
On behalf of a non-profit public service group I'm trying to adapt
military surplus Astrocom helicopter headsets to civilian uses, to be
used by ham radio users with Kenwood and Motorola handheld

To that end I believe what I need to do is get some U-94A/U plugs (with
built-in PTT) and the appropriate adapter (i.e. the Kenwood E11-0420-15
mic jack), figure out which wire is which, and solder away. I don't
believe that I need any capacitor with the PTT switch, but if you know
better I'd love to hear all about it.
I'm having trouble sourcing the U-94A/U, so I'd like some help on that
Many thanks from all of you,
Do military headsets still have higher impedance than civilian?
In article <>, (known to some as Michael (Mickey) Sattler)

Help please.

On behalf of a non-profit public service group I'm trying to adapt
military surplus Astrocom helicopter headsets to civilian uses, to be
used by ham radio users with Kenwood and Motorola handheld

Obtaining the connectors and 'soldering away' may be the least of
your worries. You could easily be dealing with differences in impedance
for both mic and earpieces, and in how the microphone circuits do their

Aircraft radios are almost universally designed to use a carbon-
button microphone (or the electronic equivalent thereof). This means
that they all provide DC bias on the mic circuit. Whatever radio you end
up adapting the headset to will also have to provide this bias if you
want the mic circuit to work right.

As for the earpieces: Typical impedance for aircraft-type headsets
is 150 ohms. You will need some sort of impedance matching for optimal

What you will need is the schematic of the headsets, AND the
schematics of the specific radios you intend to use them with. You will
need to do some careful study to insure compatibility. If there are
issues such as mic bias, you will need to design your adapter to take
that into account.

Happy tweaking.

Dr. Anton T. Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute
(Known to some as Bruce Lane, KC7GR) -- kyrrin a/t bluefeathertech d-o=t calm
"Salvadore Dali's computer has surreal ports..."
Here is what Wired magazine says about them:,2125,64614,00.html

And here's what the Boston Globe says:

Ken Layton wrote:
If it's so good why did you spam so many newsgroups. Why did they
change their name? Did they rip people off.

If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is. This is too good
to be true. Keep your f***ing free laptop.
I have the same problem. When I saw this, I called tmobile and they won't
lock my payasyougo phone that my husband gave me as a gift a few months

They said I didn't pay enough. When I asked to speak to the supervisor, he
said tmobile asked motorola to make the phone unlockable so that nobody but
tmobile can ever lock the phone in ten years.

He said we should not have bought from tmobile if we wanted to use the
phone outside the united states and that I was out of luck.

I've learned my lesson but too late. I'll never buy an unlockable phone
from motorola again!

I wonder why motorola even makes an unlockable phone in the first place.


On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 02:33:21 GMT, brobin wrote:
Call TMo and tell them about your upcoming trip and that you need the unlock
code NOW. If they refuse, tell them you'll be returning the phone.

"Jill McQuown" <> wrote in message
Where can I get unlock codes for the new T-Mobile Motorola V195 cell
The sites below told me this phone is not unlockable.

On Friday, I bought the pay-as-you-go T-Mobile Motorola V195 for $98.99
because the salesman was touting it as the best phone on the market for
money but T-Mobile tells me I have to wait months before the phone can be
unlocked. I'm beginning to believe them. I am going on vacation in
Australia in two weeks and I bought this phone so I could use the GSM
service there. But I can't seem to find _anyone_ who can unlock it!

Everyone I called said this is the only Motorola cell phone that
canot be unlocked by anyone to date!

I tried everyone in the book by googling for "Motorola v195 unlock" which
got me the following web sites

This site says the phone is not available (which is wrong)

This site says the Motorola V195 can be unlocked but when you call them in
Malta, they say they can't figure out the unlocking for this cell phone
(+356) 998-555-72

These guys say they don't think anyone can figure out how to unlock this
Motorola V195 cellphone because they tried and failed and say it can't be

These people also have a page that intimates the Motorola V195 can be
unlocked but when you call them, they say they've never done one

These guys have a web page but nothing is on the web page to unlock the
Motorola V195 cell phone

So far, it seems like nobody can unlock this new T-Mobile Motorola V1945
cell phone.

Do you know _anyone_ who can really unlock the Motorola V195, reputedly
toughest of all cell phones to unlock today?
On 1 Jul 2006 20:31:36 -0700, "Ken Layton" <> wrote:

Reported to Google.
The problem is that Google does absolutely nothing about newsgroup
spammers... that's why the spammers post through Google in the first
Thanks for trying, anyway.

Welcome to

