"Gary H" <g.h@sympatico.ca> wrote in message
You haven't a clue do you? please don't start with the first thing is to
give your money away and give away windows..... Your kidding yourself. Oh
whats that?, dont make assumptions about what your motives would be.........
shoe sux when its on the other foot?
POOF! your Bill Gates....whats the first thing your going to do?Mxsmanic wrote:
Those of us who were there are not deceived by revisionist histories.
In those days, it was big bad IBM versus tiny helpless Microsoft, not
the other way around. Microsoft didn't (and couldn't) twist IBM's
Ya know, all this really isn't about Bill Gates or Microsoft Per
Se. It's about the greed factor and the power factor and the
control factor. The desire for absolute power and to corrupt
absolutely . The sort of thing that rears its ugly head
virtually every single day of our lives. Like Enron, Hollinger
international and on and on.
With Microsoft, like many others it *is* about greed and power.
With the oil industry, it *is* about greed and power.
For example, I live in the north-eastern part of this north
American continent. In the summertime, the price of gas goes
sky-high because of the demand and heating oil drops and in the
wintertime the price of heating fuel goes sky-high because of
demand and gas drops. The immediate response or belief drilled
into the general public is that there is a shortage of oil.
There is NOT.
There is plenty of oil. I know, because where I live, we are net
exporters of oil. The problem is that with the increased
demand, nobody is building extra refining capacity. Especially
those who *control* the industry. You know, the Exxons, Shell,
and so on. It's gotten to the point where these bastards are
driving the crap out of a barrel of oil because (get this)
they're expecting a friggin' snow storm in the north-east of the
You haven't a clue do you? please don't start with the first thing is to
give your money away and give away windows..... Your kidding yourself. Oh
whats that?, dont make assumptions about what your motives would be.........
shoe sux when its on the other foot?
Greed, power and control.
Same with Microsoft. Control (virtually all PCs run Windows of
one flavor or other)
Greed (absolutely no sane
reason to charge the prices they do for the garbage they sell)
Power (as someone said earlier, they can get away with
*just* about anything within the
legal system).
That's what my bitching is about. Its not thinly veiled envy,
jealousy or any other petty begrudging. It's being just
totally pissed with a system where some people will starve to
death or freeze this winter and others will take comfort in the
fact that they have "looted everyone else so effectively" that
it is impossible to spend the wealth in several lifetimes.
Do I have the answers like some of you *think* you do?? No.
However, that doesn't mean I can't vent about it if I desire.
Contrary to your belief, It is my business if I say or think it
is. Don't you realize that, as a citizen, you have no say in
*anything* anymore? Not even at election time. (Look at Florida)
When you wear out the blinders you're currently wearing, gimme a
call. I got another pair I can sell you.