this should enliven the debate

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 00:27:33 +0000, Guy Macon wrote:

John Larkin <> says...

The only thing men are good for is designing electronics with.

I find that resistors, transistors, ICs, etc. are better for
designing electronics with.

Personally, I'd rather design electronics with a string quartet
and a huge splif. %-}

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 19:36:37 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 00:38:09 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

Hey! John Larkin and John Fields! Since I've got you both here,
howcome it's so hard for me to tell which of the two of you it is
I'm sniping at in any particular instance? Do you guys hang out
in different threads? You're both conservative voters, having fun
while rome burns, right?

I am *not* a conservative voter. I'm not a voter at all. I'm opposed
to most forms of collective action.

This is tearing me up, not knowing if an insult I've intended for
Larkin should accidentaly land on Fields, and vice versa. I've done
so much dumping on both of you that I've lost track.

Don't worry about it; none of them hit very hard.

Ah. Illusion of impact.

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 19:06:59 -0700, "Paul Hovnanian P.E."
<> wrote:

John Larkin wrote:

If the republicans are so content with their sex lives, why do they
worry so much about everyone elses?
They want everybody to be as happy.

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 19:01:09 -0700, Paul Hovnanian P.E. wrote:

Rich Grise wrote:

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 13:53:02 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 19:45:07 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 10:21:25 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 14:59:59 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

Right- another closet queen like Larkin...except Clarence hates gays
because they arouse him, whereas Larkin fantasizes.

Frankly, I've never liked men very much. All my friends are women;
they're much better company, and generally smell better. The only
thing men are good for is designing electronics with.

Good thing I only seem to make daughters.

Actually, it was your wife who made them. You just provided 49.9%
of the plan. ;-) The Female is the only one who can actually create.

But the male selects the gender.

Heh, heh, heh. The male provides sperms of both varieties, yes, but
who exactly is it who chooses which particular sperm penetrates her?

Or does it come back to "might makes right" again?

Yep. Its the best swimmer.
Maybe, but have you ever seen that video of an actual egg, surrounded
by actual sperms, all barking at the door, and the egg releases a sort
of wall-thing, that only one sperm gets through.

The egg is the one that decides. Just like cells accepting/rejecting
a certain protein/virus.

IOW, men are viruses. ;-) And the egg only accepts evil sperms if she
has poor self-esteem. )-;

Conversation between two sperm:

"Boy, its a long way to that egg. Are we getting close yet?"

"I don't know. We only just passed the tonsils."
"Turn back! Turn back! It's a blow job!"

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 00:32:37 +0000, Guy Macon wrote:
Rich Grise <> says...
maybe a design patent, I haven't bothered to look. But like anything
else, screw the patent, just put a million of them in the stores
and make your hit, then let the chips fall where they may.

BTW, I am aware or Rich's idea and it is sound. I would put the
market share at at least 10% of the microwave oven market, the
design has zero technical difficulties, and the manufacturing
costs are the same. It's one of those "why didn't I think of that"
ideas that nobody seems to have thought of...
Thank you, Guy. :)

And just for the sake of lip service to metaphysics, I promise to devote
every penny of profit to Peace.

Paul Burke wrote:
CFoley1064 wrote:

Actually, I think any phone survey of this type is bunk. Kinsey went
several lengthy interviews to get significant information he felt was
trustworthy. In fact, I would hazard a guess it's equally likely this
indicates persons of one party are more likely to fib about their
lives than another party's.

British surveys have shown that teenage boys have frequent sex with many
partners, while teenage girls seldom or never indulge, so there must be
a few very busy young ladies out there. Also boys drink 15 pints a night
and never get hangovers.

Paul Burke
Which of course begs the question: what sort of bullshit detector do
these survey purveyors run past their data. We had a survey published in
NZ papers last year about hard drug use in our schools - they asked
kids. Apparently a large number of NZ kids take heroin, coke & speed in
high school, and even primary school - I forget the numbers but it was
like 20% or so. Fucking bullshit - heroin is virtually non-existent in
NZ (despite the fact Aussie has a large heroin problem) and coke is
REALLY expensive here - how many 12 year-olds can afford $200/gram?
clearly the kids were just spouting crap, which was swallowed wholesale
by the morons running the "survey," probably because they got the
answers they were hoping for - a variant on experimenter expectancy.

clearly the answer is none.

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 20:51:06 +0000, CFoley1064 wrote:

Subject: Re: this should enliven the debate
From: Rich Grise
Date: 10/18/2004 12:38 PM Central Daylight Time
Message-id: <

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 08:13:10 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

"New 'Primetime Live' Sex Survey Reveals That More Republicans (56%)
Are Very Satisfied With Their Sex Lives Than Democrats (47%)"

However, the survey included an interview of Bill O'Reilly. His falafel
"skewed" the results "very lightly".

Actually, I think any phone survey of this type is bunk. Kinsey went through
several lengthy interviews to get significant information he felt was
trustworthy. In fact, I would hazard a guess it's equally likely this survey
indicates persons of one party are more likely to fib about their personal
lives than another party's.
Or, it's easier to be satisfied when your expectations are once a month if
you're lucky, versus thinking you should have it seventeen times a day.

"Paul Burke" <> wrote in message
CFoley1064 wrote:

Actually, I think any phone survey of this type is bunk. Kinsey went
several lengthy interviews to get significant information he felt was
trustworthy. In fact, I would hazard a guess it's equally likely this
indicates persons of one party are more likely to fib about their personal
lives than another party's.

British surveys have shown that teenage boys have frequent sex with many
partners, while teenage girls seldom or never indulge, so there must be
a few very busy young ladies out there. Also boys drink 15 pints a night
and never get hangovers.

Paul Burke
The surveyors forgot the first and most important rule. "Everyone Lies about

I also read that in a phone survey 22% of 1,000 mothers said they had never had
sex. Immaculate conception is contagious?
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 00:01:49 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 17:39:00 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:


BAD CROP. I didn't write that!
I stay 'far away' from British teenage girls!
At their insistance, no doubt.

The girls are in Britain, I am not!
And I'm sure they're very happy with that arrangement.

I see you are having a bad day, we understand.. Why not take a nap?
Any time I get a chance to burst the bubbles of the likes of you is a
_good_ day for me! And, what do you mean "we"? The other denizens at
the bottom of the food chain looking for turds to fall from the sky so
you can all end your fast?

John Fields
"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 00:04:34 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

Aren't you sweet, are you also gay?

Sorry John, I'm NOT!

Don't worry about it; I wouldn't "John Fields" you if your life depended on
So you ARE gay, you just don't like me.

That's good. Now take your nap.
On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 04:20:54 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 00:27:33 +0000, Guy Macon wrote:

John Larkin <> says...

The only thing men are good for is designing electronics with.

I find that resistors, transistors, ICs, etc. are better for
designing electronics with.


Personally, I'd rather design electronics with a string quartet
and a huge splif. %-}
Looks like you've smoked a few large numbers before making your latest
series of postings, Rich. ;-)

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 20:17:24 -0400, Spehro Pefhany
<speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 18:32:12 -0500, the renowned John Fields> wrote:

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 17:39:00 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

I stay 'far away' from British teenage girls!

At their insistance, no doubt.

Ah, but those ruddy-cheeked lads are another story, eh?
<G> Could be... He's already arbitrarily pulled the gay card from the
deck and played it twice. Methinks the gentleman may protest too

John Fields
"Rich Grise" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 14:59:59 +0000, Fred Bloggs wrote:
John Fields wrote:
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 20:17:24 -0400, Spehro Pefhany
speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 18:32:12 -0500, John Fields> wrote:
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 17:39:00 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:
I stay 'far away' from British teenage girls!
At their insistance, no doubt.

Ah, but those ruddy-cheeked lads are another story, eh?
G> Could be... He's already arbitrarily pulled the gay card from the
deck and played it twice. Methinks the gentleman may protest too
Right- another closet queen like Larkin...except Clarence hates gays
because they arouse him, whereas Larkin fantasizes.

You're talking as if:
1. anybody's sex life is any of your business, and
2. that it would make any difference anyway.

It's interesting that John Fields was the one to bring up perverted sex and
then claims it was someone else who said it.

Careful cropping to change the meaning is an act of desperation I should have
expected from a "John Fields".

That sounds cool.
Even better than "Taking a Democrat."
I think I use it!
Now is that A 1 or A 2?

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