Arfa Daily
"Roy L" <Roy.L@work.com> wrote in message
related, are often very interesting and sometimes enlightening. I don't
think that there is a problem with them taking place, as long as a group is
not taken over by them, by way of people starting threads that are way off
topic in the first place. I know that some people on some groups have a real
problem with it, but as long as I have been associated with this group -
which is some years now - it has always taken place, and as long as it stays
in one thread at a time, I don't see it as a problem. I think it is just the
equivalent of a bunch of like-minded engineers having a natter over a pint
at the pub, and shows that we are not just nerdy electronic engineering
computer freaks, but have other interests as well.
No probs. I think that these discussions, however loosely electronics"William Sommerwerck" <grizzledgeezer@comcast.net> wrote in message
Average Joe public does not understand how easy it is to
construct an apparently random ball selector using OCR
or embedded RFID.
In the US, the ball selectors are wholly mechanical -- you can see their
operation through the clear walls. There is no place to hide sensors or
electro-mechanical devices.
Here in the UK they are like an old oversize jukebox, the balls are
visible in the top part. We dont know what is in the bottom part. At
intervals a gate allows a ball to pop through into a chute. For all we
know, this gate only opens when the "right" ball is in the correct
position. I am pretty sure that I read somewhere that the balls are
"serviced" by an electronics company. Very strange if true. Perhaps I
should have taken this to another thread or even group, sorry about the
apparent hijack Arfa. Blame Ron, HE started it!
related, are often very interesting and sometimes enlightening. I don't
think that there is a problem with them taking place, as long as a group is
not taken over by them, by way of people starting threads that are way off
topic in the first place. I know that some people on some groups have a real
problem with it, but as long as I have been associated with this group -
which is some years now - it has always taken place, and as long as it stays
in one thread at a time, I don't see it as a problem. I think it is just the
equivalent of a bunch of like-minded engineers having a natter over a pint
at the pub, and shows that we are not just nerdy electronic engineering
computer freaks, but have other interests as well.