Gareth Magennis
"jakdedert" <jakdedert@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
Closest to that is "Pikey". i.e. "Gypsies", travellers, people with no
fixed abode, or those who live in caravans. Which includes those working
travelling fairs I guess. It also has a somewhat seedy connotation, based
on the belief that such people must, of course, be criminals.
Ron wrote:
jakdedert wrote:
Ron wrote:
Arfa Daily wrote:
The blower and ball system is a lot more random than the current
computer system, which generates very definite patterns, no matter
what the bingo clubs would have you believe to the contrary.
Actually Arfa, it`s very easy for an experienced bingo caller to
manipulate games using the old blower machine. He can make games last
longer in slack periods or get them over quick when it`s busy, and in
bingo halls or stalls with fixed cards, a good operator can direct the
wins to various areas of the house - possibly even to individual
players. It was even easier to manipulate a game in the earlier days of
the game, where wooden balls were rolled down a chute directed by the
Listening to you teabags (I use the term affectionately) discuss this,
it's obvious that Bingo--however it's played there--is a lot more
mainstream than here. Here, it's played mostly by little old ladies at
church socials. That said, many casinos have Bingo rooms, but I've
never bothered to peek in. Possibly it's a different demographic, but
somehow I doubt it.
Oh well I come from a fairground family, I spent my childhood and teens
working on a fair. My grounding in electrickery was maintaining slot
machines, later manufacturing them on a small scale. As a yoof, I spent
many hours 'geeing'[1] on the various stalls, including several bingos.
[1] playing for nothing, pretending to be a punter to encourage others to
play. " Another Winner!"
Do they have the term 'carnie' over there? I think that's the closest
term to describe it. Unfortunately it has a somewhat seedy
connotation...no offense.
Closest to that is "Pikey". i.e. "Gypsies", travellers, people with no
fixed abode, or those who live in caravans. Which includes those working
travelling fairs I guess. It also has a somewhat seedy connotation, based
on the belief that such people must, of course, be criminals.