Sylvia Else
Why do designers think that appliances with timer functions need to go
B*E*E*E*E*P when the time expires?
Having previously amputated the beeper from a pedestal fan that I\'d
inadvertently put into timer mode, and which woke me in the early hours
of the morning, I\'ve found a humidifier that does the same thing. I
hadn\'t intended to put that into timer mode [*] either.
I\'ve performed a beepectomy[**] on it now, so that won\'t happen again.
And why do these things have to be so loud? The fan used to beep every
time a setting was changed, and was loud enough that I was hesitant to
make changes for fear of waking people sleeping in other rooms who might
reasonably have thought it was a smoke alarm.
[*] The ease of putting things into unintended modes, and the difficulty
of knowing which mode an appliance is in without reference to a manual,
is another issue.
[**] Spell checker says that isn\'t a word. Well, it should be.
B*E*E*E*E*P when the time expires?
Having previously amputated the beeper from a pedestal fan that I\'d
inadvertently put into timer mode, and which woke me in the early hours
of the morning, I\'ve found a humidifier that does the same thing. I
hadn\'t intended to put that into timer mode [*] either.
I\'ve performed a beepectomy[**] on it now, so that won\'t happen again.
And why do these things have to be so loud? The fan used to beep every
time a setting was changed, and was loud enough that I was hesitant to
make changes for fear of waking people sleeping in other rooms who might
reasonably have thought it was a smoke alarm.
[*] The ease of putting things into unintended modes, and the difficulty
of knowing which mode an appliance is in without reference to a manual,
is another issue.
[**] Spell checker says that isn\'t a word. Well, it should be.