On 11/11/2019 4:28 PM, Phil Allison wrote:
Myth: a widely held but false belief or idea.
Their seems to be evidence that the cartel did exist, with even more
recently found documents in just the past 5 years.
Did you get ahead of yourself on this?
The OP was meant to be sent to a friend I breakfast with. I had
mentioned a story I heard on NPR about the Pheobus Cartel. I wanted to
add some more info, so I sent him the wiki, I didn't read it, I expected
it to just confirm what I had said. I still haven't read it.
> https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-history/dawn-of-electronics/the-great-lightbulb-conspiracy
amdx wrote:
It was named the Phoebus Cartel.
1. Greek Mythology Apollo, the god of the sun.
2. The sun.
"it engaged in large-scale planned obsolescence to generate repeated
sales and maximize profit."
** That Wiki is reporting a MYTH - not a scam.
Read the "Talk" FFS you sad wanker.
.... Phil
Myth: a widely held but false belief or idea.
Their seems to be evidence that the cartel did exist, with even more
recently found documents in just the past 5 years.
Did you get ahead of yourself on this?
The OP was meant to be sent to a friend I breakfast with. I had
mentioned a story I heard on NPR about the Pheobus Cartel. I wanted to
add some more info, so I sent him the wiki, I didn't read it, I expected
it to just confirm what I had said. I still haven't read it.
> https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-history/dawn-of-electronics/the-great-lightbulb-conspiracy