California has been shutting down those nasty fossil fueled and nuclear power plants in favor of \"green energy,\" namely wind and solar. Unfortunately, solar power predictably falls off after 3 pm and wind is unpredictable. California has made up for this shortfall by buying power from out of state. But when the heat blankets the entire southwest this power becomes unavailable because local needs trumps California\'s. Also, California is pretty particular about the power it buys - it, too, must be green. This is not my ramblings - it is spelled out by the California Energy Commission (https://www.energy.ca.gov/sites/default/files/2021-09/CEC-200-2021-009.pdf)
\"Additionally, on June 30, 2021, the CPUC issued midterm reliability decision D.21-06-035 ordering the procurement of 11,500 MW NQC from resources that are zero-emission or Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) eligible to come online from 2023 to 2026.6 While the proposed decision included authorization to procure up to 1,500 MW NQC of incremental thermal capacity, the final decision removed consideration of fossil-fueled capacity, but noted that additional procurement of fossil-fueled capacity would be valuated based on additional analysis from the CPUC and CEC, including the analysis in this report, for the decision adopting the CPUCâs preferred system plan by the end of 2021.\"
Well, the whole system is crashing down around their ears: California DOES NOT have enough power and is ordering citizens to cut back and to expect rolling blackouts regardless:
Already tens of thousands of customers are w/o power.
And this is just are harbinger of worse times to come; as the autocrats force citizens to dump their dirty fossil fuel powered cars and buy \"clean\" electric cars the burden on an already overburdened grid is going to do the ONLY thing it can do: GET WORSE.
Don\'t think that this is a problem just isolated to California - the libtards want the SAME dystopian future for ALL OF US!
I expect the resident libtards here, like Bozo Bill and Decayed Brain Matter, to scream and howl, but the facts are simply UNDENIABLE.
\"Additionally, on June 30, 2021, the CPUC issued midterm reliability decision D.21-06-035 ordering the procurement of 11,500 MW NQC from resources that are zero-emission or Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) eligible to come online from 2023 to 2026.6 While the proposed decision included authorization to procure up to 1,500 MW NQC of incremental thermal capacity, the final decision removed consideration of fossil-fueled capacity, but noted that additional procurement of fossil-fueled capacity would be valuated based on additional analysis from the CPUC and CEC, including the analysis in this report, for the decision adopting the CPUCâs preferred system plan by the end of 2021.\"
Well, the whole system is crashing down around their ears: California DOES NOT have enough power and is ordering citizens to cut back and to expect rolling blackouts regardless:
Already tens of thousands of customers are w/o power.
And this is just are harbinger of worse times to come; as the autocrats force citizens to dump their dirty fossil fuel powered cars and buy \"clean\" electric cars the burden on an already overburdened grid is going to do the ONLY thing it can do: GET WORSE.
Don\'t think that this is a problem just isolated to California - the libtards want the SAME dystopian future for ALL OF US!
I expect the resident libtards here, like Bozo Bill and Decayed Brain Matter, to scream and howl, but the facts are simply UNDENIABLE.