Anthony William Sloman
On Sunday, September 18, 2022 at 4:12:41 PM UTC+10, Flyguy wrote:
They do tend to get honorary degrees from numerous institutions after they win the Nobel prize. This isn\'t what we are talking about here.
The reference isn\'t mine. But it is all spelled out in the link that whit3rd provided, so I didn\'t have to bother finding my own.
All I\'ve got to deal with is the idea that Gnatguy thinks that anybody else takes his personal delusions seriously.
He\'s so obviously far gone into senile dementia that it doesn\'t take much dealing with.
Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Friday, September 16, 2022 at 9:07:50 PM UTC-7, bill....@ieee.org wrote:
On Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 1:16:06 PM UTC+10, Flyguy wrote:
On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 9:02:04 PM UTC-7, bill....@ieee.org wrote:
On Friday, September 16, 2022 at 1:32:36 PM UTC+10, Flyguy wrote:
On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 8:10:37 PM UTC-7, bill....@ieee.org wrote:
On Friday, September 16, 2022 at 12:39:11 PM UTC+10, Flyguy wrote:
On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 8:33:36 AM UTC-7, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
GnatTurd <maggot...@yahoo.com> wrote in news:eade8f6f-216f-475c...@googlegroups.com:
That\'s where fucking idiots like you would look - mine are from accredited universities.
So you got booted out of one and had to complete your degree at a less demanding institution? If you\'ve only got one EE degree, and went to several universities that would be what happened. A very bright student might have got to move to a better university by doing very well in the first years of his course, but that wouldn\'t have been you - they tend to move on into post-graduate studies.
So you don\'t HAVE any facts, so you have to MAKE THEM UP out of WHOLE CLOTH, just like Joe Biden.
Nothing you post can be treated as a fact, but what you do post can be explored for its implications.
I got all my degrees from one university but you got your single degree from \"accredited universities\" which is odd.
WTF is \"odd\" about that? Nobel Laureates have received degrees from MULTIPLE UNIVERSITIES.
They do tend to get honorary degrees from numerous institutions after they win the Nobel prize. This isn\'t what we are talking about here.
Do you want to bet $10,000 USD that I DON\'T have the degrees I claim to have? DO YOU??
Why would I bother? Can you name the \"accredited universities\" which granted you the degree?
HA HA HA HA!!! I KNEW you wouldn\'t bet on something that PUT YOU ON THE LINE for your LIES.
I never suggested that you didn\'t have a degree. The lie here is all yours. What it looks like is a desperate attempt on your part to avoid naming the barely \"accredited universities\" that granted you you single degree.
American has 2000 tertiary institutions, and in some of them the average student !Q is less than 100.
They are called Historically Black Colleges.
Actually most of them seems to be Agricultural Universities.
You obviously haven\'t looked at the curriculum of these universities.
Obviously not. Why would I ever bother?
You just can\'t \"upgrade\" existing lines.
You wouldn\'t know. In fact, your grasp of the electrical grid, much less the transmission hardware they use, rest firmly at nil.
You DON\'T know it because you AREN\'T an engineer. But it is FACT.
In reality it is a false and unsubstantiated claim, but Gnatguy is too pig-ignorant to realise this.
You have NO FUCKING IDEA what is \"reality\" - that statement PROVES IT!!!!
From whit3rd further up this thread
\"An example is the Pacific DC intertie, which was inaugurated at 1440 MW limit, and is now
capable of transmitting 3100 MW.
Some of the details here:
Hey Bozo, it was DESIGNED for that power level from the GET-GO!
It certainly wasn\'t. Initially it relied on mercury arc valve rectifiers which limited the operating voltage. The designers seem to have anticipated the eventual availability of higher voltage thyristor-based rectifiers, so the line was built to tolerate higher voltage transmission when it did become practical. You\'ve no idea how much similar potential excess capacity is built into the existing transmission system, so you bleat about building completely independent new links to provide all of the 60% extra transmission capacity that the US is going to need.
The HELL it wasn\'t - again, you provide ZERO references to back up your BULLSHIT!
The reference isn\'t mine. But it is all spelled out in the link that whit3rd provided, so I didn\'t have to bother finding my own.
\"The line capacity is 3,100 megawatts\"
They didn\'t need that capacity when it was first put on line. Try reading this shit before commenting on it.
It\'s not my comment - I was just reminding you that had ignored whit3rd\'s well-informed criticism.
The Fermilab energy saver/energy doubler is a more familiar example for us physicists. \"
If you can tell us EXACTLY what that means.
I\'m not a physicist. Whit3rd does seem to be one.
What \"us\" do you think YOU are? You are a pathetic group invading
piece of shit. You make exactly ZERO contributions on the group
topic. You are the scum of the Earth. And you speak for no one but
yourself, and you can\'t even get that right.
\"Us\" is EVERYBODY reading your stinking bullshit, retard.
Clearly not true.
Clearly TRUE, Bill.
So I\'m not a member of the group \"us\" though I do read his stinking bullshit. Gnatguy gets to define that to his own satisfaction. like every other \"fact\" he relies on.
Bill, you are the LAUGHING STOCK of SED. You make the most BIZARRE comments.
Gnatguy does have his favourite delusions. That may be one of his more bizarre comments, but he makes a lot of others which are equally strange.
All I\'ve got to deal with is the idea that Gnatguy thinks that anybody else takes his personal delusions seriously.
He\'s so obviously far gone into senile dementia that it doesn\'t take much dealing with.
Bill Sloman, Sydney