Jasen Betts
On 2011-09-14, Rich Grise <richg@example.net.invalid> wrote:
AIUI he deosn't want the computer to power on every time someone calls.
else he could just use a $5 second-hand modem.
But with the relay he's got and a voltage source he copuld provide a
ring-like signal (+3 to 15V) on pin 9 of a serial port and select wake on
ring in the bios setup. You don't even need to open the case.
ââ 100% natural
--- Posted via news://freenews.netfront.net/ - Complaints to news@netfront.net ---
Now there's an idea.Where are these kids coming from? There's been wake-on-ring for freaking
AIUI he deosn't want the computer to power on every time someone calls.
else he could just use a $5 second-hand modem.
But with the relay he's got and a voltage source he copuld provide a
ring-like signal (+3 to 15V) on pin 9 of a serial port and select wake on
ring in the bios setup. You don't even need to open the case.
ââ 100% natural
--- Posted via news://freenews.netfront.net/ - Complaints to news@netfront.net ---