John Larkin
On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 20:54:13 +0200, David Brown
<david.brown@hesbynett.no> wrote:
Lord, but you are being stupid and tedious. Do you always "think" in
childish made-up stories? Do you actually believe the drivel that you
write? You make up stories that you would like to be real, but they
Do you ever actually design electronics yourself? That would be
hilarious to see.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
picosecond timing precision measurement
jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com
<david.brown@hesbynett.no> wrote:
On 07/04/2020 15:43, jlarkin@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 11:25:05 +0100, Tom Gardner
spamjunk@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
On 07/04/20 10:18, David Brown wrote:
The job of a country's leader in a situation like this is to ask the medical
experts what they need, and give it to them.
That is true in many other cases too, e.g. managers should
give competent employees whatever is necessary for the
employees to succeed. Then get out of the way and let them
Or fail. Multiple, almost random, experiments are sometimes
appropriate and have had huge payoffs. That has happened (so many
times!) in medicine.
Managers should also stop runaway trains.
Let's put this all in terms of electronics, which you might understand.
Imagine Trump is the boss of the electronics development department, and
you are working with a difficult analogue card. It has been challenging
getting it to work reliably, partly because the customer is using it in
a wide variety of circumstances and haven't told you the details of the
use-cases, and don't give you much feedback. But you make a lot of
money from each success, so you are trying to find different
combinations of resistor values that have a better chance of success on
more customer sites.
Your manager walks in.
Trump: "I've heard of a guy in a different company who had success with
blue resistors."
You: "The colour doesn't matter - it's the value that is important."
Trump: "No, blue resistors are great. Great. I don't really know,
maybe they are maybe they're not. But if looks good. Looks great. I
like them."
You: "I can't see how blue resistors would help. I'm not even sure if
we have any resistors that happen to be blue."
Trump: "Well, get the blue resistors. I'm authorising full use of blue
resistors now. I want blue resistors on all the cards, delivery to
customers by tomorrow morning. This will be great. We have it all
under control. I'm not sure - you know, I'm no electronics engineer.
But I've a gut feeling about these things. Call it intuition. But we
have the best engineers working on this - these are really great guys.
And we'll put blue resistors everywhere. It'll be great."
Fortunately, it seems that at least some of your medical establishment
is managing to ignore Trump. And hopefully he won't find out and fire them.
Lord, but you are being stupid and tedious. Do you always "think" in
childish made-up stories? Do you actually believe the drivel that you
write? You make up stories that you would like to be real, but they
Do you ever actually design electronics yourself? That would be
hilarious to see.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
picosecond timing precision measurement
jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com