RF Circuit Design - Chris Bowick...

On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:47:58 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 11:56:03 PM UTC+11, Brent Locher wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 8:25:25 PM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 1:12:50 AM UTC+11, Brent Locher wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 12:00:41 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 2:27:54 PM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blocked...@foo.invalid> wrote:
I fully agree. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/
Cursitor Doom vegetates in front of the Daily Mail, Russian Today and Zero Hedge.

He\'s not showing any interest in how the world actually works, but rather soaks up a bizarre and over-simplified explanation of how it can be seen to work - if you ignore enough of what is actually going on.

It\'s roughly equivalent to pigging out on true romance novels or TV soap operas. You get to process a bunch of information that makes you feel good, but doesn\'t have much to do with reality.

I still remember when you quit this group because people were not engaged in electronics but rather in flame wars.
You didn\'t get the my motives quite right. I don\'t mind the flame wars, but the level of electronic discussion wasn\'t up to much.
And here you have CD actually talking about electronics and subjects related to them and rather than appreciating that someone you disagree with politically might be a multi-dimensional person - you want (Need to) drag him back into the political flame wars.

Cursitor Doom has a vilely superficial approach to electronics, as he does to everything else he posts about. His \" I just cannot understand the mentality of those who show no interest in the world and how it works,\" showed a complete absence of any self-comprehension on his part and - as such - it was comical enough to high-light. You may lack a sense of humour.

His \"vile\" approach to electronics is no different than a handicap-30\'s approach to golf.
Golf is a past-time and a form of entertainment. Electronics can be a serious business - the bits that I worked in certainly were - and getting the details right can make the world a better place (which is not something you can say about golf).
If you are not getting paid to do something and it is a hobby then all that matters is their interest in the subject. He has stated that he does this for enjoyment and that he has never been that good at it. I do not remember him ever pontificating to anyone about how to do ***electronics*** so he is not even leading anyone astray. The guy is 80 years old and still giving some level of thought to this.
Not enough.
When looking at his postings about **electronics** in this group he is a fine contributor.
Not one that I value.

The political postings are all BS no matter who posts them.

Not necessarily. The crowd who think that socialism is just another name for communism are a trifle depressing, but the US media have been peddling that line since 1917, so an appreciable proportion of the US population is heavily brainwashed, to their disadvantage.

Clearly (although not usually articulated) all societies require some degree of socialism.... the military, road construction, post office etc. So, yes , to a degree every functioning society has a significant element of \"socialism\" . At the extreme end of socialism is communism and all the bad things....all the coercion all the mind control and all of the problems of a strong government extending punishments to the bad people or excluding bad people from normal society. under strong socialism it becomes harder and harder to be a \"bad\" person and make a living because you cannot just hang a shingle and work. In strong socialistic governments eventually \"good \" citizens get labeled as \"bad\" people and the punishments that can be handed out are real because the socialistic government takes away opportunity for people to just work and make a living.

If you cannot see how our western societies are punishing people for their thoughts about various things, in ways that are not historically consistent with western ideals, then you are blind.....period. And the more socialistic you go the more coercive the government will become.

For whatever reason, this group requires a mix of electronics and politics to remain alive. I am happy it is alive because I cannot stand moderated public speech venues. And weirdly, even though this group is filled with off topic posts and filled with trolls, at the end of the day , even the worst posters, have a valid interest in electronics.

> The group stands or falls on the quality of the posts. Rubbish politics and self-deceiving electronics both damage it.

For an un-moderated group such as this all that matters is survival. This is a rare breed where it survives and continues to have a large group of posters. Of course I can infer that your politics are **not** rubbish and that your political postings actually brings value to this electronics group , where-as, everyone else\'s postings on politics is just dragging the group through the mud. Bill, you are not as logical and reasonable as you think you are....Or rather your postings aren\'t.

Yes, I would rather listen to your mostly garbage postings than to have anyone change one word of anything you say before it gets presented. And yes, in spite of your posting coming off mostly as mental masturbation, I do occasionally find value in something you say.

> I\'m less appreciative of your contributions. I\'m glad that you do find value in some of the stuff I post. I\'m not altogether surprised that some of it goes over your head, or that you comfort yourself with the idea that it wouldn\'t have been helpful even if you were able to follow it.

Again, Bill, your lack of reason and lack of self awareness shine through...... Of course you are appreciative of my contributions, and CD\'s contributions and every other person\'s contributions with who you disagree. Without these \"contributions\" to the group, you would not have a springboard to launch off into a post that (in your mind) showcases your intellectual prowess and your ---cough -- cough--- thoroughly reasonable mind.

I do write this with some trepidation because after all, you are a man of science reason and objectivity......just saying.

Flattery doesn\'t work on me. I like it as much as anybody else, but it always prompts the reaction \"what are they after\". In this case you were probably fishing for a complacent response - I do strive to be reasonable and objective, but I\'m well aware how often I fail to get there.

And I see no point in being reasonable or objective about Cursitor Doom - he\'s just a creep.

I try not to judge people based on their internet postings. I suspect I would enjoy interacting with most of the posters here on a personal level even if I disagree with their politics.

As an aside I have watched many Linus Torvalds interviews....he took two years off to get \"counseling\" because too many people on the Linux team( the lesser contributors) said he was a creep. 5 or so years ago he stated that getting your point across on the internet required him to essentially be a creep and he did not apologize for it.....But now he finally agreed that he needed counseling and stepped down for the moment. Of course, even Linus Torvalds had to submit to the dictators on the left because he knows that (even though his mind and work was the essential foundation for all of Linux) he will be tossed aside (he is too inter tangled with business now) if he does not say \"Im sorry\". The quality of his product is now trumped by political correctness.....

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On 11/28/2020 6:55 AM, Brent Locher wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 8:25:25 PM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 1:12:50 AM UTC+11, Brent Locher wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 12:00:41 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 2:27:54 PM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blocked...@foo.invalid> wrote:
I fully agree. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/
Cursitor Doom vegetates in front of the Daily Mail, Russian Today and Zero Hedge.

He\'s not showing any interest in how the world actually works, but rather soaks up a bizarre and over-simplified explanation of how it can be seen to work - if you ignore enough of what is actually going on.

It\'s roughly equivalent to pigging out on true romance novels or TV soap operas. You get to process a bunch of information that makes you feel good, but doesn\'t have much to do with reality.

I still remember when you quit this group because people were not engaged in electronics but rather in flame wars.
You didn\'t get the my motives quite right. I don\'t mind the flame wars, but the level of electronic discussion wasn\'t up to much.
And here you have CD actually talking about electronics and subjects related to them and rather than appreciating that someone you disagree with politically might be a multi-dimensional person - you want (Need to) drag him back into the political flame wars.

Cursitor Doom has a vilely superficial approach to electronics, as he does to everything else he posts about. His \" I just cannot understand the mentality of those who show no interest in the world and how it works,\" showed a complete absence of any self-comprehension on his part and - as such - it was comical enough to high-light. You may lack a sense of humour.

His \"vile\" approach to electronics is no different than a handicap-30\'s approach to golf. If you are not getting paid to do something and it is a hobby then all that matters is their interest in the subject. He has stated that he does this for enjoyment and that he has never been that good at it. I do not remember him ever pontificating to anyone about how to do ***electronics*** so he is not even leading anyone astray. The guy is 80 years old and still giving some level of thought to this.

When looking at his postings about **electronics** in this group he is a fine contributor.

The political postings are all BS no matter who posts them, For whatever reason, this group requires a mix of electronics and politics to remain alive. I am happy it is alive because I cannot stand moderated public speech venues. And weirdly, even though this group is filled with off topic posts and filled with trolls, at the end of the day , even the worst posters, have a valid interest in electronics.

Yes, I would rather listen to your mostly garbage postings than to have anyone change one word of anything you say before it gets presented. And yes, in spite of your posting coming off mostly as mental masturbation, I do occasionally find value in something you say.

I do write this with some trepidation because after all, you are a man of science reason and objectivity......just saying.
Flattery doesn\'t work on me. I like it as much as anybody else, but it always prompts the reaction \"what are they after\". In this case you were probably fishing for a complacent response - I do strive to be reasonable and objective, but I\'m well aware how often I fail to get there.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

+1 Well put.
On 11/28/2020 7:47 AM, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 11:56:03 PM UTC+11, Brent Locher wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 8:25:25 PM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 1:12:50 AM UTC+11, Brent Locher wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 12:00:41 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 2:27:54 PM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blocked...@foo.invalid> wrote:
I fully agree. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/
Cursitor Doom vegetates in front of the Daily Mail, Russian Today and Zero Hedge.

He\'s not showing any interest in how the world actually works, but rather soaks up a bizarre and over-simplified explanation of how it can be seen to work - if you ignore enough of what is actually going on.

It\'s roughly equivalent to pigging out on true romance novels or TV soap operas. You get to process a bunch of information that makes you feel good, but doesn\'t have much to do with reality.

I still remember when you quit this group because people were not engaged in electronics but rather in flame wars.
You didn\'t get the my motives quite right. I don\'t mind the flame wars, but the level of electronic discussion wasn\'t up to much.
And here you have CD actually talking about electronics and subjects related to them and rather than appreciating that someone you disagree with politically might be a multi-dimensional person - you want (Need to) drag him back into the political flame wars.

Cursitor Doom has a vilely superficial approach to electronics, as he does to everything else he posts about. His \" I just cannot understand the mentality of those who show no interest in the world and how it works,\" showed a complete absence of any self-comprehension on his part and - as such - it was comical enough to high-light. You may lack a sense of humour.

His \"vile\" approach to electronics is no different than a handicap-30\'s approach to golf.

Golf is a past-time and a form of entertainment. Electronics can be a serious business - the bits that I worked in certainly were - and getting the details right can make the world a better place (which is not something you can say about golf).

If you are not getting paid to do something and it is a hobby then all that matters is their interest in the subject. He has stated that he does this for enjoyment and that he has never been that good at it. I do not remember him ever pontificating to anyone about how to do ***electronics*** so he is not even leading anyone astray. The guy is 80 years old and still giving some level of thought to this.

Not enough.

When looking at his postings about **electronics** in this group he is a fine contributor.

Not one that I value.

The political postings are all BS no matter who posts them.

Not necessarily. The crowd who think that socialism is just another name for communism are a trifle depressing, but the US media have been peddling that line since 1917, so an appreciable proportion of the US population is heavily brainwashed, to their disadvantage.

For whatever reason, this group requires a mix of electronics and politics to remain alive. I am happy it is alive because I cannot stand moderated public speech venues. And weirdly, even though this group is filled with off topic posts and filled with trolls, at the end of the day , even the worst posters, have a valid interest in electronics.

The group stands or falls on the quality of the posts. Rubbish politics and self-deceiving electronics both damage it.

Yes, I would rather listen to your mostly garbage postings than to have anyone change one word of anything you say before it gets presented. And yes, in spite of your posting coming off mostly as mental masturbation, I do occasionally find value in something you say.

I\'m less appreciative of your contributions. I\'m glad that you do find value in some of the stuff I post. I\'m not altogether surprised that some of it goes over your head, or that you comfort yourself with the idea that it wouldn\'t have been helpful even if you were able to follow it.

I do write this with some trepidation because after all, you are a man of science reason and objectivity......just saying.

Flattery doesn\'t work on me. I like it as much as anybody else, but it always prompts the reaction \"what are they after\". In this case you were probably fishing for a complacent response - I do strive to be reasonable and objective, but I\'m well aware how often I fail to get there.

And I see no point in being reasonable or objective about Cursitor Doom - he\'s just a creep.

Bill, you are sick mentally. Leave this group and get help.
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 10:57:30 AM UTC-8, John S wrote:

> Bill, you are sick mentally. Leave this group and get help.

That\'s arrogant, and dismissive, but also ridiculous.
John S doesn\'t have the expertise, to make a real criticism, apparently;
he certainly lacks authority to eject from this newsgroup.

Critical thinking is not a sickness.
Sharing one\'s thoughts, is why we have elaborate communication skills and tools.
Arrogance, in a human social situation, perhaps is a sickness. It infects the
communication channel with verbal crap-flinging and infantile
On Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 1:27:19 AM UTC+11, Brent Locher wrote:
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:47:58 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 11:56:03 PM UTC+11, Brent Locher wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 8:25:25 PM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 1:12:50 AM UTC+11, Brent Locher wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 12:00:41 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 2:27:54 PM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blocked...@foo.invalid> wrote:
I fully agree. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/
Cursitor Doom vegetates in front of the Daily Mail, Russian Today and Zero Hedge.

He\'s not showing any interest in how the world actually works, but rather soaks up a bizarre and over-simplified explanation of how it can be seen to work - if you ignore enough of what is actually going on.

It\'s roughly equivalent to pigging out on true romance novels or TV soap operas. You get to process a bunch of information that makes you feel good, but doesn\'t have much to do with reality.

I still remember when you quit this group because people were not engaged in electronics but rather in flame wars.
You didn\'t get the my motives quite right. I don\'t mind the flame wars, but the level of electronic discussion wasn\'t up to much.
And here you have CD actually talking about electronics and subjects related to them and rather than appreciating that someone you disagree with politically might be a multi-dimensional person - you want (Need to) drag him back into the political flame wars.

Cursitor Doom has a vilely superficial approach to electronics, as he does to everything else he posts about. His \" I just cannot understand the mentality of those who show no interest in the world and how it works,\" showed a complete absence of any self-comprehension on his part and - as such - it was comical enough to high-light. You may lack a sense of humour.

His \"vile\" approach to electronics is no different than a handicap-30\'s approach to golf.
Golf is a past-time and a form of entertainment. Electronics can be a serious business - the bits that I worked in certainly were - and getting the details right can make the world a better place (which is not something you can say about golf).
If you are not getting paid to do something and it is a hobby then all that matters is their interest in the subject. He has stated that he does this for enjoyment and that he has never been that good at it. I do not remember him ever pontificating to anyone about how to do ***electronics*** so he is not even leading anyone astray. The guy is 80 years old and still giving some level of thought to this.
Not enough.
When looking at his postings about **electronics** in this group he is a fine contributor.
Not one that I value.

The political postings are all BS no matter who posts them.

Not necessarily. The crowd who think that socialism is just another name for communism are a trifle depressing, but the US media have been peddling that line since 1917, so an appreciable proportion of the US population is heavily brainwashed, to their disadvantage.

Clearly (although not usually articulated) all societies require some degree of socialism.... the military, road construction, post office etc. So, yes , to a degree every functioning society has a significant element of \"socialism\" . At the extreme end of socialism is communism and all the bad things....all the coercion all the mind control and all of the problems of a strong government extending punishments to the bad people or excluding bad people from normal society.

The problem with communism is that it is undemocratic, which is what got it thrown out of the international socialist movement in 1871. Marx believed in the leading role of the party, and everybody else believed that it was a recipe for tyranny.

Mikhail Bakunin \"If you took the most ardent revolutionary, vested him in absolute power, within a year he would be worse than the Tsar himself.”

It took roughly fifty years for the prophecy to come true. Democratic socialism works fine in northern Europe and quite a few other places, but the US media doesn\'t advertise the fact.

> Under strong socialism it becomes harder and harder to be a \"bad\" person and make a living because you cannot just hang a shingle and work. In strong socialistic governments eventually \"good \" citizens get labeled as \"bad\" people and the punishments that can be handed out are real because the socialistic government takes away opportunity for people to just work and make a living.

There is no such thing as \"strong socialism\". What you are talking about are oligarchies that call themselves \"socialist\", and proceed to run their countries for their own benefit, in much the same was as the rich in the US run the US for their own benefit. The operational definition of \"rich\" in the US is the top 1% of the income distribution - \"the rich get richer and the poor get poorer\" and that divided in the US for the past forty years has been between the top 1% of the income distribution and the 99% below them.

> If you cannot see how our western societies are punishing people for their thoughts about various things, in ways that are not historically consistent with western ideals, then you are blind.....period. And the more socialistic you go the more coercive the government will become.

Tell that to the Swedes, or the Germans. the blindness here is all yours

For whatever reason, this group requires a mix of electronics and politics to remain alive. I am happy it is alive because I cannot stand moderated public speech venues. And weirdly, even though this group is filled with off topic posts and filled with trolls, at the end of the day , even the worst posters, have a valid interest in electronics.

The group stands or falls on the quality of the posts. Rubbish politics and self-deceiving electronics both damage it.

For an un-moderated group such as this all that matters is survival. This is a rare breed where it survives and continues to have a large group of posters. Of course I can infer that your politics are **not** rubbish and that your political postings actually brings value to this electronics group , where-as, everyone else\'s postings on politics is just dragging the group through the mud. Bill, you are not as logical and reasonable as you think you are....Or rather your postings aren\'t.

Anybody who thinks that central control of the whole economy is \"socialist\" isn\'t in any position to talk anybody else what is logical or reasonable. You\'ve been suckered, and are too dumb to realise it.

Yes, I would rather listen to your mostly garbage postings than to have anyone change one word of anything you say before it gets presented. And yes, in spite of your posting coming off mostly as mental masturbation, I do occasionally find value in something you say.

I\'m less appreciative of your contributions. I\'m glad that you do find value in some of the stuff I post. I\'m not altogether surprised that some of it goes over your head, or that you comfort yourself with the idea that it wouldn\'t have been helpful even if you were able to follow it.

Again, Bill, your lack of reason and lack of self awareness shine through...... Of course you are appreciative of my contributions, and CD\'s contributions and every other person\'s contributions with who you disagree. Without these \"contributions\" to the group, you would not have a springboard to launch off into a post that (in your mind) showcases your intellectual prowess and your ---cough -- cough--- thoroughly reasonable mind.

That\'s not quite the way I see it. When people post nonsense - and Cursitor Doom posts nothing else - I post a rude assertion that it is nonsense. I prefer that the original nonsense hadn\'t been posted, but letting the assertion pass unanswered is to agree with it. Your idiocy about socialism above is a very familiar one, and if you search on the Bakunin quote you will find lots of posts of mine that include it.

I do write this with some trepidation because after all, you are a man of science reason and objectivity......just saying.

Flattery doesn\'t work on me. I like it as much as anybody else, but it always prompts the reaction \"what are they after\". In this case you were probably fishing for a complacent response - I do strive to be reasonable and objective, but I\'m well aware how often I fail to get there.

And I see no point in being reasonable or objective about Cursitor Doom - he\'s just a creep.

I try not to judge people based on their internet postings. I suspect I would enjoy interacting with most of the posters here on a personal level even if I disagree with their politics.

He posts stuff from ZeroHedge as a tiny url so the reader has to look at it to realise that it is right-wing rubbish. That\'s deceptive behavior. I don\'t enjoy interacting with persistent liars. It\'s too much like hard work.

As an aside I have watched many Linus Torvalds interviews....he took two years off to get \"counseling\" because too many people on the Linux team( the lesser contributors) said he was a creep.
Five or so years ago he stated that getting your point across on the internet required him to essentially be a creep and he did not apologize for it......But now he finally agreed that he needed counseling and stepped down for the moment. Of course, even Linus Torvalds had to submit to the dictators on the left because he knows that (even though his mind and work was the essential foundation for all of Linux) he will be tossed aside (he is too inter tangled with business now) if he does not say \"I\'m sorry\". The quality of his product is now trumped by political correctness.....

Not exactly. Combining intellectual integrity and political effectiveness is a rather demanding balancing act. Politicians make a profession of it. Linus Torvalds never went through the sort of apprenticeship that most politicians go through, so he needs some help on getting the balance more nearly perfect. What he is doing now is a long way away from what he did when he got the Linux project under way, and the demands on his statemanship are a lot higher than they were when he began.


had a similarly seminal role in the establishment of the world wide web, but didn\'t go on to become a dominant political force in it\'s development. Whatever Linus Tovalds faults may be, he\'s maintained a lot more political influence over Linux than Tim Berners-Lee has maintained over the world wide web, and his political skills would seem to be of a much higher order, if not as perect s they need to be now.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 10:36:02 AM UTC+11, whit3rd wrote:
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 10:57:30 AM UTC-8, John S wrote:

Bill, you are sick mentally. Leave this group and get help.

That\'s arrogant, and dismissive, but also ridiculous.
John S doesn\'t have the expertise, to make a real criticism, apparently;
he certainly lacks authority to eject from this newsgroup.

Critical thinking is not a sickness.
Sharing one\'s thoughts, is why we have elaborate communication skills and tools.
Arrogance, in a human social situation, perhaps is a sickness. It infects the
communication channel with verbal crap-flinging and infantile

John S does seem to be one of our resident right-wing idiots. I can\'t think of any positive contribution he has made, but he has flung a lot crap over the years.

Bill Sloman, Sydeny
On 29/11/20 02:16, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 1:27:19 AM UTC+11, Brent Locher wrote:

Under strong socialism

Please provide a definition of \"strong socialism\", Be careful not to
expound a variant of the \"there\'s no true Scotsman\" fallacy.


I try not to judge people based on their internet postings. I suspect I
would enjoy interacting with most of the posters here on a personal level
even if I disagree with their politics.

A good starting point, but...

He posts stuff from ZeroHedge as a tiny url so the reader has to look at it
to realise that it is right-wing rubbish. That\'s deceptive behavior. I don\'t
enjoy interacting with persistent liars. It\'s too much like hard work.

Is a valid criticism of CD\'s behaviour here.

CD also thinks Putin\'s \"Russia Today\" is trustworthy.
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
<blockedofcourse@foo.invalid> wrote:

>It\'s YOUR time, of course, so yours to decide how it should be spent.

Yes, and there\'s increasingly less and less of it left. None of us are
getting any younger and one approaches one\'s dotage, time spent doing
what we enjoy becomes more and more precious.

What\'s sad is seeing people who resist challenging themselves -- either
out of fear of failure or just wanting to avoid the effort (it gets
harder to take on new concepts as you age and your experiences bias
your thinking).

Absolutely. I have so many interests I\'m like one of those plate
spinners you used to see on TV many years ago, trying to keep them all

[I have an 80 yo friend who is a \"fine artist\" who has suddenly
decided that she wants to learn physics -- but is intimidated
by the math! <shakes head> Good luck to her! :> ]

I very much admire that lady\'s pluck, but taking up physics - and the
math that goes with it - at 80 would be a stretch too far for me. I
know my limitations. The thing is, I\'m not particularly good at
electronics and no matter how hard I worked, I\'d never be in the same
league as the Win Hills, the John Larkins, the Phil Hobbs and the Jim
Thompsons. Fortunately I knew this quite early on so never went into
the field professionally - thank god as I\'d have been a no-mark and
never would have amounted to anything. Electronics for me is just a
great, life-long hobby and nothing more.

Then, there are those folks who have NO interests! Cripes, didn\'t
you have SOME dream for your retirement years while you were
working? I can\'t believe it was \"sit at home and watch TV all day\"!
Why do they get out of bed in the morning? Curiosity about the
latest soaps??

I fully agree. I just cannot understand the mentality of those who
show no interest in the world and how it works. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 16:31:39 -0800 (PST), Bill Sloman
<bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote:

On Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 11:10:37 AM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 09:03:14 -0800, Jeff Liebermann <je...@cruzio.com

I\'ll cheerfully leave all the super-fast sub-min stuff to the Larkins of this world.

He got into it late, and doesn\'t seem to have got all that far into it.

Still sore about that pulled job-offer, eh, Bill? I reckon John dodged
a bullet with that decision.
On 11/26/2020 11:21 AM, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blockedofcourse@foo.invalid> wrote:

It\'s YOUR time, of course, so yours to decide how it should be spent.

Yes, and there\'s increasingly less and less of it left. None of us are
getting any younger and one approaches one\'s dotage, time spent doing
what we enjoy becomes more and more precious.

Exactly. I came to that realization decades ago! \"Work\" trades hours
of your life (a finite resource of unknown size) for \"dollars\" -- which
can be obtained in many different ways. So, find a \"way\" that gives
the most value to that fraction of your life.

Instead of doing what people want to pay you to do, find people who
will pay to to do what you WANT to do! So, it\'s not quite \"work\"...

But, the catch, there, is that you have to KNOW how you want to spend
your time! You have to take an active role in deciding how your
life-hours are consumed. You can\'t just sit back and let The Boss
relieve you of that decision.

What\'s sad is seeing people who resist challenging themselves -- either
out of fear of failure or just wanting to avoid the effort (it gets
harder to take on new concepts as you age and your experiences bias
your thinking).

Absolutely. I have so many interests I\'m like one of those plate
spinners you used to see on TV many years ago, trying to keep them all

My solution is just to reduce hours spent doing the \"cruft\" that is
boring and, IMO, \"nonessential\". E.g., I\'ve not taken a \"vacation\"
in more than 40 years. I don\'t \"shop\" (you REALLY don\'t want to be
in a store when I\'m there as I am laser focused on what I *need*
to get done -- so I can get it over with, quickly). Go \"out\" to
eat only rarely; the time spent primping, driving, waiting for a table,
waiting for food, eating, waiting for check and driving back home
could be better spent prepping a meal that I *know* I will enjoy
and then get back to things that I want to do (some folks live to eat;
I eat to live). I keep books (ereaders) in all of the places where
I am likely to find myself \"idle but preoccupied\" -- bathroom,
kitchen, car, etc. so I can make progress on the titles I\'ve opted
to consume. Spend NO time on the phone (that has changed during the
pandemic as friends have suddenly decided that it\'s OK to tie me
up with chit-chat instead of resorting to email).

Even my time on-line (e.g., as I type this) is squeezed in while
doing \"something else\" (downloads, web searches, etc.).

OTOH, I \"waste\" a lot of time doing things that I don\'t really NEED
to do. E.g., I do a *lot* of baking (50 pounds of flour for XMAS)
despite the fact that I don\'t like \"sweets\". Five hours, yesterday,
baking a cheesecake (disgusting! all that fat and sugar!). But, it\'s
a \"special\" way to thank certain people for kindnesses they\'ve extended
to me. (you saved *me* some time so I\'ll gift that time back to you
in the time required to produce these \"surplus calories\")

[I have an 80 yo friend who is a \"fine artist\" who has suddenly
decided that she wants to learn physics -- but is intimidated
by the math! <shakes head> Good luck to her! :> ]

I very much admire that lady\'s pluck, but taking up physics - and the
math that goes with it - at 80 would be a stretch too far for me. I

I have little hope that she\'ll make much headway at it. But, if
she gets ANYTHING from her efforts, she will have felt justified
in pursuing them.

know my limitations. The thing is, I\'m not particularly good at
electronics and no matter how hard I worked, I\'d never be in the same
league as the Win Hills, the John Larkins, the Phil Hobbs and the Jim
Thompsons. Fortunately I knew this quite early on so never went into
the field professionally - thank god as I\'d have been a no-mark and
never would have amounted to anything. Electronics for me is just a
great, life-long hobby and nothing more.

I\'m lucky in that it\'s an avocation AND vocation. When I was younger, I
thought ALL people chose their vocations with that criteria. Depressing
to see how many don\'t have that \"luxury\" (or forethought?)

Then, there are those folks who have NO interests! Cripes, didn\'t
you have SOME dream for your retirement years while you were
working? I can\'t believe it was \"sit at home and watch TV all day\"!
Why do they get out of bed in the morning? Curiosity about the
latest soaps??

I fully agree. I just cannot understand the mentality of those who
show no interest in the world and how it works. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/

Sadly, many of the retirees that I know have settled into a life of
watching TV, eating out and cleaning (but never USING!) the pool.
It\'s hard not to see it as \"waiting around for Death to show up\"!

Others have had their plans sidetracked by unexpected realities
(e.g., the friend who planned on hiking in Tibet discovering
he needed hip replacements; the friend who moved here to be
outdoors year round developing severe asthma preventing her from
leaving the house; the athletic friend who blew out his back; etc.)

We watch a lot of movies (on DVD) -- moreso since the pandemic (as
my other half\'s opportunities for entertainment have been \"canceled\").
But, I can do that without actually *watching* the movie. We also
find ourselves gravitating to movies that we\'ve already seen -- and
enjoyed, immensely (typ comedies). These are easy to just listen
to and recall what is actually happening on the screen without
actually seeing it! So, I can be installing software on a new
machine (largely a \"waiting action\") while \"watching\" a movie.

A neighbor\'s brother is visiting from Oz and has always enjoyed
seeing me when here. On this trip, he brought a video of a...
hmm, it\'s not really a movie as much as a sort-of \"home movie\"
(even though it was obviously PRODUCED as a movie) of a *party*
somewhere down-under. So, the visuals are largely uninteresting;
just folks standing around sucking on beers. But, the *jokes*
are entertaining -- once you get through the language and accent
issues. I\'ve \"watched\" it several times, already -- yet no need
to actually see the \"talking heads\" while doing so! I\'ll have most
of the jokes committed to memory, soon...
On Thu, 26 Nov 2020 13:30:39 -0700, Don Y
<blockedofcourse@foo.invalid> wrote:

I\'m lucky in that it\'s an avocation AND vocation. When I was younger, I
thought ALL people chose their vocations with that criteria. Depressing
to see how many don\'t have that \"luxury\" (or forethought?)

Well, there is the old saying, \"Choose a job you enjoy and you\'ll
never work another day in your life.\" Not many people are fortunate
enough to be able to do that these days, but those who can are lucky
On 11/26/2020 4:13 PM, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Thu, 26 Nov 2020 13:30:39 -0700, Don Y
blockedofcourse@foo.invalid> wrote:

I\'m lucky in that it\'s an avocation AND vocation. When I was younger, I
thought ALL people chose their vocations with that criteria. Depressing
to see how many don\'t have that \"luxury\" (or forethought?)

Well, there is the old saying, \"Choose a job you enjoy and you\'ll
never work another day in your life.\" Not many people are fortunate
enough to be able to do that these days, but those who can are lucky

Make no mistake -- it\'s still \"work\" as I have contractual obligations
to fulfill, deadlines and other constraints.

And, as I\'ve chosen a project that presents some /challenging/ aspect
to me, there is an element of \"I\'ve never done this before\" that has to
be factored in; how much extra effort might be required to LEARN the
stuff that I need to know to complete the job? Will there be something
that I hadn\'t anticipated that is inherently incompatible with the
approach I\'d contemplated when I bid the (fixed cost) job?

But, definitely more enjoyable than making Model 27 of yet-another-product!
On 11/25/2020 7:40 PM, whit3rd wrote:
On Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 12:43:54 PM UTC-8, Don Y wrote:
On 11/24/2020 11:09 AM, Jeff Liebermann wrote:

... Search takes forever to index a giant directory
tree of documents, but is quite fast searching the index. However, I
plan to slooooowly switch the archives to Linux, which means all these
tools will need to be replaced.

That assumes your archive is \"online\" (i.e., the disks are mounted).
My archive is *huge* as it also includes tons of source code,
design documents, research papers, etc. So, it is spread over many

Thanks to WiFi, the \'many disks\' don\'t have to be at your fingertips while
you browse in the lounger on the back deck...
but consider an organizer program like Calibre, and use
the extensive metadata support; both builtin and user-defined tags can
be quite useful. There\'s some learning curve, alas, with ANY solution;
Calibre insists on making its own directory tree to hang files on.

I don\'t think you understand the size of my archive! E.g., I have two
45 drive SANs, a 24 drive, a 30 drive, a 4 drive, 4 disks in each of 6
workstations, plus piles of \"cold\" drives in the closet. And, of course,
individual optical media.

The effort required to reorganize files based on their \"type\" (to
reduce the number of volumes involved so they could all be spinning
to search) is just not something I\'d care to address.

Instead, I have built a set of relations that let me track the contents
of the various volumes (along with applicable metadata) and just write
queries to locate stuff in which I\'m interested based, largely, on personal
recollection (e.g., \"I think I used that on Project X so lets hunt for
Project X related items\")

This lets me see what\'s on all of the drives without having to spin them up.
But, only exposes the data and metadata that I\'ve previously considered
as relevant (file name, extension, path, size, creation date, hash,
manually assigned keywords, last accessed, last verified, etc.) If I
actually want to peek into the file, then I have to mount the applicable

For example, I recently needed a lean multitasking executive for a piece
of \"programmed hardware\". I thought back to projects that were built
on similar platforms and then just went looking for files associated
with those projects. It\'s sort of hit-or-miss but I can usually find
what I\'m wanting in relatively short order.

If I was starting over, today, I\'d obviously have invested more effort in
organizing the archive for later access. But, like many things, it just
sort of grew... (disks are cheap; discarding something that you MAY later
need is costly! OTOH, constantly rejuggling the contents of volumes to
keep \"related\" items together is an endless task -- esp as the notion of
\"related\" varies, over time)
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 2:27:54 PM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blocked...@foo.invalid> wrote:


I fully agree. I just cannot understand the mentality of those who
show no interest in the world and how it works. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/

Cursitor Doom vegetates in front of the Daily Mail, Russian Today and Zero Hedge.

He\'s not showing any interest in how the world actually works, but rather soaks up a bizarre and over-simplified explanation of how it can be seen to work - if you ignore enough of what is actually going on.

It\'s roughly equivalent to pigging out on true romance novels or TV soap operas. You get to process a bunch of information that makes you feel good, but doesn\'t have much to do with reality.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 12:00:41 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 2:27:54 PM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blocked...@foo.invalid> wrote:
I fully agree. I just cannot understand the mentality of those who
show no interest in the world and how it works. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/
Cursitor Doom vegetates in front of the Daily Mail, Russian Today and Zero Hedge.

He\'s not showing any interest in how the world actually works, but rather soaks up a bizarre and over-simplified explanation of how it can be seen to work - if you ignore enough of what is actually going on.

It\'s roughly equivalent to pigging out on true romance novels or TV soap operas. You get to process a bunch of information that makes you feel good, but doesn\'t have much to do with reality.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

I still remember when you quit this group because people were not engaged in electronics but rather in flame wars.
And here you have CD actually talking about electronics and subjects related to them and rather than appreciating that someone you disagree with politically might be a multi-dimensional person - you want (Need to) drag him back into the political flame wars.

I do write this with some trepidation because after all, you are a man of science reason and objectivity......just saying.
On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 06:12:43 -0800 (PST), Brent Locher
<blocher@columbus.rr.com> wrote:

On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 12:00:41 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 2:27:54 PM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blocked...@foo.invalid> wrote:
I fully agree. I just cannot understand the mentality of those who
show no interest in the world and how it works. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/
Cursitor Doom vegetates in front of the Daily Mail, Russian Today and Zero Hedge.

He\'s not showing any interest in how the world actually works, but rather soaks up a bizarre and over-simplified explanation of how it can be seen to work - if you ignore enough of what is actually going on.

It\'s roughly equivalent to pigging out on true romance novels or TV soap operas. You get to process a bunch of information that makes you feel good, but doesn\'t have much to do with reality.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

I still remember when you quit this group because people were not engaged in electronics but rather in flame wars.
And here you have CD actually talking about electronics and subjects related to them and rather than appreciating that someone you disagree with politically might be a multi-dimensional person - you want (Need to) drag him back into the political flame wars.

I do write this with some trepidation because after all, you are a man of science reason and objectivity......just saying.

You wouldn\'t know that from his postings here in recent years, though.

I won\'t let that happen again. If Bill becomes too provocative once
more I\'ll just KF him again for 6 months in the interests of group
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 3:59:13 PM UTC-5, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 06:12:43 -0800 (PST), Brent Locher
blo...@columbus.rr.com> wrote:

On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 12:00:41 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 2:27:54 PM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blocked...@foo.invalid> wrote:
I fully agree. I just cannot understand the mentality of those who
show no interest in the world and how it works. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/
Cursitor Doom vegetates in front of the Daily Mail, Russian Today and Zero Hedge.

He\'s not showing any interest in how the world actually works, but rather soaks up a bizarre and over-simplified explanation of how it can be seen to work - if you ignore enough of what is actually going on.

It\'s roughly equivalent to pigging out on true romance novels or TV soap operas. You get to process a bunch of information that makes you feel good, but doesn\'t have much to do with reality.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

I still remember when you quit this group because people were not engaged in electronics but rather in flame wars.
And here you have CD actually talking about electronics and subjects related to them and rather than appreciating that someone you disagree with politically might be a multi-dimensional person - you want (Need to) drag him back into the political flame wars.

I do write this with some trepidation because after all, you are a man of science reason and objectivity......just saying.
You wouldn\'t know that from his postings here in recent years, though.

I won\'t let that happen again. If Bill becomes too provocative once
more I\'ll just KF him again for 6 months in the interests of group

kill filing bill is like kill filing a ranting uncle..... just let him rant and shadow box and pontificate to the walls. Every once in a while something interesting still pops out.
On 27/11/20 20:59, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 06:12:43 -0800 (PST), Brent Locher
blocher@columbus.rr.com> wrote:

On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 12:00:41 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 2:27:54 PM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blocked...@foo.invalid> wrote:
I fully agree. I just cannot understand the mentality of those who
show no interest in the world and how it works. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/
Cursitor Doom vegetates in front of the Daily Mail, Russian Today and Zero Hedge.

He\'s not showing any interest in how the world actually works, but rather soaks up a bizarre and over-simplified explanation of how it can be seen to work - if you ignore enough of what is actually going on.

It\'s roughly equivalent to pigging out on true romance novels or TV soap operas. You get to process a bunch of information that makes you feel good, but doesn\'t have much to do with reality.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

I still remember when you quit this group because people were not engaged in electronics but rather in flame wars.
And here you have CD actually talking about electronics and subjects related to them and rather than appreciating that someone you disagree with politically might be a multi-dimensional person - you want (Need to) drag him back into the political flame wars.

I do write this with some trepidation because after all, you are a man of science reason and objectivity......just saying.

You wouldn\'t know that from his postings here in recent years, though.

I won\'t let that happen again. If Bill becomes too provocative once
more I\'ll just KF him again for 6 months in the interests of group

Er, how will your killfiling him (again) affect how other people
see him and interact with him?

BTW, I seem to have escaped your killfile (again). I suggest you
put me back on your naughty step.

BTW2, do you still regard Russia Today as your \"most trusted
news source\" and avoid reading sources that might contradict

On 31/08/17 22:59, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Thu, 31 Aug 2017 11:22:14 -0700, lonmkusch wrote:

While you\'re deciding, I think I\'m going to stroll over to RT for some
good unbiased news.

If you can\'t see that RT is a zillion times more reputable as a news
source than CNN/NBC/BBC et al, you must be totally blind. Sure they
aren\'t 100% impartial; no news organisation is. But they are my most
trusted news source even if not yours - until such time as I ever
discover otherwise, of course.


On 15/05/18 18:50, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Tue, 15 May 2018 09:25:04 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

The official story is that he\'s had a heart attack. Of course, there are
a lot of other stories.

I\'m not aware of those. I don\'t even read so-called respectable
newspapers. But the heart attack was only last week, so that can\'t
possibly be the reason.
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 1:12:50 AM UTC+11, Brent Locher wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 12:00:41 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 2:27:54 PM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blocked...@foo.invalid> wrote:
I fully agree. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/
Cursitor Doom vegetates in front of the Daily Mail, Russian Today and Zero Hedge.

He\'s not showing any interest in how the world actually works, but rather soaks up a bizarre and over-simplified explanation of how it can be seen to work - if you ignore enough of what is actually going on.

It\'s roughly equivalent to pigging out on true romance novels or TV soap operas. You get to process a bunch of information that makes you feel good, but doesn\'t have much to do with reality.

I still remember when you quit this group because people were not engaged in electronics but rather in flame wars.

You didn\'t get the my motives quite right. I don\'t mind the flame wars, but the level of electronic discussion wasn\'t up to much.

> And here you have CD actually talking about electronics and subjects related to them and rather than appreciating that someone you disagree with politically might be a multi-dimensional person - you want (Need to) drag him back into the political flame wars.

Cursitor Doom has a vilely superficial approach to electronics, as he does to everything else he posts about. His \" I just cannot understand the mentality of those who show no interest in the world and how it works,\" showed a complete absence of any self-comprehension on his part and - as such - it was comical enough to high-light. You may lack a sense of humour.

> I do write this with some trepidation because after all, you are a man of science reason and objectivity......just saying.

Flattery doesn\'t work on me. I like it as much as anybody else, but it always prompts the reaction \"what are they after\". In this case you were probably fishing for a complacent response - I do strive to be reasonable and objective, but I\'m well aware how often I fail to get there.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 7:59:13 AM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 06:12:43 -0800 (PST), Brent Locher
blo...@columbus.rr.com> wrote:

On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 12:00:41 AM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Friday, November 27, 2020 at 2:27:54 PM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 17:10:23 -0700, Don Y
blocked...@foo.invalid> wrote:
I fully agree. I just cannot understand the mentality of those who
show no interest in the world and how it works. I can\'t imagine
anything worse than just \'vegging out\' in front of the TV all day. If
that isn\'t inviting dementia I don\'t know what is. :-/
Cursitor Doom vegetates in front of the Daily Mail, Russian Today and Zero Hedge.

He\'s not showing any interest in how the world actually works, but rather soaks up a bizarre and over-simplified explanation of how it can be seen to work - if you ignore enough of what is actually going on.

It\'s roughly equivalent to pigging out on true romance novels or TV soap operas. You get to process a bunch of information that makes you feel good, but doesn\'t have much to do with reality.

I still remember when you quit this group because people were not engaged in electronics but rather in flame wars.

And here you have CD actually talking about electronics and subjects related to them and rather than appreciating that someone you disagree with politically might be a multi-dimensional person - you want (Need to) drag him back into the political flame wars.

I do write this with some trepidation because after all, you are a man of science reason and objectivity......just saying.

You wouldn\'t know that from his postings here in recent years, though.

Cursitor Doom certainly wouldn\'t. All he can recognise is whether a post agrees with his silly ideas.

I won\'t let that happen again. If Bill becomes too provocative once
more I\'ll just KF him again for 6 months in the interests of group

Fine by me. Cursitor Doom\'s responses to my posts are never constructive, and rarely comical enough to satirise.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

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