On Dec 22, 8:41 am, Joerg <>
Ah, like these?
ALD110800/0900: Close-To-Zero Threshold MOSFETs
Learning something new every day...
John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 18:49:06 -0800 (PST), wrote:
On Dec 19, 4:19 pm, Tim Wescott <> wrote:
On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 13:45:04 -0800, mrdarrett wrote:
Anyone recommend any NPN transistors with around 0.1-0.3VBE sat. ?
I did a mouser search but apparently Vbe sat. isn't a commonly specified
parameter... ?
Base to emitter voltage at saturation?
Yes, that.
Or do you mean Vce_sat, the _collector_ to emitter voltage at saturation?
No, not that.
Zetex and others make the latter in small sizes. The former can't be
done in silicon.
Mr. Larkin had an interesting idea. If I wanted to say power a boost
converter (0.1 V to 1V) could I just feed the 0.1V to the base of my,
eh, 2N3904 NPN and it would work (at just incredibly low efficiency,
since it's not in saturation)?
0.1 volts on the base of a bipolar wouldn't do much of anything.
A 0.1 volt input boost converter would be a challenge. The easy way
would be to bootstrap it with a battery. Or a solar cell.
0.1V might be a challenge but I did get one to work at 0.2V without
resorting to legacy Ge devices. I used the snappiest JFET I could find.
You need all the gain you can get to make the things start up. Not ye
olde J309.
You might be able to make an oscillator, at 0.1 volts, from a
depletion-mode gaasfet. Maybe.
There are also zero volt threshold MOSFETs, Mouser has them (or at least
used to).
Ah, like these?
ALD110800/0900: Close-To-Zero Threshold MOSFETs
Learning something new every day...