On Dec 19, 11:37 pm, ehsjr <> wrote:
Homemade shake-generator (plastic can, coils of wire outside, magnet
inside), bridge rectifier (Schottky?), capacitor, boost converter, LED
Michael wrote:
On Dec 19, 4:19 pm, Tim Wescott <> wrote:
On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 13:45:04 -0800, mrdarrett wrote:
Anyone recommend any NPN transistors with around 0.1-0.3VBE sat. ?
I did a mouser search but apparently Vbe sat. isn't a commonly specified
parameter... ?
Base to emitter voltage at saturation?
Yes, that.
Or do you mean Vce_sat, the _collector_ to emitter voltage at saturation?
No, not that.
Zetex and others make the latter in small sizes. The former can't be
done in silicon.
Mr. Larkin had an interesting idea. If I wanted to say power a boost
converter (0.1 V to 1V) could I just feed the 0.1V to the base of my,
eh, 2N3904 NPN and it would work (at just incredibly low efficiency,
since it's not in saturation)?
No, it wouldn't work at all, unless what you have in
mind is different than what you seem to be saying.
Give us a schematic of what you are thinking about.
Homemade shake-generator (plastic can, coils of wire outside, magnet
inside), bridge rectifier (Schottky?), capacitor, boost converter, LED