Once upon a time on usenet news16 wrote:
Yep. He posted a link about a PHES that uses seawater
then went psycho on someone for not reading it properly. It says:
"Added complexity and cost related to seawater are offset by reduced civil
works (only one reservoir) and the abundant access of water, a significant
issue for power projects in arid regions."
I guess he doesn't realise that most or Australia is classified as 'arid'
(or he didn't read his own link).
"Humans will have advanced a long, long way when religious belief has a cozy
little classification in the DSM*."
David Melville (in r.a.s.f1)
(*Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)
On Sat, 23 Dec 2017 12:48:29 +1300, ~misfit~ wrote:
Once upon a time on usenet Phil Allison wrote:
** Not significant, rainfall covers it in motr cases even with NO
catchment for either dam.
Most cases in Australia? I call bullshit. Put out a large shallow
water storage (like a kiddies paddling pool filled to the top)
'most' places in Australia and see if rainfall makes up for
evaporation. Scale it down if you like, try a roasting dish...
Phil goofed off through all his science lessons, and probably a few
other, to miss that vital fact. He's cat cat brain because its water
dish always is full.
Yep. He posted a link about a PHES that uses seawater
then went psycho on someone for not reading it properly. It says:
"Added complexity and cost related to seawater are offset by reduced civil
works (only one reservoir) and the abundant access of water, a significant
issue for power projects in arid regions."
I guess he doesn't realise that most or Australia is classified as 'arid'
(or he didn't read his own link).
"Humans will have advanced a long, long way when religious belief has a cozy
little classification in the DSM*."
David Melville (in r.a.s.f1)
(*Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)