On Aug 5, 11:53 pm, N0S...@daqarta.com (Bob Masta) wrote:
simple root along two processing line, then isn't the signal sampling
needed reduce by the square factor thereof?, and since there are four
edges, you can reduce the sampling by a further 4 times. or have the
same sampling time, and achieve an extremely high signal definition.
and since any transition time in the clocking signal = 0 ; the result
of instantiating two processing lines into 1 coherent perfect
(limit "iff" (sync_difference >transition_max) is true) instantaneous
transition square wave.
do you see what I mean Bret?
See the way I look at it is, if you use summation convergence of itsOn Tue, 4 Aug 2009 19:13:32 -0700 (PDT), Bret
Cahill <BretCah...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
A lot of conventional lock in applications only sample part of _one_
cycle _anyway_.
Huh? All the lock-ins I have seen use the full
cycle... that's the referene frequency. The time
constant controls the number of cycles used.
The phase-locked amplifier with reference multiplication is better
both on signal recovery (gain) and noise rejection.
The "aquisition time" of a conventional lock in is much too long in
many situations.
I'm beginning to wonder if maybe you are confusing
two different aspects of lock-in amps.
"Acquisition time" includes the time for the
phase-locked loop in the lock-in to lock to the
signal. The time constant controls the S/N
PLL lock time is totally unneeded if you already
have the reference signal in sin/cos phases.
I don't know the current situation, but for years
lock-in makers seemed wedded to the idea of only
using the PLL to generate the reference. Even
when they provided a voltage-controlled reference,
it was a simple oscillator that fed into the PLL
to get sin/cos, instead of just controlling the
PLL VCO directly. Duh!
So, if you are dismayed by long lock-in
acquisition times from a lock-in simulator, maybe
things aren't as bad as you think. Maybe they are
just dutifully including PLL lock time in the
Best regards,
Bob Masta
Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!
simple root along two processing line, then isn't the signal sampling
needed reduce by the square factor thereof?, and since there are four
edges, you can reduce the sampling by a further 4 times. or have the
same sampling time, and achieve an extremely high signal definition.
and since any transition time in the clocking signal = 0 ; the result
of instantiating two processing lines into 1 coherent perfect
(limit "iff" (sync_difference >transition_max) is true) instantaneous
transition square wave.
do you see what I mean Bret?