Bret Cahill
If the noise is orders of magnitude higher than the signal, tossingInstead of multiplying it would be better to _divide_ the noisy AC
signal by the ref.
One advantage over lock in is a simple capacitor in parallel with the
output shorts out the AC component which is the noise.
Only if the noise occupies a higher frequency band
than the signal.
If the signal is being divided by an in phase ref, then it's _already_
DC, at least everywhere the ref isn't zero.
The only AC is due to the noise.
If that's the case, your capacitor
on its own will filter out the noise, and you don't
need the lock-in arrangement at all.
The question is, does _anyone_ need a lock in when a quotient sync
filter is simpler and faster?
20% to 50% of the signal just doesn't seem like a big advantage.
If the signal is several times larger than the noise and needs to be
increased to 500 times larger, then the time saved can be critical.
Bret Cahill