PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

"rowan194" <> wrote in message
David L. Jones wrote:
"How to beat a speed camera while doing 300km/h" is one of the gems.

Been done...

I'm not sure if Australia uses the same system.
Even if we did, 272 Km/h on an Australian road with the nutcase drivers we
have would be sure and certain Suicide .....
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Alan Scumbag Rutlidge"

If it's the Jim Rowe I assume you are referring to,

** The long time staff member and later editor of Electronics Australia

The same man who published many "letters to the editor", devoted a whole
Forum plus follow up and nine individual project articles from me.

That Jim Rowe.

The one who resigned in disgust when the magazine was turned into a rag
called EAT.

....... Phil
So was it Jim that published your kiddie kit oscillator and then didn't pay
you any royalties for it?
I bet He rues the day he ever spoke to you instead
of calling security. How typical of you to try and
drag respectable folk in to try and shore up your
bullshit position.

Phil Allison wrote:
"Alan Scumbag Rutlidge"

If it's the Jim Rowe I assume you are referring to,

** The long time staff member and later editor of Electronics Australia

The same man who published many "letters to the editor", devoted a whole
Forum plus follow up and nine individual project articles from me.

That Jim Rowe.

The one who resigned in disgust when the magazine was turned into a rag
called EAT.

....... Phil
On Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:00:06 +1100, "Phil Allison" <>

"Alan Scumbag Rutlidge"

If it's the Jim Rowe I assume you are referring to,

** The long time staff member and later editor of Electronics Australia

The same man who published many "letters to the editor", devoted a whole
Forum plus follow up and nine individual project articles from me.

That Jim Rowe.

The one who resigned in disgust when the magazine was turned into a rag
called EAT.

....... Phil
Ahhh, memories. I used to look forward to receiving my copy of Electronics
Australia, and Australian Electronics Monthly. How sad that all these years
on we now only have one electronics magazine left. I can understand why he
resigned when EA turned into EAT, which was more or less a copy of T3.

Phil, which project articles did you submit?

"Mitchell" <> wrote in message
Untill the next email address change :)

I think he's too thick to know how to change it....
"Al Zenner" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
"Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote in

Of course nowhere do we find in the geological literature the answer to
that simple question :

google "where does gold come from" 332 hits
more if better, more rational, search terms are used.

nor do we find answers relative to other atomic elements on Earth, those
indeed of the Mandeliev periodic table ?
Did you say a clueless sci000nce ? Correct Sir !

Clueless LaTurd, you mean.

In fact the nucleus of the Earth is made of Billions of tons of the
stuff which through Alchimical transformation evolves as the Planet
drifts on the Ecliptic.....

snip <more nonsense born in a brain well riddled by late stage syphilis

A succinct description of the value of alchemy:

"The alchemists did not follow what is now known as the
scientific method, and much of the "knowledge" they
produced was later found to be banal, limited, wrong,
or meaningless."

Let me ask you a straight forward question, JP. Why are you posting
such nonsense, day after day, month after month? Don't you have
anyone taking care of you who knows enough to shut off your internet

Not only I am correct but your sci000nce of imbeciles is completely clueless
about Gold for one and secondly about Diamonds !
I will post soon something called THE ROOT OF DIAMONDS, which will inform
people, especially investors, to get rid of such shares asap !

Naturally I don't prevent you buying the Gold shares of the Mining Criminals
Newmont, Newcrest & BHP ! ... or the De Beers / Anglo-American for that
Good bargain indeed at the present time indeed !
Go ahead stupid dude !

.... and I take it for granted further that firstly you never discovered
anything of Geological value at all in your worthless life, either water
nor mineral deposits !
Right ?
.... and I take it for granted last than you beuulieve, like all the
Universilities mass produced brainwashed sterile idiots of your kind ( from
the ULB to the ANU ) in Glaaaaciationzzzz, Continental Rafting, Creation
of the Earth according to sci000ntific théauriz of Accretion i.tuti quanti
Right ?

Why don't you go back to your Synag Al Zenner and try to get some good Zohar
or Talmud books on such subject from your local Rabbid ??? ... you will find
indeed some very good things especially in the Zohar indeed !
Further still that Einstein imbecile got his ideas regarding modification of
the time constant !!! ... but the poor fool indeed was completely clueless
about the Universal Pressure Law !!!
Why ? Simply because Sir Turcaud was not born !!!
So may be you find something too ?

Good reading Al Sow & Sow, and Shabbat Shalom too

(And this was a reply indeed from an Essene Master )

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology

Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~

That's the plug (not what I'm after) but it looks like they have the
pins (269220 - Molex part 39-00-0078) - at $49.55 + postage for a pack
of 100.

I can buy them cheaper from the USA.

Probably the smart thing to do :-(


Daryl Sayers wrote:

search for 4138417

(new 2006 catalog yellow book pg:369)

PS: Dont work for em, just buy bits an pieces.

Unfortunately my problem is finding an Australian distributor for
any. Whether I get 7 or 20, the problem is still the same.

I'll probably end up getting them from the US - Mouser have them in
their catalog - at US$0.17 each.

matt2-amstereo wrote:

technically only 7ish connectors are actually needed because there
are only 12 -12 5 -5 3.3 pgood p-on *the different colours* there
are multiples of each one for load sharing purposes (the many
grounds and +12 (yellow) that are doubled up) in reality if the load
is light (via epia's) you only need one of each colour,maybe even
ditch the -5 and -12 cause they are for legacy etc
"Sean McHugh" <> wrote in message
Does anyone how it is the great Mining Pioneer's (up one's nose) posts
appear post dated? It means means that in any date listing his posts
always appear first up.
It's because the head keeper, of his rubber room, has not adjusted the PC
(Or, he has dribbled on the table again)
"Sean McHugh" <> wrote in message
Ken Taylor wrote:

You find it necessary to leave his entire insane rant in your post?

An oversight and one, I suggest, of little consequence.
Well, it's really only nettiquette in these days of broadband.

Interestingly, Google seems to show you as being more interested in
Turcaud than
I am.
I assumed you were a newb when I couldn't place your name among the throng -
the fact that you even know how to Google that up suggests otherwise! :)

Just kill-file him then you'll only see his crap when some newb

Another way to stop clutter, is when a question is asked, and you
can't answer it, simply shut up!

That was an option, though I thought maybe there'd be benefit all round with
a gentle pointer.



Sean McHugh

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:

As their dam levels drop, two parched inland cities are competing to be the
first in Australia to recycle sewage into drinking water, writes Selina


March 02, 2006
FORMER Toowoomba mayor and erstwhile National Party politician Clive
Berghofer is concerned Queensland's largest inland town will become known as
"shit city".
I think anyone who has lived there in recent years will already know
that (and has nothing to do with sewage recycling). Maryborough and
Gympie are MUCH worse but Toowoomba is doing its best to follow.,5744,18315187%255E30417,00.html

Drought towns turn to effluent
Selina Mitchell
March 02, 2006
AUSTRALIANS could be drinking recycled effluent within three years.,5744,18319167%255E30417,00.html

John Howard is on the verge of agreeing to the partial funding for a $70
million Toowoomba project to recycle wastewater in an effort to solve the
Queensland city's dire water shortage.

If the controversial project received the go-ahead, construction could be
completed in 18months, Toowoomba Mayor Di Thorley said. The town has been on
water restrictions for more than a decade.

A combination of recycling and demand management was the only solution, Ms
Thorley said.

Toowoomba is seeking $24million in federal funding through the $1.6 billion
Water Smart Australia program, which is administered by the National Water

The commission has given the Prime Minister its recommendation on the
funding decision.

Chairman and CEO Ken Matthews told The Australian the country should be "at
the cutting edge of delivering economic, safe and healthy recycled water".

The commission has also received a proposal for a similar recycling scheme
for the parched NSW southern highlands city of Goulburn.

Goulburn's council is about to embark on a public education program critical
to it receiving public and financial support for its sewage recycling plans.

Goulburn-Mulwaree Mayor Paul Stephenson said the commission was supportive
of his call for $11 million in funding.

"We hope to have the system up and running in four years."

Both town systems would use reverse osmosis to treat the wastewater, the
same technology that is used to desalinate water.
How much electricity is needed to do this ? Shitloads I bet !

The National Water Commission, the CSIRO, and parliamentary secretary with
special responsibility for water Malcolm Turnbull believe it is safe to
drinkproperly treated sewage. However, they also agree that anysuccessful
recycling system needs to be backed by the local community.

And in Toowoomba the community is divided on the issue.

Some of the locals, who are desperate for a solution to their water woes,
are not quite ready to accept recycling.

But others appear perfectly happy to drink recycled wastewater, as is
already done in other countries across the globe such as Japan, the US,
Britain and Singapore. Residents for and against the plant are generating
their own petitions.

Industry, Tourism and Resources Minister Ian Macfarlane, who is Toowoomba's
local member, says the proposal has divided the community and could taint
the city's tourism image.

any city that is downstream from another city (or cities) that
discarges its waste into the river, is already drinking recycled sewage

"People are not comfortable with this," Mr Macfarlane said.

"I would like to see other options considered, and a regional approach to
the issue."

Mr Turnbull said he was comfortable drinking recycled water.

"The key point about safety is that reverse osmosis will remove any
molecules larger than the water molecule (including salts)," he said.

"It follows therefore that the pathogens, drugs etc of which concern is had
will be removed by reverse osmosis." Western Australia is looking at options
for treating sewage for drinking.

Brought to you,with added comments below courtesy of :
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology

Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~

added comments
Congratulations & Honour to Our Celtic God for implementing there again on
such debased nation of australia, guilty indeed of a most heinous & abject
Collective Crime a well deserved Collective Punishment !!!

It is a a fact that discovering Mineral Deposits is a difficult exercice,
and none have achieved in the whole of australian Mining History the
exceptional feat of putting 3 mines on the map ! ... although in a whole
generation the consequence for Australia Mining Pioneer Turcaud has been a
continuous stream of abuses, insults, denials and vilifications on the part
of the Mining Criminals, their Political Criminal backers and that Criminal
Antipodean Rabble supporting it ! ... without a "Single Cent nor a Single
Thanks " forwarded from the convict-strain Bastards's Colony ! That Divine
Retribution in application of theLaws of Eternal Justice comes as evident
solace to me !
Unfortunately that sort of shit treatment (pardon the pun) is normal
procedure for the intelligent and achievers in modern australia, under
our government and business ways now.

Besides the fact that many more & never found mines would have seen the
light, if I had not been kicked off the land ( at least 3 more of a total of
22 finds ), I am pleased to tell you that my true speciality is not Mining
but discovering pure water in any quantity and at any depth !!!! ... and
further still thanks to the True Geology knowing wherefrom that water
originally comes ( the official Vitellius apparent cycle of water is correct
... but does not give that answer ) ... and finding water for me even in
the sea is just fun !!! .... and I can even give the right counsel which
wiith little water will allow populations to drink the best water & allow
the best level of health in such !!!

... but as it is, Bastards, and as a result of your Collective Crimes, your
only ressources is to ask those Official Mining Heroes for solution, or
alternatively those Mining Criminals of Newmont, Newcrest, BHP & Boral or
finally those Politics of the Federal or WA Parliaments ... and their
Universillities Experts of the ANU & Curtin ( ... and I could be now a
Professor of Geology (True) at the ANU , if you were not such a mob of
greedy degenerate criminal morons indeed !!! )
I think that most competent professionals (and those with the REAL
talent and knowlege of their trade) in this country will be long dead
(with no replacements) within a generation, they will then really be in
the shit, and so will the rest of us. As usual there will be some
wimpy, "knee jerk" reaction to it, that will make them look like they
are solving the problem while in reality doing absolutely nothing, but
making good PR. Then again, the brainless morons that this country is
rapidly becoming, will be more than happy just to hear empty words.
(its been an astounding success in US for years)

So as it is you are all going to drink shit .. but since you are already
drinking piss, you have already acquired some type of immunity I suppose !

judging by the obesity epidemic and other things here, I think most of
the time people are drinking soft drinks etc rather than water anyway
(when they arent drinking alcohol of course). Treated shit (or "govno"
as its called in russian) is probably 100% healthier anyway :)
With kind but sorry regards

Sir JP Turcaud

On Sun, 5 Mar 2006 06:50:06 +0100, infamous French traitor"Jean-Paul
Turcaud" <> wrote:

You're a gultess toad, Sean !
... but you knew that already, Hey ?

Anyway you are heading towards drinking the proper thing for your kind of
shitheads : Shit !
Does the French government know you are a traitor?

Your refusal to use your powerzzzzzz to stop the avian flu problem
currently destroying the French poultry industry, is treason.

Read all about Australia's biggest doomsday cult:

"You can't fool me, it's turtles all the way down"
On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 07:33:14 +1100, B J Foster <>

You mean, "Troll respondents are vermin"?

I think I respond to less of his messages than you do......
When I do, it's to taunt, netkkop.

Wally Anglesea™ wrote:
On Sun, 5 Mar 2006 06:50:06 +0100, infamous French traitor"Jean-Paul
Turcaud" <> wrote:

You're a gultess toad, Sean !
... but you knew that already, Hey ?

Anyway you are heading towards drinking the proper thing for your kind of
shitheads : Shit !

Does the French government know you are a traitor?

Your refusal to use your powerzzzzzz to stop the avian flu problem
currently destroying the French poultry industry, is treason.

Read all about Australia's biggest doomsday cult:

"You can't fool me, it's turtles all the way down"

Find out about Australia's most dangerous Doomsday Cult:

"You can't fool me, it's turtles all the way down."
David L. Jones wrote:
Just saw an ad for a new show on CH9 called "Clever" due to start
A complete wash, as expected. What a waste of half an
hour, and an opportunity to have done a worthwhile show.
On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 05:45:00 GMT, "Tom Smyth"
<> wrote:

History repeating itself.... Looks like Jaycar is following the path of
Tandy (and later Dick Smith, after they successfully filled the void for a
while) with their prices slowly increasing and them selling increasing
amounts of novelties and toys. What is going to fill the void for
enthusiasts and professionals next?

Their latest catologue is half devoted to gimmicks and novelties. That junk
obviously sells, or they wouldn't be selling it, but I've gotta wonder who
the hell buys it?
And you expect them to survive on Hobby Electronics sales alone? Dont
forget, there is also electus that props up the business, so i doubt
the electronics will be going anywhere too soon.

Besides, if you want a real variety of stuff in hobby quantities you
would be shopping at Farnell or RS.
Tom Smyth wrote:
History repeating itself.... Looks like Jaycar is following the path of
Tandy (and later Dick Smith, after they successfully filled the void for a
while) with their prices slowly increasing and them selling increasing
amounts of novelties and toys. What is going to fill the void for
enthusiasts and professionals next?
What is wrong with Jaycar?
Yes they sell all the novelty toys, but their component range doesn't
appear to be reducing at all. In fact it's probably expanding.
I have not noticed any price rise out of the ordinary.

Who will fill the void for enthusiasts?
Altronics will be more than happy to do that, their range is getting
very good and they are opening stores in other states now. The Sydney
store is excellent.

Who will fill the void for professionals?
Farnell & RS and smaller players like WES have that market sown up.

I'm waiting to see what happens with SonarPlus/Polykom and Electus
(Jaycars wholesale division) given that SonarPlus is now basically
stocking Electus items. Jaycars Gary Johnson owns the lot.

Their latest catologue is half devoted to gimmicks and novelties. That junk
obviously sells, or they wouldn't be selling it, but I've gotta wonder who
the hell buys it?
The general public lap it up.

Is this the 2006 catalog you are referring too?
Haven't seen it myself yet.

Dave :)
There are 2 entities in Sonar which Jaycar have purchased.

Sonar and Sonar Plus..... Sonar plus looks like Electus... well the
catalogue does.... and probably 2 administration systems and etc.

so I can see them converging in to one... (consolidation)


"David L. Jones" <> wrote in message
Tom Smyth wrote:
History repeating itself.... Looks like Jaycar is following the path of
Tandy (and later Dick Smith, after they successfully filled the void for
while) with their prices slowly increasing and them selling increasing
amounts of novelties and toys. What is going to fill the void for
enthusiasts and professionals next?

What is wrong with Jaycar?
Yes they sell all the novelty toys, but their component range doesn't
appear to be reducing at all. In fact it's probably expanding.
I have not noticed any price rise out of the ordinary.

Who will fill the void for enthusiasts?
Altronics will be more than happy to do that, their range is getting
very good and they are opening stores in other states now. The Sydney
store is excellent.

Who will fill the void for professionals?
Farnell & RS and smaller players like WES have that market sown up.

I'm waiting to see what happens with SonarPlus/Polykom and Electus
(Jaycars wholesale division) given that SonarPlus is now basically
stocking Electus items. Jaycars Gary Johnson owns the lot.

Their latest catologue is half devoted to gimmicks and novelties. That
obviously sells, or they wouldn't be selling it, but I've gotta wonder
the hell buys it?

The general public lap it up.

Is this the 2006 catalog you are referring too?
Haven't seen it myself yet.

Dave :)
"Tom Smyth" <> wrote in message
History repeating itself.... Looks like Jaycar is following the path of
Tandy (and later Dick Smith, after they successfully filled the void for a
while) with their prices slowly increasing and them selling increasing
amounts of novelties and toys. What is going to fill the void for
enthusiasts and professionals next?

Their latest catologue is half devoted to gimmicks and novelties. That
junk obviously sells, or they wouldn't be selling it, but I've gotta
wonder who the hell buys it?
They are pretty much asshats these days.
I went in with a list of ICs and components because it always take me ages
to find everything and they werent real pleased about serving me at all and
said I should put in a mail/fax order etc. The prices are bad enough as it
is on eletronic components, I just shop at farnell now, only a tad move
expensive and will ship to me overnight every time for just 8$
Wally Anglesea™ wrote:

On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 07:33:14 +1100, B J Foster <

You mean, "Troll respondents are vermin"?

I think I respond to less of his messages than you do......
When I do, it's to taunt, netkkop.
I don't respond to ANY of his messages.

Why do you keep responding when you KNOW that it perpetuates his behaviour?

There are only 2 possible conclusions:
1. You haven't figured it out yet
2. You WANT him to continue trolling

Now that you are fully informed don't expect any further kid gloves -
from this point, you too will be treated as a troll - if you respond to JPT

Wally Anglesea™ wrote:

On Sun, 5 Mar 2006 06:50:06 +0100, infamous French traitor"Jean-Paul
Turcaud" <> wrote:

You're a gultess toad, Sean !
... but you knew that already, Hey ?

Anyway you are heading towards drinking the proper thing for your kind of
shitheads : Shit !

Does the French government know you are a traitor?

Your refusal to use your powerzzzzzz to stop the avian flu problem
currently destroying the French poultry industry, is treason.

Read all about Australia's biggest doomsday cult:

"You can't fool me, it's turtles all the way down"
B J Foster <> writes:

Stop responding and he will have no reason to continue littering
Stop reading JPT's articles and their followups, and you will have no
reason to issue your futile attempts at censorship.

On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 20:08:45 +0100, Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:

.. and by the way the poultry here is okay from my point of view .
Bloody well should be. The average cow over there gets more money per day
than the average African.

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