PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

Pissed Off wrote:
Which one of you frogs over in Frogland let that crazy Turcaud out of his
straight jacket?

Quick - you had better call for the men in white coates straight away before
he makes any more predictions of disasters etc.

The only disaster Turcaud has is in his brain!!!!!!

They're coming to take me away, ha ha, they're coming to take me away,
ho ho, he he, ha ha, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the
time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white
coats - Napoleon XIII, c. 1968
stop responding and he will go away.
(Just quietly, how much more 'quiet' do you want?)

budgie wrote:

> Can't you think quietly?
a troll respondent is worse that the troll itself because respondents
encourage a feed trolls

Chris McDonald wrote:

"Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> writes:

In any case I am going ahead finding those millions of tons of Gold for
those Countries which really deserve it !!!

Fool, if there were millions of tonnes of gold available then, as even
you have recognised, the value of it will be virtually nil. Thus,
whether any country deserves it or not will become irrelevent, as it
will be freely available to all. So, find away, but you'll die first.
trolls cannot survive without respondents

Robert wrote:

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:


Water is the big issue, not only in quantity but as well in quality. The
main problem is the fact that the Dudes in control are completely
about such issue.
They have never done a full day work in anything PRODUCTIVE, and are
to understand the whole chain of planting and harvesting in any domain at

Indeed look at them directing the country, all PARASITES and VERMINES
living from the fat of the Land and teleguided by the financial misers
behind : Solicitors, Lawyers, Psycho shits, Quacks, ABC speakers !
None al
those are able to seed carrots and cabbages and crop them in time,
none is
able to conceive an instrumentation of any kind, invent, research,
mines, CREATE INDEED RICHNESS for the country ! Right ?

Hence they are completely clueless regarding the Origin of water, as
well as
all elements on Earth, and hence the way to manage it, save it and make
things grow with very little of it ! Those alleged Leaders have no
brain of
their own and are completely submissive to theories spouted forth by
Universilities "experts" , upon whom they have to rely on for all
decisions. This is why things get worse and worse since the Laws of
Life and
the Respect for such is replaced by beliefs in pathological beings
to the harm ( like some type of medical devils ) of the population. The
relation of cause to effect is completely evacuated from the narrow
brainwashed Ignorants leading Australia at the present time !!!

So, everything becomes fatality, and then everything is done to redress
what are in fact consequences of misbehaviour, mismanagement and
of the proper husbandry of the Country !!! The proper choices needing a
superior intelligence and indeed an exceptional foresight of the
things to
come, how do you think a Solicitor such as Howard, or any of the
silver-spoon-fed Unproductive manning the Canberra Parliament, would
be able
to take it !!!

They have no backbone nor Ancient Tradition rooted knowledge, and
like the
grass in the fields they bend according to the direction of the wind !!!!
Hence the desolation spreading over the whole of Australia towards the
complete desertification of the Country.

... and kicking one of Australia best Mining Pioneer is very
indicative of
what direct those Leaders' decisions !!! Okay !

With kind but sorry regards

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

I got the kit and made the disco strobe light.

** Which kit is a that ??

The "Beat Triggered Strobe" ?

Turned it on and its flashing away happily. Then as the book suggests I
slowly start turning the variable resistor to adjust the timing and I
hear a pop sound, now nothing works.

I have had a look and there are no marks or burns of pop caps or
anything. I have tested pretty much every component and it is ok, the one
exception is the hand wound transformer.

** Now you have me worried.

What DSE strobe kit used a hand made tranny ?

The pulse tranny is a cheap item supplied with the kit.
Its called "Disco Strobe Light" K3155. There is a hand wound transformer, 3
windings, of 3, 10 and 200 turns.
Is the one who is posting these psychotic ideas the same person who punched
tony abbot the other day?

"Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote in message
Kindly reposting a recent communication regarding that STATUES ISSUE;;;;

;;; which both the Mining Criminals of Newmont, Newcrest & BHP, and the
Corrupt australian MPs of the WA & FERAL WHOREHOUSES ( aka Paliaments ) of
Nom de Dieu, mais c'est pas possible !!!

Please all of you Bastards, write to WA Premier, The Right Hon. Joiner
to corrected asap such blatant injustice

Villain Sunby, the Heinous Mining Criminals ' mole

It appears that you have not as yet written to that bran new WA PREMIER of
yours, the RIGHT HON JOINER regarding that issue of the STATUES !
As you well know indeed, australian Official Mining Heroes and australian
Official Discoverers of the Great Sandy Desert richness, all 7 of the
( Tyrwhitt ze shit, Thomson ze Cunt , Searls ze Slowlearner etc )
deserve to have THEIR STATUES
... as Paddy Hannan of Kalgoorlie's fame got his !

So what are you waiting for, as well as THAT PIECE OF SHIT , your boss &
due to all the Geological Manure (s)


Did not that anglican whore, your mum indeed , taught you some basic
Convict Morality, degenerate australian Toad ?

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology

Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~

"Sunny" <
a écrit dans le message de news:

"Pete" <
I have an exicom phone system with a faulty battery back switch, which is a
BDX54C pnp darlington transistor. It's in a TO-220 package, 100v, 8A, 750
hfe. It's being used to switch between mains-derived 24V DC and battery
power at mains failure, in a very simply circuit.

Can anyone suggest a possible replacement?
** Another BDX54C ?

Available from WES or Farnell-in-One for a couple of dollars.

Also a TIP147 - same goes as above

......... Phil

Michael C wrote:

"Glezer" <> wrote in message

Is the one who is posting these psychotic ideas the same person who
punched tony abbot the other day?

If they're psychotic ideas most likely it's turd man.

"Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote in message
Kindly reposting a recent communication regarding that STATUES ISSUE;;;;

;;; which both the Mining Criminals of Newmont, Newcrest & BHP, and the
Corrupt australian MPs of the WA & FERAL WHOREHOUSES ( aka Paliaments ) of
Nom de Dieu, mais c'est pas possible !!!

Please all of you Bastards, write to WA Premier, The Right Hon. Joiner
to corrected asap such blatant injustice
Yes Jean,
Mining seems to have always been a grubby game. Look what Xtrata is doing,
though WMC ended up falling the way of the (ex) Big Australian. Paul, you do
need to update your references though...think everyone knows them as
Billiton now, I'm sure Chip doesn't have a problem with that (may have with
his inherited wheat connections though, he he - still, it really should not
come as a surprise to everyone the way you need to do 'business' to get
exploration rights in 'some' foreign lands).
Pissed Off wrote:

Which one of you frogs over in Frogland let that crazy Turcaud out of his
straight jacket?

Quick - you had better call for the men in white coates straight away
before he makes any more predictions of disasters etc.

The only disaster Turcaud has is in his brain!!!!!!
Oh well, some of his rants are quite entertaining to read.

some of his ideas are quite outrageous and he rehashes other ppl's ideas for
his own. That "Gold from the Sea" idea has been around for yonks and JPT
seems to want ppl to think it is his idea.
B J Foster <> writes:

a troll respondent is worse that the troll itself because respondents
encourage a feed trolls

Tiresome response. BJ.
You can't stop JPT or the responses - at least we have the option to plonk

"Sir Jean-Paul Turdcaud" <> writes:

Correct Chris, but your "fool" epithet misfired , since I have known what
you discover today for a very long time indeed.
Bully for you, but it's also no news to the rest of us, either.
It's a better epithet than your self-imposed Sir or PhD of True Geology.

Of course in the process I will get nothing, but it will not change
anything for me anyway.
I am used to that situation
Good! Then move on,

In any case I am going ahead finding those millions of tons of Gold for
those Countries which really deserve it !!!

.... and I look forward indeed to the closure of Telfer Mine, Kalgoorlie and
other Toadland Gold operations by May the 13th next !

With best regards

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology

Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~

"budgie" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
> Can't you think quietly?
Chris McDonald wrote:

B J Foster <> writes:

a troll respondent is worse that the troll itself because respondents
encourage a feed trolls

Tiresome response. BJ.
You can't stop JPT or the responses - at least we have the option to plonk
All you seem to do here is feed JPT, i.e. no value added whatsoever,
so go for it.
Phil Allison wrote:
"Terry Given"

Hi Bob,

what frequency do you test ESR at?

** Enter " bob parker esr meter " into google.

Catch up on what the rest of us have known for a decade.

....... Phil
Thanks Phil,

its quite nice, but only measures LF ESR..... unless the whole shebang
is done in less than 100us (which it aint).

I used to use a variant of that technique, which also allows me to
measure ESL, over a much shorter timespan (< 100ns). It uses a pulse
generator, a scope and 2 10R resistors - I pinched it from Howard
Johnsons book "high speed digital design", which is a fabulous book BTW.

But about 6 months ago I bought an HP3577 network analyser, so now I
just measure the complex impedance from 5Hz to 200MHz :)

he will go away when you stop feeding him
He wont go away, just like the pacific ocean wont go away. Treat it like a
bad joke and go with the flow
which is worse: troll? or troll respondent?
Just you!

Sunny wrote:

" Jean-Paul Turd" <> wrote in message

In any case I am going ahead finding those millions of tons of Gold for
those Countries which really deserve it !!!

Now my aim is not only to make Gold available by the Millions of tons and
ruin the economy of the Land of Bastards
Of course in the process I will get nothing, but it will not change
anything for me anyway.
I am used to that situation

Are you going to file a "claim" this time, or is the beginning of yet
another cock and bull story of "How I was stupid" ?
"two bob" <> wrote in message
he will move on when you stop responding

Will he?
Nope, he's mentally ill
Hi Phil,
Thanks for answering their questions and explaining what the meter
was designed for. After 10 years of being asked the same questions
over and over, it gets kinda tiring. Thanks for always supporting it
too... much appreciated.


On Sun, 26 Feb 2006 19:04:37 +1100, "Phil Allison"
<> wrote:
It tests capacitor impedance and hence ESR at effectively 100 kHz.

Note the pulses in the burst are very short and are AC coupled to the cap
under test.

It was designed as a servicing aid, so the ability to cover a wide range of
values, operate with caps still "in circuit" and very quickly was paramount.

It does that just brilliantly.

...... Phil
On Sun, 26 Feb 2006 21:09:56 +1100, "Phil Allison"
<> wrote:

See for all the info on my daytime



How is that US TV show of yours going ??

........ Phil

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