PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

On 13 Feb 2006 06:17:11 -0800, "abubeker" <> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

is there any body who has any ideas about an ic
with labling.

C 1213C

I found it from one old national panasonic radio-analog
If it is an NEC uPC1213C Single-Channel Audio Power-Output Amplifier,
then a datasheet is available from

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"The Real Andy"

** I know where you work - you fucking alcoholic idiot.

How about I speak to your employer and get you dismissed ?

........ Phil
Net stalking again are you Phyllis Diller Dickwit?

How about I speak with your neighbours and get you committed to the local
mental hospital?

You're a typical example of the mental health system in NSW gone off the
rails (no pun intended).
How come you aren't locked up for the safety of the public?

You're a menace. I couldn't imagine living in the same block of bed-sit
flats as you. If your behaviour on Usenet is any indication, you'd be the
typical neighbour from hell.
"The Real Andy" <will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> wrote in message
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 20:59:20 +1100, "Phil Allison"> wrote:

"The Real Andy"

** I know where you work - you fucking alcoholic idiot.

How about I speak to your employer and get you dismissed ?

Dismissed for what? Proving you are an idiot? Pffft. By the way, i
work for myself now. Try again fool.
Andy, If there's anyone to blame it's the mental health system in NSW.
Phil is a typical example of a net-stalking psycho that should have been
locked up years ago. Instead they put him back into society and gave the
fool a computer and access to the internet. :-(
"The Real Andy"

= a Drunk as a Skunk Cunthead

** I know where you work - you fucking alcoholic idiot.

How about I speak to your employer and get you dismissed ?

Dismissed for what? Proving you are an idiot? Pffft. By the way, i
work for myself now.

** So your long suffering employers at " Jupiters Technology " in
Brisbane OBVIOUSLY had had a massive, fucking gutful of your
fuckhead drunk behaviour while at work.

Not to mention the fact you are a dumb as fucking dog shit
*electrician puke* pretending to be an " ingineuer ".

So they finally woke up an gave you the BOOT !!!


How time wounds all heels !!!

......... Phil
"Alan Rutlidge"

** There are lots of *folk* out there, Alan, who would really *despise* a
49 year old ,Telstra faggot who openly engage in sex tourism in Asia.

Aside from the fact it has long been a serious criminal offence.

You need to wake up just how vulnerable you are.

........ Phil
"Andrew Pearson"

= a lying, alcoholic fuckwit

** So your long suffering employers at " Jupiters Technology " in
Brisbane OBVIOUSLY had had a massive, fucking gutful of your
fuckhead drunk behaviour while at work.

Not to mention the fact you are a dumb as fucking dog shit
*electrician puke* pretending to be an " ingineuer ".

So they finally woke up an gave you the BOOT !!!


How time wounds all heels !!!

......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge"

** There are lots of *folk* out there, Alan, who would really *despise*
49 year old ,Telstra faggot who openly engage in sex tourism in Asia.

Aside from the fact it has long been a serious criminal offence.

You need to wake up just how vulnerable you are.

....... Phil
<<<< repeated, because Phil's a thick as a brick dumbshit >>>>>>

**** "So what does that say about you? Self employed Toaster Boi?

Only a dipstick would employ you (Mr. Charisma) or someone who deliberately
wanted to run their business as a tax dodge. With you in the picture, any
venture would be doomed to failure.

BTW, how do you manage to get by on that less than $50,000 gross turnover
non-GST reporting "business" of yours? I've done the sums and in
consideration that you rent that dump of a bed-sit flat which is also your
place of business you must be surviving on handouts from the Salvos. Either
that or you're collecting CentreLink benefits and / or falsely declaring
your income?

So just how do you get by Phil? I'm sure we'd all be interested to know how
you do it. :p" ****

Avoiding the questions aren't you Toaster Boi?
Now let's see who got some secrets. :)
"Alan Rutlidge"

** There are lots of *folk* out there, Alan, who would really *despise* a
49 year old ,Telstra faggot who openly engage in sex tourism in Asia.

Aside from the fact it has long been a serious criminal offence.

You need to wake up just how vulnerable you are.

........ Phil
"Phil Allison" <> the net-stalking autistic Toaster
Boi from Summer Hill wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge"

** There are lots of *folk* out there, Alan, who would really *despise*
49 year old ,Telstra faggot who openly engage in sex tourism in Asia.

Aside from the fact it has long been a serious criminal offence.

You need to wake up just how vulnerable you are.

....... Phil
Vulnerable to what? A psychotic old fool like you? You make me ROFLMAO.

Face it Phil. You're just gonna have to come up with something a little bit
better than that Toaster Boi.
How long has it been since you have been peddling this same sad tale? Does
anyone care? Does anyone want to know? Does anyone believe you? Nah!
Truly a case of Phyllis in Blunderland......
Jaycar refunded the money.
They have changed the packaging in the shops, which now makes no claim
of measuring fat. The machine itself still pretends to do it, of course.
And even the staff still assumed that it really worked.

I checked out the newer $90 model, which was really bad in so many ways.
So its back to the old mechanical model for me.
Phil Allison wrote:

"Chris Jones"

I found that
the 105 degree caps seem to have a significantly higher ESR than 85
degree C ones, so I have stopped my habit of automatically fitting the
105 degree...

** If electro caps are deteriorating and needing replacement - then it
is *odds on* they are operating in a hot environment. So 105 C types
likely last much longer than the 85 C types.

Also be aware that the ESR of an electro goes DOWN when the cap gets hot
- by a factor of up to 5 times !!!

The point I was making is that the ESR of the 105 degree types was
several times larger than that of the 85 degree type from the same
manufacturer, when I measured it.

** Shame you did not say *that* before.

Kindly post the revalant info - ie cap maker, ratings, physical size &
actual ESR readings.
They were Nippon Chemi-con, though it was a while ago so I don't know the
part numbers. The 105 degree ones were brown in colour and the 85 degree
ones were black. The actual ESR readings have been long since forgotten,
but I just remember that in that particular case the 105 degree ones were
higher by a surprising amount, and that I should in future measure the ESR
before making any "clever" substitutions. Here is a catalogue from the same
What is now clear to me is that there are so many different types in both
temperature ranges that it would not be surprising if there were some high
and low ESR grades in both ranges and therefore the possibility of me
finding high temperature ones that happen to be from a series which doesn't
have as good ESR as some of the low temperature grades. The lesson that I
learnt was that I should measure the ESR and not assume any temperature
range are always better.

In many years of checking electros I have NOT come across anything like
your claim.
Fair enough.

Therefore in some applications where ESR really
matters e.g. SMPS output, it is possible that after replacing the caps
higher temperature types, the thing will not work as well as it would
have done if the 85 degree type had been used, and in the worst case, the
105 degree caps could heat up more than twice as much as the 85 degree
type, and could exceed 105 degrees in a situation where the 85 degree
caps would have stayed below 85 degrees C.

** You are making this all up as you go along.
Well I have never seen it happen so yes if you like, but certainly a
capacitor with high ESR could be heated quite a bit when subjected to a few
amps of ripple current.

Electros are not operated at such high temps in SMPSs.
Hopefully not, in a good design, but then I probably wouldn't be trying to
fix it if it had been designed properly.

""do not place the ESD-sensitive part on the printer cover or metal table..."
"..metal tables are electrical grounds. They increase the risk of damage.."
"if possible keep all ESD sensitive parts in grounded metal cabinet"

Is the above a bit of nonsense, ie the metal table & the contradtion with
using a metal cabinet.

They obviously don't know what they are talking about.
Proper ESD technique goes something like this:
1) Only work on equipment at an approved ESD handling station (grounded
mat at the very least)
2) Wear a wrist strap to dissipate your body to ground
3) Only use anti-static or conductive bags, bins, trays etc within the
ESD safe area.
4) Transport all items in ESD-safe bages AND conductive boxes.
5) Wear anti-stat coat if there is a chance of clothing coming in
contact with the ESD sensitive item.
They did include some of the (sensible) points you mention
but no mention of ESD station
no mention of antistatic coat: synthetic clothing is a nono (not to mention
nylon carpet)
the metal table comment didnt really make sense: whats the diff between a
metal table & metal cabinet
On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 20:15:32 +0800, "TT" <> wrote:

"outer" <> wrote in message

P M Allison
7/19 Prospect Rd
Summer Hill
Ph: 02 9799 8242

Got him! Oh our little bipolar toaster molester won't sleep
well at night now. Just think every knock on the door will
make him crap in his nappy!

I am soooooooooo pleased.

Mmmmmm.......... looks like #7 wont be a lucky number for
some any more eh?

Cheers TT
Have you given any thought to the possibility it might not be PA's address?
"TT" <> wrote in message
"dmm" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 20:15:32 +0800, "TT"> wrote:

"outer" <> wrote in message

P M Allison
7/19 Prospect Rd
Summer Hill
Ph: 02 9799 8242

Got him! Oh our little bipolar toaster molester won't
well at night now. Just think every knock on the door
make him crap in his nappy!

I am soooooooooo pleased.

Mmmmmm.......... looks like #7 wont be a lucky number for
some any more eh?

Cheers TT

Have you given any thought to the possibility it might not
be PA's address?

Only the actual flat number needs to be confirmed. The rest
is accurate. Anyone from Sydney want to knock on the door
and find out?

Cheers TT
Can't knock on his door as there is security door at both entrances.
"outer" <> wrote in message
"TT" <> wrote in message

"dmm" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 20:15:32 +0800, "TT"> wrote:

"outer" <> wrote in message

P M Allison
7/19 Prospect Rd
Summer Hill
Ph: 02 9799 8242

Got him! Oh our little bipolar toaster molester won't
well at night now. Just think every knock on the door
make him crap in his nappy!

I am soooooooooo pleased.

Mmmmmm.......... looks like #7 wont be a lucky number
some any more eh?

Cheers TT

Have you given any thought to the possibility it might
be PA's address?

Only the actual flat number needs to be confirmed. The
is accurate. Anyone from Sydney want to knock on the
and find out?

Cheers TT

Can't knock on his door as there is security door at both

Well why not rattle his garage door (furtherest on left) and
see if he comes running out. He just may think someone is
after some of his antique lo-fi or a toaster ;-)

BTW he has all of a sudden gone very, very quite. Probably
out seeing if his old flat in Lackey street is vacant again

Cheers TT
Chris Jones wrote:
Phil Allison wrote:

"Chris Jones"

I found that
the 105 degree caps seem to have a significantly higher ESR than 85
degree C ones, so I have stopped my habit of automatically fitting the
105 degree...
a lot depends on what frequency the ESR is measured at. It varies
significantly with frequency. Michael Gaspari wrote a great paper in IEE
trans. Industry applications, vol.41 no.6 nov/dec 2005, pp1430-1435.

his cap model is:

| |

R0 = resistance of foil, tabs & terminals
R1 = resistance of electrolyte
R2 = dielectric loss resistance
C1 = terminal capacitance
C2 = dielectric loss capacitance

R2 and C2 give a large variation in ESR with frequency. typically the
effect of R2,C2 peters out above 10kHz, so you can take the ESR at
100kHz as the combined value of R0 and R1. this can be seen from the
ripple current multiplier tables a decent cap data sheet has.

R0+R1 = ESR @ 100kHz

R2 = ESR @ 100Hz - (Ro + R1)

and pick C2 to get the right values for ESRs in the 100H - 10kHz range

the reason the ripple current varies with temperature is the loss in the
cap is kept constant (for a given lifetime) so lower ESR means more
current. you can thus translate a ripple-current multiplier table (eg
see LXZ cap datasheet in linked PDF) into an ESR multiplier.

ESR_multiplier = 1/(ripple_multiplier)^2

the LXZ table for 220uF - 560uF caps is:

120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz
0.5 0.85 0.94 1.00

so the ESR multiplier is:

4 1.4 1.13 1

these caps have 4x the ESR at 100Hz. hardly surprising, they are
designed for smps, so have low ESR at 100kHz.

ESR variation with temperature is due to the increased conductivity of
the electrolyte.

R1(T) = R1o*exp[(To-Tcore)/E]

R1o = ESR at temperature To

E = temperature sensitivity factor

R1 is usually 5x Ro, and you can calculate E from the two ESR
measurements (-10C, 20C) for a given cap family.

** If electro caps are deteriorating and needing replacement - then it
is *odds on* they are operating in a hot environment. So 105 C types
likely last much longer than the 85 C types.

Also be aware that the ESR of an electro goes DOWN when the cap gets hot
- by a factor of up to 5 times !!!

The point I was making is that the ESR of the 105 degree types was
several times larger than that of the 85 degree type from the same
manufacturer, when I measured it.

** Shame you did not say *that* before.

Kindly post the revalant info - ie cap maker, ratings, physical size &
actual ESR readings.

They were Nippon Chemi-con, though it was a while ago so I don't know the
part numbers. The 105 degree ones were brown in colour and the 85 degree
ones were black. The actual ESR readings have been long since forgotten,
but I just remember that in that particular case the 105 degree ones were
higher by a surprising amount, and that I should in future measure the ESR
before making any "clever" substitutions. Here is a catalogue from the same
What is now clear to me is that there are so many different types in both
temperature ranges that it would not be surprising if there were some high
and low ESR grades in both ranges and therefore the possibility of me
finding high temperature ones that happen to be from a series which doesn't
have as good ESR as some of the low temperature grades. The lesson that I
learnt was that I should measure the ESR and not assume any temperature
range are always better.

In many years of checking electros I have NOT come across anything like
your claim.

Fair enough.

Therefore in some applications where ESR really
matters e.g. SMPS output, it is possible that after replacing the caps
higher temperature types, the thing will not work as well as it would
have done if the 85 degree type had been used, and in the worst case, the
105 degree caps could heat up more than twice as much as the 85 degree
type, and could exceed 105 degrees in a situation where the 85 degree
caps would have stayed below 85 degrees C.

** You are making this all up as you go along.

Well I have never seen it happen so yes if you like, but certainly a
capacitor with high ESR could be heated quite a bit when subjected to a few
amps of ripple current.

Electros are not operated at such high temps in SMPSs.

Hopefully not, in a good design, but then I probably wouldn't be trying to
fix it if it had been designed properly.

A "static shielding" bag is different to an "anti-static" bag (the
common cheap "pink" bags, and pink bubble wrap). Anti-static bags do
not protect a device from an external static charge, they simply
prevent the build up of static when used within an ESD safe
I remenber my boss demonstrating to me that the 'pink' bags/foam/bubblewrap
arent to be used.
He rubbed the bag up & down the bench & few times & built up enougth static
for the bag to stick to the wall.

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