Bob Officer
On Tue, 30 Nov 2010 08:12:51 +1000, in world filled with his personal
delusions, "|-|ercules" <radgray123@yahoo.com> wrote:
HEre we have the well known Kook known as Cooper as begins the
stalking of his prey....
Rarely seen in the wild, his prey is the wily and cunning Migrating
Kookwatcher. A rare variety petrus Bowditch.
p.Bowditch is usually a very wary Kookwatcher, and drops crumbs
carefully behind him in his wake, The kooks often follow these
breadcrumbs, never suspecting the next crumb may contain the hook.
Once hooked the Kookwatcher passes popcorn and buys everyone a pint,
while they watch the Kook dance and gibber endlessly.
Once hooked or snared, the Coop may make threats to poison people,
make outlandish claims and claim that he is Adam, god or the Truman
(the movie).
delusions, "|-|ercules" <radgray123@yahoo.com> wrote:
Welcome to our program tonight and you amusing presentation"Peter Bowditch" <myfirstname@ratbags.com> wrote ...
Have you migrated to aus.tv?
I have a newsreader program which allows me to follow many groups
relating to topics which interest me, and aus.tv is one of them. I
will not tell you any of the others in case you start infesting them
with your kookiness.
HEre we have the well known Kook known as Cooper as begins the
stalking of his prey....
Rarely seen in the wild, his prey is the wily and cunning Migrating
Kookwatcher. A rare variety petrus Bowditch.
p.Bowditch is usually a very wary Kookwatcher, and drops crumbs
carefully behind him in his wake, The kooks often follow these
breadcrumbs, never suspecting the next crumb may contain the hook.
Once hooked the Kookwatcher passes popcorn and buys everyone a pint,
while they watch the Kook dance and gibber endlessly.
Once hooked or snared, the Coop may make threats to poison people,
make outlandish claims and claim that he is Adam, god or the Truman
(the movie).