PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

"B J Foster" <> wrote in message
he will go away when you stop feeding him
will you do the same?
"B J Foster" <> wrote in message
he will go away when you stop feeding him

pot, kettle, black.
Mr Black wrote:

"B J Foster" <> wrote in message

he will go away when you stop feeding him

will you do the same?
In case you hadn't noticed, I do not respond to JPT
"two bob" <> wrote in message
he will go away when you stop feeding him

He wont go away, just like the pacific ocean wont go away. Treat it like a
bad joke and go with the flow

Alas they haven't invented a cure for stupidity otherwise JPT would have vanished
long ago.
Mick :)-))
You don't have to be mad to post on Usenet,
but it certainly helps.
"B J Foster" <> wrote in message
Mr Black wrote:

"B J Foster" <> wrote in message

he will go away when you stop feeding him

will you do the same?

In case you hadn't noticed, I do not respond to JPT
No, you only respond to everyone else thus pumping up JPT thread count,
therefore you are essentially trolling for him.

Mr Black wrote:

"B J Foster" <> wrote in message

Mr Black wrote:

"B J Foster" <> wrote in message

he will go away when you stop feeding him

will you do the same?

In case you hadn't noticed, I do not respond to JPT

No, you only respond to everyone else thus pumping up JPT thread count,
therefore you are essentially trolling for him.

You are beyond help
"B J Foster" <> wrote in message
Mr Black wrote:

"B J Foster" <> wrote in message

Mr Black wrote:

"B J Foster" <> wrote in message

he will go away when you stop feeding him

will you do the same?

In case you hadn't noticed, I do not respond to JPT

No, you only respond to everyone else thus pumping up JPT thread count,
therefore you are essentially trolling for him.


You are beyond help
That seems to be your stock standard answer when someone points out the
truth of your actions.

i think its time you found your way into the killfile.

Welcome to Plonk City, population: you.

If you want to see how it works butcher, or xray, a card,
Hi Jason,

Thanks. I have butchered a card and found that it's made up of two layers
of plastic laminated over a very thin black layer of something.
Unfortunately, the cards are too well made to be able to split the halves

Still haven't had any luck in finding a pinout / protocol doc for the device
though. I suspect that it *might* be RS-232 so I'm going to guess at the
power cords, plug it in and see what happens. Might blow a serial port, but
what the hell :)
- = krusty = - wrote:

If you want to see how it works butcher, or xray, a card,

Hi Jason,

Thanks. I have butchered a card and found that it's made up of two layers
of plastic laminated over a very thin black layer of something.
Unfortunately, the cards are too well made to be able to split the halves

Still haven't had any luck in finding a pinout / protocol doc for the device
though. I suspect that it *might* be RS-232 so I'm going to guess at the
power cords, plug it in and see what happens. Might blow a serial port, but
what the hell :)

It's probably a Weigand protocol over rs485 interface.
"acorn" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

A stock with a PowerRating of 10 performs 16.9 times better than the
S&P 500.

Google was PowerRated 9 on Feb 15, a day before its big pop.
What about the Newmont / Newcrest Mining Criminals ' stocks ?
How do you rate how quick those doomed stocks are going to hit rock bottom ?

By the way do you know that Palmer, the Newcrest President until last week,
as the typical rat he is, evacuated the ship as soon as he felt it sinking !
Rats are very clever hey ?

Palmer pulled out with enough to last him a 100 years, but that Mining
Manure forgot about his inner soul's programmed brain Cancer !
Going to clear that Manure soon to oblivion indeed, along with his mates
Tyrwhitt ze Shit ( the WA Whorehouse's Mining Hero ) & dedicated Admirer
of same .. Slippery Gallop himself who run away from duty a month ago with
his bag full of superannuation !

.... leaving that poor clueless ABC Carpenter Premier not knowing what to do
about the un-programmed disaster of the Teufel Mine ( appropriate hellish
name indeed )

THIS NIGHT TODAY could be a fair title for the coming show !

Nom de Dieu, mais c'est pas possible !

No regards

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology

Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~
Does anyone how it is the great Mining Pioneer's (up one's nose) posts
appear post dated? It means means that in any date listing his posts
always appear first up.

Best Regards,

Sean McHugh

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:

As their dam levels drop, two parched inland cities are competing to be the
first in Australia to recycle sewage into drinking water, writes Selina


March 02, 2006
FORMER Toowoomba mayor and erstwhile National Party politician Clive
Berghofer is concerned Queensland's largest inland town will become known as
"shit city".,5744,18315187%255E30417,00.html

Drought towns turn to effluent
Selina Mitchell
March 02, 2006
AUSTRALIANS could be drinking recycled effluent within three years.,5744,18319167%255E30417,00.html

John Howard is on the verge of agreeing to the partial funding for a $70
million Toowoomba project to recycle wastewater in an effort to solve the
Queensland city's dire water shortage.

If the controversial project received the go-ahead, construction could be
completed in 18months, Toowoomba Mayor Di Thorley said. The town has been on
water restrictions for more than a decade.

A combination of recycling and demand management was the only solution, Ms
Thorley said.

Toowoomba is seeking $24million in federal funding through the $1.6 billion
Water Smart Australia program, which is administered by the National Water

The commission has given the Prime Minister its recommendation on the
funding decision.

Chairman and CEO Ken Matthews told The Australian the country should be "at
the cutting edge of delivering economic, safe and healthy recycled water".

The commission has also received a proposal for a similar recycling scheme
for the parched NSW southern highlands city of Goulburn.

Goulburn's council is about to embark on a public education program critical
to it receiving public and financial support for its sewage recycling plans.

Goulburn-Mulwaree Mayor Paul Stephenson said the commission was supportive
of his call for $11 million in funding.

"We hope to have the system up and running in four years."

Both town systems would use reverse osmosis to treat the wastewater, the
same technology that is used to desalinate water.

The National Water Commission, the CSIRO, and parliamentary secretary with
special responsibility for water Malcolm Turnbull believe it is safe to
drinkproperly treated sewage. However, they also agree that anysuccessful
recycling system needs to be backed by the local community.

And in Toowoomba the community is divided on the issue.

Some of the locals, who are desperate for a solution to their water woes,
are not quite ready to accept recycling.

But others appear perfectly happy to drink recycled wastewater, as is
already done in other countries across the globe such as Japan, the US,
Britain and Singapore. Residents for and against the plant are generating
their own petitions.

Industry, Tourism and Resources Minister Ian Macfarlane, who is Toowoomba's
local member, says the proposal has divided the community and could taint
the city's tourism image.

"People are not comfortable with this," Mr Macfarlane said.

"I would like to see other options considered, and a regional approach to
the issue."

Mr Turnbull said he was comfortable drinking recycled water.

"The key point about safety is that reverse osmosis will remove any
molecules larger than the water molecule (including salts)," he said.

"It follows therefore that the pathogens, drugs etc of which concern is had
will be removed by reverse osmosis." Western Australia is looking at options
for treating sewage for drinking.

Brought to you,with added comments below courtesy of :
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology

Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~

added comments
Congratulations & Honour to Our Celtic God for implementing there again on
such debased nation of australia, guilty indeed of a most heinous & abject
Collective Crime a well deserved Collective Punishment !!!

It is a a fact that discovering Mineral Deposits is a difficult exercice,
and none have achieved in the whole of australian Mining History the
exceptional feat of putting 3 mines on the map ! ... although in a whole
generation the consequence for Australia Mining Pioneer Turcaud has been a
continuous stream of abuses, insults, denials and vilifications on the part
of the Mining Criminals, their Political Criminal backers and that Criminal
Antipodean Rabble supporting it ! ... without a "Single Cent nor a Single
Thanks " forwarded from the convict-strain Bastards's Colony ! That Divine
Retribution in application of theLaws of Eternal Justice comes as evident
solace to me !

Besides the fact that many more & never found mines would have seen the
light, if I had not been kicked off the land ( at least 3 more of a total of
22 finds ), I am pleased to tell you that my true speciality is not Mining
but discovering pure water in any quantity and at any depth !!!! ... and
further still thanks to the True Geology knowing wherefrom that water
originally comes ( the official Vitellius apparent cycle of water is correct
... but does not give that answer ) ... and finding water for me even in
the sea is just fun !!! .... and I can even give the right counsel which
wiith little water will allow populations to drink the best water & allow
the best level of health in such !!!

... but as it is, Bastards, and as a result of your Collective Crimes, your
only ressources is to ask those Official Mining Heroes for solution, or
alternatively those Mining Criminals of Newmont, Newcrest, BHP & Boral or
finally those Politics of the Federal or WA Parliaments ... and their
Universillities Experts of the ANU & Curtin ( ... and I could be now a
Professor of Geology (True) at the ANU , if you were not such a mob of
greedy degenerate criminal morons indeed !!! )

So as it is you are all going to drink shit .. but since you are already
drinking piss, you have already acquired some type of immunity I suppose !

With kind but sorry regards

Sir JP Turcaud

You find it necessary to leave his entire insane rant in your post? Just
kill-file him then you'll only see his crap when some newb responds.


"Sean McHugh" <> wrote in message
Does anyone how it is the great Mining Pioneer's (up one's nose) posts
appear post dated? It means means that in any date listing his posts
always appear first up.

Best Regards,

Sean McHugh

John-Boy Turdcad wrote:

> > END
Ken Taylor wrote:

You find it necessary to leave his entire insane rant in your post?
An oversight and one, I suggest, of little consequence. Interestingly,
Google seems to show you as being more interested in Turcaud than
I am.

Just kill-file him then you'll only see his crap when some newb
Another way to stop clutter, is when a question is asked, and you
can't answer it, simply shut up!


Sean McHugh
Ken Taylor wrote:
"Sean McHugh" <> wrote in message

Ken Taylor wrote:

You find it necessary to leave his entire insane rant in your post?

An oversight and one, I suggest, of little consequence.

Well, it's really only nettiquette in these days of broadband.
With Turcaud, it's netiquette, but with me it's not a reflex action.
That's because, in the threads in which I am involved, snipping the
opponent's arguments is frowned upon.

Interestingly, Google seems to show you as being more interested in
Turcaud than
I am.

I assumed you were a newb when I couldn't place your name among the throng -
the fact that you even know how to Google that up suggests otherwise! :)
Got it. The list of unfamiliar ngs in the header would explain that -
from my perspective anyway. Turcaud would seem to like to spread
himself around when saving the world from impending doom. Shame the
previous Messiah hadn't heard of the Internet.

Just kill-file him then you'll only see his crap when some newb

Another way to stop clutter, is when a question is asked, and you
can't answer it, simply shut up!

That was an option, though I thought maybe there'd be benefit all round with
a gentle pointer.


Sorry, it was just a little white pointer. :)

Best Regards,

Sean McHugh
On Sun, 5 Mar 2006 22:45:28 +0100, the infamous French
traitor,"Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote:

What is the most interesting to note, is not the least word of concern about
the terrible state of predicament of that Queensland town, nor of many
others to come and first amongst those is Sydney indeed !

Just get accross your fucken mouth of gutless toads what you deserve indeed
Why are you refusing to help the French Poultry farmers, you traitor?


Read all about Australia's biggest doomsday cult:

"You can't fool me, it's turtles all the way down"
You mean, "Troll respondents are vermin"?

Wally Anglesea™ wrote:
On Sun, 5 Mar 2006 06:50:06 +0100, infamous French traitor"Jean-Paul
Turcaud" <> wrote:

You're a gultess toad, Sean !
... but you knew that already, Hey ?

Anyway you are heading towards drinking the proper thing for your kind of
shitheads : Shit !

Does the French government know you are a traitor?

Your refusal to use your powerzzzzzz to stop the avian flu problem
currently destroying the French poultry industry, is treason.

Read all about Australia's biggest doomsday cult:

"You can't fool me, it's turtles all the way down"
What is the most interesting to note, is not the least word of concern about
the terrible state of predicament of that Queensland town, nor of many
others to come and first amongst those is Sydney indeed !

Just get accross your fucken mouth of gutless toads what you deserve indeed

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology

Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ~~

"Sean McHugh" <> wrote in message
Does anyone how it is the great Mining Pioneer's (up one's nose) posts
appear post dated? It means means that in any date listing his posts
always appear first up.
On 17 Mar 2006 21:18:14 -0800, "Omid" <> wrote:

Phil Allison wrote:
"Ross Herbert"

Why 10nF (0.01uF) capacitor and not 100nF (0.1uF)

** Cos he 'ad one of 'em.

and why 400V

** Cos everyone knows that is enuf for 240 VAC.

(I assume it was 400Vac)? Much bigger (physically) than needed.

** Nah - the OP never used on of 'em buggers ....

And where do you get a 4W, 170 ohm resistor pray tell?

** From a buggerd radio - of course.

What type is the resistor, metal film/oxide, carbon film, wire-wound?

** Old.

What is the Best values for my situation , because i want to make
numbers of this board, not just one. maybe it's price deffers!!!!
0.01nf for cap and 180ohm-1W resistor?!!!
There are many variables to be considerd in designing triac snubbers
such as the load inductance, dV/dT rating of the triac, the line
voltage and frequency etc. There can be many different combinations of
R and C which will actually work (as you have discovered) but for any
particular load and other variables the ideal snubber requires some
measurement and analysis.


You might be better off using the newer snubberless triacs.

Here is an ST example

BTW are you in Australia where we use 240Vac, 50Hz?

** "Omid" appears to be posting from the Atomic Energy Organization of

" NNTP-Posting-Host: "

you are so clever!!!! i was very very excited! how can i hide my host
ip from viewing?

Just a tad fucking scary .........
Omid "could" be designing his triac motor controller for Iran's
uranium enrichment centrifuges. Somehow, if he is starting off at this
level, I think it will take many years to actually get anywhere.
On Wed, 31 May 2006 13:25:01 +1000, "crazy frog"
<> wrote:

keep it up arsehole=john fields+troll=dead man
i would love smash you to bits
Yeah, well, your reach _seriously_ exceeds your grasp.

You need to stick to what you're suited to best, using your tongue
to catch flies, since using it to express what's in that pea-sized
brain of yours will only get you in trouble.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
John Fields wrote:
On Wed, 31 May 2006 13:25:01 +1000, "crazy frog"> wrote:

keep it up arsehole=john fields+troll=dead man
i would love smash you to bits

Yeah, well, your reach _seriously_ exceeds your grasp.

You need to stick to what you're suited to best, using your tongue
to catch flies, since using it to express what's in that pea-sized
brain of yours will only get you in trouble.
He's been taking brain growth hormones?

Welcome to

