The real Andy
Can someone post a copy?? Or if one is not keen to type it, perhaps I could
get a scanned copy emailed to a.pearson at optusnet dot com dot au. I will
also check the antispam 'reply to' address that I use for usenet. I would
love to read what he says. Considering that SC is stuck in the dim dark ages
of circuit design, i'm surprised that SC has even discovered usenet.
Can someone post a copy?? Or if one is not keen to type it, perhaps I could
get a scanned copy emailed to a.pearson at optusnet dot com dot au. I will
also check the antispam 'reply to' address that I use for usenet. I would
love to read what he says. Considering that SC is stuck in the dim dark ages
of circuit design, i'm surprised that SC has even discovered usenet.