PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

On Jun 18, 12:54 pm, "Trevor Wilson"
<> wrote:

**Yes. Easily. Across the US, each year, there are hundreds of 'gun shows'.
At these 'gun shows' dealers, posing as private citizens sell thousands of
guns to criminals. They can do so, because there are virtually zero
restrictions on the sale of 'second hand' guns. Even if that gun has only
been 'second hand' for a couple of minutes and has never been fired. Here in
Australia (and pretty much the rest of the developed world) ALL gun sales
must be recorded and tracked. Even secondary sales. Such an action ensures
that fewer guns end up in the hands of criminals.
So, Trevor, are you now claiming that laws governing the sale of
firearms by licenced dealers in the US "don't apply" if the dealer
takes his wares to a gun show?

You are a fucking liar, the laws governing issues like background
checks and 4473 forms apply to gun dealers in the US REGARDLESS of
where they conduct the business.
On Jun 18, 12:54 pm, "Trevor Wilson"
<> wrote:

**Yes. Easily. Across the US, each year, there are hundreds of 'gun shows'.
At these 'gun shows' dealers, posing as private citizens sell thousands of
guns to criminals. They can do so, because there are virtually zero
restrictions on the sale of 'second hand' guns. Even if that gun has only
been 'second hand' for a couple of minutes and has never been fired. Here in
Australia (and pretty much the rest of the developed world) ALL gun sales
must be recorded and tracked. Even secondary sales. Such an action ensures
that fewer guns end up in the hands of criminals.
45 seconds on Google to prove Trevor Wilson is a liar

"Licensed gun dealers that sell at gun shows must, by federal law,
strictly adhere to background checks through the National Instant
Criminal Background Check System."
Trevor Wilson wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

Trevor Wilson wrote:

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

John - Melb wrote:

On Jun 17, 9:40 am, "Trevor Wilson" <

**The figures for people legitemately shooting alleged criminals (I
alleged, because in places like Texas, it would seem that the
authorites are
now prepared to accept the word of the 'last man standing', as to
legitemacy of the shooting) are miniscule in the extreme. FBI
that, in the US, something like 400-odd people are shot and killed
in so-called 'justifiable homicide' acts each year. This figure
to be
examined in the same light as the number killed by civilians in
circumstances. The figure for civilians is approximately 230 PA.
needs to be tempered by the inadequacies of the laws in places like
where lip service is paid by LEOs under many circumstances.
one must bear in mind that the number of civilians killed by gunshot
year in the US is approximately 10,000. Clearly, carrying guns for
defence purposes is a failed experiment. It is an experiment that
the nutters in the pro-gun lobby, here in Australia, wish to
These are the same individuals who seem to feel that shooting native
and other indigenous critters is, somehow, sporting. They seem to
that the indiscriminate spraying of lead shot into pristine
whilst causing the needless suffering of wild animals is all in a

Trevor has posted such rants before, he posts them here because he
doesn't believe that anybody know enough about the subject matter to
challenge him, every time he posts such rants on gun related group he
gets spanked badly.

Reading the above Trevor, are you again asserting that a Defensive Gun
Use (DGU) requires a dead body, and if there's no dead body, then the
DGU didn't happen?

He is ignoring the fact that areas of the US that issue 'Concealed
Carry' permits have the lowest number of gun crimes, and the ones that
refuse to allow you to carry have the highest.

**Really? Give me the homicide figures for (say) NYC, where concealed
is illegal and Miami, where concealed carry is legal.

Miami is a cesspool of illegal aliens, drug dealing and street
gangs. It is also a large area, and some parts are not safe. it also
has a lot of the Cuban criminals that Casto dumped out of his prsions.
Like the early days in Oz.

**Here is your claim:

"He is ignoring the fact that areas of the US that issue 'Concealed Carry'
permits have the lowest number of gun crimes, and the ones that refuse to
allow you to carry have the highest."

You neatly avoided answering my questions. Answers which would have shown
your rhetoric to be complete and utter bollocks. Let's compare (say) Houston
(where concealed carry is legal) to NYC. Is that better?

Compare what? You've give two names, but no numbers. Its your
ignorant claim, so dig up the proof.

Or that a lot of that
crime is by gangs shooting at each other, or illegal aliens committing
crimes, and shooting anyone who can identify them. In other words he
a liar, and idiot for thinking no one will knew he's a liar.

**The issue is not which US citizens are killing each other, but how they
were so easily able to acquire the firearms. Lax US gun control laws,
all jurisdictions, ensure that those with violent tendencies can easily
obtain the weapons that they require.

Easily? Go to a gun shop, let them run a Federal background check,
and buy one. Or in your case, steal one.

**Yes. Easily. Across the US, each year, there are hundreds of 'gun shows'.
At these 'gun shows' dealers, posing as private citizens sell thousands of
guns to criminals. They can do so, because there are virtually zero
restrictions on the sale of 'second hand' guns. Even if that gun has only
been 'second hand' for a couple of minutes and has never been fired. Here in
Australia (and pretty much the rest of the developed world) ALL gun sales
must be recorded and tracked. Even secondary sales. Such an action ensures
that fewer guns end up in the hands of criminals.

So, you attend all these guns shows and see all those illegal

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
John - Melb wrote:
On Jun 18, 12:54 pm, "Trevor Wilson"> wrote:

**Yes. Easily. Across the US, each year, there are hundreds of 'gun shows'.
At these 'gun shows' dealers, posing as private citizens sell thousands of
guns to criminals. They can do so, because there are virtually zero
restrictions on the sale of 'second hand' guns. Even if that gun has only
been 'second hand' for a couple of minutes and has never been fired. Here in
Australia (and pretty much the rest of the developed world) ALL gun sales
must be recorded and tracked. Even secondary sales. Such an action ensures
that fewer guns end up in the hands of criminals.

45 seconds on Google to prove Trevor Wilson is a liar

"Licensed gun dealers that sell at gun shows must, by federal law,
strictly adhere to background checks through the National Instant
Criminal Background Check System."

Lying trolls never let facts get in the way of their wet dreams.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
Trevor Wilson wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

You are too stupid to understand a metalworking hobby? or are you
claiming that no one in Oz is smart enough to take some of the right
steel and turn out a quality project, outside of a CNC machine shop?
You make oz sound more and more like hell on earth.

You can make all the guns or rifles you want in the US, but you can't
sell them. Some guys can make anything you can think of, and have home
machine shops you wouldn't believe. Some own businesses where they need
the equipment, and do their own projects after hours. Just because you
aren't smart enough to do it, doesn't mean it can't be done cheaper and
better at home.

The only comments I see with that view are America hating little
loser, like you, the Dreaded 'Dead Donkey', and Phil.

**Really. Try here:

And here:

And here:

Three whole cites, with billions of people on earth? The numbers aren't
in your favor.

**Why do you consider that the needless misery and death of native ducks is
a good thing? Most of the ducks shot, die slowly and are not eaten. They're
shot for 'fun'. Why do you find this acceptable? Why do you find it
acceptable to spread lead around pristine environments?

Who said i do? You are so blind with rage you keep insisting that I
do, but its all in your fat little head.

You don't know shit about modern ammunition, or the fact that
lead, in its pure form is not hazardous.

**Lead degrades in nature. Are you unaware of this?

At what rate? Under what conditions? Are you aware that anything
that would rapidly decompose pure lead would be more dangerous to wild
animals, that the lead byproducts. if lead oxides, and other lead
compounds formed with any measurable speed, there would be none left on
earth by now, so you are as ignorant, as ever. take a look at a 50 to
80 year old solder joint that was made with a high lead solder. Its
still there, and still works. It was likely done with acid flux, or
activate Rosin flux, which is a mix of Rosin and Acid. You are still
batting zero.

Your ignorance is showing
again, moron.

**I know that lead is a dangerous toxin. I know that regular shooters show
elevated blood/lead levels. Are you unaware of ths?

cite? people that soldered 40 hours a week for 20 years show no
signs of lead poising, so those hunters must be nasty bastards who don't
wash their hands before eating.

BTW, have you ever had the pleasure of firing a bazooka,
or using a thermite grenade?

**I have no interest in such things.

Sorry, I forgot that you're not a man.

Watching one burn a hole straight through
an engine block is simply amazing, but I've seen some overpriced audio
crap that deserve the same treatment.

This shows how little you know about machining gun parts. Just like
audio, you are clueless.

**Would you care to explain these comments?

Explain what? You've never machined gun parts, have you? You are a
wanabe audio expert, as well.

How do you explain 'clueless' to the clueless? Or stupid to the
stupid. You remind me of a mentally disabled kid I know who brags that
he is an 'Idiot Savant', yet can't do anything more complex than mow
yards for his income.

Some people build assault rifles in home workshops that rival anything
mass produced.

**Which would be illegal in Australia. The penalty for doing so is quite
severe. Far in excess of the value of the weapon. Anyone with the
and talent to do so, would likely be gainfully employed.

IE, a 'Nanny State' where the government does your thinking for you,
because you are so helpless. they can't let their babies do anything to
hurt themselves. A severe penalty for a hobby that hurts no one. What
a place to stay away from.

**The "hobby" of gun ownership in the US leads to the murder of around
10,000 US citizens each year. Hardly a harmless "hobby".

Bullshit. Most are repeat offenders using stolen or imported
weapons, but a sissy who is terrified of guns will crap out any inane
bullshit they dream up to confuse the issue.

More idiots, like the 'global warming' and 'free energy' crowds?

**Huh? Global Warming is a fact of life. Of course, your decision to ignore
the work done by the IPCC is your business. It just makes you look like a
moron. By "free energy", I presume you mean perpetual motion. That, of
course, is bunk.
Global warming is a theory that can not be proved in a hundred

That's no surprise.

**What is no surprise? That you have managed to ignore the work from the
IPCC? Not to me. You display some serious thinking deficiencies.

No, I think for myself, and there are too many lies, and to much
'massaged' data from the IPCC.

BTW, CC stands for Climate Change, not Global Warming. They took
that out of their name because they are starting to realize their scam
is over. ten years ago, i ran my air conditioning, year round. Since
then, I have had more and more days I had to use the electric heat.
This year was almost two months, and I didn't turn the AC on till early
this month

You are unable to clearly articulate your words and you seem to
have severe cognitive problems.

IOW, I won't kiss your ignorant ass, so something is wrong with me.
Gotcha, moron.

Have you had your blood/lead levels checked lately? Lead poisoning affects
brain chemistry. You're probably suffering lead poisoning.

I haven't soldered or fired a weapon since 2001 when my health
failed. That was when the last test was done, after over 40 years of
soldering, and using weapons. there were no noticeable levels in my
blood. BTW, you do know that lead is used to make plastic soft, don't
you? Those fancy speaker & video cables are full of it.

It's common amongst shooters who don't wear respirators whilst shooting. Do you wear
a respirator whilst shooting?

Don't you EVER pay attention? I am now disabled, and can not go
shooting. I have never been hunting, but I qualified multiple times in
the US army, and did target shooting.

**It is not compulsory to consume alcohol in pubs in Australia. In fact,
is not compulsory to consume anything. You may just drop in for a chat
the locals, if you wish. Of course, if you lack the balls to back up your
silly comments in person, that's a whole differrent matter. Your type
requires a gun to threaten people with your point of view. I use words,
violent threats.

You use lies and deceit.

**Well, no. I cite facts and figures. You squirm and obfuscate. You avoid
answering direct questions that shatter your bullshit.

Where? When? All I've seen is lies and unsubstantiated bullshit.

I can no longer travel due to health
problems, but you'll continue to call me a coward, to cover your sorry

**You ARE a fucking coward.

There is that ignorant rage of yours again, Trevor. Do you have any
idea what that does to your blood pressure? Of course, there will be
celebrations all over Oz when you have your Aneurysm.

No other answer for it. I've travelled to the US and discussed gun control
with Americans.

Gun control? A steady hand, and a gentle squeeze of the trigger.
Even a sissy you should know that.

Some were pro-gun control and some were not. I still had the balls to sit
and discuss the matters with those on the other side, FACE TO FACE.
Something you won't do.

I always knew you were two faced.

Sigh. Did your mother have any kids with an IQ over 20?

I am not allowed to work, because the government will not let me. I
was building communications equipment for NASA, NOAA, the ESA, and most
aeronautics companies in the free world when I got sick. That small
pension does not allow me the luxury of flying to oz. there are a
couple dozen people there i would love to meet, face to face. You would
shit your pants and die, if I knocked on your door.

The VA has stated that I am 100% disabled, and even a half hour in
a car is bad for the edema. I can post the VA letter if needed. It was
the last thing I wanted to see, but I probably only have a few years
left, & I am not going to risk DVT to please a little loser like you.

Travel to Florida if you want to meet. I promise I won't shoot you.

**I have zero interest in travelling to a US jurisdiction where civilians
are allowed to carry guns around the streets. Americans are too willing to
shoot first and ask questions later.

So you are a lair, as well as coward, once again.

It was all over the web, several years ago.

**I'm still waiting for the cite. What news story?

I see you are to ignorant and lazy to type a few words into google,
or any other search engine.

I guess you were too
busy looking for injured ducks, nonexistent dangerous lead in wetlands,
and selling crap audio to audiofools to read the news stories?

**Still waiting.

Results 1 - 10 of about 48,700 for australia crocodile dundee shot to
death. (0.17 seconds)

That is a nanny state.

**What is a "nanny state"? A state where criminals are arrested and

You really are a pathetic little sissy.

**You're a pretty tough guy, holed up in your fortress in Florida, with all
your guns. Feel free to call me that to my face. Any time. I don't own any

Fortress? There's that ignorant rage of yours, again. I live in a
small suburban subdivision. There are no fortifications, of any kind.

A nanny state is a well
known phrase, and you've had it explained many times, but you refuse to
admit the consequences.

**Humour me. Explain what you mean. Be precise.

I have already explained it several times in this thread, troll.

You are an insult to your fine country, and a
lot of your countries veterans would spit in your face.

**I number some of my relatives amongst those returned service people. Not
only do none own any guns, but they have never spat in my face either.

They're family. Families try to ignore their own who are mentally

Nothing makes sense, on your tiny 'planet'.

**Lack of response duly noted.

Response? What do you want? You are a moron, a liar, a coward,
brain damaged, lazy. Take your pick, because they all apply.

You are full of rage.

**So you say.

I don't have to. You can't resist your rage, so you continue to post
your bullshit.

If you aren't against it, have you ever owned a gun, or used one?

**I've fired a couple of guns. I've never owned one. I have no desire to own

Grew up with no men around?

Can you reliably hit the center of a target at 75 meters,
or more?


Probably isn't an answer. Either you can, or you can't. If you can,
you would have said 'Yes'.

Have you ever laid in mud, while firing a machine gun?

**Not a chance.

More proof of cowardice

have you even fired a cap gun?

**Indeed. I left that behind long ago. It has about the same attraction as
shooting a regular gun. IOW: None at all.

So, its the same attraction you have to women?

**I don't drink.

Sure you don't, yet you hang around drunks at your 'local pub'.

**Where did I say that I hang around a pub?

Why would you ask me to come to Oz and to 'MY LOCAL PUB' if you don't

The US Army taught me to kill, but I haven't. I can own almost
weapon short of a tank, rocket launcher, fighter jet or bomber, but
still have never aimed a weapon at anyone. The only time I needed
all I had was a hot soldering iron but it was enough to scare off
drunken fool.


So what? You have absolutely no clue, do you?

**I was asking what your point was. Perhaps you'd care to phrase it in

You still won't understand, but it goes like this: A drunken jackass
barged into my room in the barracks while I was repairing someone's
stereo. He started yelling at me that I was breaking all kinds of BS
regulations, and 'ordered' me to stop what I was doing, or he was going
to take the soldering iron from me. I told him he could have it, then
lunged at him. He did the standing broad jump, backwards into a wall
locker and just cleared the hot tip by inches.

He then went to the CQ office to file assault charges. They told him
to go away and sleep it off, then came to my room and told me if I tried
that again, I'd better make damn sure I rammed it deep into his gut, or
they would write me up.

You are too addled to have made the connection between a hot
soldering iron, and the phrase, 'Slinging hot lead' for shooting. That
is no surprise, for a coward.

**I see. I'm the only one here who has the balls to front those who hold a
different opinion, face to face, unarmed and _I_ am the coward? Is that
about it?

You are a moron. He invaded my private space and threatened me. I
defended myself, without hurting him, even though I could have put him
in the hospital, or worse. it wasn't the first time he's pulled that
crap on someone. He was a hopeless drunk, and would have sat there for
weeks with you in the pub, telling you lies while you bout were so
sotted they had to hose you down in the parking lot.

You are like an ignorant little shit who tried to take my cane away,
to impress his three goons. He grabbed it in the middle, which was his
first mistake. he didn't let go when I told him,, which was his second
mistake. The next thing he knows, his arm is twisted behind his back,
he is on his bare knees in a gravel parking lot with me pressing against
his back which is cutting off most of his oxygen. Then he started
begging me to let go. I did, after a promise he wouldn't try it again,
and a warning that I would hurt him, if he did. In other words that you
might understand, I don't need to carry a gun. I only have one free
hand when I am walking, and most of the time I have a bag, box, or
something else in the other hand.

You are so full of paranoia and ignorant rage that you think everyone
in Florida is armed. The fact that a small percentage have concealed
carry permits reduces the chances of all criminals from carrying a gun.
The prison sentence is a lot higher if you are armed.

Did you know that more kids in the US die from drowning while
swimming than get shot in the US? Of course you don't, because you are

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
Trevor Wilson wrote:

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

Trevor Wilson wrote:

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

John - Melb wrote:

On Jun 17, 9:40 am, "Trevor Wilson"

**The figures for people legitemately shooting alleged criminals
alleged, because in places like Texas, it would seem that the
authorites are
now prepared to accept the word of the 'last man standing', as to
legitemacy of the shooting) are miniscule in the extreme. FBI
that, in the US, something like 400-odd people are shot and
in so-called 'justifiable homicide' acts each year. This figure
to be
examined in the same light as the number killed by civilians in
circumstances. The figure for civilians is approximately 230 PA.
needs to be tempered by the inadequacies of the laws in places
where lip service is paid by LEOs under many circumstances.
one must bear in mind that the number of civilians killed by
year in the US is approximately 10,000. Clearly, carrying guns
defence purposes is a failed experiment. It is an experiment that
the nutters in the pro-gun lobby, here in Australia, wish to
These are the same individuals who seem to feel that shooting
and other indigenous critters is, somehow, sporting. They seem to
that the indiscriminate spraying of lead shot into pristine
whilst causing the needless suffering of wild animals is all in a

Trevor has posted such rants before, he posts them here because he
doesn't believe that anybody know enough about the subject matter
challenge him, every time he posts such rants on gun related group
gets spanked badly.

Reading the above Trevor, are you again asserting that a Defensive
Use (DGU) requires a dead body, and if there's no dead body, then
DGU didn't happen?

He is ignoring the fact that areas of the US that issue 'Concealed
Carry' permits have the lowest number of gun crimes, and the ones
refuse to allow you to carry have the highest.

**Really? Give me the homicide figures for (say) NYC, where concealed
is illegal and Miami, where concealed carry is legal.

Miami is a cesspool of illegal aliens, drug dealing and street
gangs. It is also a large area, and some parts are not safe. it also
has a lot of the Cuban criminals that Casto dumped out of his prsions.
Like the early days in Oz.

**Here is your claim:

"He is ignoring the fact that areas of the US that issue 'Concealed
permits have the lowest number of gun crimes, and the ones that refuse to
allow you to carry have the highest."

You neatly avoided answering my questions. Answers which would have shown
your rhetoric to be complete and utter bollocks. Let's compare (say)
(where concealed carry is legal) to NYC. Is that better?

Compare what? You've give two names, but no numbers. Its your
ignorant claim, so dig up the proof.
**Just a reminder: It was YOUR claim, not mine. Here is YOUR claim:

"He is ignoring the fact that areas of the US that issue 'Concealed Carry'
permits have the lowest number of gun crimes, and the ones that refuse to
allow you to carry have the highest."

I asked you to prove that claim, by using two examples. _I_ did not make a
claim, you did. Thus far you have fulfilled my expectations of you. Which is
to say: Very, very low expectations. You refuse to discuss anything that
shatters your tiny world view. You refuse to validate your claim. All you
can manage is hollow rhetoric.

Or that a lot of that
crime is by gangs shooting at each other, or illegal aliens
crimes, and shooting anyone who can identify them. In other words
a liar, and idiot for thinking no one will knew he's a liar.

**The issue is not which US citizens are killing each other, but how
were so easily able to acquire the firearms. Lax US gun control laws,
all jurisdictions, ensure that those with violent tendencies can
obtain the weapons that they require.

Easily? Go to a gun shop, let them run a Federal background check,
and buy one. Or in your case, steal one.

**Yes. Easily. Across the US, each year, there are hundreds of 'gun
At these 'gun shows' dealers, posing as private citizens sell thousands
guns to criminals. They can do so, because there are virtually zero
restrictions on the sale of 'second hand' guns. Even if that gun has only
been 'second hand' for a couple of minutes and has never been fired. Here
Australia (and pretty much the rest of the developed world) ALL gun sales
must be recorded and tracked. Even secondary sales. Such an action
that fewer guns end up in the hands of criminals.

So, you attend all these guns shows and see all those illegal
**Of course not. Nonetheless, my mate who live in Cal has attended such
shows. He confirmed what actually occurs. Unregulated sales of firearms are
very common. It is well known that second hand guns are sold at gun shows
and no background checks are performed in many cases.

Trevor Wilson
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
Trevor Wilson wrote:

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

You are too stupid to understand a metalworking hobby? or are you
claiming that no one in Oz is smart enough to take some of the right
steel and turn out a quality project, outside of a CNC machine shop?
You make oz sound more and more like hell on earth.

You can make all the guns or rifles you want in the US, but you can't
sell them. Some guys can make anything you can think of, and have home
machine shops you wouldn't believe. Some own businesses where they
the equipment, and do their own projects after hours. Just because you
aren't smart enough to do it, doesn't mean it can't be done cheaper and
better at home.

The only comments I see with that view are America hating little
loser, like you, the Dreaded 'Dead Donkey', and Phil.

**Really. Try here:

And here:

And here:

Three whole cites, with billions of people on earth? The numbers aren't
in your favor.
**Three cites are better than no cites. You are still unable to prove what
you claim.

**Why do you consider that the needless misery and death of native ducks
a good thing? Most of the ducks shot, die slowly and are not eaten.
shot for 'fun'. Why do you find this acceptable? Why do you find it
acceptable to spread lead around pristine environments?

Who said i do?
**You either condemn it or support it. There's no middle ground. You don't
condemn the actions of these shooters, therefore you support them.

You are so blind with rage you keep insisting that I
do, but its all in your fat little head.

You don't know shit about modern ammunition, or the fact that
lead, in its pure form is not hazardous.

**Lead degrades in nature. Are you unaware of this?

At what rate? Under what conditions?
**You just answered your own question.

Are you aware that anything
that would rapidly decompose pure lead would be more dangerous to wild
animals, that the lead byproducts. if lead oxides, and other lead
compounds formed with any measurable speed, there would be none left on
earth by now, so you are as ignorant, as ever. take a look at a 50 to
80 year old solder joint that was made with a high lead solder. Its
still there, and still works. It was likely done with acid flux, or
activate Rosin flux, which is a mix of Rosin and Acid. You are still
batting zero.

Your ignorance is showing
again, moron.

**I know that lead is a dangerous toxin. I know that regular shooters
elevated blood/lead levels. Are you unaware of ths?


There's more. Much more.

people that soldered 40 hours a week for 20 years show no
signs of lead poising, so those hunters must be nasty bastards who don't
wash their hands before eating.
**Your ignorance of the true dangers is duly noted. The greatest danger
shooters face, is inhaled lead particles. I suggst you read the cites I

BTW, have you ever had the pleasure of firing a bazooka,
or using a thermite grenade?

**I have no interest in such things.

Sorry, I forgot that you're not a man.
**Your definition of a man is someone who likes to shoot? How strange. Let
me relate a short news story from yesterday's news:,25197,25650498-12377,00.html

Now, to relate a few more facts not in those news reports:

The man concerned was highly disturbed and a legal, licensed gun owner. He
threatened the lives of innocent people. The manager of the restaurant
escaped out the back door with his staff. This 'sissy' (as YOU and only YOU
would have us believe) did a head count of his staff. He noticed that one
young woman was missing. He then returned to the restaurant, UNARMED (after
all, he is a 'sissy' according to you) through the front door, with his
hands raised. He confronted the gun man and then rescued his missing staff

By YOUR definition (and it is YOURS alone), the man with the gun was a real
man (because he has guns) and the unarmed man is a 'sissy', because he is

You, sir, are a fucking idiot. The mere possession of a gun does not make
anyone a 'man'. The unarmed rescue of a co-worker in the face of imminent
danger is truly and genuinely heroic. I admire this young man greatly. I
hope he is well rewarded for his heroism.

Watching one burn a hole straight through
an engine block is simply amazing, but I've seen some overpriced audio
crap that deserve the same treatment.

This shows how little you know about machining gun parts. Just
audio, you are clueless.

**Would you care to explain these comments?

Explain what? You've never machined gun parts, have you? You are a
wanabe audio expert, as well.
**Lack of explanation, duly noted.

How do you explain 'clueless' to the clueless? Or stupid to the
stupid. You remind me of a mentally disabled kid I know who brags that
he is an 'Idiot Savant', yet can't do anything more complex than mow
yards for his income.

Some people build assault rifles in home workshops that rival
mass produced.

**Which would be illegal in Australia. The penalty for doing so is
severe. Far in excess of the value of the weapon. Anyone with the
and talent to do so, would likely be gainfully employed.

IE, a 'Nanny State' where the government does your thinking for you,
because you are so helpless. they can't let their babies do anything
hurt themselves. A severe penalty for a hobby that hurts no one. What
a place to stay away from.

**The "hobby" of gun ownership in the US leads to the murder of around
10,000 US citizens each year. Hardly a harmless "hobby".

**Nope. Fact. Here are your cites:



It's a terrible feeling when it is demonstrated that you have been lied to
(by the NRA and others), isn't it?

Most are repeat offenders using stolen or imported
weapons, but a sissy who is terrified of guns will crap out any inane
bullshit they dream up to confuse the issue.
**Like the "sissy" McDonalds manager I cited above? Is that the kind of
"sissy" you refer to? Or are you referring to the "man" who threatened the
people in the restaurant with a gun. The legal, licensed gun owner. You have
seriously twisted views.

More idiots, like the 'global warming' and 'free energy' crowds?

**Huh? Global Warming is a fact of life. Of course, your decision to
the work done by the IPCC is your business. It just makes you look like a
moron. By "free energy", I presume you mean perpetual motion. That, of
course, is bunk.

Global warming is a theory that can not be proved in a hundred
**Incorrect. Global warming has been noted. Here is the proof:

Don't forget to go to the next page.

That's no surprise.

**What is no surprise? That you have managed to ignore the work from the
IPCC? Not to me. You display some serious thinking deficiencies.

No, I think for myself, and there are too many lies, and to much
'massaged' data from the IPCC.
**Cite the errors you have found and provide your evidence to justify these
alleged lies.

BTW, CC stands for Climate Change, not Global Warming. They took
that out of their name because they are starting to realize their scam
is over. ten years ago, i ran my air conditioning, year round. Since
then, I have had more and more days I had to use the electric heat.
This year was almost two months, and I didn't turn the AC on till early
this month
**Good for you. Local weather conditions do not necessarily reflect the
climate as a whole.

You are unable to clearly articulate your words and you seem to
have severe cognitive problems.

IOW, I won't kiss your ignorant ass, so something is wrong with me.
Gotcha, moron.
**Nope. There IS something wrong with you. You cannot articulate what you
want to say with any clarity, despite my requests that you do so. You have
an aversion to the truth and seem to have a fixation that equates gun
ownership to masculinity. I'm pretty certain a psychologist would have
something to say about that.

Have you had your blood/lead levels checked lately? Lead poisoning
brain chemistry. You're probably suffering lead poisoning.

I haven't soldered or fired a weapon since 2001 when my health
**Then you'll need a more rigorous test regime to see how much lead is in
your body. I suggest you get your lead levels checked. Hair analysis might
be a possibility.

That was when the last test was done, after over 40 years of
soldering, and using weapons. there were no noticeable levels in my
blood. BTW, you do know that lead is used to make plastic soft, don't
you? Those fancy speaker & video cables are full of it.
**I don't eat those cables, nor do I inhale them. Shooters, OTOH, regularly
inhale lead products.

It's common amongst shooters who don't wear respirators whilst shooting.
Do you wear
a respirator whilst shooting?

Don't you EVER pay attention? I am now disabled, and can not go
shooting. I have never been hunting, but I qualified multiple times in
the US army, and did target shooting.
**Perhaps that is what is wrong with yur brain. Lead damages the chemistry
of the brain.

**It is not compulsory to consume alcohol in pubs in Australia. In
is not compulsory to consume anything. You may just drop in for a chat
the locals, if you wish. Of course, if you lack the balls to back up
silly comments in person, that's a whole differrent matter. Your type
requires a gun to threaten people with your point of view. I use
violent threats.

You use lies and deceit.

**Well, no. I cite facts and figures. You squirm and obfuscate. You avoid
answering direct questions that shatter your bullshit.

Where? When? All I've seen is lies and unsubstantiated bullshit.
**That would only be to someone who is brain damaged. I've provided cites
when requested.

I can no longer travel due to health
problems, but you'll continue to call me a coward, to cover your sorry

**You ARE a fucking coward.

There is that ignorant rage of yours again, Trevor.
**I call a spade, a spade. You are a gutless coward.

Do you have any
idea what that does to your blood pressure?
**My blood pressure is 120/70. Has been for several decades. I watch my diet
and I regularly exercise. It does wonders for blood pressure.

Of course, there will be
celebrations all over Oz when you have your Aneurysm.
**Maybe. Maybe not. Since I watch my health, it is likely I'll suffer some
other form of fatality. Cancer, perhaps. My heat is in excellent condition.

No other answer for it. I've travelled to the US and discussed gun
with Americans.

Gun control? A steady hand, and a gentle squeeze of the trigger.
Even a sissy you should know that.

Some were pro-gun control and some were not. I still had the balls to sit
and discuss the matters with those on the other side, FACE TO FACE.
Something you won't do.

I always knew you were two faced.

Sigh. Did your mother have any kids with an IQ over 20?

I am not allowed to work, because the government will not let me. I
was building communications equipment for NASA, NOAA, the ESA, and most
aeronautics companies in the free world when I got sick. That small
pension does not allow me the luxury of flying to oz. there are a
couple dozen people there i would love to meet, face to face. You would
shit your pants and die, if I knocked on your door.
**Extremely unlikely. Unlike a typical American, I do not live in fear.

The VA has stated that I am 100% disabled, and even a half hour in
a car is bad for the edema. I can post the VA letter if needed. It
the last thing I wanted to see, but I probably only have a few years
left, & I am not going to risk DVT to please a little loser like you.

Travel to Florida if you want to meet. I promise I won't shoot you.

**I have zero interest in travelling to a US jurisdiction where civilians
are allowed to carry guns around the streets. Americans are too willing
shoot first and ask questions later.

So you are a lair, as well as coward, once again.
**Again, you equate gun ownership with heroism. You're nuts.

It was all over the web, several years ago.

**I'm still waiting for the cite. What news story?

I see you are to ignorant and lazy to type a few words into google,
or any other search engine.
**You made the claim. It is up to yu to justify that claim.

I guess you were too
busy looking for injured ducks, nonexistent dangerous lead in
and selling crap audio to audiofools to read the news stories?

**Still waiting.

Results 1 - 10 of about 48,700 for australia crocodile dundee shot to
death. (0.17 seconds)
**See if you can find a CREDIBLE news report. I'll wait.

That is a nanny state.

**What is a "nanny state"? A state where criminals are arrested and

You really are a pathetic little sissy.

**You're a pretty tough guy, holed up in your fortress in Florida, with
your guns. Feel free to call me that to my face. Any time. I don't own

Fortress? There's that ignorant rage of yours, again. I live in a
small suburban subdivision. There are no fortifications, of any kind.

A nanny state is a well
known phrase, and you've had it explained many times, but you refuse to
admit the consequences.

**Humour me. Explain what you mean. Be precise.

I have already explained it several times in this thread, troll.
**You THINK you have, but you have yet to do so. It's a function of the
brain damage you are suffering.

You are an insult to your fine country, and a
lot of your countries veterans would spit in your face.

**I number some of my relatives amongst those returned service people.
only do none own any guns, but they have never spat in my face either.

They're family. Families try to ignore their own who are mentally

Nothing makes sense, on your tiny 'planet'.

**Lack of response duly noted.

Response? What do you want? You are a moron, a liar, a coward,
brain damaged, lazy. Take your pick, because they all apply.

You are full of rage.

**So you say.

I don't have to. You can't resist your rage, so you continue to post
your bullshit.
**Cllaing fact, "bullshit" does not make the facts untrue. It merely paints
the picture ever more clearly about your brain damage.

If you aren't against it, have you ever owned a gun, or used one?

**I've fired a couple of guns. I've never owned one. I have no desire to

Grew up with no men around?
**WFT is wrong with you? Why do you imagine that gun ownership = manliness?
The young man in the McDonalds story I cited above is more "manly" and
heroic that you could ever hope to be. He managed it without a gun. The guy
in the story that you worship had the guns. He is a gutless, brain damaged
(legal) gun owner.

Can you reliably hit the center of a target at 75 meters,
or more?


Probably isn't an answer.
**It most certainly is. It's not rocket science. I can hold a rifle still
enough to hit a little target at a distance. I've done it before and I am
certain I can do it again.

Either you can, or you can't. If you can,
you would have said 'Yes'.
**Bollocks. The test of hitting a traget at 75 Metres is not that hard.

Have you ever laid in mud, while firing a machine gun?

**Not a chance.

More proof of cowardice
**How so?

have you even fired a cap gun?

**Indeed. I left that behind long ago. It has about the same attraction
shooting a regular gun. IOW: None at all.

So, its the same attraction you have to women?
**Seek help. You are clearly disturbed.

**I don't drink.

Sure you don't, yet you hang around drunks at your 'local pub'.

**Where did I say that I hang around a pub?

Why would you ask me to come to Oz and to 'MY LOCAL PUB' if you don't
**Because it is the nearest pub to my home.

The US Army taught me to kill, but I haven't. I can own almost
weapon short of a tank, rocket launcher, fighter jet or bomber,
still have never aimed a weapon at anyone. The only time I
all I had was a hot soldering iron but it was enough to scare off
drunken fool.


So what? You have absolutely no clue, do you?

**I was asking what your point was. Perhaps you'd care to phrase it in

You still won't understand, but it goes like this: A drunken jackass
barged into my room in the barracks while I was repairing someone's
stereo. He started yelling at me that I was breaking all kinds of BS
regulations, and 'ordered' me to stop what I was doing, or he was going
to take the soldering iron from me. I told him he could have it, then
lunged at him. He did the standing broad jump, backwards into a wall
locker and just cleared the hot tip by inches.

He then went to the CQ office to file assault charges. They told him
to go away and sleep it off, then came to my room and told me if I
that again, I'd better make damn sure I rammed it deep into his gut, or
they would write me up.

You are too addled to have made the connection between a hot
soldering iron, and the phrase, 'Slinging hot lead' for shooting. That
is no surprise, for a coward.

**I see. I'm the only one here who has the balls to front those who hold
different opinion, face to face, unarmed and _I_ am the coward? Is that
about it?

You are a moron. He invaded my private space and threatened me. I
defended myself, without hurting him, even though I could have put him
in the hospital, or worse. it wasn't the first time he's pulled that
crap on someone. He was a hopeless drunk, and would have sat there for
weeks with you in the pub, telling you lies while you bout were so
sotted they had to hose you down in the parking lot.

You are like an ignorant little shit who tried to take my cane away,
to impress his three goons. He grabbed it in the middle, which was his
first mistake. he didn't let go when I told him,, which was his second
mistake. The next thing he knows, his arm is twisted behind his back,
he is on his bare knees in a gravel parking lot with me pressing against
his back which is cutting off most of his oxygen. Then he started
begging me to let go. I did, after a promise he wouldn't try it again,
and a warning that I would hurt him, if he did. In other words that you
might understand, I don't need to carry a gun. I only have one free
hand when I am walking, and most of the time I have a bag, box, or
something else in the other hand.

You are so full of paranoia and ignorant rage that you think everyone
in Florida is armed. The fact that a small percentage have concealed
carry permits reduces the chances of all criminals from carrying a gun.
The prison sentence is a lot higher if you are armed.

Did you know that more kids in the US die from drowning while
swimming than get shot in the US? Of course you don't, because you are
**Strawman duly noted.

Trevor Wilson
On Jun 19, 9:04 am, "Trevor Wilson" <>

**Nope. There IS something wrong with you. You cannot articulate what you
want to say with any clarity, despite my requests that you do so. You have
an aversion to the truth and seem to have a fixation that equates gun
ownership to masculinity. I'm pretty certain a psychologist would have
something to say about that.

You know, those some comments fit you to a "T"

"You cannot articulate what you want to say with any clarity"
Yep, that's you, how many times have you "SHOUTED" "Read what I
when everybody else is having no trouble whatsoever communicating?

"You have an aversion to the truth"
Yep, like the time you claimed that you had a friend who could stop
his heart,
or the time you claimed your local library kept Lott's work in the
fiction section,
or perhaps the time you claimed the FBI-UCR for 1976-86 were available
on the
FBI website,?

"You have a fixation that equates gun ownership to masculinity"
You certainly have a fixation regarding gun ownership and gun owners,
every time you
get spanked on a gun relate forum for lying, you run away to a non-gun
related forum
and continue posting rants about guns and gun owners, last time it was
and aus.hi-fi, this time it's aus.electronics.

There is certainly something wrong with you Trevor, you're a self
centred, extremely arrogant
indvidual, with an almost pathological contempt for any opinion that
differs from your own, and
for the holders of those opinion. You're prepared to lie to prove a
point and don't feel at all guilty
when your lies are pointed out. You have got it into your head that a
particular group within society
are evil, and will attack and vilify that group, or those you see as
supporting that group at any and
ever opportunity.

Get help now, you are one very sick boy.

And I mean that sincerely Trevor, I don't want to see you put in a
giggling academy, I would miss our
little chats too much, but your behaviour does appear to be
deteriorating and you should seek help..


John Mc.
Found elsewhere
In states with widespread gun ownership and tough punishment for gun
misuse, criminals surveyed were often unarmed: 54% in Oklahoma, 62% in
Georgia, 40% in Maryland, 43% in Missouri, and 35% in Florida. In
Massachusetts, however, only 29% of the felon-respondents were
unarmed. In that state, it is difficult lawfully to acquire a firearm,
and the illegal carrying of a firearm, rather than the criminal misuse
of a gun, is subject to the mandatory penalty. The survey data
indicate that the criminals' fear of an armed victim relates directly
to the severity of the gun laws in the state surveyed. Where gun laws
are less restrictive, such as Georgia and Maryland, criminals think
twice before running the risk of facing an armed victim; they are much
less concerned in Massachusetts.

Fifty-six percent of the felons surveyed agreed that "A criminal is
not going to mess around with a victim he knows is armed with a gun;"
74% agreed that "One reason burglars avoid houses when people are at
home is that they fear being shot."

A 57% majority agreed that "Most criminals are more worried about
meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police."
In asking felons what they personally thought about while committing
crimes, 34% indicated that they thought about getting "shot at by
police" or "shot by victim.

Taken from

NRA-ILA The Armed Criminal in America
John - Melb wrote:
On Jun 19, 9:04 am, "Trevor Wilson" <

**Nope. There IS something wrong with you. You cannot articulate what you
want to say with any clarity, despite my requests that you do so. You have
an aversion to the truth and seem to have a fixation that equates gun
ownership to masculinity. I'm pretty certain a psychologist would have
something to say about that.


You know, those some comments fit you to a "T"

"You cannot articulate what you want to say with any clarity"
Yep, that's you, how many times have you "SHOUTED" "Read what I
when everybody else is having no trouble whatsoever communicating?

"You have an aversion to the truth"
Yep, like the time you claimed that you had a friend who could stop
his heart,
or the time you claimed your local library kept Lott's work in the
fiction section,
or perhaps the time you claimed the FBI-UCR for 1976-86 were available
on the
FBI website,?

"You have a fixation that equates gun ownership to masculinity"
You certainly have a fixation regarding gun ownership and gun owners,
every time you
get spanked on a gun relate forum for lying, you run away to a non-gun
related forum
and continue posting rants about guns and gun owners, last time it was
and aus.hi-fi, this time it's aus.electronics.

There is certainly something wrong with you Trevor, you're a self
centred, extremely arrogant
indvidual, with an almost pathological contempt for any opinion that
differs from your own, and
for the holders of those opinion. You're prepared to lie to prove a
point and don't feel at all guilty
when your lies are pointed out. You have got it into your head that a
particular group within society
are evil, and will attack and vilify that group, or those you see as
supporting that group at any and
ever opportunity.

Get help now, you are one very sick boy.

And I mean that sincerely Trevor, I don't want to see you put in a
giggling academy, I would miss our
little chats too much, but your behaviour does appear to be
deteriorating and you should seek help..

I agree he needs a lot of help, therefore I am putting the loser back
in the idiot pit, rather than clutter these newsgroups with anything he
can whine and lie about. He isn't worth anyone's time, and certainly,
I've wasted too much time, putting lipstick on that pig..

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
John - Melb wrote:
On Jun 19, 9:04 am, "Trevor Wilson" <

**Your definition of a man is someone who likes to shoot? How strange. Let
me relate a short news story from yesterday's news:,25197,25650498-12377,00....

Now, to relate a few more facts not in those news reports:

The man concerned was highly disturbed and a legal, licensed gun owner.

Trevor, neither of the threads you posted report that the "McDonalds
gunman" was a
licenced gun owner.

CITE your references to support that assertion
A news report said that he was a member (st Marys or Penrith or
somewhere near) and that he stole the 22 from the club.
This is probably what Trevor heard.
On Jun 19, 9:04 am, "Trevor Wilson" <>

**Your definition of a man is someone who likes to shoot? How strange. Let
me relate a short news story from yesterday's news:,25197,25650498-12377,00....

Now, to relate a few more facts not in those news reports:

The man concerned was highly disturbed and a legal, licensed gun owner.
Trevor, neither of the threads you posted report that the "McDonalds
gunman" was a
licenced gun owner.

CITE your references to support that assertion
On Jun 17, 7:38 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <> wrote:

He asked me where to buy a flash light, I corrected him and told him in
Australia, we call it a torch. He thanked me and left.

He was a negro, who are commonly called African Americans.

So, why the fuck is this posted on talk.politics.guns you idiot?

I thought you "always" prefaced off-topic posts with "OT", or is that
assertion just something else for "Trevor Tosspots Porky File"?
"KR" <> wrote in message
On Jun 20, 5:22 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:
On Jun 17, 7:38 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <> wrote:

He asked me where to buy a flash light, I corrected him and told him
Australia, we call it a torch. He thanked me and left.

He was a negro, who are commonly called African Americans.

So, why the fuck is this posted on talk.politics.guns you idiot?

I thought you "always" prefaced off-topic posts with "OT", or is that
assertion just something else for "Trevor Tosspots Porky File"?

While this might not be the "real" TW's post

**Of course it's not. It lacks several features which are always
attributable to my posts. Here are a few (I'll not list all of them, since
the imposter seems to be getting better):

* I NEVER crosspost. Not ever.
* I no longer post to aus.hi-fi.

I sincerely think, looking at some of his posts over recent months,
especially his incredible comments over man made global warming

re Leo's SC Editorial:

**Leo is wrong. Provably wrong. Leo's editorial is genuinely and deeply
concerning, since he displays characteristics that one would normally
associate with an intelligent person, yet he manages to completely ignore
the wealth of material from the IPCC reports and all the Antarctic ice core
data, which demonstrates, conclusively, that his position is indefensible.

However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, present your proof that
golbal warming is not occuring. Further, provide your proof that it is not
anthropogenic in nature.

and last weeks gun threads,
that he is slowly but surely losing the plot and needs professional
I know this will only get insults in reply, and he wont get help, but
I feel it has to be said

(unless these are posts by TW impostors also)

I wouldn't be surprised if this comment set him off even further :

Silicon chip (may 2009- page 98 - "ask silicon chip" - "Bogus
amplifier comparison in hi-fi shop")

where the publisher refers to "Hi-Fi dealers" as being "not interested
in the truth,
only interested in selling high priced amplifiers".

**Not at all. THAT is something I have riled against for the 30 years.
People buying products without first doing a proper evaluation (preferably
blind) and buying brand names, rather than performance/sound.

The first part certainly fits some of TW's posts perfectly.

**I look foreward to seeing your considered criticism of my position on
these matters. Naturally, I expect evidence of your claims.

Trevor Wilson
"KR" <> wrote in message
On Jun 20, 5:22 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:
On Jun 17, 7:38 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <> wrote:

He asked me where to buy a flash light, I corrected him and told him
Australia, we call it a torch. He thanked me and left.

He was a negro, who are commonly called African Americans.

So, why the fuck is this posted on talk.politics.guns you idiot?

I thought you "always" prefaced off-topic posts with "OT", or is that
assertion just something else for "Trevor Tosspots Porky File"?

While this might not be the "real" TW's post

**One more thing: Regular readers will instantly recognise the post as a
forgery. Only casual readers and complete morons (like our brain damaged
friend - John McNamara aka: John-Melb) cannot recognise the fake posts.

I actually find it kind of amusing to see how many fools are sucked in by
the imposter.

Trevor Wilson
"John - Melb" <> wrote in message
On Jun 21, 2:58 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <>

**One more thing: Regular readers will instantly recognise the post as a
forgery. Only casual readers and complete morons (like our brain damaged
friend - John McNamara aka: John-Melb) cannot recognise the fake posts.

I actually find it kind of amusing to see how many fools are sucked in by
the imposter.
Considering the number of times you've employed sock-puppets (No-One
and Blinky Bill
for example) it may be an imposter, but, considering the struggle with
reality you've demonstrated
from time to time, I'm not sure I'm convinced.

**Based on the above nonsense, I'm hardly surprised. You are truely one of
the dullest people I've ever had the misfortune to attempt to reason with.

Trevor Wilson
On Jun 20, 5:22 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:
On Jun 17, 7:38 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <> wrote:

He asked me where to buy a flash light, I corrected him and told him in
Australia, we call it a torch. He thanked me and left.

He was a negro, who are commonly called African Americans.

So, why the fuck is this posted on talk.politics.guns you idiot?

I thought you "always" prefaced off-topic posts with "OT", or is that
assertion just something else for "Trevor Tosspots Porky File"?

While this might not be the "real" TW's post

I sincerely think, looking at some of his posts over recent months,
especially his incredible comments over man made global warming

re Leo's SC Editorial:

and last weeks gun threads,
that he is slowly but surely losing the plot and needs professional
I know this will only get insults in reply, and he wont get help, but
I feel it has to be said

(unless these are posts by TW impostors also)

I wouldn't be surprised if this comment set him off even further :

Silicon chip (may 2009- page 98 - "ask silicon chip" - "Bogus
amplifier comparison in hi-fi shop")

where the publisher refers to "Hi-Fi dealers" as being "not interested
in the truth,
only interested in selling high priced amplifiers".

The first part certainly fits some of TW's posts perfectly.

AS things worsen economically, etc I think we will see more and more
people "losing it"
under the stress.
"KR" <> wrote in message
On Jun 21, 3:09 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:
On Jun 21, 2:58 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <

**One more thing: Regular readers will instantly recognise the post as a
forgery. Only casual readers and complete morons (like our brain damaged
friend - John McNamara aka: John-Melb) cannot recognise the fake posts.

I actually find it kind of amusing to see how many fools are sucked in
the imposter.

Considering the number of times you've employed sock-puppets (No-One
and Blinky Bill
for example) it may be an imposter, but, considering the struggle with
reality you've demonstrated
from time to time, I'm not sure I'm convinced.
Multiple personality Disorder maybe ?

**Perhaps that is John's problem. I don't know what is wrong with him. He
certainly has an imagination. He consistently fails to make rudimentary
checks to verify his claims.

Trevor Wilson
On Jun 21, 2:58 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <>

**One more thing: Regular readers will instantly recognise the post as a
forgery. Only casual readers and complete morons (like our brain damaged
friend - John McNamara aka: John-Melb) cannot recognise the fake posts.

I actually find it kind of amusing to see how many fools are sucked in by
the imposter.
Considering the number of times you've employed sock-puppets (No-One
and Blinky Bill
for example) it may be an imposter, but, considering the struggle with
reality you've demonstrated
from time to time, I'm not sure I'm convinced.
On Jun 21, 3:09 pm, John - Melb <> wrote:
On Jun 21, 2:58 pm, "Trevor Wilson" <

**One more thing: Regular readers will instantly recognise the post as a
forgery. Only casual readers and complete morons (like our brain damaged
friend - John McNamara aka: John-Melb) cannot recognise the fake posts.

I actually find it kind of amusing to see how many fools are sucked in by
the imposter.

Considering the number of times you've employed sock-puppets (No-One
and Blinky Bill
for example) it may be an imposter, but, considering the struggle with
reality you've demonstrated
from time to time, I'm not sure I'm convinced.
Multiple personality Disorder maybe ?

Welcome to

