Mark Jones
~~SciGirl~~ wrote:
You're young enough still that anything is possible. Don't let anyone ever get
you down, or make you think you are stupid or ignorant. Those kinds of comments
stem simply from other's jealousy at your intelligence. (And possibly, man's
inherent drive to control and subjugate women, but that's another topic entirely.)
I think you're severely limiting your potential by making comments like "I
won't go far in science anyways." Well who's to say you won't? Who's to say you
won't revolutionize meterology or pioneer some new theory, bringing forth many
amazing new technologies? Think about this: did Edison set out to invent a
glowing bulb with the intent to revolutionize lighting, or simply to replace the
tiresome candles and oil lamps? The only difference between doing something
amazing and not doing something amazing, is DOING IT. Some of us old geezers
here can't do that - we're "set in our ways" and can't just decide to switch
careers into biomedicine, astronomy, astrophysics, or whatever it is we really
want to do. But if you want to be a string theory physicist, that is still an
option for you. But you'll never go anywhere if you believe you are stupid
and/or ignorant.
For some of us, we wish we would have done things differently at your age. I
could probably be doing R&D for the USAF if I'd joined when I had the chance.
Maybe that life would have been better, maybe it would be worse. But either sure
beats where I am today.
Take the BLUE pill. Find out how far the rabbit hole goes. Otherwise, be
content in just being another battery for some machine.
P.S. Did you ever receive the mail I sent you about munging your email address
in usenet posts? Or was it filtered, misplaced, or ignored like everything else
I seem to write?
Good for you.Given your propensities to constantly take shortcuts
and your unwillingness to follow established protocols,
you won't get far in science anyway.
Why don't you just go play in traffic?
This is one of the many things people here have said against me - and I
can't say I fully disagree with it or any of the others.
I won't get far in science anyway: Who does? If you put all of the
knowledge and achievements of everyone on Earth together, it would
still be a fraction of what there is out there to accomplish and know.
Besides, I might not even end up working in a science-related field. If
I do, it will be meteorology. The other thing that interests me,
though, is interior design.
I'm too stupid to post in Usenet: Probably. But if it's truly
stupidity, then it is a mental condition rather than a personality
trait and therefore I cannot fix it. Maybe you meant ignorant, or
I'm a typical child: In a way, yes - I guess I'd probably have the
intelligence of a typical child and the personality. In another way, no
- most kids in my school break the dress code, do drugs, vandalize the
school, etc., or all of those, none of which I do. I'm more of the
nerdy kid who studies through lunch for no apparent reason.
You're young enough still that anything is possible. Don't let anyone ever get
you down, or make you think you are stupid or ignorant. Those kinds of comments
stem simply from other's jealousy at your intelligence. (And possibly, man's
inherent drive to control and subjugate women, but that's another topic entirely.)
I think you're severely limiting your potential by making comments like "I
won't go far in science anyways." Well who's to say you won't? Who's to say you
won't revolutionize meterology or pioneer some new theory, bringing forth many
amazing new technologies? Think about this: did Edison set out to invent a
glowing bulb with the intent to revolutionize lighting, or simply to replace the
tiresome candles and oil lamps? The only difference between doing something
amazing and not doing something amazing, is DOING IT. Some of us old geezers
here can't do that - we're "set in our ways" and can't just decide to switch
careers into biomedicine, astronomy, astrophysics, or whatever it is we really
want to do. But if you want to be a string theory physicist, that is still an
option for you. But you'll never go anywhere if you believe you are stupid
and/or ignorant.
For some of us, we wish we would have done things differently at your age. I
could probably be doing R&D for the USAF if I'd joined when I had the chance.
Maybe that life would have been better, maybe it would be worse. But either sure
beats where I am today.
Take the BLUE pill. Find out how far the rabbit hole goes. Otherwise, be
content in just being another battery for some machine.
P.S. Did you ever receive the mail I sent you about munging your email address
in usenet posts? Or was it filtered, misplaced, or ignored like everything else
I seem to write?