OT: Why is Germany so (apparently) stupid to give up nuclear

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 6:35:31 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence..org
The assertion that most of the homeless "are homeless because of
drug or alcohol addiction and/or mental illness" marks you as a
particular sort of ill-informed right-wing nitwit, not that we
needed to be reminded of that depressing fact.

It's a very basic fact, stupid.

No, it is not a very basic fact. It is not even any fact at all,

Ask the folks of Rochester New York if they were addicted when
Polaroid and Kodak pulled out and they all lost jobs and homes.

What utter nonsense. Sure some companies screw up for decades, they are
in declining industries, they fail. At the same time other companies
are growing, hiring, welcome to the real world. I guess you're so
stupid that if your employer was declining, you couldn't find another
job? That's what those employees did, they didn't just suddenly become
homeless, stupid.

You take stupid non-stat boy to an all new low, boy.

Wrong, always wrong.

Your not going to solve the problem, help reduce the homeless
population by ignoring the basic facts.

Right wing nitwits don't seem to see the irony involved in that
kind of assertion.

Libs just deny the basic facts and base their decisions instead on
feelings and emotions. Thanks for demonstrating that again for

Another couple of retarded assumptions, by the s.e.d grand
assumption retard.

There is a myriad of reasons why our homeless got that way, and you
only hit on a couple, so that decidedly does NOT count as "most of".
And THAT decidedly pegs you as the total nitwit you have been
showing yourself to be.

What I stated was that most homeless people are alcoholics, drug addicts,
and/or have mental illness. It's a fact.


In 2017, there were approximately 554,000 homeless people in the United States. The US homeless population is increasing yearly, particularly in younger age ranges. Tragically, homelessness and addiction go hand in hand. The end result of homelessness is often substance abuse, and substance abuse often contributes to homelessness. The National Coalition for the Homeless has found that 38% of homeless people are alcohol dependent, and 26% are dependent on other harmful chemicals.

Homelessness, Mental Disorders, and Addiction

Reports suggest 33% of homeless people battle mental illness. Sources cite mental illness as another major cause of homelessness, which often leads to drug and alcohol abuse. Common mental disorders the homeless struggle with include:

Bipolar disorder
Schizophrenia/Schizoaffective disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (particularly high in homeless veterans)
Major depressive disorder
Severe anxiety

SUMMARY: In January 2015, the most extensive survey ever undertaken found 564,708 people were homeless on a given night in the United States. Depending on the age group in question, and how homelessness is defined, the consensus estimate as of 2014 was that, at minimum, 25 percent of the American homeless—140,000 individuals—were seriously mentally ill at any given point in time. Forty-five percent of the homeless—250,000 individuals—had any mental illness


Homelessness and drug addiction is a dreadful problem plaguing the nation. More than 1 million people are homeless, with approximately 30 percent of these people suffering from mental illness and 50 percent chronically addicted to drugs, alcohol or both. Approximately 70 percent of homeless veterans are estimated to be substance abusers.

That's why most are homeless, not because Polaroid closed, stupid.

Wrong, always wrong.
On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 1:29:47 AM UTC+11, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 11:57:39 PM UTC-4, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 1:02:02 AM UTC+11, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 11:22:38 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in news:d9223256-d3f3-410a-

Most of them are homeless because of drug or alcohol addiction
and/or mental illness.

Nice job of being Trumplike, putz!

Social stigma much?

It's not stigma, it's fact, stupid.

A stigma is a mark of disgrace. That fact that you've earned one is just a fact. There's no contradiction involved.

The assertion that most of the homeless "are homeless because of drug or alcohol addiction and/or mental illness" marks you as a particular sort of ill-informed right-wing nitwit, not that we needed to be reminded of that depressing fact.

It's a very basic fact, stupid.

Trader4 is stupid enough to believe that.

Wrong, always wrong.

Your not going to solve the problem, help reduce the homeless population
by ignoring the basic facts.

Right wing nitwits don't seem to see the irony involved in that kind of assertion.

Libs just deny the basic facts and base their decisions instead on feelings
and emotions. Thanks for demonstrating that again for all.

Right-wing nitwits think that exchanging to same stupid delusions with one another promotes them to "basic facts". Trader4 has never shown any sign of being to cite evidence to support what he imagines to be basic facts, so presumably he gets his ideas from people who are stupid enough to be willing to interact with him.


does suggest that lack of affordable housing is actually the major cause of homelessness in the US . Mental illness certainly makes it difficult for people to find accommodation, and the US health care system's defects means that lots of people who should being cared for and treated - and are mostly cared for and treated in more civilised countries - end up on the street.

Drug and alcohol addictions are mental illnesses, but Trader4 doesn't understand that (or much else).

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 11:28:09 AM UTC+11, Whoey Louie wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 6:35:31 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org


What I stated was that most homeless people are alcoholics, drug addicts,
and/or have mental illness. It's a fact.


What that web-site says is that if you have a mental illness - which can include drug or alcohol addiction - you are at high risk of becoming homeless, but that being homeless is stressful, and that can make you vulnerable to substance addiction (self-medication to cope with stress) or otherwise mentally ill.

The implication is that if the US had a better system to look after homeless people, fewer of them would be become mentally ill, and many fewer of them would stay homeless.

You've misapprehended what was said in way that supports your point of view (as you frequently do). It is stupid, but that is your unique selling point.


Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 20:42:21 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <whit3rd@gmail.com>

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 7:10:47 PM UTC-7, k...@notreal.com wrote:

He hasn't show he can handle
responsible baby-sitting (if that is truly his intention). The detention centers
have been called 'concentration camps', you know.

Anyone can call anything whatever they want, that does not make it so.
That's a really, really bad example to bring up. The libs came up with
that one. It's offensive to Jews and all people who know what concentration
camps really were. These illegals and others being detained are well fed,
they have shelter and free medical care.

And they're not being held against their will. They can leave at any

Infants, in detention, separated from their parents, can leave at any time?

As AlwaysWrong Jr. says, "lies, lies, lies".

On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:42:32 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
<trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 07:11:55 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 1:07:34 AM UTC-4, whit3rd wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:41:40 PM UTC-7, dagmarg...@yahoo.com wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:

He seems excellent to me. He's gotten lower marginal corporate
taxes through, stripped away nonsensical regulations, spurred the
economy, and gotten black unemployment to the lowest on record.

What regulations were 'nonsense'? Spurs are a torture device, and might
accurately symbolize his economic machinations. As for unemployment, his
'record' didn't document the real casualty toll in Puerto Rico, why would
you trust it on something else important?

The casualty numbers in Puerto Rico were under the jurisdiction of
Puerto Rico's officials, they did the counts. And the Labor Dept
has calculated unemployment numbers the same way for 50+ years.
There is ZERO evidence that has been corrupted in any way.
The low numbers are confirmed by all the help wanted signs I

And he's been nothing like a Hitler. Trump has been one of the most
scrupulously law-abiding presidents I've ever seen.

Not according to a half dozen court decisions. He hasn't show he can handle
responsible baby-sitting (if that is truly his intention). The detention centers
have been called 'concentration camps', you know.

Anyone can call anything whatever they want, that does not make it so.
That's a really, really bad example to bring up. The libs came up with
that one. It's offensive to Jews and all people who know what concentration
camps really were. These illegals and others being detained are well fed,
they have shelter and free medical care.

And they're not being held against their will. They can leave at any

They have water too, despite
the lie from AOC (I think it was her), that they are drinking water out
of toilets. Even the other libs, ministers, etc that were on that visit
said they saw nothing like that. I saw NBC interviewing people being
detained, all they spoke with said they were being treated OK. A mother
said she had food and diapers for her baby. But if any of that isn't
good enough, why don't these illegals just stay where they were?
Stop in Mexico, instead of coming here? Hello?

The toilets and sinks are one integrated stainless steel unit. The
"drinking out of the toilet" was a language thing but it worked so
well, AOC just kept up the lie (it's all the left can do).

If you ignore all the drama, Trump's done a very good job.

If you ignore his drama, we've got a void in the White House.

That I agree with. It's been a reality TV show, like a frat house,
with Trump as the star. After all, he previously was a reality TV

He's done a great job. Pissing off you lefty snowflakes is just icing
on the cake.

I'm not a lefty, I'm an honest conservative that won't sell my soul to
the despicable orange clown.

No difference. The result is the same.

What kind of "conservative" praises despots
like KJU, Duterte and Putin?

One who actually wants to talk to them instead of going to war against
them. One who really doesn't like unnecessary wars.

Undermines NATO and says the US may not honor
our NATO treaty to come to the aid of a NATO member that is attacked?

Great idea. Get them to pay their share of the costs. If they're not
concerned about their security, why should we be worried about them?

UN, same deal. In spades.

Runs $1 tril deficits, doubling the deficit, the first trillion deficits
since the 2008 debacle.

Not happy about that but he does not control congress. Never has.

>Insults was heroes and Gold Star mothers?

Says what no one else will. The truth.

>Kisses the ass of Putin and lobbies for Russia to be re-admitted to the G7?

You're repeating yourself, so I will too. He'd rather talk than

Uses his office to try to get foreign countries to start investigations
into bizarre conspiracy BS and into his opponents?

No "conspiracy theory". It's fact and indeed there is a treaty in
place, signed by Slick Willy, no less, to allow such.

Impulsively green-lights
Turkey to invade Syria and kill Kurds, who were our allies in Iraq and Syria
until two days ago.

You do know there is a big difference between the Syrian and Iraqi
Kurds? No, I suppose you didn't. BTW, do you really think 50 troups
redeployed to another part of Syria is going to make a difference?

>Lies, and lies and lies?

You _are_ good at it.
That's not a conservative, not a Republican, not even a decent human being,
but sadly he's hijacked the GOP, destroyed it and 40% still follow him.
Those are the 40% he knew were fools, when he said he could shoot someone
on Fifth Ave and they would still support him. I left the GOP a few months
ago, I will no longer be associated with this disgusting display. The fool
GOP politicians are now reduced to either saying that his crimes don't matter
or that he was just kidding.

You have a *lot* in common with AlwaysWrong.
This clown needs to be removed, he will be impeached now for sure. But it's
too late for the Republican Party, I think it's finished. Trump has gutted
it of all it's principles, of it's integrity, and it's soul.

On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 1:21:24 PM UTC+11, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:42:32 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:
On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 07:11:55 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:
On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 1:07:34 AM UTC-4, whit3rd wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:41:40 PM UTC-7, dagmarg...@yahoo.com wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:


I'm not a lefty, I'm an honest conservative that won't sell my soul to
the despicable orange clown.

No difference. The result is the same.

Krw doesn't do fine discrimination. If you agree with him, you are okay. Everybody else is a communist lefty.

What kind of "conservative" praises despots
like KJU, Duterte and Putin?

One who actually wants to talk to them instead of going to war against
them. One who really doesn't like unnecessary wars.

Trump wants to talk to high profile dictators because it gets media attention.

He doesn't expect to get any result from the conversation beyond his picture in the papers and his image on TV.

His conversations with Kim Jong-un are a perfect example - a complete waste of time, but great photo-opportunities.

Undermines NATO and says the US may not honor
our NATO treaty to come to the aid of a NATO member that is attacked?

Great idea. Get them to pay their share of the costs.

The fact that the US over-spends absurdly on "defense" as a kind of tax-funded welfare for its defense industries gives them an exaggerated idea of what everybody else ought to spend, and they'd love to get the NATO allies to support the US defense industry by buying their baroque arsenal.

It is a really silly idea, and krw believes it because he has no mechanism for getting rid of bizarre delusions.

<snipped the usual nonsense>

Bill Sloman, Sydney
krw@notreal.com wrote:

Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

I'm not a lefty, I'm an honest conservative that won't sell my
soul to the despicable orange clown.

Not just his skin color, you should also reference apes (like you
guys did before you got a hint of self-awareness), you know like
"chimpanzee", to make your racism obvious.

No difference. The result is the same.

What kind of "conservative" praises despots like KJU, Duterte and

The same kind who threw a White House dinner for Otto Warmbier's
parents. Doesn't matter if you are too blind to see it, that won
lots of hearts and minds.

One who actually wants to talk to them instead of going to war
against them. One who really doesn't like unnecessary wars.

Only The Swamp disagrees. The recent House vote against Trump on
border security was so disappointing. It's not just RINO Republicans
in the Senate. Paul Ryan was speaker of the house when Republicans
had power. Then they decided to be concerned about Americans when they
knew they were losing power. Not because they thought getting rid of
Paul Ryan would help them maintain power, they just wanted to look
like they care about Americans when they couldn't do anything for
Americans. It's smoke and mirrors.

The fact Washington DC and the surrounding cities are 90% Democrat
is a very bad sign. And it's not just about Democrats.

says the US may not honor our NATO treaty to come to the
aid of a NATO member that is attacked?

Great idea. Get them to pay their share of the costs. If they're
not concerned about their security, why should we be worried about

UN, same deal. In spades.
On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 1:52:09 PM UTC+11, John Doe wrote:
krw@notreal.com wrote:

Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

I'm not a lefty, I'm an honest conservative that won't sell my
soul to the despicable orange clown.

Not just his skin color, you should also reference apes (like you
guys did before you got a hint of self-awareness), you know like
"chimpanzee", to make your racism obvious.

Actually orangutan. And there's nothing racist in saying that Trump's orange hair is something you might expect on an orangutan.

No difference. The result is the same.

What kind of "conservative" praises despots like KJU, Duterte and

The same kind who threw a White House dinner for Otto Warmbier's
parents. Doesn't matter if you are too blind to see it, that won
lots of hearts and minds.

It actually won a lot of publicity for the White House and it's current occupant, which was the actual point. Any heart or mind that though that Trump cared about the issue would have to be hopelessly gullible.

Trump will talk to anybody famous enough if it will get his picture in the newspapers and his face on television. He's an equal opportunity publicity hound.

One who actually wants to talk to them instead of going to war
against them. One who really doesn't like unnecessary wars.

Only The Swamp disagrees. The recent House vote against Trump on
border security was so disappointing. It's not just RINO Republicans
in the Senate. Paul Ryan was speaker of the house when Republicans
had power. Then they decided to be concerned about Americans when they
knew they were losing power. Not because they thought getting rid of
Paul Ryan would help them maintain power, they just wanted to look
like they care about Americans when they couldn't do anything for
Americans. It's smoke and mirrors.

The fact Washington DC and the surrounding cities are 90% Democrat
is a very bad sign. And it's not just about Democrats.

Granting the current state of the Republican Party - wrecked by the Koch-funded Tea Party takeover - it suggests that Washington DC isn't quite the hopeless swamp that Trump likes to claim.

<snipped krw being even dumber than John Doe - though krw does seem to be brain damaged, while it's difficult to imagine that John Doe ever had a brain to get damaged.>

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On 09.10.19 5:30, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 1:52:09 PM UTC+11, John Doe wrote:
krw@notreal.com wrote:

Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

I'm not a lefty, I'm an honest conservative that won't sell my
soul to the despicable orange clown.

Not just his skin color, you should also reference apes (like you
guys did before you got a hint of self-awareness), you know like
"chimpanzee", to make your racism obvious.

Actually orangutan. And there's nothing racist in saying that Trump's orange hair is something you might expect on an orangutan.


Insulting orangutans is very bad practice.
They at least are cute............
On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 10:21:24 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:42:32 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 07:11:55 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 1:07:34 AM UTC-4, whit3rd wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:41:40 PM UTC-7, dagmarg...@yahoo.com wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:

He seems excellent to me. He's gotten lower marginal corporate
taxes through, stripped away nonsensical regulations, spurred the
economy, and gotten black unemployment to the lowest on record.

What regulations were 'nonsense'? Spurs are a torture device, and might
accurately symbolize his economic machinations. As for unemployment, his
'record' didn't document the real casualty toll in Puerto Rico, why would
you trust it on something else important?

The casualty numbers in Puerto Rico were under the jurisdiction of
Puerto Rico's officials, they did the counts. And the Labor Dept
has calculated unemployment numbers the same way for 50+ years.
There is ZERO evidence that has been corrupted in any way.
The low numbers are confirmed by all the help wanted signs I

And he's been nothing like a Hitler. Trump has been one of the most
scrupulously law-abiding presidents I've ever seen.

Not according to a half dozen court decisions. He hasn't show he can handle
responsible baby-sitting (if that is truly his intention). The detention centers
have been called 'concentration camps', you know.

Anyone can call anything whatever they want, that does not make it so.
That's a really, really bad example to bring up. The libs came up with
that one. It's offensive to Jews and all people who know what concentration
camps really were. These illegals and others being detained are well fed,
they have shelter and free medical care.

And they're not being held against their will. They can leave at any

They have water too, despite
the lie from AOC (I think it was her), that they are drinking water out
of toilets. Even the other libs, ministers, etc that were on that visit
said they saw nothing like that. I saw NBC interviewing people being
detained, all they spoke with said they were being treated OK. A mother
said she had food and diapers for her baby. But if any of that isn't
good enough, why don't these illegals just stay where they were?
Stop in Mexico, instead of coming here? Hello?

The toilets and sinks are one integrated stainless steel unit. The
"drinking out of the toilet" was a language thing but it worked so
well, AOC just kept up the lie (it's all the left can do).

If you ignore all the drama, Trump's done a very good job.

If you ignore his drama, we've got a void in the White House.

That I agree with. It's been a reality TV show, like a frat house,
with Trump as the star. After all, he previously was a reality TV

He's done a great job. Pissing off you lefty snowflakes is just icing
on the cake.

I'm not a lefty, I'm an honest conservative that won't sell my soul to
the despicable orange clown.

No difference. The result is the same.

I see, so it's better to sell your soul to the despicable orange clown,
instead of stick to conservative principles, honesty, truth and speak out
when he's wrong. Interesting, but it does explain the trumptards.

What kind of "conservative" praises despots
like KJU, Duterte and Putin?

One who actually wants to talk to them instead of going to war against
them. One who really doesn't like unnecessary wars.

Perhaps you slept through all the American presidents who stood up to
despots and didn't have any wars? Did you sleep through Reagan?
He didn't kiss the Russians asses, he didn't suck up to their leaders,
he called them out for what they were, evil. And it, together with
Reagan's plan against them, worked spectacularly. So sad that the
GOP has gone from that to an orange, lying shyster that kisses the
asses of Putin, KJU and all the rest. That's why after decades,
I was forced to terminate my GOP registration. I won't support or be
part of this.

Undermines NATO and says the US may not honor
our NATO treaty to come to the aid of a NATO member that is attacked?

Great idea. Get them to pay their share of the costs. If they're not
concerned about their security, why should we be worried about them?

Because another world war would be worse? Hello? I have no problem with
Trump demanding the NATO countries spend more on their own defense. But
he has not limited it to that, he's said NATO is obsolete and that the US
might not honor our treaty obligation to come to the defense on a NATO
member that is attacked. That's your new conservatism, just because a
stupid orange clown says it?

UN, same deal. In spades.

Runs $1 tril deficits, doubling the deficit, the first trillion deficits
since the 2008 debacle.

Not happy about that but he does not control congress. Never has.

What he has never done is say a word about those deficits or do anything
to realistically try to reduce them. Instead he was in favor of and
brags about a huge tax cut, one that helped wealthy people like himself
orders of magnitude more than it did the average American. And now,
as predicted, that combined with the increased spending had doubled the
deficit. We again have trillion dollar deficits, not a word about it
from Trump. However when Obama was in the WH and the deficit had been
steadily declining after the 2008 debacle, was down to $580 bil,
why according to Trump it was horrific. That's what lying shysters do.

Insults was heroes and Gold Star mothers?

Says what no one else will. The truth.

So, it's the truth that John McCain is no war hero? It's the truth that
it's OK to imply that a Gold Star mother was not allowed to speak at
the DNC because she's a Muslim? That's pure BS, just like Trump's
claim that Ted Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination.
And with many things, even if they were true, it's really stupid to
say them. Following your silly logic, if your mother-in-law is fat
and stupid, well, then it's a great idea to tell her that at Thanks
Giving Dinner.

Oh, and this has had predictable and sweet results, finally. Trump
is so out of his mind and stupid that he believes Crowdstrike is a
Ukranian company and that the DNC servers were spirited away to
Ukrane! So, he withheld US aid and tried to force the Ukranian
president to go investigate it! What's next? Withhold aid to Texas,
call up the governor, and demand that he investigate how Ted Cruz's
father assassinated JFK? He;s going to be impeached for what he just

Kisses the ass of Putin and lobbies for Russia to be re-admitted to the G7?

You're repeating yourself, so I will too. He'd rather talk than

You don't have to praise murdering despots to talk. And how has it worked?
Trump came home from his grand summit, one that legitimized KJU, gave him
what no US president would give any of their despicable leaders for
half a century. Upon landing, he told America that he trusts KJU,
he's sure he's denuclearizing right now, that the threat to the USA from
NK nukes is over! That should be added to the articles of impeachment.
He's a moron and danger to our national security.

And how has it worked out? KJU has resumed testing short range,
nuclear capable missiles. Trump said swell, no problemo, to that.
KJU is finishing up a sub that will hold missiles, probably ICBMs,
Last week, he successfully tested a medium range missile from an underwater
platform in the ocean. That is clearly one missile that is intended for
the new sub. Great job Trump!

Uses his office to try to get foreign countries to start investigations
into bizarre conspiracy BS and into his opponents?

No "conspiracy theory". It's fact and indeed there is a treaty in
place, signed by Slick Willy, no less, to allow such.

What is a fact? That Ukrane, not Russia, meddled in the 2016 election?
That Manafort was framed, that he didn't get paid $40 to $60 mil by
Ukrane, that he didn't hide it and not pay taxes on it? That Crowdstrike
is a Ukranian company? That the DNC severs are in Ukrane? Hello?
This is pure insanity. That is what the orange shyster believes, he
even praised Manafort, the criminal that TRUMP chose to run his campaign,
after his convictions! The president is praising one of the biggest
tax cheats, money launderers in US history! This is the new GOP, the
new conservatism?

Impulsively green-lights
Turkey to invade Syria and kill Kurds, who were our allies in Iraq and Syria
until two days ago.

You do know there is a big difference between the Syrian and Iraqi
Kurds? No, I suppose you didn't. BTW, do you really think 50 troups
redeployed to another part of Syria is going to make a difference?

Both worked with the US, did the fighting while we provided minimal
support, to defeat ISIS and Al Qaeda. Both trusted us. In the case of
Syria, we recently concluded an agreement with them for them to pull back
from the Turkish border, which Turkey wanted, with the understanding that
Turkey would not attack and that the US would remain and guarantee that.
Trump just threw them under the bus, exactly what he's done with anyone
that's come in contact with them, once he's through with them. The list
keeps growing. And this is EXACTLY the model the US has sought, where
the locals do the fighting, we provide limited support, and we both win.
It's not 50 troops, either, it;s in the hundreds. That it's small just
makes it even more stupid. This action in Syria is for the record books,
With very limited troops, very few casualties, we defeated ISIS!
So, what;s the urgent need to reverse that and betray our allies?
There is none, other than the dope got rolled by Erdogan on another phone
call that Congress should demand. And they should investigate the decision
making process that went into this. If Trump just winged it, no consultation,
no analysis, add that to the articles of impeachment. And the whole world
saw this, the results, no one trusting us, will endure for decades.

Lies, and lies and lies?

You _are_ good at it.

Expected from a truptard, but still it takes balls to call the truth
a lie and to support the liar in chief.

That's not a conservative, not a Republican, not even a decent human being,
but sadly he's hijacked the GOP, destroyed it and 40% still follow him.
Those are the 40% he knew were fools, when he said he could shoot someone
on Fifth Ave and they would still support him. I left the GOP a few months
ago, I will no longer be associated with this disgusting display. The fool
GOP politicians are now reduced to either saying that his crimes don't matter
or that he was just kidding.

You have a *lot* in common with AlwaysWrong.

And then the ad hominem attacks begin, typical.

Trump will be impeached. Polls now show a majority of Americans either
want he impeached right now or to conduct impeachment hearings. Regardless,
the GOP is finished. It's already lost it's soul and when that despicable
orange shyster is out, one way or the other, he still will help destroy
it and tear this country apart. Unlike other presidents, he won't shut
up and go build houses. He will still be trying to suck up all the oxygen,
attack people, lie, for years to come.
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in

, he's said NATO is obsolete and that the US
might not honor our treaty obligation to come to the defense on a

But it is not that. It is the longest standing alliance in history.
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 08:24:49 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
<trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 10:21:24 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:42:32 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 07:11:55 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 1:07:34 AM UTC-4, whit3rd wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:41:40 PM UTC-7, dagmarg...@yahoo.com wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:

He seems excellent to me. He's gotten lower marginal corporate
taxes through, stripped away nonsensical regulations, spurred the
economy, and gotten black unemployment to the lowest on record.

What regulations were 'nonsense'? Spurs are a torture device, and might
accurately symbolize his economic machinations. As for unemployment, his
'record' didn't document the real casualty toll in Puerto Rico, why would
you trust it on something else important?

The casualty numbers in Puerto Rico were under the jurisdiction of
Puerto Rico's officials, they did the counts. And the Labor Dept
has calculated unemployment numbers the same way for 50+ years.
There is ZERO evidence that has been corrupted in any way.
The low numbers are confirmed by all the help wanted signs I

And he's been nothing like a Hitler. Trump has been one of the most
scrupulously law-abiding presidents I've ever seen.

Not according to a half dozen court decisions. He hasn't show he can handle
responsible baby-sitting (if that is truly his intention). The detention centers
have been called 'concentration camps', you know.

Anyone can call anything whatever they want, that does not make it so.
That's a really, really bad example to bring up. The libs came up with
that one. It's offensive to Jews and all people who know what concentration
camps really were. These illegals and others being detained are well fed,
they have shelter and free medical care.

And they're not being held against their will. They can leave at any

They have water too, despite
the lie from AOC (I think it was her), that they are drinking water out
of toilets. Even the other libs, ministers, etc that were on that visit
said they saw nothing like that. I saw NBC interviewing people being
detained, all they spoke with said they were being treated OK. A mother
said she had food and diapers for her baby. But if any of that isn't
good enough, why don't these illegals just stay where they were?
Stop in Mexico, instead of coming here? Hello?

The toilets and sinks are one integrated stainless steel unit. The
"drinking out of the toilet" was a language thing but it worked so
well, AOC just kept up the lie (it's all the left can do).

If you ignore all the drama, Trump's done a very good job.

If you ignore his drama, we've got a void in the White House.

That I agree with. It's been a reality TV show, like a frat house,
with Trump as the star. After all, he previously was a reality TV

He's done a great job. Pissing off you lefty snowflakes is just icing
on the cake.

I'm not a lefty, I'm an honest conservative that won't sell my soul to
the despicable orange clown.

No difference. The result is the same.

I see, so it's better to sell your soul to the despicable orange clown,
instead of stick to conservative principles, honesty, truth and speak out
when he's wrong. Interesting, but it does explain the trumptards.

No soul sold, moron. He's doing *precisely* what I want done with few
exceptions (notice I said "done" - at least he is). No one is

What kind of "conservative" praises despots
like KJU, Duterte and Putin?

One who actually wants to talk to them instead of going to war against
them. One who really doesn't like unnecessary wars.

Perhaps you slept through all the American presidents who stood up to
despots and didn't have any wars? Did you sleep through Reagan?
He didn't kiss the Russians asses, he didn't suck up to their leaders,
he called them out for what they were, evil. And it, together with
Reagan's plan against them, worked spectacularly. So sad that the
GOP has gone from that to an orange, lying shyster that kisses the
asses of Putin, KJU and all the rest. That's why after decades,
I was forced to terminate my GOP registration. I won't support or be
part of this.

I think we found the last of the Neocons!

Undermines NATO and says the US may not honor
our NATO treaty to come to the aid of a NATO member that is attacked?

Great idea. Get them to pay their share of the costs. If they're not
concerned about their security, why should we be worried about them?

Because another world war would be worse? Hello? I have no problem with
Trump demanding the NATO countries spend more on their own defense. But
he has not limited it to that, he's said NATO is obsolete and that the US
might not honor our treaty obligation to come to the defense on a NATO
member that is attacked. That's your new conservatism, just because a
stupid orange clown says it?

You're really reaching but not even you're stupid enough to really
believe your shit.
UN, same deal. In spades.

At least you're not a fan.
Runs $1 tril deficits, doubling the deficit, the first trillion deficits
since the 2008 debacle.

Not happy about that but he does not control congress. Never has.

What he has never done is say a word about those deficits or do anything
to realistically try to reduce them. Instead he was in favor of and
brags about a huge tax cut, one that helped wealthy people like himself
orders of magnitude more than it did the average American. And now,
as predicted, that combined with the increased spending had doubled the
deficit. We again have trillion dollar deficits, not a word about it
from Trump. However when Obama was in the WH and the deficit had been
steadily declining after the 2008 debacle, was down to $580 bil,
why according to Trump it was horrific. That's what lying shysters do.
The *only* way to reduce deficits is to grow out of them. There is no
way to get rid of baseline budgeting. The swamp is too deep.
Insults was heroes and Gold Star mothers?

Says what no one else will. The truth.

So, it's the truth that John McCain is no war hero?

He was a disgrace.

It's the truth that
it's OK to imply that a Gold Star mother was not allowed to speak at
the DNC because she's a Muslim? That's pure BS, just like Trump's
claim that Ted Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination.
And with many things, even if they were true, it's really stupid to
say them. Following your silly logic, if your mother-in-law is fat
and stupid, well, then it's a great idea to tell her that at Thanks
Giving Dinner.

You're lying again.
Oh, and this has had predictable and sweet results, finally. Trump
is so out of his mind and stupid that he believes Crowdstrike is a
Ukranian company and that the DNC servers were spirited away to
Ukrane! So, he withheld US aid and tried to force the Ukranian
president to go investigate it! What's next? Withhold aid to Texas,
call up the governor, and demand that he investigate how Ted Cruz's
father assassinated JFK? He;s going to be impeached for what he just

You're really nuts. Really, just as bad as AlwaysWrong.

Kisses the ass of Putin and lobbies for Russia to be re-admitted to the G7?

You're repeating yourself, so I will too. He'd rather talk than

You don't have to praise murdering despots to talk. And how has it worked?
Trump came home from his grand summit, one that legitimized KJU, gave him
what no US president would give any of their despicable leaders for
half a century. Upon landing, he told America that he trusts KJU,
he's sure he's denuclearizing right now, that the threat to the USA from
NK nukes is over! That should be added to the articles of impeachment.
He's a moron and danger to our national security.

Talk is different than action. You want talk. I'd rather have
And how has it worked out? KJU has resumed testing short range,
nuclear capable missiles. Trump said swell, no problemo, to that.
KJU is finishing up a sub that will hold missiles, probably ICBMs,
Last week, he successfully tested a medium range missile from an underwater
platform in the ocean. That is clearly one missile that is intended for
the new sub. Great job Trump!

No one is running around with their hair on fire about him nuking SF,
Uses his office to try to get foreign countries to start investigations
into bizarre conspiracy BS and into his opponents?

No "conspiracy theory". It's fact and indeed there is a treaty in
place, signed by Slick Willy, no less, to allow such.

What is a fact? That Ukrane, not Russia, meddled in the 2016 election?

Yes, in fact it is. Pay attention, fool.

That Manafort was framed, that he didn't get paid $40 to $60 mil by
Ukrane, that he didn't hide it and not pay taxes on it? That Crowdstrike
is a Ukranian company? That the DNC severs are in Ukrane? Hello?
This is pure insanity. That is what the orange shyster believes, he
even praised Manafort, the criminal that TRUMP chose to run his campaign,
after his convictions! The president is praising one of the biggest
tax cheats, money launderers in US history! This is the new GOP, the
new conservatism?

How about that Hunter Biden? And Alzheimer's Joe? The DNC and

You're lying again. But that's the lefty in you.
Impulsively green-lights
Turkey to invade Syria and kill Kurds, who were our allies in Iraq and Syria
until two days ago.

You do know there is a big difference between the Syrian and Iraqi
Kurds? No, I suppose you didn't. BTW, do you really think 50 troups
redeployed to another part of Syria is going to make a difference?

Both worked with the US,

You really are stupid. The PKK is no friend. You really should learn

did the fighting while we provided minimal
support, to defeat ISIS and Al Qaeda. Both trusted us. In the case of
Syria, we recently concluded an agreement with them for them to pull back
from the Turkish border, which Turkey wanted, with the understanding that
Turkey would not attack and that the US would remain and guarantee that.
Trump just threw them under the bus, exactly what he's done with anyone
that's come in contact with them, once he's through with them. The list
keeps growing. And this is EXACTLY the model the US has sought, where
the locals do the fighting, we provide limited support, and we both win.
It's not 50 troops, either, it;s in the hundreds. That it's small just
makes it even more stupid. This action in Syria is for the record books,
With very limited troops, very few casualties, we defeated ISIS!
So, what;s the urgent need to reverse that and betray our allies?

The Syrian Kurds were dependent on 50 US troupes for their very
existence? You're _really_ stupid.

There is none, other than the dope got rolled by Erdogan on another phone
call that Congress should demand. And they should investigate the decision
making process that went into this. If Trump just winged it, no consultation,
no analysis, add that to the articles of impeachment. And the whole world
saw this, the results, no one trusting us, will endure for decades.

Wow! You're stupid!
Lies, and lies and lies?

You _are_ good at it.

Expected from a truptard, but still it takes balls to call the truth
a lie and to support the liar in chief.
Fact. You really are a liar. Stupid liar. No better than a

That's not a conservative, not a Republican, not even a decent human being,
but sadly he's hijacked the GOP, destroyed it and 40% still follow him.
Those are the 40% he knew were fools, when he said he could shoot someone
on Fifth Ave and they would still support him. I left the GOP a few months
ago, I will no longer be associated with this disgusting display. The fool
GOP politicians are now reduced to either saying that his crimes don't matter
or that he was just kidding.

You have a *lot* in common with AlwaysWrong.

And then the ad hominem attacks begin, typical.

Just the facts, ma'am.
Trump will be impeached. Polls now show a majority of Americans either
want he impeached right now or to conduct impeachment hearings. Regardless,
the GOP is finished. It's already lost it's soul and when that despicable
orange shyster is out, one way or the other, he still will help destroy
it and tear this country apart. Unlike other presidents, he won't shut
up and go build houses. He will still be trying to suck up all the oxygen,
attack people, lie, for years to come.
Probably, only because (you and) the Democrats are so unbelievably
corrupt. He will not be removed from office. Not going to happen. He
will be re-elected, as well.
On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 10:15:51 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 08:24:49 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 10:21:24 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:42:32 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 07:11:55 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 1:07:34 AM UTC-4, whit3rd wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:41:40 PM UTC-7, dagmarg...@yahoo..com wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux....@decadence.org wrote:

He seems excellent to me. He's gotten lower marginal corporate
taxes through, stripped away nonsensical regulations, spurred the
economy, and gotten black unemployment to the lowest on record..

What regulations were 'nonsense'? Spurs are a torture device, and might
accurately symbolize his economic machinations. As for unemployment, his
'record' didn't document the real casualty toll in Puerto Rico, why would
you trust it on something else important?

The casualty numbers in Puerto Rico were under the jurisdiction of
Puerto Rico's officials, they did the counts. And the Labor Dept
has calculated unemployment numbers the same way for 50+ years.
There is ZERO evidence that has been corrupted in any way.
The low numbers are confirmed by all the help wanted signs I

And he's been nothing like a Hitler. Trump has been one of the most
scrupulously law-abiding presidents I've ever seen.

Not according to a half dozen court decisions. He hasn't show he can handle
responsible baby-sitting (if that is truly his intention). The detention centers
have been called 'concentration camps', you know.

Anyone can call anything whatever they want, that does not make it so.
That's a really, really bad example to bring up. The libs came up with
that one. It's offensive to Jews and all people who know what concentration
camps really were. These illegals and others being detained are well fed,
they have shelter and free medical care.

And they're not being held against their will. They can leave at any

They have water too, despite
the lie from AOC (I think it was her), that they are drinking water out
of toilets. Even the other libs, ministers, etc that were on that visit
said they saw nothing like that. I saw NBC interviewing people being
detained, all they spoke with said they were being treated OK. A mother
said she had food and diapers for her baby. But if any of that isn't
good enough, why don't these illegals just stay where they were?
Stop in Mexico, instead of coming here? Hello?

The toilets and sinks are one integrated stainless steel unit. The
"drinking out of the toilet" was a language thing but it worked so
well, AOC just kept up the lie (it's all the left can do).

If you ignore all the drama, Trump's done a very good job.

If you ignore his drama, we've got a void in the White House.

That I agree with. It's been a reality TV show, like a frat house,
with Trump as the star. After all, he previously was a reality TV

He's done a great job. Pissing off you lefty snowflakes is just icing
on the cake.

I'm not a lefty, I'm an honest conservative that won't sell my soul to
the despicable orange clown.

No difference. The result is the same.

I see, so it's better to sell your soul to the despicable orange clown,
instead of stick to conservative principles, honesty, truth and speak out
when he's wrong. Interesting, but it does explain the trumptards.

No soul sold, moron. He's doing *precisely* what I want done with few
exceptions (notice I said "done" - at least he is). No one is

So, you wanted the office of the president disgraced, the country divided,
consumed in one stupid Trump fiasco after another? You wanted him to side
with Russia, tell Putin's lies, deny that Russia meddled in the election,
vilify all our intel agencies that had it right? You wanted him to say
that there were "very fine people' marching among NAzis, David Duke, the
KKK at a rally put on by that scum? You wanted a president who lies most
days, makes impulsive decisions that will result in genocide, like is
happening right now in Syria? It will be decades before anyone around
the world trusts the US again. That was the beautiful model, where the
Kurds did the heavy lifting, 11,000 dead, while the US provided limited
assistance, with 6 casualties. It defeated ISIS, Trump threw that out the
window, killed it, along with the Kurds. Even his Evangelicals are outraged
which is a good thing, that will cost him support there.

Excuse me, I need to go take a shower now. Very glad I left the
Republican Party, it's gone rotten to the core and yes, it's sold it's
soul to the orange shyster. If you have any honesty at all, you know that
if Obama did any of the above, why you'd be howling how awful and wrong
it all was. In fact, Obama did do some of it, he pulled completely out
of Iraq and ignored it. And the Republicans sure did rip him for it.
What a sad sack of hypocrites.

What kind of "conservative" praises despots
like KJU, Duterte and Putin?

One who actually wants to talk to them instead of going to war against
them. One who really doesn't like unnecessary wars.

Perhaps you slept through all the American presidents who stood up to
despots and didn't have any wars? Did you sleep through Reagan?
He didn't kiss the Russians asses, he didn't suck up to their leaders,
he called them out for what they were, evil. And it, together with
Reagan's plan against them, worked spectacularly. So sad that the
GOP has gone from that to an orange, lying shyster that kisses the
asses of Putin, KJU and all the rest. That's why after decades,
I was forced to terminate my GOP registration. I won't support or be
part of this.

I think we found the last of the Neocons!

Sure, just apply stupid labels in ad hominem attacks. I understand,
it's all you have when you try to defend the stupid and indefensible.

And note that even if you accept the idea that the US should pull out
completely, then why was it done impulsively, after one call with Erdogan,
where that was not even on the agenda? Why were the Kurds assured by
the US, that we would never let this happen? Why did Pompeo go over
there and deliver that exact message, that the US would not abandon them
and let Turkey move in? He was there in January, now Trump impulsively
kills them and Pompeo lies. Why was the Pentagon, State Dept, caught
completely off guard by this? Why were the Kurds not given warning
about our new position and time to at least take steps to protect

This is beyond revolting. Bye, bye Trump.

Undermines NATO and says the US may not honor
our NATO treaty to come to the aid of a NATO member that is attacked?

Great idea. Get them to pay their share of the costs. If they're not
concerned about their security, why should we be worried about them?

Because another world war would be worse? Hello? I have no problem with
Trump demanding the NATO countries spend more on their own defense. But
he has not limited it to that, he's said NATO is obsolete and that the US
might not honor our treaty obligation to come to the defense on a NATO
member that is attacked. That's your new conservatism, just because a
stupid orange clown says it?

You're really reaching but not even you're stupid enough to really
believe your shit.

Another example of how Trump has somehow mesmerized the Republican Party.
It's as if he has you all on mind altering drugs. Now because Dear Leader
says NATO sucks, so it is.

UN, same deal. In spades.

At least you're not a fan.

Runs $1 tril deficits, doubling the deficit, the first trillion deficits
since the 2008 debacle.

Not happy about that but he does not control congress. Never has.

What he has never done is say a word about those deficits or do anything
to realistically try to reduce them. Instead he was in favor of and
brags about a huge tax cut, one that helped wealthy people like himself
orders of magnitude more than it did the average American. And now,
as predicted, that combined with the increased spending had doubled the
deficit. We again have trillion dollar deficits, not a word about it
from Trump. However when Obama was in the WH and the deficit had been
steadily declining after the 2008 debacle, was down to $580 bil,
why according to Trump it was horrific. That's what lying shysters do.

The *only* way to reduce deficits is to grow out of them. There is no
way to get rid of baseline budgeting. The swamp is too deep.

Oh, how I hate that word. It's the new word that goes with the mind altering
drug, where rational thinking and sanity are gone. Now, whatever comes
out that is bad about Dear Leader, why it's the "swamp'. How about that
picture of Trump with Ruddy and the two that were arrested Wed night at
Dulles Airport for funneling illegal foreign (Russian) money into Trump's
campaign and PACs supporting Trump? Ruddy had lunch with them hours before
they headed to the airport! No, swamp there, of course.


Next you'll be droning on about the "deep state" that is after poor,
widdle Trump.


Insults was heroes and Gold Star mothers?

Says what no one else will. The truth.

So, it's the truth that John McCain is no war hero?

He was a disgrace.

That tells us all that we need to know about you. Another example of why
I'm no longer a Republican. I didn't always agree with McCain or any
other politician. But I would never deny that he was a war hero or
use that despicable insult.

Enjoy the rest of your ride on the nasty clown bus into oblivion.

It's the truth that
it's OK to imply that a Gold Star mother was not allowed to speak at
the DNC because she's a Muslim? That's pure BS, just like Trump's
claim that Ted Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination.
And with many things, even if they were true, it's really stupid to
say them. Following your silly logic, if your mother-in-law is fat
and stupid, well, then it's a great idea to tell her that at Thanks
Giving Dinner.

You're lying again.

It's all fact, on the record, of course. For lying, just tune in Trump,
he's lying much of the time. How about his latest lie? On Sunday he had
the call with Erdogan. The WH immediately put out a statement saying he
had the call, that the US forces were pulling out of norther Syria,
that the Turkish operation into that territory, long planned, would start
shortly. Then Trump received total condemnation from almost everyone,
Republicans, Democrats, most of Fox News, the Evangelicals. Both Pat
Robertson and Franklin Graham condemned it, one said that Trump has lost
the support of God. So, two days later, what does Trump say? Why, that
he didn't OK the invasion and that it's a very bad idea?


Now that's some mighty fine lying.

Oh, and this has had predictable and sweet results, finally. Trump
is so out of his mind and stupid that he believes Crowdstrike is a
Ukranian company and that the DNC servers were spirited away to
Ukrane! So, he withheld US aid and tried to force the Ukranian
president to go investigate it! What's next? Withhold aid to Texas,
call up the governor, and demand that he investigate how Ted Cruz's
father assassinated JFK? He;s going to be impeached for what he just

You're really nuts. Really, just as bad as AlwaysWrong.

What is nuts about any of the above? It's fact. Trump put forth the crazy
idea that Ted Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination.
He demanded that the Ukraine president find the DNC server that he and
I guess Ruddy believe are in the Ukraine. He demanded he investigate
Crowdstrike, which is a publicly traded US company with no connection
to Ukraine....

And I'm the one that's nuts?

Kisses the ass of Putin and lobbies for Russia to be re-admitted to the G7?

You're repeating yourself, so I will too. He'd rather talk than

You don't have to praise murdering despots to talk. And how has it worked?
Trump came home from his grand summit, one that legitimized KJU, gave him
what no US president would give any of their despicable leaders for
half a century. Upon landing, he told America that he trusts KJU,
he's sure he's denuclearizing right now, that the threat to the USA from
NK nukes is over! That should be added to the articles of impeachment.
He's a moron and danger to our national security.

Talk is different than action. You want talk. I'd rather have

We sure do have some results. You got me there. After three Trump meetings
and ass kissings with KJU, KJU now has a nuclear missile sub nearing
completion, he's still enriching, still building nuclear warheads,
he's still testing short range missiles capable of delivering them,
he just tested an underwater sea launched medium range, 1000+ mile
missile. Those are some mighty fine results.

And how has it worked out? KJU has resumed testing short range,
nuclear capable missiles. Trump said swell, no problemo, to that.
KJU is finishing up a sub that will hold missiles, probably ICBMs,
Last week, he successfully tested a medium range missile from an underwater
platform in the ocean. That is clearly one missile that is intended for
the new sub. Great job Trump!

No one is running around with their hair on fire about him nuking SF,

that's incredibly stupid, even for you. That's why we call you trumptards,
you've earned it. And of course if it were Obama or Hillary, why then
you would be running around with your hair on fire.

Uses his office to try to get foreign countries to start investigations
into bizarre conspiracy BS and into his opponents?

No "conspiracy theory". It's fact and indeed there is a treaty in
place, signed by Slick Willy, no less, to allow such.

What is a fact? That Ukrane, not Russia, meddled in the 2016 election?

Yes, in fact it is. Pay attention, fool.

So sad, you actually believe Ukraine meddled, not Russia. Did you
watch the news yesterday? The two who put Ruddy Giuliani onto that,
that filled him with lies and BS, were just arrested at Dulles Airport
with one way tickets to Vienna. They had lunch with Ruddy, at Trump's
Hotel in DC of all places, just hours before. They were arrested for
illegally funneling foreign (Russian) money into Trump;s campaign,
trump PACs, Kevin McCarthy's campaign, and others. There is your
illegal meddling and so much for the BS conspiracy nonsense that only
trumptards believe. But it's good that Ruddy and Trump did, it's
going to get Trump impeached, we have the phone call.

That Manafort was framed, that he didn't get paid $40 to $60 mil by
Ukrane, that he didn't hide it and not pay taxes on it? That Crowdstrike
is a Ukranian company? That the DNC severs are in Ukrane? Hello?
This is pure insanity. That is what the orange shyster believes, he
even praised Manafort, the criminal that TRUMP chose to run his campaign,
after his convictions! The president is praising one of the biggest
tax cheats, money launderers in US history! This is the new GOP, the
new conservatism?

How about that Hunter Biden? And Alzheimer's Joe?

We call that whataboutism. As if one wrong makes another, worse wrong,
right. That's Trump, a race to the bottom.

But I'll play that game. What I see is the usual pay-to-play that has
been going on forever. See the picture of Trump, Ruddy, the two just
arrested. Nice foursome. Parnas also got to attend a dinner at the
WH. He illegally funneled hundreds of thousands of foreign money
into a PAC supporting Trump. How's that for a swamp, eh?

But, I'll play your game. Let's analyze further. Let's start with the
Bidens. Is what went on there, Hunter getting a board position and paid
$50K a month, which certainly was only because his father was VP, wrong,
unethical? Absolutely. Should Biden have recused himself immediately?
Yes. But that has been going on forever and both parties do it.
Now, show me the US law that was violated? You can't, unless you can
prove that the VP requested the job, there was a quid pro quo, etc.
and the likelihood of proving it is just about zero. And if it's to
be investigated, then Trump should have put forth his evidence to the DOJ
and had the US investigate it, not demand that Ukraine investigate it.
That he didn't, speaks volumes.

BTW, where is Trump and the Republicans and Democrats too on fixing this?
This isn't the first, it won't be the last. Where are the calls by Dear
Leader for a new law that would stop this? Make it illegal? Crickets.
None of them want to stop it, because they all do it and profit from it.
How about after Bill and Hillary with the worst example of pay-to-play
corruption in US history? Any new laws? No, Trump would rather just
keep talking about "lock her up". Oh, and if you want to go luck for
something you might be able to prove, what they did, what their foundation
did, would be a good place to start. Trump has had several AGs and acting
AGs now. Anything? Hello?

The DNC and
> CrowdStrike?

What about it? Trump wants the Ukranian president to investigate CS
and find the DNC server in the Ukraine. Are you mentally impaired too?

You're lying again. But that's the lefty in you.

Impulsively green-lights
Turkey to invade Syria and kill Kurds, who were our allies in Iraq and Syria
until two days ago.

You do know there is a big difference between the Syrian and Iraqi
Kurds? No, I suppose you didn't. BTW, do you really think 50 troups
redeployed to another part of Syria is going to make a difference?

Both worked with the US,

You really are stupid. The PKK is no friend. You really should learn

No, you're the stupid one. The PKK isn't all of the Kurds in Syria,
it's mostly inside Turkey itself. And they have no history of genocide,
while Turkey does, eg wiping out the Armenians and now they want to do
the same with the Kurds. Erdogan is afraid that they will establish
a free Kurd nation in northern Iraq, one that is friendly to the West.

And none of this matters, because the USA was perfectly fine working
with the Kurds going back decades. It's only your false God Trump
that threw them under the bus, betrayed them, left them to die.
It's exactly what he does, he's left so many in his wake. They are
great, the very best people, super, until Trump no longer needs them.
Then he fires them and claims they are no good bums and he never
liked them, had anything to do with them, etc. Open your eyes.

did the fighting while we provided minimal
support, to defeat ISIS and Al Qaeda. Both trusted us. In the case of
Syria, we recently concluded an agreement with them for them to pull back
from the Turkish border, which Turkey wanted, with the understanding that
Turkey would not attack and that the US would remain and guarantee that.
Trump just threw them under the bus, exactly what he's done with anyone
that's come in contact with them, once he's through with them. The list
keeps growing. And this is EXACTLY the model the US has sought, where
the locals do the fighting, we provide limited support, and we both win.
It's not 50 troops, either, it;s in the hundreds. That it's small just
makes it even more stupid. This action in Syria is for the record books,
With very limited troops, very few casualties, we defeated ISIS!
So, what;s the urgent need to reverse that and betray our allies?

The Syrian Kurds were dependent on 50 US troupes for their very
existence? You're _really_ stupid.

No, you're the one that's stupid. They were depending on the word of the
USA, that we would prevent Turkey from entering and killing them. And
we were, it was working, until the big dummy threw them under the bus.
All Trump had to do was say NO! In 1973 during the war between Israel
and Egypt, the Russians tried to pull the same with Nixon, announcing
they were going to send troops to help Egypt. Nixon told them NO! and
immediately put US armed nuclear B-52s in the air, launched from bases
across the US. The Russians backed down.

From January, when Pompeo swore to the Kurds that we would protect
them from Tureky:


The U.S. forces have been working with a Kurdish militia to fight against Islamic State. The Kurds control a swath of northeastern Syria, Washington’s foothold in a conflict that has drawn in Russia, Iran, Turkey and other regional powers.

Washington has repeatedly said its Kurdish allies will remain safe despite the withdrawal. But Turkey, which considers the U.S.-backed Syrian Kurdish YPG militia an enemy, has repeatedly vowed to crush the group and repudiated any suggestion of protecting it once U.S. troops leave.

“It’s important that we do everything we can to make sure that those folks that fought with us are protected and Erdogan has made commitments, he understands that,” Pompeo added.

There is none, other than the dope got rolled by Erdogan on another phone
call that Congress should demand. And they should investigate the decision
making process that went into this. If Trump just winged it, no consultation,
no analysis, add that to the articles of impeachment. And the whole world
saw this, the results, no one trusting us, will endure for decades.

Wow! You're stupid!

Typical, it's all you have left when you try to defend the indefensible
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 09:42:27 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
<trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 10:15:51 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 08:24:49 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 10:21:24 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:42:32 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 07:11:55 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 1:07:34 AM UTC-4, whit3rd wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:41:40 PM UTC-7, dagmarg...@yahoo.com wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:

He seems excellent to me. He's gotten lower marginal corporate
taxes through, stripped away nonsensical regulations, spurred the
economy, and gotten black unemployment to the lowest on record.

What regulations were 'nonsense'? Spurs are a torture device, and might
accurately symbolize his economic machinations. As for unemployment, his
'record' didn't document the real casualty toll in Puerto Rico, why would
you trust it on something else important?

The casualty numbers in Puerto Rico were under the jurisdiction of
Puerto Rico's officials, they did the counts. And the Labor Dept
has calculated unemployment numbers the same way for 50+ years.
There is ZERO evidence that has been corrupted in any way.
The low numbers are confirmed by all the help wanted signs I

And he's been nothing like a Hitler. Trump has been one of the most
scrupulously law-abiding presidents I've ever seen.

Not according to a half dozen court decisions. He hasn't show he can handle
responsible baby-sitting (if that is truly his intention). The detention centers
have been called 'concentration camps', you know.

Anyone can call anything whatever they want, that does not make it so.
That's a really, really bad example to bring up. The libs came up with
that one. It's offensive to Jews and all people who know what concentration
camps really were. These illegals and others being detained are well fed,
they have shelter and free medical care.

And they're not being held against their will. They can leave at any

They have water too, despite
the lie from AOC (I think it was her), that they are drinking water out
of toilets. Even the other libs, ministers, etc that were on that visit
said they saw nothing like that. I saw NBC interviewing people being
detained, all they spoke with said they were being treated OK. A mother
said she had food and diapers for her baby. But if any of that isn't
good enough, why don't these illegals just stay where they were?
Stop in Mexico, instead of coming here? Hello?

The toilets and sinks are one integrated stainless steel unit. The
"drinking out of the toilet" was a language thing but it worked so
well, AOC just kept up the lie (it's all the left can do).

If you ignore all the drama, Trump's done a very good job.

If you ignore his drama, we've got a void in the White House.

That I agree with. It's been a reality TV show, like a frat house,
with Trump as the star. After all, he previously was a reality TV

He's done a great job. Pissing off you lefty snowflakes is just icing
on the cake.

I'm not a lefty, I'm an honest conservative that won't sell my soul to
the despicable orange clown.

No difference. The result is the same.

I see, so it's better to sell your soul to the despicable orange clown,
instead of stick to conservative principles, honesty, truth and speak out
when he's wrong. Interesting, but it does explain the trumptards.

No soul sold, moron. He's doing *precisely* what I want done with few
exceptions (notice I said "done" - at least he is). No one is

So, you wanted the office of the president disgraced, the country divided,
consumed in one stupid Trump fiasco after another?

You are truly an idiot. It's you lefties who are dividing the
country. It *is* what you do.

You wanted him to side
with Russia, tell Putin's lies, deny that Russia meddled in the election,
vilify all our intel agencies that had it right?

You stupid twat.

You wanted him to say
that there were "very fine people' marching among NAzis, David Duke, the
KKK at a rally put on by that scum?

You lefties really *are* liars. You can't help it. It's what you

You wanted a president who lies most
days, makes impulsive decisions that will result in genocide, like is
happening right now in Syria? It will be decades before anyone around
the world trusts the US again. That was the beautiful model, where the
Kurds did the heavy lifting, 11,000 dead, while the US provided limited
assistance, with 6 casualties. It defeated ISIS, Trump threw that out the
window, killed it, along with the Kurds. Even his Evangelicals are outraged
which is a good thing, that will cost him support there.

That's funny, coming from a habitual liar like you.
Excuse me, I need to go take a shower now. Very glad I left the
Republican Party, it's gone rotten to the core and yes, it's sold it's
soul to the orange shyster. If you have any honesty at all, you know that
if Obama did any of the above, why you'd be howling how awful and wrong
it all was. In fact, Obama did do some of it, he pulled completely out
of Iraq and ignored it. And the Republicans sure did rip him for it.
What a sad sack of hypocrites.

Keep on lying. It's you!

What kind of "conservative" praises despots
like KJU, Duterte and Putin?

One who actually wants to talk to them instead of going to war against
them. One who really doesn't like unnecessary wars.

Perhaps you slept through all the American presidents who stood up to
despots and didn't have any wars? Did you sleep through Reagan?
He didn't kiss the Russians asses, he didn't suck up to their leaders,
he called them out for what they were, evil. And it, together with
Reagan's plan against them, worked spectacularly. So sad that the
GOP has gone from that to an orange, lying shyster that kisses the
asses of Putin, KJU and all the rest. That's why after decades,
I was forced to terminate my GOP registration. I won't support or be
part of this.

I think we found the last of the Neocons!

Sure, just apply stupid labels in ad hominem attacks. I understand,
it's all you have when you try to defend the stupid and indefensible.

It's a fact. You show your stripes with every syllable.

<more boring lies deleted - it's your only arrow>
On Friday, October 11, 2019 at 10:42:31 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 09:42:27 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 10:15:51 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 08:24:49 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 10:21:24 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:42:32 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 07:11:55 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 1:07:34 AM UTC-4, whit3rd wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:41:40 PM UTC-7, dagmarg...@yahoo.com wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:

He seems excellent to me. He's gotten lower marginal corporate
taxes through, stripped away nonsensical regulations, spurred the
economy, and gotten black unemployment to the lowest on record.

What regulations were 'nonsense'? Spurs are a torture device, and might
accurately symbolize his economic machinations. As for unemployment, his
'record' didn't document the real casualty toll in Puerto Rico, why would
you trust it on something else important?

The casualty numbers in Puerto Rico were under the jurisdiction of
Puerto Rico's officials, they did the counts. And the Labor Dept
has calculated unemployment numbers the same way for 50+ years.
There is ZERO evidence that has been corrupted in any way.
The low numbers are confirmed by all the help wanted signs I

And he's been nothing like a Hitler. Trump has been one of the most
scrupulously law-abiding presidents I've ever seen.

Not according to a half dozen court decisions. He hasn't show he can handle
responsible baby-sitting (if that is truly his intention). The detention centers
have been called 'concentration camps', you know.

Anyone can call anything whatever they want, that does not make it so.
That's a really, really bad example to bring up. The libs came up with
that one. It's offensive to Jews and all people who know what concentration
camps really were. These illegals and others being detained are well fed,
they have shelter and free medical care.

And they're not being held against their will. They can leave at any

They have water too, despite
the lie from AOC (I think it was her), that they are drinking water out
of toilets. Even the other libs, ministers, etc that were on that visit
said they saw nothing like that. I saw NBC interviewing people being
detained, all they spoke with said they were being treated OK. A mother
said she had food and diapers for her baby. But if any of that isn't
good enough, why don't these illegals just stay where they were?
Stop in Mexico, instead of coming here? Hello?

The toilets and sinks are one integrated stainless steel unit. The
"drinking out of the toilet" was a language thing but it worked so
well, AOC just kept up the lie (it's all the left can do).

If you ignore all the drama, Trump's done a very good job.

If you ignore his drama, we've got a void in the White House.

That I agree with. It's been a reality TV show, like a frat house,
with Trump as the star. After all, he previously was a reality TV

He's done a great job. Pissing off you lefty snowflakes is just icing
on the cake.

I'm not a lefty, I'm an honest conservative that won't sell my soul to
the despicable orange clown.

No difference. The result is the same.

I see, so it's better to sell your soul to the despicable orange clown,
instead of stick to conservative principles, honesty, truth and speak out
when he's wrong. Interesting, but it does explain the trumptards.

No soul sold, moron. He's doing *precisely* what I want done with few
exceptions (notice I said "done" - at least he is). No one is

So, you wanted the office of the president disgraced, the country divided,
consumed in one stupid Trump fiasco after another?

You are truly an idiot. It's you lefties who are dividing the
country. It *is* what you do.

No, I'm an honest, educated, intelligent conservative who isn't going to
sell my soul to the orange devil who has somehow mesmerized you.

You wanted him to side
with Russia, tell Putin's lies, deny that Russia meddled in the election,
vilify all our intel agencies that had it right?

You stupid twat.

Mueller said that Russia meddled in the 2016 election, he indicted a
whole bunch of RUSSIANS, stupid.

You wanted him to say
that there were "very fine people' marching among NAzis, David Duke, the
KKK at a rally put on by that scum?

You lefties really *are* liars. You can't help it. It's what you

Ad hominem attack noted again. It's the absolute truth, we have Trump
on video, Trump Tower, NYC:



Or read the transcript if you prefer:


You wanted a president who lies most
days, makes impulsive decisions that will result in genocide, like is
happening right now in Syria? It will be decades before anyone around
the world trusts the US again. That was the beautiful model, where the
Kurds did the heavy lifting, 11,000 dead, while the US provided limited
assistance, with 6 casualties. It defeated ISIS, Trump threw that out the
window, killed it, along with the Kurds. Even his Evangelicals are outraged
which is a good thing, that will cost him support there.

That's funny, coming from a habitual liar like you.

Non response noted and it's actually your false god, Trump, that's
the habitual liar. He;s lied about having the biggest electoral college
win since Reagan, about having the largest inaugural crowd, about not
screwing porn stars, about not paying porn stars, about NK no longer
being a nuclear threat, about Russian not meddling in the election.
His latest, despicable lie is that he didn't OK Erdogan to invave
Syria and kill our allies, who we promise to protect!

Have you no integrity? Why sell your soul to the lying shyster?

Excuse me, I need to go take a shower now. Very glad I left the
Republican Party, it's gone rotten to the core and yes, it's sold it's
soul to the orange shyster. If you have any honesty at all, you know that
if Obama did any of the above, why you'd be howling how awful and wrong
it all was. In fact, Obama did do some of it, he pulled completely out
of Iraq and ignored it. And the Republicans sure did rip him for it.
What a sad sack of hypocrites.

Keep on lying. It's you!

Non response and ad hominen attack noted.

It's all that's left when you can't defend the indefensible. But it
is really low.

Trump is done, he's rapidly sinking, that former super hero of NYC,
turned rabid rat, Giuliani has helped immensely in that effort. I mean
he has lunch with his two guys who are guiding him, telling him about
how Uraine, not Russia, meddled in the 2016 election. Hours later
the two are arrested at Dulles Airport, with one way tickets to Vienna.
Arrested for ILLEGALLY funneling hundreds of thousands into Trump PACs
and Trump's campaign! To Kevin McCarthy! To Pete Sessions, who they
got to lobby to have the US ambassador to Ukraine fired! And then that
genius Giuliani, tells the press that he was going to Vienna the next
day too, but not to meet up with those two? ROFL

The very guys who Giuliani relied on for all his Ukraine conspiracy
BS, the conspiracy BS that loons like you believe, were in fact just
arrested for funneling foreign money into US campaigns! It doesn't get
any better than that.

And then, it just keeps coming. Who do those two get to represent them?
Why John Dowd, the same lawyer that represented Trump during his Russian
problems. ROFL. Stupid is as stupid does. And then it keeps getting
better, now breaking news is Giuliani is under investigation too!
Yeah, I'm sure you think it's all some "deep state' conspiracy.
The rest of us know it's an lying, immoral, incompetent, no good
shyster getting what he deserves.

Bye, bye orange evil clown!
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 20:13:26 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
<trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Friday, October 11, 2019 at 10:42:31 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 09:42:27 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 10:15:51 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 08:24:49 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 10:21:24 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:42:32 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 07:11:55 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 1:07:34 AM UTC-4, whit3rd wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:41:40 PM UTC-7, dagmarg...@yahoo.com wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:

He seems excellent to me. He's gotten lower marginal corporate
taxes through, stripped away nonsensical regulations, spurred the
economy, and gotten black unemployment to the lowest on record.

What regulations were 'nonsense'? Spurs are a torture device, and might
accurately symbolize his economic machinations. As for unemployment, his
'record' didn't document the real casualty toll in Puerto Rico, why would
you trust it on something else important?

The casualty numbers in Puerto Rico were under the jurisdiction of
Puerto Rico's officials, they did the counts. And the Labor Dept
has calculated unemployment numbers the same way for 50+ years.
There is ZERO evidence that has been corrupted in any way.
The low numbers are confirmed by all the help wanted signs I

And he's been nothing like a Hitler. Trump has been one of the most
scrupulously law-abiding presidents I've ever seen.

Not according to a half dozen court decisions. He hasn't show he can handle
responsible baby-sitting (if that is truly his intention). The detention centers
have been called 'concentration camps', you know.

Anyone can call anything whatever they want, that does not make it so.
That's a really, really bad example to bring up. The libs came up with
that one. It's offensive to Jews and all people who know what concentration
camps really were. These illegals and others being detained are well fed,
they have shelter and free medical care.

And they're not being held against their will. They can leave at any

They have water too, despite
the lie from AOC (I think it was her), that they are drinking water out
of toilets. Even the other libs, ministers, etc that were on that visit
said they saw nothing like that. I saw NBC interviewing people being
detained, all they spoke with said they were being treated OK. A mother
said she had food and diapers for her baby. But if any of that isn't
good enough, why don't these illegals just stay where they were?
Stop in Mexico, instead of coming here? Hello?

The toilets and sinks are one integrated stainless steel unit. The
"drinking out of the toilet" was a language thing but it worked so
well, AOC just kept up the lie (it's all the left can do).

If you ignore all the drama, Trump's done a very good job.

If you ignore his drama, we've got a void in the White House.

That I agree with. It's been a reality TV show, like a frat house,
with Trump as the star. After all, he previously was a reality TV

He's done a great job. Pissing off you lefty snowflakes is just icing
on the cake.

I'm not a lefty, I'm an honest conservative that won't sell my soul to
the despicable orange clown.

No difference. The result is the same.

I see, so it's better to sell your soul to the despicable orange clown,
instead of stick to conservative principles, honesty, truth and speak out
when he's wrong. Interesting, but it does explain the trumptards.

No soul sold, moron. He's doing *precisely* what I want done with few
exceptions (notice I said "done" - at least he is). No one is

So, you wanted the office of the president disgraced, the country divided,
consumed in one stupid Trump fiasco after another?

You are truly an idiot. It's you lefties who are dividing the
country. It *is* what you do.

No, I'm an honest, educated, intelligent conservative who isn't going to
sell my soul to the orange devil who has somehow mesmerized you.
You're as funny as AlwaysWrong and your other BFF Slowman, when you
say that.

<more really funny stuff snipped>
On Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 1:46:45 PM UTC+11, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 20:13:26 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Friday, October 11, 2019 at 10:42:31 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 09:42:27 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 10:15:51 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 08:24:49 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 10:21:24 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:42:32 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-4, k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 07:11:55 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 1:07:34 AM UTC-4, whit3rd wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:41:40 PM UTC-7, dagmarg...@yahoo.com wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:


So, you wanted the office of the president disgraced, the country divided,
consumed in one stupid Trump fiasco after another?

You are truly an idiot. It's you lefties who are dividing the
country. It *is* what you do.

No, I'm an honest, educated, intelligent conservative who isn't going to
sell my soul to the orange devil who has somehow mesmerized you.

You're as funny as AlwaysWrong and your other BFF Sloman, when you
say that.

more really funny stuff snipped

Krw does have his own capacity to amuse. But his idea that he is always right has to be the peak absurdity.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Bill Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote in

On Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 1:46:45 PM UTC+11, k...@notreal.com
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 20:13:26 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Friday, October 11, 2019 at 10:42:31 PM UTC-4,
k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 09:42:27 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 10:15:51 PM UTC-4,
k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 08:24:49 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 10:21:24 PM UTC-4,
k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:42:32 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-4,
k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 07:11:55 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 1:07:34 AM UTC-4,
whit3rd wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:41:40 PM UTC-7,
dagmarg...@yahoo.com wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4,
DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:


So, you wanted the office of the president disgraced, the
country divided, consumed in one stupid Trump fiasco after

You are truly an idiot. It's you lefties who are dividing the
country. It *is* what you do.

No, I'm an honest, educated, intelligent conservative who isn't
going to sell my soul to the orange devil who has somehow
mesmerized you.

You're as funny as AlwaysWrong and your other BFF Sloman, when
you say that.

more really funny stuff snipped

Krw does have his own capacity to amuse. But his idea that he is
always right has to be the peak absurdity.

You noticed the snip...

He learned from his buddy Trump.
On Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 2:58:44 PM UTC+11, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Bill Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote in

On Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 1:46:45 PM UTC+11, k...@notreal.com
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 20:13:26 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Friday, October 11, 2019 at 10:42:31 PM UTC-4,
k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 09:42:27 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 10:15:51 PM UTC-4,
k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 08:24:49 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 10:21:24 PM UTC-4,
k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:42:32 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 10:10:47 PM UTC-4,
k...@notreal.com wrote:
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 07:11:55 -0700 (PDT), Whoey Louie
trader4@optonline.net> wrote:

On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 1:07:34 AM UTC-4,
whit3rd wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 4:41:40 PM UTC-7,
dagmarg...@yahoo.com wrote:
On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 3:43:47 PM UTC-4,
DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:


So, you wanted the office of the president disgraced, the
country divided, consumed in one stupid Trump fiasco after

You are truly an idiot. It's you lefties who are dividing the
country. It *is* what you do.

No, I'm an honest, educated, intelligent conservative who isn't
going to sell my soul to the orange devil who has somehow
mesmerized you.

You're as funny as AlwaysWrong and your other BFF Sloman, when
you say that.

more really funny stuff snipped

Krw does have his own capacity to amuse. But his idea that he is
always right has to be the peak absurdity.

You noticed the snip...

He learned from his buddy Trump.

Krw had stopped being able to learn anything long before Trump got elected.

His model might be Joseph Goebbels, though he probably wouldn't realise it.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

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