Whoey Louie <> wrote in
Damn boy! Are you really that fucking stupid? I clearly stated this
was about HWOD systems. Companies across the face of the nation were
lulled into the idea that placing HWOD units on their hot water lines
would be cheaper than a tank and long, insulated runs.
How can you sit there googleing up your bullshit attempts at
understanding something and miss that detail?
And your only (failed) argument against is some lame about where the
batteries would be placed.
For that matter, most restrooms are
likely using nat gas to heat the water because that's far cheaper
to begin with.
Damn boy! Are you really that fucking stupid? I clearly stated this
was about HWOD systems. Companies across the face of the nation were
lulled into the idea that placing HWOD units on their hot water lines
would be cheaper than a tank and long, insulated runs.
How can you sit there googleing up your bullshit attempts at
understanding something and miss that detail?
And your only (failed) argument against is some lame about where the
batteries would be placed.