Charlie Edmondson
John Perry wrote:
up, there was a pretty good breeze through the house, but it didn't help
much in the 95/95 weather.
Then, my folks bought a single window unit, and put it in the living
room. That room kept pretty cool, and with the doors all open, it
reduced the humidity through out the house to help, but at the far end
of the house, it was pretty miserable. I spent a lot of summers either
at the pool, or in the living room reading or watching TV.
Finally, they bit the bullet, and installed central air. We already had
forced air heat, so they only needed to add the condenser in the attic
and the compressor outside. Cool at last...
But it cost a fortune to run!
originally had the whole house fan in the hall. When that thing crankedFrithiof Andreas Jensen wrote:
"Joerg" <notthisjoergsch@removethispacbell.net> wrote in message
Why are whole house ventilation systems by default "whole house fans"
that suck air out of the house? Why is there no system available at Home
Depot, Lowes or other places that blows air into the house through a
filter and then out the screen doors instead of sucking unfiltered
air in?
When I was small and air conditioning was not yet common, even here in
Virginia, my parents used a huge window fan in one room (where I liked
to spend much of my time). This room was always uncomfortable, so I
asked my father why he did this.
The response was that if he turned the fan around so it would blow into
the room, then, yes, that room would be comfortable, but none of the
other rooms would be. With the fan blowing out, fresh air was always
coming into the other rooms with open windows, making most of the house
more comfortable. The same applies, obviously, to whole house fans,
although I've never had a house with one.
Because, the "Average Consumer" *wants* a big lump mounted in the wall of
his home because that is all he is good for when installing it himself.
But *nobody* kicks a whole in the wall for one of those noisy, ugly,
units that the Americans like ;-)
Well, I did, a number of years ago, in the 1930's era house I used to
live in. At the time, I couldn't afford the 10X price differential to
install central air conditioning, ducting, wiring, ...
I still think I did the right thing.
John Perry
Growing up, we went through the whole progression. Our house in Memphis
up, there was a pretty good breeze through the house, but it didn't help
much in the 95/95 weather.
Then, my folks bought a single window unit, and put it in the living
room. That room kept pretty cool, and with the doors all open, it
reduced the humidity through out the house to help, but at the far end
of the house, it was pretty miserable. I spent a lot of summers either
at the pool, or in the living room reading or watching TV.
Finally, they bit the bullet, and installed central air. We already had
forced air heat, so they only needed to add the condenser in the attic
and the compressor outside. Cool at last...
But it cost a fortune to run!