OT: The media encouraging Ukrainians to attack Russian soldiers......

John Dope Troll wrote:
A population facing an invading army can do anything.

As can the invading army.

** That is where the Joke Dope troll is 1000% WRONG !!

No army has the right to invade a nation to take it over.

> Self-defense is a basic human right,

** But there is zero right to invade and kill citizens in order to take over a nation.

FYI: The whole idea of a \" legally declared war\" was abolished in 1947.

Russia is committing a \" crime against humanity \" as well as many war crimes.
If Putin or any of his gang were to ever leave Russia, they could be jailed immediately and put on trial.

Russia is now a pariah country and likely to remain so for decades.

...... Phil
The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 02:47:18 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Mon, 14 Mar 2022 02:47:29 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t0mac0$c28$11@dont-email.me>.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow it\'s own rules that it uses to troll other posters.

Sylvia Else <sylvia@email.invalid> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

Sometimes the media encourages Ukrainians to throw Molotov cocktails at
Russian soldiers...

Doesn\'t that lead to WAR CRIMES???

Dirty laundry...

The Russians are waging war.

All is fair in love and war.

> The Ukrainians citizens are merely engaged in self defence.

Self-defense is a basic human right, but flailing at a much superior
adversary is foolish.

A maniac running round the streets in a tank randomly firing at
buildings could be stopped by citizens by any means available. It makes
no difference that the maniac is a Russian.

That\'s the military\'s job. Civilians should not be lobbing Molotov
cocktails at tanks. That\'s FOOLISH. Encouraging them to do so is CRIMINAL.

But the media and fans of romance novels LOVE war. Your drama... Their
suffering, pain, and death.
The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:24:19 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t0mch3$rnc$2@dont-email.me>.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow it\'s own rules that it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:24:33 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:24:44 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:28:59 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

On Monday, March 14, 2022 at 2:11:57 PM UTC+11, John Doe wrote:
Sylvia Else <syl...@email.invalid> wrote:
John Doe wrote:


The Ukrainians citizens are merely engaged in self defense.

Self-defense is a basic human right, but flailing at a much superior adversary is foolish.

It\'s called guerilla warfare or asymmetric warfare


It can be effective, and anything but foolish.

The Russians aren\'t all that superior - there are more of them, but they are the attacking force.

A maniac running round the streets in a tank randomly firing at
buildings could be stopped by citizens by any means available. It makes
no difference that the maniac is a Russian.

That\'s the military\'s job. Civilians should not be lobbing Molotov
cocktails at tanks. That\'s FOOLISH.

If it takes out the tank - and it can - it\'s not in the least foolish. It\'s risky, and it doesn\'t take out all that many tanks at the first attempt. But if there are more defenders than tanks (and there mostly are) it can be very effective.

>Encouraging them to do so is CRIMINAL.

Not under any law code that I know of.

> But the media and fans of romance novels LOVE war. Your drama... Their suffering, pain, and death.

Nobody sane loves war. Nobody sane fancies getting taken over by a bunch of corrupt and rapacious crooks either. It\'s a lesser of two evils question.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Poor liddle Eddie got spanked and just can\'t get over it.

Unless Eddie is nym-shifting, it has never posted anything NORMAL
except when it got a severe spanking...


Is Eddie a nym-shifting troll, or a newbie netcop wannabe?

See also...
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward H. <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com>

Eddie is an example for all newbies. Don\'t get spanked!

Spanked Eddie...

Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!feeder1.feed.usenet.farm!feed.usenet.farm!newsreader4.netcologne.de!news.netcologne.de!peer02.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer01.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx14.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: OT: The media encouraging Ukrainians to attack Russian soldiers...
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <t0klim$h8f$2@dont-email.me> <t0ko9t$b1j$1@dont-email.me> <dbec0e77-b74e-46b3-8d2c-c0bf69137203n@googlegroups.com> <lifs2hdiclencp33kn04jf69p436sqh47r@4ax.com> <t0ma3i$c28$8@dont-email.me> <52fc0495-812d-484c-9b08-d1452b9aae30n@googlegroups.com> <t0mch3$rnc$2@dont-email.me
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <oFyXJ.198684$833.48756@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:30:28 UTC
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:30:28 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 1615
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:662953 free.spam:17525

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:24:19 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t0mch3$rnc$2@dont-email.me>.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow it\'s own rules that it uses to troll other posters.

Poor liddle Eddie got spanked and just can\'t get over it.

Unless Eddie is nym-shifting, it has never posted anything NORMAL
except when it got a severe spanking...


Is Eddie a nym-shifting troll, or a newbie netcop wannabe?

See also...
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward H. <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com>

Eddie is an example for all newbies. Don\'t get spanked!

Spanked Eddie...

Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!feeder1.feed.usenet.farm!feed.usenet.farm!newsreader4.netcologne.de!news.netcologne.de!peer02.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer01.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx14.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: OT: The media encouraging Ukrainians to attack Russian soldiers...
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <t0klim$h8f$2@dont-email.me> <t0kt8p$5ua$1@dont-email.me> <22917346-2cdf-4c27-8426-4bdaf978e981n@googlegroups.com> <t0mac0$c28$11@dont-email.me> <bnyXJ.181526$dS2.121779@usenetxs.com> <t0mchh$rnc$3@dont-email.me
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <qFyXJ.198685$833.51616@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:30:30 UTC
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:30:30 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 1636
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:662954 free.spam:17526

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:24:33 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

Poor liddle Eddie got spanked and just can\'t get over it.

Unless Eddie is nym-shifting, it has never posted anything NORMAL
except when it got a severe spanking...


Is Eddie a nym-shifting troll, or a newbie netcop wannabe?

See also...
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward H. <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com>

Eddie is an example for all newbies. Don\'t get spanked!

Spanked Eddie...

Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!feeder1.feed.usenet.farm!feed.usenet.farm!newsreader4.netcologne.de!news.netcologne.de!peer02.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer02.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx14.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: OT: The media encouraging Ukrainians to attack Russian soldiers...
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <t0klim$h8f$2@dont-email.me> <t0kt8p$5ua$1@dont-email.me> <ae786d2c-7944-4b39-bbc8-6c43505ab61an@googlegroups.com> <t0mabl$c28$10@dont-email.me> <anyXJ.181521$dS2.127810@usenetxs.com> <t0mchs$rnc$4@dont-email.me
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <sFyXJ.198686$833.36164@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:30:32 UTC
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:30:32 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 1636
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:662955 free.spam:17527

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:24:44 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

Poor liddle Eddie got spanked and just can\'t get over it.

Unless Eddie is nym-shifting, it has never posted anything NORMAL
except when it got a severe spanking...


Is Eddie a nym-shifting troll, or a newbie netcop wannabe?

See also...
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward H. <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com>

Eddie is an example for all newbies. Don\'t get spanked!

Spanked Eddie...

Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!feeder1.feed.usenet.farm!feed.usenet.farm!newsreader4.netcologne.de!news.netcologne.de!peer03.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer01.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx14.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: OT: The media encouraging Ukrainians to attack Russian soldiers...
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <t0klim$h8f$2@dont-email.me> <j97pg8F1gmU1@mid.individual.net> <t0mbpj$rnc$1@dont-email.me> <fcac8d19-5f42-49a5-9ee1-5d3f696f86f4n@googlegroups.com> <t0mcpr$rnc$5@dont-email.me
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <uFyXJ.198687$833.196688@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:30:34 UTC
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:30:34 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 1602
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:662956 free.spam:17528

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:28:59 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:40:56 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t0mdg8$rnc$7@dont-email.me>.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:41:08 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t0mdgj$rnc$8@dont-email.me>.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:41:19 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:41:31 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.

Jerkoff Dope wrote:
All is fair in love and war.

** Fuckwit drivel.

The Ukrainians citizens are merely engaged in self defence.

Self-defense is a basic human right, but flailing at a much superior
adversary is foolish.

** Up to individuals to decide what risk is worth them taking in self defence.

Not fucking lunatics like you.

....... Phil
Poor liddle Eddie got spanked and just can\'t get over it.

Unless Eddie is nym-shifting, it has never posted anything NORMAL
except when it got a severe spanking...


Is Eddie a nym-shifting troll, or a newbie netcop wannabe?

See also...
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward H. <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com>

Eddie is an example for all newbies. Don\'t get spanked!

Spanked Eddie...

Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!news.freedyn.de!newsreader4.netcologne.de!news.netcologne.de!peer03.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer02.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx11.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: OT: The media encouraging Ukrainians to attack Russian soldiers...
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <t0klim$h8f$2@dont-email.me> <t0kt8p$5ua$1@dont-email.me> <22917346-2cdf-4c27-8426-4bdaf978e981n@googlegroups.com> <t0mac0$c28$11@dont-email.me
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <bnyXJ.181526$dS2.121779@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:11:03 UTC
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:11:03 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 1487
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:662945 free.spam:17519

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Mon, 14 Mar 2022 02:47:29 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t0mac0$c28$11@dont-email.me>.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow it\'s own rules that it uses to troll other posters.

Poor liddle Eddie got spanked and just can\'t get over it.

Unless Eddie is nym-shifting, it has never posted anything NORMAL
except when it got a severe spanking...


Is Eddie a nym-shifting troll, or a newbie netcop wannabe?

See also...
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward H. <dtgamer99@gmail.com>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com>

Eddie is an example for all newbies. Don\'t get spanked!

Spanked Eddie...

Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com> wrote:

Path: eternal-september.org!reader02.eternal-september.org!news.freedyn.de!newsreader4.netcologne.de!news.netcologne.de!peer01.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer02.ams4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!fx11.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99@gmail.com
Subject: Re: OT: The media encouraging Ukrainians to attack Russian soldiers...
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design,free.spam
References: <t0klim$h8f$2@dont-email.me> <t0kt8p$5ua$1@dont-email.me> <ae786d2c-7944-4b39-bbc8-6c43505ab61an@googlegroups.com> <t0mabl$c28$10@dont-email.me
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <anyXJ.181521$dS2.127810@usenetxs.com
X-Complaints-To: https://www.astraweb.com/aup
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:11:02 UTC
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:11:02 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 1570
Xref: reader02.eternal-september.org sci.electronics.design:662944 free.spam:17518

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 02:47:18 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that the John Doe troll does not even
follow the rules it uses to troll other posters.


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