>A felon is considered under disability.
Yeah, most people probably think that means you get a check from social security. I mean, I have run across some really solid people in my day but then there are others who...
In this state if you are convicted felon you are under disability to:
Own a firearm
Own a liquor establishment of the liquor license.
(you CAN own 49%)
Those are the most prevalent two, but for example there is also under disability to vote.
It actually means the same thing but a bit different. People don't understand that about some words. Fuck, a bunch of them think license are and data is. The stupid fucks think because the word license ends with the "S" sound it is plural. But not with data, which is the plural of datum.
What are we going to do with these fucking people ? Really. Fix it ? Yea right. Got a Chicago school yearbook or whatever and on the front it says "This Is Are Story". I thought there were teachers at school where they can pull the kid aside and say "Are you sure that's right ?". (or our you sure that's write ?)
How can we expect these kids to know anything when they are around people who do not know anything ? What, is the knowledge supposed to drop from the trees or some shit ? (no Issac Newton remarks right now ok ?)
Yeah, most people probably think that means you get a check from social security. I mean, I have run across some really solid people in my day but then there are others who...
In this state if you are convicted felon you are under disability to:
Own a firearm
Own a liquor establishment of the liquor license.
(you CAN own 49%)
Those are the most prevalent two, but for example there is also under disability to vote.
It actually means the same thing but a bit different. People don't understand that about some words. Fuck, a bunch of them think license are and data is. The stupid fucks think because the word license ends with the "S" sound it is plural. But not with data, which is the plural of datum.
What are we going to do with these fucking people ? Really. Fix it ? Yea right. Got a Chicago school yearbook or whatever and on the front it says "This Is Are Story". I thought there were teachers at school where they can pull the kid aside and say "Are you sure that's right ?". (or our you sure that's write ?)
How can we expect these kids to know anything when they are around people who do not know anything ? What, is the knowledge supposed to drop from the trees or some shit ? (no Issac Newton remarks right now ok ?)