OT: If Kerry is elected...

"Fred Bloggs" <nospam@nospam.com> schreef in bericht

Frank Bemelman wrote:


You probably don't understand my point anyway, so I am not
going to waste my time explaining it.

That connection is being refused.
Strange. I placed a copy to here:


I'll upload one to ABSE as well. But that takes a while
before it appears.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
"Abd-er-Rahman III" <abderrahman_3@hotmail.com> wrote in message
"Clarence" <no@No.com> wrote in message
"Abd-er-Rahman III" <abderrahman_3@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Probably go get an edjabcation.



THIS is what you would expect from a DemocRAT!

Hey, Bu$h has been pissing on us for four years. Let's return the favor.

By shooting ourselves in the foot, or worse? No thanks!
Frank Bemelman wrote:
"Fred Bloggs" <nospam@nospam.com> schreef in bericht

Frank Bemelman wrote:


You probably don't understand my point anyway, so I am not
going to waste my time explaining it.

That connection is being refused.

Strange. I placed a copy to here:


I'll upload one to ABSE as well. But that takes a while
before it appears.
I got it now- nice. What is the purpose of posting this picture? Respect
for other cultures and lifestyles? Very good- Iraq is a class act
example of callous contempt for all things non-American.
Tom Seim wrote:

A quote from the President:

"I'm not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure
pick smart colleagues."

That's debatable. The real question people should ask
themselves is do we want four more years of the same- or
possibly worse is what it looks like with each passing day. The
record makes the answer clear: NO!

You went for the bait, hook line & sinker, fredrook. That quote
is from FDR!!!


It makes no difference, the context was Bush. Note that FDR has not
been "the President" for quite some time now. Americans need to ask
themselves if they want to ride this downward spiral for four more
years. The answer should be : NO! NO MORE BUSH!

That's vintage Bloggs - don't let the F**KING facts get in your way,
just blow off your major league mouth!!!!!

I got you!! Be a MAN and admit it!!!!!!

We were talking about the referendum...errr...election 2004.

Can't admit it, can you fredrook?
The discussion was the referendum, and I have no time for your arrested
Clarence wrote:
"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in message

Which can all be flushed trough the toilet, right?

Drop dead, dipshit.
Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)

Another insightful commentary form Frank(ly) Bemelman to contribute to the
betterment of the world!
Nah- it is an insightful commentary about you. You are an aggravating
little smartass dipshit who should drop dead.
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 17:37:55 GMT, "Clarence" <no@No.com> wrote:

"Ken Smith" <kensmith@green.rahul.net> wrote in message
In article <1aicd.14557$nj.1516@newssvr13.news.prodigy.com>,
Clarence <no@No.com> wrote:
The international Court of Justice.

Which has no jurisdiction over US citizens and no standing with Americans.
The Constitution does not permit a court to impose it's self on America by

So maybe they have to invade and take over the country to do it. That
wouldn't be hard. Just show up on superbowl sunday diguised as pizza
delivery drivers.

It is really who has the guns that controls who gets arrested for their
crimes. That doesn't change the moral situation though.

I realize that this is only a Joke. The UN is totally dependant on the US for
most of their funding, now that the bribes from Saddam have been cut off. It
has unfortunately begun to regard it's self as a dictatorial world government,
which it is NOT and was never intended to be. It has no military except the
members who assign a detachment to serve "For humanitarian purposes," and can
not even agree on what the goals are when there is a move to save or preserve
the peace.

The Moral situation is simply that a contingent of nut cases are running around
yelling that "the sky is falling" and blaming Bush. What a Pitiful excuse to
explain their cowardice! If they oppose the attempts to achieve peace in Iraq,
they should go and fight along side those of a like mind in Iraq, by becoming
active terrorists instead of just being in the propaganda branch.
There are 10,000 people dying a month in Darfur, and the UN isn't
interested. I guess that's because there's not a lot of
friends-and-family money available there, and other, more fundamental,

"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in message

You probably don't understand my point anyway, so I am not
going to waste my time explaining it.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)

You never had a point Frank.
"Fred Bloggs" <nospam@nospam.com> schreef in bericht
Frank Bemelman wrote:
"Fred Bloggs" <nospam@nospam.com> schreef in bericht

Frank Bemelman wrote:


You probably don't understand my point anyway, so I am not
going to waste my time explaining it.

That connection is being refused.

Strange. I placed a copy to here:


I'll upload one to ABSE as well. But that takes a while
before it appears.

I got it now- nice. What is the purpose of posting this picture? Respect
for other cultures and lifestyles? Very good- Iraq is a class act
example of callous contempt for all things non-American.
Exactly. While I enjoy living in the luxury that I do, I also
experienced that many people on this earth live differently. And
that doesn't make them always unhappier than we are. Forcing
our ideas down their throats is very unrespectful.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
Clarence wrote:
"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in message

"Fred Bloggs" <nospam@nospam.com> schreef in bericht

Frank Bemelman wrote:

"Fred Bloggs" <nospam@nospam.com> schreef in bericht

Frank Bemelman wrote:

You probably don't understand my point anyway, so I am not
going to waste my time explaining it.

That connection is being refused.

Strange. I placed a copy to here:
I'll upload one to ABSE as well. But that takes a while
before it appears.

I got it now- nice. What is the purpose of posting this picture? Respect
for other cultures and lifestyles? Very good- Iraq is a class act
example of callous contempt for all things non-American.

Exactly. While I enjoy living in the luxury that I do, I also
experienced that many people on this earth live differently. And
that doesn't make them always unhappier than we are. Forcing
our ideas down their throats is very unrespectful.

Or perhaps constructive?

You are in no position to be a judge of what is right and wrong. Even though
you think you are the final word on every subject.
Just listen to your irrational and idiotic self. You are nothing but
absolutism. What a pathetic little cheat and loser you are.
John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:55:10 GMT, Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com

John Larkin wrote:

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 17:59:45 GMT, Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com

John Larkin wrote:

I'd like to see him choose to educate himself,

By sitting at the knee of older and wiser people, like Barbara
Streisand for example?


You could learn a thing or two from her.

Like arrogance? [1]


[1] free and obvious shot graciously supplied.

Arrogance would be a common reaction of any normal person upon meeting
the likes of you.

The thing I like so much about you, Fred, is your absolute

It's called unwavering and consistent, a strong character trait.
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 19:02:42 GMT, Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com>

John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:43:11 GMT, "Clarence" <no@No.com> wrote:

"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in message

Which can all be flushed trough the toilet, right?

Drop dead, dipshit.
Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)

Another insightful commentary form Frank(ly) Bemelman to contribute to the
betterment of the world!

Yeah, Frank's composition style has really developed of late. Who do
you think he's been getting lessons from?


You are asking Clarence? Pathetic- what a mercenary whore of
self-aggrandizement you are!

It's a newsgroup, Fred. It's a game, it ain't Life.

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 21:22:07 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"
<f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote:

"Clarence" <no@No.com> schreef in bericht

"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote in
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:32:31 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"
f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote:

Go fuck yourself and
perform a pre-emptive strick on your own person.

Very elegantly put. You really have a way with words, Frank.


Wow, and he even miss-spelled "strike", he's really coming unhinged!

Noticed that myself too. I have this wireless keyboard made by Microsoft.
Sometimes it picks up interference from my USB memory card reader.

My sincere apologies for making the spelling error. You gain 10 points
for spotting the spelling error. 100 points and you will get a free
bag of 100 BC556 transistors.
Now he's probably wondering why he never read that they had
transistors 2500 years ago...

John Fields
"Clarence" <no@No.com> schreef in bericht
"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.nl> wrote in message
"Clarence" <no@No.com> schreef in bericht

"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in message


Exactly. While I enjoy living in the luxury that I do, I also
experienced that many people on this earth live differently. And
that doesn't make them always unhappier than we are. Forcing
our ideas down their throats is very unrespectful.

Or perhaps constructive?

You are in no position to be a judge of what is right and wrong. Even
though you think you are the final word on every subject.

Indeed I am not in a position to be the final judge of what is
right and wrong. I have no desire to be either. But what makes the
US thinks it is ?

I don't remember anyone saying this is because WE are right. It is
because it
solved problems for us and at the same time provided a possibility of
for millions of people. Are you opposed to their freedom?
Perhaps you do remember the UN decided it was not right. Not yet anyway.
And of course I am against their freedom, these Iraqi peasants should
all be locked up and used as guinnea pigs for Saddams' new chemical
experiments so he can build better WMD's and blast them all over
Europe, or even better, the US.

*Offering* help to other people is okay, but not *FORCING* it
down their throats. Note the subtle difference. Dipshit.

That is precisely what is happing. Not forcing, freeing them. The
majority of
the people were suffering and needed a rescue. We had the means and the
to remove a potential or real threat (depending on the interpretation of
data) and had a right provided by the treaty Saddam signed and violated.
you don't care about reality do you?
The majority was *not* suffering. There was some suffering from the
effects of 12 years of sanctions and trade embargo's, but otherwise
the country was in reasonable shape, to local standards. Not exactly
our definition of paradise, but in reasonable shape. Water, food,
electricity, they had it. Had.

I noticed you haven't learned to be civil yet. You seriously need to work
I have no desire to be civil towards brainless dipshits.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote in message
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:58:15 GMT, "Clarence" <no@No.com> wrote:

"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote in


Supreme Court justices have a historical trend of moving to
left-center after acquiring their lifetime seats. I doubt there have
been many justices who didn't truly revere the Constitution.

Really, for all the shouting, things are converging nicely.

Like John Jay?

Well, one guy isn't "many."
Converging into a socialist state?
That would be properly be described as devolving into chaos!

John Jay wasn't alone.
Do you know who he was?
Why was he worth noticing?
"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> schreef in bericht
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 21:22:07 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"
f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote:

"Clarence" <no@No.com> schreef in bericht

"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote in
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:32:31 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"
f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote:

Go fuck yourself and
perform a pre-emptive strick on your own person.

Very elegantly put. You really have a way with words, Frank.


Wow, and he even miss-spelled "strike", he's really coming unhinged!

Noticed that myself too. I have this wireless keyboard made by Microsoft.
Sometimes it picks up interference from my USB memory card reader.

My sincere apologies for making the spelling error. You gain 10 points
for spotting the spelling error. 100 points and you will get a free
bag of 100 BC556 transistors.

Now he's probably wondering why he never read that they had
transistors 2500 years ago...
Well, these are not that old. A relative new run. AC1996 I think.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
Clarence wrote:
"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote in message

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 19:03:16 GMT, "Clarence" <no@No.com> wrote:

"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote in



On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:32:31 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"
f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote:

Go fuck yourself and
perform a pre-emptive strick on your own person.

Very elegantly put. You really have a way with words, Frank.

Wow, and he even miss-spelled "strike", he's really coming unhinged!

It's really not nice, I suppose, for us to needle people like this
into frenzies. And it's so easy that it's not a lot of sport, either.


Tell that to the mob who attacked me!
Is what you call the Brownie Scouts who threw cookies at you?
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 10:59:21 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 06:52:13 GMT, Rich Grise <rich@example.net> wrote:

Another smoke curtain. I never said you should not have
freedom of speech. But freedom of speach does not mean you
can say everything you like and get it away with it.

Sorry, Frank, but that's _exactly_ what freedom of speech means.

I think Larkin needs medical attention,

I have a lovely female Chinese doctor who takes good care of me, and I
take my meds regularly.

but I don't try to silence
him -

Oh, thank you for your gracious indulgence.
You're welcome.

I'd like to see him choose to educate himself,

By sitting at the knee of older and wiser people, like Barbara
Streisand for example?

Whatever works.

"Clarence" <no@No.com> schreef in bericht
"Frank Bemelman" <f.bemelmanx@xs4all.invalid.nl> wrote in message

Perhaps you do remember the UN decided it was not right. Not yet anyway.

The UN is a debating society. IT DOES NOT DECIDE ANYTHING. IT HAS NO

If members (US, UK) don't respect the conclusions of the UN, indeed, it
becomes pretty useless. The US likes to believe they own the planet, and
act accordingly.


The majority was *not* suffering. There was some suffering from the
effects of 12 years of sanctions and trade embargo's, but otherwise
the country was in reasonable shape, to local standards. Not exactly
our definition of paradise, but in reasonable shape. Water, food,
electricity, they had it. Had.

And YOU know this because you live there?
It's a well known fact.

I have cousins there, they are delighted with the vast improvement,
despite the
dangers of change and the thugs still free to range the land.
Congratulations with your delighted cousins. That's at least 2 that are

“Before Saddam Hussein and after Saddam Hussein we have got shortages, but
now the situation is worse and I think it’s going to be worse in every
aspect”, Dr Fatin Abdelamer, a pediatrician at Baghdad’s Specialist Clinic,
told ABC Radio National's July 12 AM program. “I think the medication before
war was a little bit better and the electricity and water supply was better,
but now it is worse.”

“Getting better? The situation is getting worse every day”, Dr Ahmad Farooq,
a urologist at Baghdad’s large Medical City Centre told Aljazeera on July 5.
“It’s true, salaries have risen, but I don’t know where the rest of the
money has gone.” While spending was haphazard before the US invasion, “we
still had some new equipment and staff coming in. Now, we see nothing being
spent in the hospitals; we lack basic equipment.”

“We are getting less medical supplies now than we were during the sanctions”
, Dr Namin Rashid, the chief resident doctor at Yarmouk Hospital, told
Jamail. Rashid said his hospital was getting only half the supplies it
received prior to the US-led invasion.

I could go on, but perhaps you get the idea.

I noticed you haven't learned to be civil yet. You seriously need to
on that!

I have no desire to be civil towards brainless dipshits.

No danger of that. You seem to lack more than civility, you lack manners.
Whatever. Dipshit.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
"Rich Grise" <rich@example.net> wrote in message
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:03:01 +0000, Clarence wrote:

Yah, right. And yours isn't.
That's right. Finally you understand!
Rich Grise wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 00:35:41 -0700, Mark Fergerson wrote:

Rich Grise wrote:


When I'm elected president, I will:

1. Stand down all US military forces worldwide.
2. Immediately cease treasury disbursements for
military hardware.
3. Stop military recruitment.

Three extremely bad ideas in a row. Now, if you'd said
"Pare all military forces and equipage down to what's
absolutely necessary to repel any currently possible
attacking forces coming within twenty miles of U.S.
coastlines (while funding research into countering what
future attackers might use) and integrate them with the
Border Patrol" I'd be happy.

OK. You're my Secretary of Defense.
Fine. Do I get to put a CIWS on the front of my house for
drive-by control?

Unilateral disarmament doesn't make you "peaceful", it
makes you a "corpse".

By whose hand, today? And which corpse? Who's going to
start trying to kill 250,000,000 Americans? And how long
would they
get away with it, even if we didn't have soldiers stationed
in Afghanistan?
By anybody with an axe to grind, or delusions of world
conquest. You asked "how long would they get away with it?".
As long as they wanted to, since your first three points
leave no _defensive_ capabilities at all.

4. Continue to pay servicemen's paychecks, and
retirees' pensions -
the pensions until they die, the servicemen until the
end of their
term. Then turn them loose.

You better fund V.A. hospitals too.

OK - I think I'll let you take care of that one too.
I'll gladly defer to the nurse pushing for recognition of
the soldiers who suffered weird symptoms after Desert Storm.
Can't recall her name.

6. Fire the IRS, and Abolish the income tax.

Better set up a .5% Federal sales tax to pay for
what's left after the above.

Originally, all the cost of government was supposed to be
covered by
Customs. Imagine my surprise when I learned that! Today,
of course,
their mission has been all perverted and twisted.
That won't work these days because we do so little
exporting of manufactured stuff, and I don't think _fair_
import taxes would support much.

7. Freeze federal wages and hiring, maybe even start
cutting deadwood.

Don't forget to limit all Federal bureaucrats' terms of
employment to say ten years. No more of this "for life"

Well, I think that'd be taken care of the fact that a
Senator's or Congressman's only pay would be by donations
from constituents. It's
an all-volunteer government, you know. :)
Not them, I mean all the paper-pushers that never get
their faces on TV, but do all the "heavy lifting" in
government and are just as subject to being suborned by
special interests.

9. Eliminate local funding of school districts; since
they have to
conform with Federal guidelines, support all of them
equally from
Federal funds. Replace the Department of Education with one
ninety-year-old schoomarm.

No, no, no! Get rid of "federal guidelines" that
interfere with local
issues! Lording it over people, telling them how they
should/must run
their lives, is the entire cause of all the problems
there have ever
Competence in English, math, and other fundamentals are
not local issues. Would you prefer that schools in L.A.
teach Ebonics instead of Standard English? The country's
fragmented enough as it is.

No government has _any_ business telling people how to
school their
children. Communities used to get together and build
schools for their own kids, and parents saw to it that the
kids learned stuff.

I don't give a fuck what was adequate for farmers who
didn't need any education beyond "See Spot Dick Jane". This
is an enormously more complicated world.

These days, kids are just a prop for some bimbo to
swindle a meal
ticket out of some rich sucker, and are shuttled off as
soon as
possible to the consumer factories. Big Brother likes it when
everybody marches in lockstep.
Fuck Big Bro _and_ Littler Bros. I'm talking about giving
kids the tools to make up their own damn minds. That's
simply impossible in a locally-funded school in Podunk
Arkansas because the local asholes will want to keep them
stupid enough to work in Bubba's coal mine.

10. Open all ex-Federal lands to homesteading.

Yeah - hey, wanna do Department of the Interior too? :)
Gee, will my Defense job leave enough free time? Oh,
wait; sure, as I'm the laziest bastard I know.

11. Keep the National Parks system intact, supported by
user fees. All
users must enter _and_ leave butt-naked.

I LOVE it! You're definitely hired!
Well, we wanna keep the environmental damage down...

Also Minister of Culture. :)
I'll defer to George Carlin for that post.

Mark L. Fergerson

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