OT: Epstein: 'Conspiracy theorists' proved right again

On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 9:41:01 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in news:cdf88e02-4c07-4145-

Yet she told the FBI under oath that she didn't remember her
on handling classified info,

With the level of information overload such a person undergoes,
retaining priority memories likely take precedence over retaining
trivial procedurals.

Translation: Hillary has shit for brains. But I don't believe that,
I think she knew damn well what the rules were, what the laws were,
she just figured she was above it all and could do what she wanted to.
And what she wanted was to have her email server hidden, under her
control, so that no one would be able to see what she was up to.
Her penchant for secrecy over the security of the US. It doesn't
take a rocket scientist to know that the Sec of States emails should
not be on a private server, being backed up God knows where, at unsecure,
unapproved facilities. But keep trying to make excuses.

If we were never hacked it might be different, but since some lame
twit decided to spill info despite the oath he took, and due to
actual hacking, I'd say her home set-up was likely pretty good, but
it no longer matters as idots like China hacked our F-35 plans

I see, so once there is any intrusion into any system, then no security
procedures matter anymore. Why don't you post your passwords here for
all of us?

actually think they can spin a better version. Far more deeply
classified than her stuff ever was.

Get off your little hobby horse, you crybaby Trumpesque bitch.

Wrong, always wrong.
Rick C <gnuarm.deletethisbit@gmail.com> wrote in

On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 8:55:55 PM UTC-4,
DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:

I got bi-annual security and ITAR seminars, and was being
vetted by
6 agencies a year.

ITAR, ITAR... ITAR doesn't even have to do with classified

You are a goddamned idiot.

Theoretically it has to do with arms and munitions,
but mostly it is about technology.

It is about sensitive technology, dipshit.

One does not see any US made IP encryptors being sold overseas, eh?
Wake the fuck up, dingledorf.

> I seriously doubt you were vetted by "six agencies a year".

Every one in our labs was and still is. You are clueless. That is
how it is done at that level.

> lol

Stick it up your ass, you retarded piece of shit.

One way to tell someone doesn't have a high security clearance is
that he talks about it, even indirectly.

I said absolutely nothing about any security clearance ever in any
post, you lying piece of shit.

Nice try though, jackass.
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 8:55:55 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
I got bi-annual security and ITAR seminars, and was being vetted by
6 agencies a year.

ITAR, ITAR... ITAR doesn't even have to do with classified materials. Theoretically it has to do with arms and munitions, but mostly it is about technology.

I seriously doubt you were vetted by "six agencies a year". lol One way to tell someone doesn't have a high security clearance is that he talks about it, even indirectly.


Rick C.

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Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in


The American standard of living declined severely in the last
several decades? Several decades ago I didn't see McMAnsions all
over the place, I didn't see three or four SUVS or vehicles in
driveways, the high school parking lot wasn't a traffic jam
exiting, many homes didn't have AC, they didn't have 3 or 4 TVs
with 150 cable channels, people didn't have several computers,
cell phones..... Yes, the country sure has gone down hill in
standard of living.

You are a jaded fucking retard. All that floor dust you roll
around in is getting to you. One can only hope. Roll around in it
some more, dumb fuck. You have no clue what you are talking about.
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in news:cdf88e02-4c07-4145-

That is a hell of a lot different than a sex
trafficker of a person in office colluding with a foreign (enemy)
entity to affect ANYTHING in our nation.

Hillary colluded with the Russians? Wow!

Nice try, putz boy. I made no reference to her. I referred to
Epstein and Trump, as if your wee wittle bwain is having processing

Nice try, putz. Oh... that's right... with only two firing
neurons you have to process data slowly. Does that mean you get a
pass, or do we erase you and your entire bloodline to secure the
human gene pool from your abominable contaminations?

Wow indeed, you pathetic fucktard motherfucker.
On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 11:33:42 AM UTC+10, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 8:59:14 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Bill Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote in

On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 9:33:41 AM UTC+10,
DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Cursitor Doom <curd@notformail.com> wrote in

On Sun, 11 Aug 2019 08:44:06 -0700, Whoey Louie wrote:

That remains an interesting question, why she has not been
charged. You'd think that even if they did not have a strong
case against her, that she would have been arrested and
charged at the same time. Put pressure on her, get her to
flip, that's what they usually would do.
On the other hand, if prosecutors were trying to cover this
all up, why
bring the new charges against Epstein at all?

The prosecutors, the FBI, the NYC police are NOT monolithic
organisations, though. They're made up from *mostly* decent
people who want to see justice served. Unfortunately, however,
there are elements within each which have been subverted and
these elements often unaccountably end up ultimately calling
all the shots to intervene in any cases involving high profile
individuals. I've seen it happen over and over again, not just
in N. America, but all over the world. :(

Like Trump not being charged with contempt of court back in the
'80s when he was told to deliver records relating to his rental
practices in a racial discrimination suit? Or the time the EPA
and others all looked the other way when he spewed asbestos
clouds all over NYC for weeks on end?

Subverted? That term hardly covers the criminal bevahior of
dopes at the top claiming to be "running the show".

Money talks louder in the USA than in most advanced industrial
countries. In the beginning you had to own property before you
could vote, and while universal suffrage was eventually adopted -
for males by 1856 - the system still works in a way that give
people with money a disproportionate amount of power.

Trump had his father's money from the start, and his father's
network of influence.

The system wasn't "subverted". It always ran like that.

Well the idiots better wake the fuck up then, because as the
American standard of living declines severely as it has in the last
three decades, the people feel more and more like the idiots at the
top eating steak every day need to be adjusted.

We said no when they voted themselves a raise, and the bastards have
been giving themselves one every year since! And most of the fucks
make (huge amounts of) money back at home.


The American standard of living declined severely in the last several decades?
Several decades ago I didn't see McMAnsions all over the place, I didn't
see three or four SUVS or vehicles in driveways, the high school parking
lot wasn't a traffic jam exiting, many homes didn't have AC, they didn't
have 3 or 4 TVs with 150 cable channels, people didn't have several computers, cell phones..... Yes, the country sure has gone down hill in standard of living.

The average American lives better, the median American lives worse.

Trader4 is dumb enough not to understand how a skewed income distibution looks like.

The people with three or four SUVs in their driveways are more visible that people who have less.


spells it all out, but the authors use long words.

<snipped the signature line>

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 10:52:25 PM UTC-4, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 12:28:42 PM UTC+10, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 9:49:32 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in news:cdf88e02-4c07-4145-

That is a hell of a lot different than a sex
trafficker of a person in office colluding with a foreign (enemy)
entity to affect ANYTHING in our nation.

Hillary colluded with the Russians? Wow!

Nice try, putz boy. I made no reference to her. I referred to
Epstein and Trump, as if your wee wittle bwain is having processing

Epstein colluded with the Russians? Tell us more? Trump colluded?
After $35 mil and two years, Mueller concluded that there was no evidence
that Trump, anyone in the Trump campaign or any American colluded with

A couple of members of the Trump election team have gone to prison for acting for Russian interests within notifying the people they should have done about what they were doing.

Sure, from years ago, before they had anything to do with Trump, Manafort
and Gates worked for pro-Soviet schmucks in Ukraine. Had nothing to do
with any Russian meddling in the election, which was the central allegation,
the whole purpose of the $35 mil, two year investigation. So, they found
those two failed to register as foreign agents. Not the first to do so
and typically all that happens is you file.

Mueller concluded that the Trump team and the Russians hadn't colluded to influence the election - the Trump team were such a bunch of loose cannons that nobody even vaguely sane would include them in any conspiracy.

Hysterical that you say that now, when for two years all the lefties have
been so sure that Trump and his campaign did collude.

The Russians did influence the election, but strictly in their own interests, and the Trump team were avid to pick up and dirt that the Russians might might have leaked to them.

That part you have mostly right, except the Russians were not leaking to
Trump's campaign they were just leaking to the world.

Mueller didn't conclude that the Trump team hadn't done anything criminal, but did rule out explicit collusion - being dumb enough to be played by the Russians isn't collusion.

He did rule out anything criminal with regard to the election or election
meddling. That was his charter. It's just that the stupid, bitter Democrats
still won't accept it.
On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 12:28:42 PM UTC+10, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 9:49:32 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in news:cdf88e02-4c07-4145-

That is a hell of a lot different than a sex
trafficker of a person in office colluding with a foreign (enemy)
entity to affect ANYTHING in our nation.

Hillary colluded with the Russians? Wow!

Nice try, putz boy. I made no reference to her. I referred to
Epstein and Trump, as if your wee wittle bwain is having processing

Epstein colluded with the Russians? Tell us more? Trump colluded?
After $35 mil and two years, Mueller concluded that there was no evidence
that Trump, anyone in the Trump campaign or any American colluded with

A couple of members of the Trump election team have gone to prison for acting for Russian interests within notifying the people they should have done about what they were doing.

Mueller concluded that the Trump team and the Russians hadn't colluded to influence the election - the Trump team were such a bunch of loose cannons that nobody even vaguely sane would include them in any conspiracy.

The Russians did influence the election, but strictly in their own interests, and the Trump team were avid to pick up and dirt that the Russians might might have leaked to them.

Mueller didn't conclude that the Trump team hadn't done anything criminal, but did rule out explicit collusion - being dumb enough to be played by the Russians isn't collusion.

> Wrong, always wrong.

Trader4 does make a habit of geting things wrong, and not realising it.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 10:43:21 PM UTC-4, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 11:33:42 AM UTC+10, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 8:59:14 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Bill Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote in

On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 9:33:41 AM UTC+10,
DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Cursitor Doom <curd@notformail.com> wrote in

On Sun, 11 Aug 2019 08:44:06 -0700, Whoey Louie wrote:

That remains an interesting question, why she has not been
charged. You'd think that even if they did not have a strong
case against her, that she would have been arrested and
charged at the same time. Put pressure on her, get her to
flip, that's what they usually would do.
On the other hand, if prosecutors were trying to cover this
all up, why
bring the new charges against Epstein at all?

The prosecutors, the FBI, the NYC police are NOT monolithic
organisations, though. They're made up from *mostly* decent
people who want to see justice served. Unfortunately, however,
there are elements within each which have been subverted and
these elements often unaccountably end up ultimately calling
all the shots to intervene in any cases involving high profile
individuals. I've seen it happen over and over again, not just
in N. America, but all over the world. :(

Like Trump not being charged with contempt of court back in the
'80s when he was told to deliver records relating to his rental
practices in a racial discrimination suit? Or the time the EPA
and others all looked the other way when he spewed asbestos
clouds all over NYC for weeks on end?

Subverted? That term hardly covers the criminal bevahior of
dopes at the top claiming to be "running the show".

Money talks louder in the USA than in most advanced industrial
countries. In the beginning you had to own property before you
could vote, and while universal suffrage was eventually adopted -
for males by 1856 - the system still works in a way that give
people with money a disproportionate amount of power.

Trump had his father's money from the start, and his father's
network of influence.

The system wasn't "subverted". It always ran like that.

Well the idiots better wake the fuck up then, because as the
American standard of living declines severely as it has in the last
three decades, the people feel more and more like the idiots at the
top eating steak every day need to be adjusted.

We said no when they voted themselves a raise, and the bastards have
been giving themselves one every year since! And most of the fucks
make (huge amounts of) money back at home.


The American standard of living declined severely in the last several decades?
Several decades ago I didn't see McMAnsions all over the place, I didn't
see three or four SUVS or vehicles in driveways, the high school parking
lot wasn't a traffic jam exiting, many homes didn't have AC, they didn't
have 3 or 4 TVs with 150 cable channels, people didn't have several computers, cell phones..... Yes, the country sure has gone down hill in standard of living.

The average American lives better, the median American lives worse.

Trader4 is dumb enough not to understand how a skewed income distibution looks like.

The people with three or four SUVs in their driveways are more visible that people who have less.


spells it all out, but the authors use long words.

snipped the signature line

Bill Sloman, Sydney

How would you know, kangaroo humper? I don't pretend to know WTF is going
on in Australia. Just another pompous lib fool.
On 8/11/19 10:43 PM, Bill Sloman wrote:

The American standard of living declined severely in the last several decades?
Several decades ago I didn't see McMAnsions all over the place, I didn't
see three or four SUVS or vehicles in driveways, the high school parking
lot wasn't a traffic jam exiting, many homes didn't have AC, they didn't
have 3 or 4 TVs with 150 cable channels, people didn't have several computers, cell phones..... Yes, the country sure has gone down hill in standard of living.

The average American lives better, the median American lives worse.

Trader4 is dumb enough not to understand how a skewed income distibution looks like.

The people with three or four SUVs in their driveways are more visible that people who have less.


spells it all out, but the authors use long words.

snipped the signature line

True, but related there's little statistical evidence that the average
of Trump voters are any more or less worse off than anyone else.

in any case polling show Republican's take on how the economy or
standards of living actually are is infantile; if a Republican is
president it's all great and if not it's all bad. It changes literally
overnight without regard for any real-world numbers.

economic/populist arguments for the administration fall flat. The
average Republican is doing just fine. They like him because he is a
fascist and a racist, not because he's a populist capable of some
economic miracle Obama couldn't accomplish. On the numbers that matter
the economy under Obama was meh and it continues to be meh.
On 8/12/19 4:52 AM, bitrex wrote:
On 8/11/19 10:43 PM, Bill Sloman wrote:

The American standard of living declined severely in the last several
Several decades ago I didn't see McMAnsions all over the place, I didn't
see three or four SUVS or vehicles in driveways, the high school parking
lot wasn't a traffic jam exiting, many homes didn't have AC, they didn't
have 3 or 4 TVs with 150 cable channels, people didn't have several
computers, cell phones.....    Yes, the country sure has gone down
hill in standard of living.

The average American lives better, the median American lives worse.

Trader4 is dumb enough not to understand how a skewed income
distibution looks like.

The people with three or four SUVs in their driveways are more visible
that people who have less.


spells it all out, but the authors use long words.

snipped the signature line

True, but related there's little statistical evidence that the average
of Trump voters are any more or less worse off than anyone else.

in any case polling show Republican's take on how the economy or
standards of living actually are is infantile; if a Republican is
president it's all great and if not it's all bad. It changes literally
overnight without regard for any real-world numbers.

economic/populist arguments for the administration fall flat. The
average Republican is doing just fine. They like him because he is a
fascist and a racist, not because he's a populist capable of some
economic miracle Obama couldn't accomplish. On the numbers that matter
the economy under Obama was meh and it continues to be meh.

Trump's genius such as it was, was to present himself as a
economy-focusd populist but give it little but lip service for talking
points as compared to the time talking about the dirty mexicans. He
wasn't like Ross Perot standing around with charts and graphs about the

It would have been wasted effort. "It's the economy, stupid" might have
flown as a talking point in 1990 but not in 21st century America; 21st
century American public don't give a shit about GDPs and deficits and
minimum wages and math and charts and graphs and bullshit. so long as
gas prices stay under $3 a gallon they don't see how any of that shit
relates to their everyday lives or how it's relevant to their deep
desire to beat up a Mexican or tranny today.

For the moment at least they're not that wrong, income inequality has
grown so much that it probably doesn't matter what the GDP is exactly
whether it's 2.3% or 3%.

That will almost surely change eventually but Trump will likely be long
gone by that point.
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in

Sure is. But the statute covering handling of classified material
does not say that there needs to be any intent. Just being
negligent is all that's required. Just like the Navy submariner
was not intending to expose any secrets. Funny how he gets
charges, Hillary gets a pass, eh?

He did not get charged because he had a pic on his phone, idiot.
He got charged for taking the picture to start with, which is what is
NOT permitted.

You are a clueless loser, PieceOfShitTrader4.
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in

I see, so once there is any intrusion into any system, then no
security procedures matter anymore.

Nice try, shitead.

Why don't you post your
passwords here for all of us?

Wow. A pussy boy like you, making, by your criteria, a threat.
Maybe I should start one of your precious lits. (deliberate Usenet
pussy boy spelling)

Post your name and address, I will come give you a security
seminar, and you can watch as some of the shit of the world gets
finally flushed.

Your view, however, would be looking up out of the toilet bowl,
because the shit being flushed would be you.
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in news:8fb64fa2-6b6c-4f33-

being backed up God knows where, at unsecure,
unapproved facilities.

They were not doing remote backups then, you fucking idiot.
All of her backups, if any to start with, were done locally.

> But keep trying to make excuses.

You are an abject idiot. Your whore mother has no excuse for her
crime of failing to flush you, the moment the severely ass fucked
street slut shat you. You will have to take your retarded, petty
mumblings somewhere else, shithead.
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in

Oh no, I know the Clintons had a handle on it. That's why she
didn't get charged, while the poor schmuck submariner who took a
selfie did.

He broke the rules blatantly on a deck he was not even supposed to
have his phone in his possession on. It is like walking around with
a camera in a secured compartment. How quaint.

I would have given him a FOOL discharge.

You can bet nobody on that sub takes their phone out of their
locker any more.

And you are too fucking stupid to even rate schmuck. You are too
fucked in the head even to get group W status.
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in news:47106524-4690-4dc2-

> Epstein colluded with the Russians?

You have serious reading comprehension issues, and you then bend what
was stated into your inane little jokester posts.

Post your address, pussy boy. Hanna needs to come over for a visit.
On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 12:47:47 PM UTC+10, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 10:43:21 PM UTC-4, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 11:33:42 AM UTC+10, Whoey Louie wrote:
On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 8:59:14 PM UTC-4, DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Bill Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote in

On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 9:33:41 AM UTC+10,
DecadentLinux...@decadence.org wrote:
Cursitor Doom <curd@notformail.com> wrote in

On Sun, 11 Aug 2019 08:44:06 -0700, Whoey Louie wrote:


The system wasn't "subverted". It always ran like that.

Well the idiots better wake the fuck up then, because as the
American standard of living declines severely as it has in the last
three decades, the people feel more and more like the idiots at the
top eating steak every day need to be adjusted.

We said no when they voted themselves a raise, and the bastards have
been giving themselves one every year since! And most of the fucks
make (huge amounts of) money back at home.


The American standard of living declined severely in the last several decades? Several decades ago I didn't see McMAnsions all over the place, I didn't see three or four SUVS or vehicles in driveways, the high school parking lot wasn't a traffic jam exiting, many homes didn't have AC, they didn't have 3 or 4 TVs with 150 cable channels, people didn't have several computers, cell phones..... Yes, the country sure has gone down hill in standard of living.

The average American lives better, the median American lives worse.

Trader4 is dumb enough not to understand how a skewed income distibution looks like.

The people with three or four SUVs in their driveways are more visible that people who have less.


spells it all out, but the authors use long words.

snipped the signature line

How would you know, kangaroo humper? I don't pretend to know WTF is going
on in Australia. Just another pompous lib fool.

Trader4 is the kind of idiot that doesn't know when he is wading into a subject of considerable academic interest. He doesn't know what going on in Australia or America, and thinks that everybody else is just as pig-ignorant as he is.

The answer to his question happens to be that I read books. He clearly doesn't.


might be a good place to start - Thomas Piketty is French, but he lectured at MIT from 1993 to 1995.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
bitrex <user@example.net> wrote in

century American public don't give a shit about GDPs and deficits
and minimum wages and math and charts and graphs and bullshit.

They sure do not care about an idiot's claims of finishing "at the
top of my class". And looking at his business failings and
manipulations to recover, he is exactly NIL on economic prowess, and
absolutely NIL on global economic structure and acumen. The
motherfucker was stupid enough to think running a pyramid scam was
"good business practice". He is an NYC landlord punk and nothing

He is the absolute worst individual for the job there could have
ever been. Americans are the most stupid humans in existence (the
Trumpanzee idiot group).
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in

How would you know, kangaroo humper? I don't pretend to know WTF
is going on in Australia. Just another pompous lib fool.

Yet another zero content peanut gallery shithead crack.

Sloman is literally miles above you, putz. And yes, he even knows
more about what is going on here than a punk fuck pussy boy putz like
you ever will.

Everything you do is pretense, putz.
Whoey Louie <trader4@optonline.net> wrote in

The fact is her acts were mild by any measure. Comey even said

That's wrong too. Comey actually said that what Hillary did was
"extremely careless".

Yep, and no breeches makes them pretty mild.

All the law requires for a felony
conviction is that one be negligent.

Donald J. Trump should be down at GITMO right now then.

Negligent = extremely

Shit = You = Your mother is a criminal

Your bloodline = Should Be Erased from the Human gene pool


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