Leon Heller
<snovotill@hotmail.com> wrote in message
whilst the input to the driver MOSFET is high, and then discharged into the
LEDs when the input goes low and the MOSFET turns off. I changed the 1 mH
inductor to 330 uH, adjusted the pulse frequency and it worked, producing a
quite blinding flash (about 200 mA through the LEDs). This was just in time
for my client to demonstrate a working prototype to his customer today.
Leon Heller, G1HSM
I don't think the waveform matters all that much. The inductor is charged upHas anyone tried to drive LEDs using a miniature pulse-forming LC
network such as is used to supply radar pulses? It would certainly
give a better waveform output than a single solitary inductor.
whilst the input to the driver MOSFET is high, and then discharged into the
LEDs when the input goes low and the MOSFET turns off. I changed the 1 mH
inductor to 330 uH, adjusted the pulse frequency and it worked, producing a
quite blinding flash (about 200 mA through the LEDs). This was just in time
for my client to demonstrate a working prototype to his customer today.
Leon Heller, G1HSM