Bill Sloman
On Monday, April 13, 2020 at 4:22:00 PM UTC+10, Flyguy wrote:
What Trump did clearly wasn't anything like enough of the right thing. Stopping Chinese people entering the US might have had some rational basis but was mainly designed to appeal to the racist Flyguy element in his support base.
If he'd gone on to stop infected people coming in from other areas, he might have improved the situation, but at the moment the US is doing really badly at slowing down the Covod-19 epidemic and it's the administration that's stuck with the blame.
Flyguy is silly enough to think that it's worth trying sling mud at the Democrats, but they aren't running the country.
Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 2:55:58 AM UTC-7, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 3:46:27 PM UTC+10, Ricky C wrote:
On Saturday, April 11, 2020 at 10:41:42 PM UTC-4, Flyguy wrote:
On Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 6:34:48 AM UTC-7, mkr5000 wrote:
yeah and as he actually said, coronavirus is the new hoax.
looking forward also, to our beautiful easter weekend -- again, as he actually said. -- brilliant.
it would take too long to give more (daily) examples of the moronic statements the fucking idiot has gurgled.
No, Pres Trump NEVER said that. Anybody who believes that is, per Slow Man, a STUPD HALF-WIT.
Fli is actually right about the hoax thing. If you pay careful attention to the exact words Trump used, he didn't exactly say COVID-19 is a hoax, he said the Democrats... well he said the virus... well, he babbled in his usual part sentences saying "this is their new hoax". One would assume "their" refers to the Democrats, but it is not clear if "this" refers to the virus or what. Later the White House clarified saying he simply meant to disparage the Democrats and not the virus. He has great respect for the coronavirus, it's a really great virus. The virus is doing a wonderful job of being a virus.
The line quoted in the article I cited was
"Now, the Democrats are politicising the coronavirus⌠this is their new hoax."
That is, the Democrats were hoaxing the public by taking the corona virus seriously. The incidental implication is that the alarm about Covid-19 was a hoax.
The fact that he was being rude about the Democrats doesn't let him off the hook of not taking the incipient epidemic as seriously as he should have done.
But everything else mkr said is spot on. But does Trump surprise anymore? He has done about everything possible to show he is an idiot and incompetent and caring more about his reelection than literally anything else including the well being of the populace.
The thing is his popularity received a bump from his bungling response to the disaster.
There is no such thing as bad publicity. The Covid-19 crisis has given Trump a lot of exposure, and he's done his best to hog as much of the air-time as he can.
It may take a while for the American public to realise just how badly their government has performed, but as the bodies build up, the survivors may get the message.
I expect that will fade as things continue to get worse both medically and economically. But imagine the tremendous boost he would have received if he had done a proper job and organized the feds to properly support the states and by his own actions has galvanized the nation to fight this virus from day one, keeping our casualties much lower than the up to 250,000 deaths Trump is projecting. That would have put him over the top and assured his reelection.
Now instead of setting an example, wearing a mask and encouraging people to stay at home instead of filling churches on Sunday, he is helping a resurgence of the infection rate just as it was starting to level off.
The new case per day might have been leveling off, but that's a lot of new cases every day. What you want is fewer infected people, not a steady stream of new ones.
A week from now there will be a bump in the new infection rate lasting about a week. You can bet money on it.
This is sort of Presidential actions that sadden me. I was hoping to get out from under his four years without much harm being done.
Feckless optimism.
The Dims needed to take COVID-19 seriously in Jan, not March. When Pres Trump took it seriously then, Sleepy Joe called him "xenophobic" and "hysterical." Now, he says that Pres. Trump did the "right thing!"
What Trump did clearly wasn't anything like enough of the right thing. Stopping Chinese people entering the US might have had some rational basis but was mainly designed to appeal to the racist Flyguy element in his support base.
If he'd gone on to stop infected people coming in from other areas, he might have improved the situation, but at the moment the US is doing really badly at slowing down the Covod-19 epidemic and it's the administration that's stuck with the blame.
Flyguy is silly enough to think that it's worth trying sling mud at the Democrats, but they aren't running the country.
Bill Sloman, Sydney