Numbers Just Aren't There To Continue With Internal Combusti

On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 10:16:45 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<> wrote:

Oh, I'm just a circuit designer, and I've already posted some public
(free!) links to my stuff.

That ain't the public record.

If you mean court records, correct:

So I was correct: ?You have managed to hang a lower profile than a
successful illegal alien / drug smuggling coyote.

Much lower, by design.

And your design is the trivial solution:

Not doing _anything_.

Nothing whatsoever.

There's no more excrutiatingly-boring way to
waste money than getting tangled in the legal system.

Someone needs to tell HP, TI, IBM, Apple etc. to stop defending

I don't have patents...

Of course not. You don't _do_ anything except fantacize.

they are a huge waste of time,

You need to tell that to IBM, HP, TI Apple and all those others
wasting money on them.

and only the
first step in litigation, even worse.

So everyone else making trillions off IP is wasting time?

I just keep designing stuff

You design a self indulgent fantasy that everyone here thinks is

You cannot even fool any of the fools here.

at a
rate that stays way ahead of the competition

Can't you find even _one_ sock puppet who believes your fantasy?

. . .

My "moronic" web site is selling about $3e6 a year.

So why can't you get anyone to believe you?

. . . .

You need to quit lying to yourself because you aren't fooling anyone
else, not even our too clever by half rightards.

Purchase orders don't lie.

But dunces in denial lie about purchase orders.

Bret Cahill
You sure do seem to be a product, or rather a casualty, of the legal
system. The law is all about sacrificing truth and honor to winning,
and to win somebody else has to lose. I don't think people were
evolved to be in fight mode 24/7... even soldiers did battle at low
duty cycles, and mostly trekked around or stood guard, whatever. But a
lawyer can go into battle every day. That's unnatural and ultimately
soul-destroying, not to mention rotten for the cardio-vascular system.

Patents are all about "I invented this 12 years ago, went through a
lot of hassle to prove it to the world, and I will kill you in the
courts if you think otherwise." That's sort of sick.

Our attitude is "we designed and built a gem of a gadget, beautiful
and elegant and bug-free, a personal best, but now we're starting on
the next generation, which is going to be much better." Fortunately,
the IC manufacturers and the PC board houses and the tool vendors keep
providing us better and faster toys, so the next generation can indeed
be better.

This is revision A of a waveform generator. No breadboard, no
prototype, just a design that works first time with no kluges or bugs.

This is very satisfying.

One nice thing about designing electronics is that there is very
little short-term time pressure; things happen in weeks and months,
and there are lulls, like waiting for a board to be fabbed, when you
can relax and consolidate. I think that's physically and mentally

There's no need for anger, lies, or losers in engineering; just design
great stuff and sleep well at night. If it's really good, enough
people will buy it to keep the process rolling and validate your
judgements. It's not a bad life.

On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 10:16:45 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<> wrote:

Oh, I'm just a circuit designer, and I've already posted some public
(free!) links to my stuff.

That ain't the public record.

If you mean court records, correct:

So I was correct: ?You have managed to hang a lower profile than a
successful illegal alien / drug smuggling coyote.

Much lower, by design.

And your design is the trivial solution:

Not doing _anything_.

Nothing whatsoever.

There's no more excrutiatingly-boring way to
waste money than getting tangled in the legal system.

Someone needs to tell HP, TI, IBM, Apple etc. to stop defending

I don't have patents...

Of course not. You don't _do_ anything except fantacize.

they are a huge waste of time,

You need to tell that to IBM, HP, TI Apple and all those others
wasting money on them.

and only the
first step in litigation, even worse.

So everyone else making trillions off IP is wasting time?

I just keep designing stuff

You design a self indulgent fantasy that everyone here thinks is

You cannot even fool any of the fools here.

at a
rate that stays way ahead of the competition

Can't you find even _one_ sock puppet who believes your fantasy?

. . .

My "moronic" web site is selling about $3e6 a year.

So why can't you get anyone to believe you?

. . . .

You need to quit lying to yourself because you aren't fooling anyone
else, not even our too clever by half rightards.

Purchase orders don't lie.

But dunces in denial lie about purchase orders.
LOL, Larkin's got you frothing at the mouth!

Oh, I'm just a circuit designer, and I've already posted some public
(free!) links to my stuff.

That ain't the public record.

If you mean court records, correct:

So I was correct: ?You have managed to hang a lower profile than a
successful illegal alien / drug smuggling coyote.

Much lower, by design.

And your design is the trivial solution:

Not doing _anything_.
Nothing whatsoever.

There's no more excrutiatingly-boring way to
waste money than getting tangled in the legal system.

Someone needs to tell HP, TI, IBM, Apple etc. to stop defending

I don't have patents...
Of course not. You don't _do_ anything except fantacize.

they are a huge waste of time,
You need to tell that to IBM, HP, TI Apple and all those others
wasting money on them.

and only the
first step in litigation, even worse.
So everyone else making trillions off IP is wasting time?

I just keep designing stuff
You design a self indulgent fantasy that everyone here thinks is

You cannot even fool any of the fools here.

at a
rate that stays way ahead of the competition
Can't you find even _one_ sock puppet who believes your fantasy?

.. . .

My "moronic" web site is selling about $3e6 a year.
So why can't you get anyone to believe you?

.. . . .

You need to quit lying to yourself because you aren't fooling anyone
else, not even our too clever by half rightards.

Purchase orders don't lie.
But dunces in denial lie about purchase orders.

Bret Cahill
The most efficient power plant on the planet is a natural gas fired
industrial gas turbine made by GE -- 60% efficient.

It's down hill from there as far as efficiency is concerned so a few
points increase is a farce when compared to the impending 1000+%
increase in fuel prices.

The only way to go is hybrid electric with electrification of major

Do _not_ give automakers any bailout money unless they agree to go
completely hybrid.

Bret Cahill

So. You want to get away from the free enterprise system. �Free
enterprise is when the _people_ decide what products or services are
needed, wanted, desired and ultimately produced. �If the _people_ did
not what SUV's, pickups and sedans, they would not buy them and the
automakers would not build them. �If the _people_ demonstrate (by
using their dollars) they want hybrids most, then the automakers would
build them.

What you are proposing is that the government decide what products the
automakers make and what products are available to the _people_. I
don't think your vision for the future is desired or wanted by any
free enterprise advocate.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

I'n not answering for Bret, just posing a question:

What part of "free enterprise" is screwing up your own business and
then asking the government to give you tax dollars and let you do it
again any way you like??

If you walk down the street handing out free money, sure I'll have
some. �It's called "benefit with no down side", better known as
"cake and eat it too". ďż˝

The same part of "free enterprise" that brought you Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac. It's a great job, if you can get it.

Well voters _can_ get it.

You're an idiot, Cahill.
Now now now. Don't get yer panties all wet just because you are out
of talking points.

That's why popular government is so popular.

Until everyone starves,
Haven't you heard that democracy is "bread and circuses."

"Bread" is food.

as is your wish.
I got my wish. The Party of Gipster is on the ash heap of history.

Bret Cahill
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 13:14:04 -0600, John Fields
<> wrote:

But dunces in denial lie about purchase orders.

LOL, Larkin's got you frothing at the mouth!

He's angry and frustrated, and tries to denegrate other people to feel
less rotten about himself. It doesn't work. He should build something
and feel better about himself.

But his web site is a kick.

On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 20:32:29 -0800, Rob Dekker wrote:

"Rob Dekker" <> wrote in message

"Michael Coburn" <> wrote in message

Has anyone seen any real evidence of anything close to 2,000
gallons/ acre year?

That's $20,000/acre when berry crops fetch more than that.

A 1000 percent increase above $2 per gallon (that will be the
price by summer) would be $200 per gallon or $400K per acre if
2000 gal/acre.

1000 percent would be 10X, which would be $20/gallon. or $40K per
acre per year for a 2000 gal/acre algae farm.

Actually it would be $30 a gallon because the price is currently

Don't want to nit-pick here, but 1000% (10X) of $1.50 is $15 a

OK, fine, At $15 a gallon the capital investment needed for algae
production is quite profitable. The land costs are zilch. All the
costs are in the short 15 year capital depreciation-amortization of
the reactors. You build 100 reactors they are expensive (even plastic
bags). But when you build 20k reactors the price per reactor goes way
the hell down. That is especially true in a depression. And BTW,
Mexico is running out of oil regardless of what happens elsewhere.

I know what you are saying, and I also felt like this for a long time.
I just don't see the profitability that you see, or to put it
differently : I think that other farm use of cheap land would be more
profitable that growing algae.
Let me run an example in detail, and see if I can validate this
statement a bit more concrete. That may clear up the difference in
perspective that we seem to have. Don't have time now, but I will do
this soon.

Michael, I can't get good numbers on the profitabillity of food grown on
marginal lands in greenhouses, but I did find this one that is doing
just that right now in the Arizona desert :

The point is that food grown in greenhouses is already profitable now.
With increase in fuel prices (and with that increase in food prices, and
increase in land prices) growing food on marginal lands in greenhouses
will become a HUGE profitable market. Food is always more valuable than
fuel, and that's why I believe that algae grown for fuel (in bioractors)
will not ever be as profitable as growning food in similar costing
greenhouses. Even on marginal lands as this example shows.

Unless... Algae farms 'bioreactors' become a factor 10X cheaper (per
acre). THEN and only then will growing algae for fuel become profitable,
and will already be profitable now. Don't wait for the price of fuel to
go skyhigh.

According to what I have seen the 2000 gal per year does not require
the enhanced CO2.

Do you have a link to such an algae pilot project (without enhanced CO2)

The following is one of those hollow claims that are very difficult to
investigate, but even the Dimitrove stuff does not disprove the viability
of 3000 gallons per acre. If this operation claims $3/gal at 6k per year
then a realistic 2K per year would be $9 per gallon. If we were to load
the price of gasoline with its true unsubsidized cost we would have been
looking at close to this amount when oil was $145/bbl.

And, BTW. You are going to see this hothouse tomato factory go tits up.
Crap like that works great when times are good. It goes to hell in a
hand basket when recession hits. No more foo-foo foods. The beans and
the rice, the corn and wheat are IN thing.

"Those are my opinions and you can't have em" -- Bart Simpson
Bret Cahill <> wrote:
Oh, I'm just a circuit designer, and I've already posted some public
(free!) links to my stuff.
We have seen them. A drawing goes online, then offline when it is clear
that your idea of circuit design is some kind of weird physical analogy
to yet another of your weird political posits - neither of which work in
either case.

You make a LIVING doing that crap?

I don't think so.
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 08:15:12 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<> wrote:

The free markets without free speech scam.
$200? That's tip money.
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 16:18:23 -0600, John J <nohj@droffats.ten> wrote:

Bret Cahill <> wrote:

Oh, I'm just a circuit designer, and I've already posted some public
(free!) links to my stuff.

We have seen them. A drawing goes online, then offline when it is clear
that your idea of circuit design is some kind of weird physical analogy
to yet another of your weird political posits - neither of which work in
either case.

You make a LIVING doing that crap?

I don't think so.
I think you've been bamboozled by Cahill's apparent "snip in order to
confuse" policy, since:

"Oh, I'm just a circuit designer, and I've already posted some public
(free!) links to my stuff."

was written by John Larkin, a valued and frequent contributor to seb.

Cahill, on the other hand, is generally as useful as tits on a nun, so
perhaps your comments were directed in that direction? :)

On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 11:58:46 -0600, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

On Tue, 6 Jan 2009 12:52:13 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill> wrote:

Well voters _can_ get it.

You're an idiot, Cahill.

That's why popular government is so popular.

Until everyone starves, as is your wish.

He's just another Jim Jones wanting weak souls to follow him into the
abyss in order to prove that what he says, goes.

But ain't USENET wonderful? :)

We can all let him know how full of shit we think he is without worrying
about physical retaliation...

Well, maybe not...

The idiot might decide to go postal.

On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 09:35:40 -0800, John Larkin wrote:

On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 07:59:54 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill> wrote:

Right. ?If the USA had decent government run pension and health care

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


This is an oxymoron. We've had a government-run pension and health
care system since the Great Depression (1930's).

Nothing will work without tax hikes on the rich.

Surely you mean "nothing will work after tax hikes on the rich."
The best stimulus the government could do IMMEDIATELY is single payer
national health insurance. The "legacy cost" at GM would shrink
considerably and no other American corporation would ever be ensnared in
that sort of crap again. The American companies can't compete with the
civilized nations and this is why.

"Those are my opinions and you can't have em" -- Bart Simpson
"John J" <nhoj@droffats.ten> wrote in message
"I think there is a world market for about five computers" IBM
Chairman, 1958
More like 1948.


Reply in group, but if emailing add one more
zero, and remove the last word.
"John Larkin" <> wrote in
On Tue, 06 Jan 2009 19:11:56 -0500, Les Cargill <

John Larkin wrote:

The fact that nobody is producing them proves that there's no

It proves no such thing. It mainly proves
there are significant barriers to entry.

Like mining diamonds on Mercury.
I think you'd have more luck at the core of Jupiter. (See 2010: Odyssey


Reply in group, but if emailing add one more
zero, and remove the last word.
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 22:15:41 -0500, "Tom Del Rosso"
<> wrote:

"John J" <nhoj@droffats.ten> wrote in message

"I think there is a world market for about five computers" IBM
Chairman, 1958

More like 1948.
1943, if he actually said it at all.

Why are there so many people who can't access google?

John Larkin wrote:
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 13:14:04 -0600, John Fields> wrote:

But dunces in denial lie about purchase orders.

LOL, Larkin's got you frothing at the mouth!


He's angry and frustrated, and tries to denegrate other people to feel
less rotten about himself. It doesn't work. He should build something
and feel better about himself.

A guillotine, and test it on himself. He's already lost his mind, so
he doesn't need the empty skull.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
krw wrote: says...

Oh, I'm just a circuit designer, and I've already posted some public
(free!) links to my stuff.

Are/were you an attorney?

Pool stenographer.
Cahill? Someone who doesn't dress well enough to be a secretary, and
is too stupid to work in the file room.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
"John J" <nohj@droffats.ten> wrote in message
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 08:15:12 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill> wrote:

The free markets without free speech scam.

$200? That's tip money.
And it's sort of ironic considering the silly question that he thinks is so

"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"

First he engages in free speech (albeit attlebrained empty rhetoric) then
makes the market an offer, which it refuses. So his idea of a market price
is proven wrong, and he has failed in his attempt to follow free speech with
a free trade.

However I don't think he was aware that was what he was trying to do, since
he doesn't understand what free trade is.


Reply in group, but if emailing add one more
zero, and remove the last word.
"John Larkin" <> wrote in
On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 08:29:44 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill> wrote:

About 13 figures a year and climbing.

Cool. How about some links to your public record?
If he really makes ten trillion a year I think we already would have heard
about it.


Reply in group, but if emailing add one more
zero, and remove the last word.
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 10:16:45 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill> wrote:

So I was correct: ?You have managed to hang a lower profile
than a successful illegal alien / drug smuggling coyote.
So you're digging through public records looking for dirt on people?

My "moronic" web site is selling about $3e6 a year.

So why can't you get anyone to believe you?
He doesn't need to get anyone to believe him. People who agree with him
arrived at the same conclusions independently. Since you are a parochial
follower of left wing dogma you just wouldn't understand.


Reply in group, but if emailing add one more
zero, and remove the last word.
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 18:56:47 -0600, John Fields
<> wrote:

On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 11:58:46 -0600, krw <krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

On Tue, 6 Jan 2009 12:52:13 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill> wrote:

Well voters _can_ get it.

You're an idiot, Cahill.

That's why popular government is so popular.

Until everyone starves, as is your wish.


He's just another Jim Jones wanting weak souls to follow him into the
abyss in order to prove that what he says, goes.

But ain't USENET wonderful? :)

We can all let him know how full of shit we think he is without worrying
about physical retaliation...

Well, maybe not...

The idiot might decide to go postal.
He does keep talking about shooting up his trailer park.

Welcome to

