In article <fc5e159b-a167-4b49-8205-97b841823391
@i38g2000yqd.googlegroups.com>, emailaddress@insightbb.com says...>
been) available on VHS.
@i38g2000yqd.googlegroups.com>, emailaddress@insightbb.com says...>
I have, within the last year.On Feb 21, 6:41 am, Ron <r...@quik.com> wrote:
I rather like the new digital pictures being broadcast these days, but
I have to wonder what is going to happen with all of those VCRs that
people love to set for delayed programming--- andthere are a lot of
folks who do tape shows while away or at work-- when June 12 rolls
around and VCR tuners won't be able to tune into the new digital
Who has bought a VCR recently? The only people who are likely to have
a working vcr today are those who so infrequently use it that it won't
be a great loss.
How?Granted, I've ignored those who had one fail and have a large/
worthwhile library of existing VHS tapes recorded, but let this be a
wakeup call, that when we are forced to change tech, it's time to make
backups onto the more current media.
Great plan, but there are titles that are still only (have everToday, VHS seems such a crude low-res media to use but I realize some
priceless footage may have been shot or saved in that limited format.
The only good answer is buy a VCR if what you have is worth the cost,
just to convert it digitally, and move on.
been) available on VHS.