John Fields
On Thu, 26 May 2005 04:32:38 GMT, "tom" <cyberhun@shaw.ca> wrote:
Oh, my! You've certainly worked youself up into a frenzy of banality!
Get it all off your chest, sweetie, and then have a good cry and
you'll feel a lot better.
John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
---Additionaly, son of a diseased and starving-in-a-time-of-plenty, son of an
omega dog's whore --- I would like to compliment you. You are
multi-talented individual, congratulations!
You are a poster child not only for the organization of those who would
prohibit beastiality, but you are also a poster child for the organization
of those who wish for more severe penalties to deter inbreeding, you son of
a diseased omega dog's whore who was also the cheapest train station whore
of all time --- making multiple videos of the worst of the unspeakable acts
with diseased, omega dogs, for sums of money insufficient to purchase a
single tobacco cigarette.
Indeed, using the gene pool metaphor, your gene pool has not only dried up
around the edges. No, your gene pool has become a dusty, circular region
within which there are baked hard octagons of clay and deep, dry cracks ---
that is the extent to which your gene pool has dried, not just dried around
the edges. John, mongoloid idiots from isolated, religious, coal mining
communities in northern Tennessee have more intellectual heft than you.
Oh, my! You've certainly worked youself up into a frenzy of banality!
Get it all off your chest, sweetie, and then have a good cry and
you'll feel a lot better.
John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer