multimeter that has a transistor test socket for hfe testing

On Mon, 16 May 2005 20:23:46 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

NO! Your mother was even stupider! So there, nyeah, nyeah!
Your mother was so stupid she let your father fuck her in the first
place and then listened to him pleading his case to let you be born
when she knew better.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Mon, 16 May 2005 21:07:47 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

I know you're childish, but what am I?
Nyeah, nyeah!
Incapable of

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
Sensing that there was something wrong with this "tom" maggot,
(especially since he turned off his dotsig when he started feeling a
little heat,) I decided to do a little checking and found that he's
been posting to Specifically, to the
"Long Range cordless: legal in US" thread.

Check it out.

It seems like all the little prick wants to do is to have cellphone
access, in the boonies and at his convenience, to the Canadian and US
PSTN by using frequencies which are allocated to other services and he
wants to use them illegally for his own purposes. Since he's an
amateur and, through his demonstration of basic proficiency in the art
has been given/has paid for a call sign, and has signed up for staying
legal, his actions are contrary to the terms allowed in his contract.

So, what should we do? Rat him out to the Canadian and/or the US FCC?

Yup. If he's going to be an unidentified emitter screwing around with
military communications over a protracted period of time, he needs to
be stopped.

LOL, not that the military couldn't detect his transmitter, zero in on
it and, with proper permission if they considered it a threat, blow it

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
Aaah, I knew you were some kind of undesirable, but I had no idea you were
an informant, one with either multiple personalities or maybe a
apeworm --- "So, what should we do? Rat him out ..." Go ahead, all one
of you, if informing is your thing, then have at it, see how far you get.
Oh, and if you had actually read my posts to that thread you would have seen
that I was the one advising the OP about how illegal those 'phones' are, and
I cited a recent case somewhere on the east coast where a chinese restaurant
got a many-thousand dollar fine --- duh, what's it like John.
Sorry I had to forgo posting to this thread for a few days, I had other
things to do, but I'm back now. I find it hard to believe you're a
professional circuit designer, John --- police informant, no problem,
apoplectic and hysterical, absolutely. But professional circuit designer?
Get out of town.
Oh yeah, I do have a picture of the package of transistors showing the pins
reversed, and I could post it, but I'm not going to because then it be like
I need to prove something to you, which I don't. Even if I did post it you
probably couldn't view it anyway because you probably use one of those
dumbed-down HTTP interfaces to NNTP that don't permit binaries.

Skype Name:
On Tue, 24 May 2005 03:16:18 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

Aaah, I knew you were some kind of undesirable, but I had no idea you were
an informant, one with either multiple personalities or maybe a
apeworm --- "So, what should we do? Rat him out ..." Go ahead, all one
of you, if informing is your thing, then have at it, see how far you get.
If you think that taking action against someone who is committing a
crime is undesirable, then I suggest that you're nothing more than
petty criminal trash. It is, in fact, the _law_ that criminal
behavior be brought to the attention of the proper authorities, and
failure to do so constitutes illegal behavior as well. You know very
well that when you got your radio amatur's license you agreed not to
use it illegally, and yet, by _knowingly_ operating equipment
illegally you violated that agreement.

Oh, and if you had actually read my posts to that thread you would have seen
that I was the one advising the OP about how illegal those 'phones' are, and
I cited a recent case somewhere on the east coast where a chinese restaurant
got a many-thousand dollar fine --- duh, what's it like John.
And yet, knowing that, you decided to go ahead and operate illegally
anyway? And brag about it on a public newsgroup? You must be insane.

Sorry I had to forgo posting to this thread for a few days, I had other
things to do, but I'm back now. I find it hard to believe you're a
professional circuit designer, John --- police informant, no problem,
apoplectic and hysterical, absolutely. But professional circuit designer?
Get out of town.
Since you find it easy to believe that criminal behavior should be
ignored, what you find hard to believe is of no consequence.

Oh yeah, I do have a picture of the package of transistors showing the pins
reversed, and I could post it, but I'm not going to because then it be like
I need to prove something to you, which I don't.
Yes, you do. If you didn't, you wouldn't feel compelled to keep
replying to my posts and using those replies to try to excuse yourself
for your criminal behavior.

Even if I did post it you
probably couldn't view it anyway because you probably use one of those
dumbed-down HTTP interfaces to NNTP that don't permit binaries.
Oh, so now you're trying to make it seem like it's my fault that you
won't post it and that you're oh-so-smart by throwing out a couple of
acronyms? Get lost, bozo.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
Wrong again, on all points. You are the one who keeps replying to me, and
who finds it impossible to stop replying. Remember how this started?
Probably not. I'll refresh your memory. I posted a question about testing
transistors and you responded with some kind of meaningless, irrelevant,
'drop the skype name' nonsense. If you have no relevant, usefull
information, why post at all?
Also, like I said, if you had actually the read the scanner-group posts I
made, I was the one telling the OP these devices are illegal, yet you are
incapable of understanding that --- saying I must be insane because I'm
illegally using my radio?!? Where does this illegal use of a radio
accusation come from? Any idea? How can anyone be that blind to facts in
front of their face?
You must come from some kind of abusive environment where everyone calls
everyone else stupid, I'm even getting sucked into your mindless, reflexive
"you're stupid" vortex of dysfunctionality.
Just out of curiosity, can you access binaries?

Skype Name:
On Tue, 24 May 2005 14:52:01 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

Wrong again, on all points. You are the one who keeps replying to me, and
who finds it impossible to stop replying. Remember how this started?
Probably not. I'll refresh your memory. I posted a question about testing
transistors and you responded with some kind of meaningless, irrelevant,
'drop the skype name' nonsense. If you have no relevant, usefull
information, why post at all?
If you choose to publish your affiliation with Skype and I choose to
comment on Skype, that's my prerogative. I considered the comment
relevant, and you apparently did also since you offered what seemed to
be a good-faith invitation to a discission. As it turns out, you
weren't, you were just trolling.

Also, like I said, if you had actually the read the scanner-group posts I
made, I was the one telling the OP these devices are illegal, yet you are
incapable of understanding that --- saying I must be insane because I'm
illegally using my radio?!? Where does this illegal use of a radio
accusation come from? Any idea? How can anyone be that blind to facts in
front of their face?
You're right. I misread your condoning the illegal act:

"Yep. The practical reality is that Industry Canada and the FCC have
had huge staff cuts. Unless the whole town started using them, you
probably wouldn't have to worry. Just don't let it get around."

as having done it. Sorry about that, but you're still a cheater.

You must come from some kind of abusive environment where everyone calls
everyone else stupid, I'm even getting sucked into your mindless, reflexive
"you're stupid" vortex of dysfunctionality.
If you find it threatening, just exercise whatever control you can and
stop it.

Just out of curiosity, can you access binaries?
Yes, of course, but why do you want to know?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
I was trolling, hah, you're the one who started the ball rolling with a
meaningless drive-by comment about skype. You consider an unsolicited
drive-by relating to a means of reaching an OP as relevant --- wow.
I find it revealing that you would assume that I find your posts to be
threatening. Pathetic, yes. Unfortunate,. definitely --- but threatening?
Why on earth would anyone find you or your feeble-minded drivel threatening?
And why would 'control' even be a factor to begin with? Your personality
structure becomes more sharply defined with each successive post --- clearly
you not only come from some kind of abusive environment where you're called
stupid, but control, or more precisely the lack thereof, is evident.
Have a nice day, John.

Skype Name:
On Tue, 24 May 2005 17:04:03 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

I was trolling, hah, you're the one who started the ball rolling with a
meaningless drive-by comment about skype. You consider an unsolicited
drive-by relating to a means of reaching an OP as relevant --- wow.
No, what I posted was:

"Yes. Blow off Skype.

Look at their cartoons, particularly the ones which suggest that death
is an appropriate solution for disagreement with their philosophy.

Just another bunch of nazis"

To which you replied:

"I see this is a serious issue for you --- would you like to explore
this further?"

To which I replied:

"Sure. What did you have in mind?

To which you replied:

"Are you a troll?"

At that point, since you obviously chose to divert the thread away
from the discussion of Skype, it became obvious to me that you were
either insincere or incapable of participating in a rational
discission, and the rest of your childish exchange proved that I was
right on both counts.

I find it revealing that you would assume that I find your posts to be
threatening. Pathetic, yes. Unfortunate,. definitely --- but threatening?
Why on earth would anyone find you or your feeble-minded drivel threatening?
If you think I'm not, then I suggest that you've blocked out the
well-deserved thrashing I gave you with regard to trashing your
posting history on this group.

If you'd like to we can go over it all again and you can supply the
reasons why I was wrong. I suspect that won't happen, though.

And why would 'control' even be a factor to begin with?
Ah, the crux of the matter! You claim that:

"You must come from some kind of abusive environment where everyone
calls everyone else stupid, I'm even getting sucked into your
mindless, reflexive "you're stupid" vortex of dysfunctionality."

Well, that's just stupid. ;) And, even worse, since you can't see
that you can't/won't disengage, you seem entirely unable to understand
that you _can't_ extricate yourself from the vortex! Caught in it and
not being able to swim away from it or dissipate it indicates loss of
control, and that's precisely where you are now, not under your own
control and sinking into the whirlpool.

I own you. The hook is set and you're my trout. Out on the end of my
line responding to my every tug while you're slowly, inexorably, being
reeled in.

Oh, you may take a little line every now and then and think that
you're going to flail yourself loose, but that's just because I'm
giving you a little slack to make it interesting.

Eventually, since you're just small fry, I'll let you go and you'll
get hooked by someone less merciful but, in the meantime, you'll have
to fight _my_ hook.

Your personality
structure becomes more sharply defined with each successive post --- clearly
you not only come from some kind of abusive environment where you're called
stupid, but control, or more precisely the lack thereof, is evident.
Which is your favorite bait?

Check one of the following:

1. Derision
2. Derision

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
How many hours did you spend on this so far John --- how many hours spent
sweating away with a thesaurus and dictionary? Hah! Not once has it taken
more than, literally, a couple minutes for me to bang off a reply to your
insipid, feeble-minded, ramblings.
Your capacity for self deception is the only thing remarkable about you ---
you have really managed to convince yourself that you're behaviour is
appropriate and correct. This is a group for people to dicuss electronic
related topics, not the nature of skype cartoons and how bad they are.
Oooooh, thum thar skype cartoons they're like thum nazis. Hello? Is this
alt.gushy.notnice.cartoonopinions ?
There, can't be bothered doing any more than that. It's not even worth
reading, I'm sure nobody will read it, and nobody will feel rushes of
horrible nazi-skype-cartoon triggered emotions and then 'nobody' will spend
the rest his evening exercising his capacity for self deception and speedy
dictionary lookups --- have a nice evening Nobody.

Skype Name:
On Wed, 25 May 2005 01:43:03 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

How many hours did you spend on this so far John --- how many hours spent
sweating away with a thesaurus and dictionary? Hah! Not once has it taken
more than, literally, a couple minutes for me to bang off a reply to your
insipid, feeble-minded, ramblings.
Obviously... Your posts are badly crafted pieces of garbage put
together by a semi-illiterate moron for the purpose of convincing
himself that by stringing words together carelessly he will convince
everyone that he isn't worthless.

Your capacity for self deception is the only thing remarkable about you ---
you have really managed to convince yourself that you're behaviour is
appropriate and correct.
It's 'your', the possessive form of 'you', not 'you're', the
contraction of 'you are'. If you're going to use the language, like
electronics, you really should learn to use it properly.

This is a group for people to dicuss electronic
related topics, not the nature of skype cartoons and how bad they are.
Awww... Poor baby's going for the "It's off topic" whine. If you
really had the courage of your convictions, hypocrite, then you
wouldn't be engaging in this off-topic thread, would you?

Oooooh, thum thar skype cartoons they're like thum nazis. Hello? Is this
alt.gushy.notnice.cartoonopinions ?
There, can't be bothered doing any more than that. It's not even worth
reading, I'm sure nobody will read it, and nobody will feel rushes of
horrible nazi-skype-cartoon triggered emotions and then 'nobody' will spend
the rest his evening exercising his capacity for self deception and speedy
dictionary lookups --- have a nice evening Nobody.
Blow me.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
That would be the kind thing you choose to wonder about, wouldn't it?

Skype Name:
On Tue, 17 May 2005 19:16:59 -0500, John Fields wrote:

Sensing that there was something wrong with this "tom" maggot,
(especially since he turned off his dotsig when he started feeling a
little heat,) I decided to do a little checking and found that he's
been posting to Specifically, to the
"Long Range cordless: legal in US" thread.

Check it out.

It seems like all the little prick wants to do is to have cellphone
access, in the boonies and at his convenience, to the Canadian and US
PSTN by using frequencies which are allocated to other services and he
wants to use them illegally for his own purposes. Since he's an
amateur and, through his demonstration of basic proficiency in the art
has been given/has paid for a call sign, and has signed up for staying
legal, his actions are contrary to the terms allowed in his contract.

So, what should we do? Rat him out to the Canadian and/or the US FCC?

Yup. If he's going to be an unidentified emitter screwing around with
military communications over a protracted period of time, he needs to
be stopped.

LOL, not that the military couldn't detect his transmitter, zero in on
it and, with proper permission if they considered it a threat, blow it
Uh, isn't there supposed to be some rule against using military force
against citizens?

On Wed, 25 May 2005 20:03:50 GMT, Richard the Dreaded Libertarian
<> wrote:

On Tue, 17 May 2005 19:16:59 -0500, John Fields wrote:

Sensing that there was something wrong with this "tom" maggot,
(especially since he turned off his dotsig when he started feeling a
little heat,) I decided to do a little checking and found that he's
been posting to Specifically, to the
"Long Range cordless: legal in US" thread.

Check it out.

It seems like all the little prick wants to do is to have cellphone
access, in the boonies and at his convenience, to the Canadian and US
PSTN by using frequencies which are allocated to other services and he
wants to use them illegally for his own purposes. Since he's an
amateur and, through his demonstration of basic proficiency in the art
has been given/has paid for a call sign, and has signed up for staying
legal, his actions are contrary to the terms allowed in his contract.

So, what should we do? Rat him out to the Canadian and/or the US FCC?

Yup. If he's going to be an unidentified emitter screwing around with
military communications over a protracted period of time, he needs to
be stopped.

LOL, not that the military couldn't detect his transmitter, zero in on
it and, with proper permission if they considered it a threat, blow it

Uh, isn't there supposed to be some rule against using military force
against citizens?
I guess you missed the "proper permission" bit huh? Also, guess what
would have happened to all the citizens on board those planes on 9-11
if the gov had reacted in time? and what do you think will happen to
you if you're flying around in restricted air space and you don't do
_exactly_ what the military aircraft flying around you tell you to?

And do you think that what happened to David Korresh and his people in
WACO wasn't done by a "military" force? Yeah, I know... BATF isn't
military, LOL.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Wed, 25 May 2005 16:56:57 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

That would be the kind thing you choose to wonder about, wouldn't it?

Skype Name:
Yes, of course. Here you come on so strong about being non-fag and
yet you make a Freudian slip ("the kind thing you choose to wonder
about") which speaks volumes about your preferred orientation. Face
down would be my guess.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
Additionaly, son of a diseased and starving-in-a-time-of-plenty, son of an
omega dog's whore --- I would like to compliment you. You are
multi-talented individual, congratulations!
You are a poster child not only for the organization of those who would
prohibit beastiality, but you are also a poster child for the organization
of those who wish for more severe penalties to deter inbreeding, you son of
a diseased omega dog's whore who was also the cheapest train station whore
of all time --- making multiple videos of the worst of the unspeakable acts
with diseased, omega dogs, for sums of money insufficient to purchase a
single tobacco cigarette.
Indeed, using the gene pool metaphor, your gene pool has not only dried up
around the edges. No, your gene pool has become a dusty, circular region
within which there are baked hard octagons of clay and deep, dry cracks ---
that is the extent to which your gene pool has dried, not just dried around
the edges. John, mongoloid idiots from isolated, religious, coal mining
communities in northern Tennessee have more intellectual heft than you.

Skype Name:

Welcome to

