multimeter that has a transistor test socket for hfe testing



I just bought a multimeter that has a transistor test socket for hfe
testing. My PNP transistors it says are 180 or so, and that sounds right,
assuming it's some kind of 'gain' measurement. But all of NPN transistors
it says have values of 1 or 2, or in case, 3. I'm sure I'm putting the
right pins in the right holes, I still have the pinout diagrams that came
with the transistors, so there's no mistake there, and the holes are clearly
marked on the multimeter... When I check the NPN ones that the hfe tester
says have an hfe value of 1 or 2, they all have normally biased junctions
when tested with the old 'pretend its a diode' method. So I dont know what
to make of this. Can anyone give me some advice on this?

Skype Name:
On Fri, 13 May 2005 23:18:08 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

I just bought a multimeter that has a transistor test socket for hfe
testing. My PNP transistors it says are 180 or so, and that sounds right,
assuming it's some kind of 'gain' measurement. But all of NPN transistors
it says have values of 1 or 2, or in case, 3. I'm sure I'm putting the
right pins in the right holes, I still have the pinout diagrams that came
with the transistors, so there's no mistake there, and the holes are clearly
marked on the multimeter... When I check the NPN ones that the hfe tester
says have an hfe value of 1 or 2, they all have normally biased junctions
when tested with the old 'pretend its a diode' method. So I dont know what
to make of this. Can anyone give me some advice on this?
Yes. Blow off Skype.

Look at their cartoons, particularly the ones which suggest that death
is an appropriate solution for disagreement with their philosophy.

Just another bunch of nazis

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
I see this is a serious issue for you --- would you like to explore this
On Sat, 14 May 2005 01:02:23 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

I see this is a serious issue for you --- would you like to explore this
Sure. What did you have in mind?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Sat, 14 May 2005 21:00:45 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

Are you a troll?
I could say 'yes', or I could say 'no', or I could say 'maybe'.

What would your response be to each of the possibilities?

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
The pinout diagram on the package the transistors came in turned out to be
wrong --- the issue has been resolved.

Skype Name:
Why don't you find a newsgroup that is more suitable for you to express your
gushy, emotional opinions about cartoons and nazis? Try
alt.voip.opinions.gushy or somesuch.
This group is for electronics.

On Sun, 15 May 2005 23:03:43 GMT, "tom" <>
decreased the available storage space of our news server by
typing the following:

Ahhh.. there's nothing like bad packaging QC. I'm almost
willing to bet my house that it's got "RS" on the top of the
blister pack. :p 2/3 of the stuff I've bought from there
for breadboard testing has been mismarked, mislabeled, and
even mispackaged. Gee.. It's been about 15 years since I
actually used a breadboard.. I think I may need to order
some toys today.


The pinout diagram on the package the transistors came in turned out to be
wrong --- the issue has been resolved.

Skype Name:
On Sun, 15 May 2005 23:11:44 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

Why don't you find a newsgroup that is more suitable for you to express your
gushy, emotional opinions about cartoons and nazis? Try
alt.voip.opinions.gushy or somesuch.
This group is for electronics.
Well, Tom, after having read that retort I went back and read your
rather meager posting history on this group and, frankly, found the
quality of your posts seriously lacking. And, on top of that you've
got an attitude!

Let's look at a few examples, OK?

First example:
In your very first posts, you replied to Mitch's post about his being
able to recover audio from a modulated laser with ridicule and a
curious remark that you didn't have to build it because you _knew_ it
couldn't work. Wrong... It could easily have been made to work, even
if you were too stupid to know that.

Second example:
Nick asked for some help finding some common electrical items and
asked, specifically, not to be directed to Radio Shack. Where did you
send him? Yup. Radio Shack.

Third example:
"mjatas" asked for some help with learning resources. Instead of
directing him sci.electronics.basic and sci.electronics repair (which,
BTW, has an _excellent_ faq) you elected to 'help' him by referring
him to Google. No links, just a smartass post.

Fourth example:
This is a good example of just plain stupidity. You posted:

"Is this newsgroup the place to get technical support for building
pirate FM transmitters from schematics found on the web?"

If it was serious then you should know something about unlicensed
transmitters (you being a ham and all) and what a really dumb post it
was, and if you weren't being serious then it was a troll. And not a
very good one at that.

Fifth and sixth examples:
In one post you state that Samlex makes good power supplies and then,
In your vert next post you proceed with some half-wit diatribe
complaining about how its output sags under load and that you don't
really understand how to even hook up power supplies. How on earth
did you manage to get that ham license?

Seventh example:
In response to Tom Stephens' request for help with a "pet project" you
responded with "What do you need it to do?" LOL, as if it made any

Are you starting to get the picture? You're really little more than
an annoying windbag who is so fucking stupid that he can't fathom his
own stupidity. But don't worry, I'll help you get to where you can
get a glimpse of the abyss.

Then there's:

"The pinout diagram on the package the transistors came in turned out
to be wrong --- the issue has been resolved."

Of course it couldn't have been that the diagram was right and you
were wrong? Why don't you scan it and post the scan somewhere so we
can see whether you're as full of shit on that count as you are on
everything else, OK?

Oh, but wait... Make sure it's the original diagram and not something
you'll cook up to make it come out your way.

And, finally, after your pitiful attempts at trolling, you come up

"Why don't you find a newsgroup that is more suitable for you to
express your gushy, emotional opinions about cartoons and nazis? Try
alt.voip.opinions.gushy or somesuch. This group is for electronics."

Aww... Poor baby. What's the matter? Got under your skin a little?
"Free" voip has got you in it's grip and you can't let go and you
don't like being reminded of it? Tough shit. I'll post what I want,
where I want, and when I want, and if you don't like it then take a
hike. Or plonk me, if you know how.

Oh, BTW: This ain't email, so stop making yourself look like an
ignorant asshole with those top posts. Or, at the very least, try to
minimize the damage you've done already.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
I know you're an ignorant asshole! But what am I? Nyeah nyeah!
Your turn.
On Mon, 16 May 2005 17:30:26 +0000, tom wrote:

I know you're an ignorant asshole! But what am I? Nyeah nyeah! Your
A 7-year old troll wannabe?

I know you're a stupid, annoying windbag --- but what am I? Nyeah nyeah!
Isn't this fun? Betcha sooner rather than later you're gonna bail out and
go watch some cartoons.
On Mon, 16 May 2005 18:51:16 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

I know you're a stupid, annoying windbag --- but what am I? Nyeah nyeah!
Isn't this fun?
You tell me. Is it fun having me point out your stupidity with
reasoning that you can't counter? Sounds like it might be, since you
just keep coming back asking for more with your stupid IKYABWAI's.

Betcha sooner rather than later you're gonna bail out and
go watch some cartoons.

Why should I bail out? I'm already watching a cartoon creature, you,
do her little song and dance.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Mon, 16 May 2005 18:20:08 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

You're stupid!
Your _mother_ was stupid...

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
On Mon, 16 May 2005 20:01:22 GMT, "tom" <> wrote:

I know your a cartoon creature, but what am I? Nyeah nyeah.
"Your" is a pronoun used to indicate the possessive case of the noun
"you". "You're" is the contraction of "you are", and is what you
should have used.

In answer to your question, I don't know. You seem, so far, to be
able to respond with little more than IKYABWAI's, so I suspect you've
seen some of Paul Rubens' stuff, but missed the subtlety.

But, if you want to continue with your kindergarten playground antics,
be my guest.

OTOH, since you seem to think that off-topic posts are inappropriate
in this group, I suggest that if you want to not be thought of as
hypocritical you get back on topic.

So, let's talk about something you seem to think you know something
about, Amateur Radio. Not entirely on topic, but electronic
nonetheless. A fine group of folks, AFAIK, although your behavior, so
far, does make one believe that there is at least one bad apple in the

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer

Welcome to

